Daily Archives: January 27, 2019

כחלום *chalom*

27 January 2019 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Last-quarter Moon, exact at 3:10 pm CST. Bella Luna rises around midnight in Libra – As she climbs high, her curved edge points to the spot lower left on the horizon where Jupiter will rise around 3 am, & Venus about 15 minutes later.


Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day


We begin to develop an understanding for the spiritual world only when we wake up in the encounter with the soul-spiritual element in our fellowmen“. ~Rudolf Steiner, Lecture of February 27, 1923, GA 257

407 – The deathday of St. John Chrysostom The epithet Χρυσόστομος or Chrysostomos, means “golden-throat” in Greek & denotes his celebrated eloquence. As Archbishop of Constantinople, he was known for his preaching & public speaking, & his denunciation of abuse of authority by both ecclesiastical & political leaders. Chrysostom was among the most prolific authors in the early Christian Church. The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom is sublime.

1302 – Dante Alighieri is exiled from Florence

1756 – Birthday of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

1775 – Birthday of Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, German-Swiss philosopher. Riddle of Man: German Idealism: Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, a lecture by Rudolf Steiner “…For Schelling, the world riddle consists in the fact that he sees himself, with his soul awakened to egohood, confronted by a seemingly mute and lifeless nature. Out of this nature the soul awakens. This fact reveals itself to human observation. And the knowing, feeling human spirit delves down into this nature and through this nature fills itself with an inner world that then becomes spiritual life within it. Could this be so if there did not exist between the soul and nature a deeply inward relatedness at first hidden from human cognition? But nature remains mute if the soul does not make itself into the instrument of nature’s speech; nature seems dead if the spirit of man does not free life from the spell of semblance (Schein). The secrets of nature must sound forth from the depths of the human soul. But in order for this not to be a deception, it must be the essential being of nature itself that speaks out of the human soul. And it must be true that the soul only seemingly goes down into its own depths when it knows nature; in actuality, when it wants to find nature, the soul must travel through subconscious passages in order to delve down with its own life into the cycle of nature’s weaving…”

1901 –Deathday of Giuseppe Verdi, Italian composer

1951 – Nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site begins with Operation Ranger

2011 – Arab Spring: The Yemeni Revolution begins as over 16,000 protesters demonstrate


POD (Poem Of the Day)

+ Gravity
Shapes the Heart



Pablo Picasso


The Hebrew word *chalom* means “dream” – it’s derived from the verb “to be made healthy and strong” & is related to the Hebrew word *hachlama,* which means “recovery, or recuperation.” So perhaps to build our vitality in the coming weeks, we can make the intention to feed our dreams –

both the nocturnal adventures, that strive while we are sleeping to wake us up to what we need to digest while we are awake, as well as the sweeping daytime visions of what we as human beings can become.
