Welcome to this sharing of my spiritual research into Becoming Anthroposophia. Explore & co-create with me the ‘New Mysteries’ as we rise in our thinking to meet spiritual science in the true communion of the Cognitive Ritual.
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You are also invited to Listen to the ‘I Think Speech’ Podcast.
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“Anthroposophy opens its wellsprings, so that the human will, carried by love, may draw from her waters. It brings to life love for humankind and thereby works creatively in impulses for moral action and true social interaction.” — Rudolf Steiner
Use this site as a resource:
- The Substack articles feature: “Speaking with the Stars”, Karmic investigations thru the Calendar of the Soul, poetry, inspirational art, festival investigations, essays & lecture content…etc…
- Come join in our community celebrations by checking the Current Events page
- Explore the Seasonal Round
- What is Anthroposophy? Gather insights gleaned from the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner into the past, present & future of the ever evolving Festival Life of The Reverse Ritual
- Understand the spiritual realities behind great historical events, various folk traditions and universal truths
- Collect seasonal stories, verses, songs, meditations and artistic activities appropriate for the various festivals
- Become familiar with the connections between different cultural customs in world religions, & their place in the evolution of human consciousness
- Meet the current cosmic alignments that influence each spoke on the wheel of the year
- Cultivate a relationship with the spiritual beings of the fixed and wandering stars, the elementals in nature, and your own higher self
- Realize our responsibility as human beings to recognize and redeem the adversarial forces, to reclaim the Wisdom of the Sophia, and the Cosmic Intelligence of Michael
- Learn to apply heart-thinking to work as a ‘Michael-ite’
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- Enlist my services as a Trans-denominational Minister
“In the new mysteries the whole earth becomes an altar…Our friends & colleagues become for us, the terrible & wonderful actors in the ceremony of our initiation.” ~Adam Bittleson
My mission dear friends, is to share spiritual scientific research, and to co-create a conscious community. Let this be a clarion call to all who seek to know the being of Anthropo-Sophia. Let us join together in service –
“…That good may become
What from our hearts
We are founding,
What from our heads
We direct,
With single purpose…”
~The Foundation Stone Meditation by Rudolf Steiner
Understanding Anthroposophy Through the Rhythms of the Year
I look forward to exploring this work with you. Blessings and Peace ~Hazel Archer Ginsberg Hazel@ReverseRitual.com
Dear HAG,
I live in the Asheville area and want to do more to bring the Threefold Social Order to fruition. And to encourage people to do more of the exercises Steiner gave. I am growing Light Root at the Sanctuary of Living Arts and am part of the Study Group there with Septimbor Lim and Marnie Muller. Your I Think Speech podcast of the Holy Nights 2020/1 is inspiring me.
Greetings Godfrey – I am just now seeing your email. Thanks for reaching out. So great to know you are bringing 3-folding into the world.
It was such a joy to visist your beautiful area a few years ago when Marnie & Septimbor invited me out to do a weekend presention on the Joureny of the Soul across the Threshold.
Please give them my love.
I don’t usually use this site for correspondence much anymore. you can find me at https://hazelarcherginsberg.substack.com/
And my email is Hazel@CogRite.com
Blessings on the New Year
translated (with added titles) by Roy Sadler.
I am putting this into Comments, as Hazel has suggested, because she cannot make verse’s line breaks in Substack.
ADVENT II (The Wine)
The Cosmic Word,
Mysteriously urging to be heard,
Is speaking in my depths of being:
‘Inspire your life’s endeavour with my spirit light
To sacrifice yourself through Me’.
LAMMAS (The Bread) – this week’s mirror verse
The Cosmic Word,
I’ve had the grace to lead through senses’ gates
Is speaking in my soul ground:
‘Imagine in your spirit’s depths my world expanse
To find in future Me in you’.
Karl König described the Soul Calendar’s 4 quarters as 4 voices:
1 – v1-13, the Tenor, sense perception conceiving spirit;
2 – v14-26, the Baritone, imaginative insight incarnating spirit;
3 – v27-39, the Soprano, inspiration for the spirit’s Christmas birth;
4 – v40-52, the Alto, intuitive love for a new spring world.
And in these pivotal, mirror verses of the Cosmic Word, I’ve put in the words,
not present in the original, of imagine & inspire (& intuit in v43, v17’s opposite)