
Catrin Welz-Stein

24 March 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Today Bella Luna is gathering secrets from the Underworld – at this time of her disappearance, we say that it is New Moon. The perfect time to name what it is you want to see grow into fullness.

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Evelyn De Morgan

East of the Sun, we can engage with ‘an apparition of Venus’ at ‘greatest elongation’- the maximum angular distance from the Sun, enhancing Her Light as the “Evening Star”.

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We also have a visitor: Comet Atlas is streaking by Draco, the dragon, next to the big bear.

The forces present in Bacteria, and whatever bacteria do, are a consequence of ahrimanic hosts of heaven having been cast down upon the earth, of the dragon having been conquered. Another consequence of that victory is that the Ahrimanic-Mephistophelian way of thinking has been spreading across the earth since the end the 19th century. We can therefore say that on the physical level diseases involving bacteria and equally also present day intellectual materialism have their source in the realm of soul and spirit. In a higher sense the two things are most certainly comparable.” ~Rudolf Steiner, Donarch, 14 October 1917, GA 177

A hundred years ago in the time of Rudolf Steiner, the word ‘virus’ was relatively new to medical science. We also have to remember that bacteria or similar entities’ can be either Ahrimanic or Luciferic.

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Many astrologers have been pointing an accusing finger at the current planetary traffic jam in Capricorn, with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction as the main culprit in our present pandemic, with good ol’ Mars helping it along. Neptune in Pisces has a correlation with contagion too. How can we as human beings strive to be an active speaker in this the cosmic conversation, adding our good will to the mix?

From an article by Dr Elizabeth Vreede: ” Comets represent an element that does not wholly enter the usual sphere of cosmic law, although they still contain a trace of the direct working of spiritual powers, indeed, of the very highest — the Seraphim and Cherubim. Before ordinary law may be broken through, the very highest power and insight is required. The various comets, indeed, are agents of a very special nature in our planetary system, their polar antithesis being in the moons. Just as the moons are a kind of corpse which the planetary system trails along with it, so, on the other side, the comets may be spoken of as constant purifiers of the spiritual atmosphere within the solar system. In earlier times men thought of them as the “scavengers of God,” and many superstitions have gathered around them. To the eye of Spirit, too, the mission of the comets is perpetually to expel impure astral forces from the Cosmos or to introduce new impulses.

Ambrigio Lorenzetti.

Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul names this day as the Feast of the Archangel Gabriel, opening the way for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary tomorrow 25 March.

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Norman Adams

These days around the Vernal Equinox are quite powerful. We can find many potent souls who choose this time of year to either enter the portal of birth or cross the threshold into death. Here is simply a list from the Calendar of the Soul for you to contemplate:

19 March:

Image result for Mary of Bethany painting
  • Feast Day of Joseph, husband of the Luke Mary
  • Birthday of Mary of Bethany, also called Mary Magdalena, sister of Lazarus in the Gospel of St. John
  • Deathday of Sophie von Kuhn, bride of Novalis

20 March:

Image result for Hermann von Salza painting
  • Birthday of the Roman Poet Ovid, best known for ‘Metamorphoses’, a mythological narrative written in the meter of epic.
  • Birthday of Holderlin. Steiner speaks of him as a pupil of Plato
  • Henrik Ibsen. Steiner calls him a 4th Century initiate
  • Deathday of Joachim of Fiore, abbot & mystic
  • Deathday of Hermann von Salza, Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights

21 March:

Image result for Johann Sabastian Bach painting
  • Feast Day (also the birth & deathday) of St. Nicholas of Flue, who foresaw his baptism in the womb.
  • Birthday of Johann Sebastian Bach
  • Birthday of Eugen Kolisko, Anthroposophical Doctor & teacher
  • Deathday of St. Benedict of Nursia
  • Deathday of Theosophist Willian Quan Judge

22 March:

  • Birthday of Fercher von Steinwand, who Steiner talks about in his autobiography as helping revel karmic connections; ie. Dionysius Areopagita
  • Deathday of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, sculptor, poet, scientist, who Steiner called a follower of Plato & gave indications that he was connected to Moses.

23 March

Image result for Georg Friedrich Handel, painting
  • Mabel Collins Spring Festival: I See Death, is performed in ceremony
  • Birthday of Georg Friedrich Handel, comper
  • The birth of the Swiss Federal Constitution
  • Deathday of Friedrich Rittelmeyer

24 March

Image result for Jules Vern painting
  • Feast day of Archangel Gabriel
  • Deathday of Caliph of Baghdad Harun al-Rashid, the successors of Gondhishapur, who possessed the remnants of brilliance, found their way to his great court in the 9th century. According to Rudolf Steiner, Harun al-Rashid incarnated again as Francis Bacon of Verulam in England & became the great inspirer & popularizer of materialistic science. One of Bacon’s important achievements was the invention of binary code now used in computers-an inspiration from the Sorat -an early step to the World Wide Web, that if not used consciously, is meant to entangle & enslave us…
  • Deathday of Queen Elizabeth the 1st
  • Deathday of Jules Vern

25 March

Image result for Novalis painting
  • The Annunciation of the BVM
  • Deathday of Novalis
  • Deathday of Debussy


No photo description available.

Greetings friends – The Central Regional Council will sponsor a Zoom Study Group Meeting for April 8th on the Karma of Epidemics (details below)

ALL are welcome to join us. April 8th 2020, 7:15 pm CST (see audio conference details below)

“Imagine a people which was composed entirely of liars, the astral plane would be populated solely by the corresponding demons and these demons would be able to express themselves in a constitutional tendency to epidemics. Thus there is a certain species of bacilli who are the carriers of infectious diseases; these beings are the progeny of the lies told by human beings; they are nothing else than physically embodied demons generated by lies.” (GA 99 – L.6)

Theosophy of the Rosicrucian – The Law of Destiny – Schmidt Number: S-1539
Lecture VI

Audio Conference Details:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 451 374 910

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If you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya
Let us stand together with courage in this now, as we look to our future with equanimity, holding all that comes before us as being guided by a divine directive waiting to be revealed by our patient spiritual investigation.

Many of us are doing constructive things like the Hallelujah in Eurythmy, & The Foundation Stone Meditation at Sunrise (or anytime) every morning to create a high vibration of Love & Light – Please join us for the healing of all.

Yours in service ~The CRC team: Marianne Fieber, Alberto Loya, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, David Howerton, Lisa Dalton

art by Daniel Ospina


Ara Isaakyan

‘The Three Days’, an On-Line Easter Festival with the Central Reginal Council

Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday, all three days: April 9-12, 2020 from 3 pm – 4:15 pm CDT

We will be taking up indications from Emil Bock’s ‘The Three Years” to artistically explore the Spiritual Science of ‘The Paschal Triduum’: Following the Cosmic Sun on the ultimate path of initiation, from the Free-Will Sacrifice, through the Conquering of Death, into the Resurrection of the New Sun.

How can we as human beings in community bring a practical understanding to these mysteries?

Join us as we strive to gain the forces needed to do our part in furthering this impulse in world evolution.

FREE – ALL are Welcome – Zoom Call and other details to follow

For more info. contact Alberto Loya

May Hope Spring Eternal –

The CRC – Marianne Fieber, Alberto Loya, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, David Howerton, Lisa Dalton 


The Sacred Gateway: Conscious Living, Conscious Dying, and the Journey Beyond – ONLINE APRIL 17-19, 2020 

Bring a new consciousness to your own life and death

  • Support those who are crossing and who have crossed over 
  • Expand your practice and knowledge of working with the dying
  • Learn more about the soul’s journey from death to new life 

Through interactive workshops, biography work, keynote discussions with Rev. Patrick Kennedy and Dr. Melinda Toney,  workshops with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Sandra LaGrega Jennifer Fox, and more, as well as experiential and artistic activities, we will consciously explore the spiritual and practical aspect of human life and death. 

Conference Fees:

  • $200 Supporter ~ Live Event + Recordings and Resources, plus Two Sacred Gateway Webinar Series (You can see those by clicking here and here) + One Recorded Online Community Gathering ($80 value), Podcast Links. This level fully supports this conference and other events like it!
  • $150 Resource Package ~ Live Event + Recordings and Resources, plus Two Sacred Gateway Webinar Series (You can see those by clicking here and here) + One Recorded Online Community Gathering ($80 value), and Podcast Links 
  • $95 Regular Rate ~ Live Event + Recordings and Resources 
  • $45 Youth Rate (Age 35 and under) ~ Live Event + Recordings and Resources
  • $45 Keynotes Only ~ Live Keynotes + Recordings 
    Financial Assistance Available (Email 

Click Here to Join the ASA!

Conference Schedule

All start times in Eastern Standard Time 
(Note: Workshops Subject to Additions/Minor Changes)

Friday, April 17

7:30pm-9pm Conference Opening and Keynote

True Living is Dying: The Life-Giving Power of Death Keynote Discussion and Q&A with Rev. Patrick Kennedy 

Saturday April 18 

11:00-11:45am Welcome, Introductions and Biography Work

11:45am-1:15pm Two-Day Themed Workshops (Choose one theme and attend Saturday, and Sunday) 

  • From Loss to Connection Through ]Reading for the Dead and Writing with Marianne Dietzel and Maureen Flannery
  • The Lemniscate Journey: Exploring the Relationships in Our Lives from Birth to Death and Death to Rebirth Through Biography and Social Art with Sandra LaGrega and Jennifer Fox
  • Giving Way to Grace: Chrysalis Emerging from Conscious Living and Conscious Dying with Melinda Toney, MD, Carole Shoaf End-Of-Life Doula and Katherine Blackburn, End-Of-Life Doula and Esoteric Christian Minister
  • Saturday April 18th, 11:45am-1:15pm – Festivals for the Dead, the Unborn, and the evolution of Earth – Then and Now. with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg. How do we look at the karmic connections that shape current events? Our work with those on the ‘Other-side of the Threshold’ can give us clues about the causes and purpose of epidemics and the ways of healing ourselves, our beloved dead and the Earth.

1:15-1:30pm Break

1:30-2:30pm Vigil Room In Our Hearts 

2:30-3:00pm Break

 3:00-4:30pm Topic Workshops

  • The Soul’s Journey Through the Spheres After Death with Mary Stewart Adams 
  • Acknowledging the End with Jolie Luba
  • After Deathcare as a Healing Art with Tischia Bluske

4:30-5:00pm Break

5:00-6:00pm Death & Healing Keynote Conversation with Dr. Melinda Toney 

6:15- 7:00pm Group Reflections and Closing

Sunday, April 19 

11:00-11:45am Welcome, Introductions and Biography Work

11:45-12:45 Consecrating our Dying Keynote with Patrick Kennedy

12:45-1:15 Break

1:15-2:30 Two-Day Themed Workshops

  • From Loss to Connection Through the Arts: Reading, Writing and Drawing with Marianne Dietzel and Maureen Flannery
  • The Lemniscate Journey: Exploring the Relationships in Our Lives from Birth to Death and Death to Rebirth Through Biography and Social Art with Sandra LaGrega and Jennifer Fox
  • Giving Way to Grace: Chrysalis Emerging from Conscious Living and Conscious Dying with Melinda Toney, MD, Carole Shoaf End-Of-Life Doula and Katherine Blackburn, End-Of-Life Doula and Esoteric Christian Minister
  • Sunday April 19th, 1:15 pm – 2:30 pm – Festivals for the Dead, the Unborn, and the evolution of Earth – Then and Now. with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg. Explore the many cultural expressions that work with, and celebrate our beloved dead. Prepare the way for the Unborn, and for the future of humanity. Become inspired to Renew or Create your own Tradition. Learn to find your destiny, and meet your karma. Prepare for your own conscious crossing into the journey between death and rebirth, by asking questions like: Where did I come from? What did I come into to this life to do? Who is with me on this journey?

2:30-2:45pm Break

2:45-3:30pm Green Burial Exploration and Conference Closing



Our dear Dr. Steiner said: ‘It is not the Christ we lack, but the knowledge of Christ, the Sophia of Christ, the Isis of Christ we are lacking.’ In ‘Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution’ Lecture 3; given in Dornach, 6 January 1918, by Rudolf Steiner; we hear how the power of ‘The Word, the power of The Logos’, must be resurrected through our striving to activate the Wisdom of Anthroposophia within each of us. Join Hazel Archer-Ginsberg for a powerful presentation Lifting the Veil of the New Isis-Sophia, to bring Light to Love.

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~Vitae Sophia~A Whitsun Festival of United Soul Endeavor with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

Saturday, 30 May, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Groh Farm, 135 Temple Rd, Wilton, NH

Eurythmy: AUM = A – I stand for myself, U- I stand for humanity, M – I stand for Life

Social Sculpture: Steiner’s ‘Blue Dot Exercise’– Through Art, the bridge between science & spirit, we warm the ‘I’, to open the heart, in support of healthy community.

What are my gifts-What are my tools? How can I place them in right relationship within the social realm? How can I hone them to strengthen and enhance the world?

Living into the Foundation Stone of Love – How can we take our individual Inner Whitsun & expand it, into what Steiner calls the “World Festival of Knowledge” a path leading from ‘Sprit Recollection’, to ‘Sprit Sensing’, to ‘Sprit Beholding’?

Enter the Labyrinth of ‘Vitae Sophia’ – Human hearts, once warmed, can rise up to meet the source of wisdom, like flowers turning toward the sun.  

$30 suggested donation at the door, with potluck lunch to follow
(please bring a dish to share) RSVP Sponsored by the Anthroposophical Society in New Hampshire

Hazel Archer-Ginsberg – Founder of Reverse Ritual Understanding Anthroposophy through the Rhythms of the Year.Essayist, Lecturer, Poet, Trans-denominational Minister, ‘Anthroposopher’, working as the Festivals Coordinator of the Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch, The Traveling Speakers Program, & the Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society.

Whitsun 2020 Vitae Sophia

as part of the tour 

3 June 2020 – a Round Table Discussion 7 pm – 9 pm on ‘The Sophia’ with John Bloom, Joan Sleigh, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg & Carrie Schuchardt  at The House of Peace in Ipswich, MA. 


4 thoughts on “Cipher

  1. Venus is making its way into the Pleiades star cluster within the sign of Taurus, as it also approaches inferior conjunction with the Sun. This will be very similar to the occurrence of 2012, when Venus, or occult Mercury, transited the Sun body from northeast to southwest in some 6-1/2 hours. This year, around June 8th, they will be in conjunction, but no transit. Venus is currently moving in a northeasterly direction along the ecliptic which will perpetuate its presence in Taurus. According to the CoS, the Sun moves through Taurus from May 1st to June 15th due to the enormous size of this constellation.

    Hazel, Dr. Steiner spoke of Goethe’s Athenian incarnation in a couple of places, and especially in the 49th and last lecture of volume IV of the KR. Now, when an opportunity presents itself, which you have done, I feel compelled to reveal indications that while both Goethe and Aristotle were students of Plato, that Goethe left with Aristotle in 347 BC. Aristotle was 37, and Goethe in his Athenian incarnation was 25 years old. Plato was 80, and compelled for reasons based on intuition to send Aristotle out into the world. The reason is that important discoveries needed to be made that could not be directly discerned by the dodecahedron, which was brought into being by the dialogues through mysterious channels, and why students of the Academy needed to be proficient in arithmetic and geometry. They did more than just listen, read, and discuss.

    Sorry for the length. I know the importance for brevity, and I forgot to name Goethe’s incarnation. Goethe replicated its achievements quite closely. Maybe you can say, or someone else here.

    1. Very important aspects to tune into.
      Our speaking with the goddess of Love will provide much insight.

      Goethe & karmic relationship connections are interesting to contemplate.

      Thank you

  2. Happy bday to Bach. Lives to this day thru his music that speaks to all . His life enriched us by his ability to connect us to spirit – which spoke clearly in his music.

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