~Hazel Archer-Ginsberg – Anthroposopher, Striving Student of Spiritual Science, Bridging the cleft between Science, Art, and Spirituality. Practicing Rudolf Steiner’s cosmopolitan path of Initiation into the New Mysteries of Love and Freedom.
A founding member of the Grand Lodge of The Mysteria Mystica Americana (MA) – the North American representative of the International Misraim Alliance – a ritual order transmitting the Rosicrucian-initiatic system of Rudolf Steiner, based upon the original rites of the Mystica Aeterna.
Founder of Cognitive Ritual ~Confessions of a Modern Rosicrucian,
Reverse Ritual: Understanding Anthroposophy through the Rhythms of the Year,
and the ‘I Think Speech’ Podcast.
Inter-demonational Minister specializing in Rites of Passage,
You can find a collection of the many Free RECORDINGS of Presentations, Programs & Festivals that I offer or facilitate HERE
I am happy to bring my Festivals, Lectures, Interactive Retreat Workshops, & New Mystery-drama Programs in person, or online for your community.
Having grown up in the wastelands of suburbia, I found refuge in the wilds of nature which sprung up in the empty lots behind the track housing. Developing a rich inner life, singing, writing plays or poetry and harvesting plants to make herbal medicines with my grandmother, helped get me through the mendacity of a public school education, graduating H.S. in 3 years at age 15.
I backpacked around the sacred sites of Europe for a year, and then took my heart to San Francisco on a full scholarship to study Philosophy & Comparative Religion (with a minor in Women’s Studies) at SFSU. There in the dusty halls of dead thinking, I met Rudolf Steiner’s Spiritual Science through fate, and the discovery of Owen Barfield, and began to work with the basic books on my own. (It was almost 25 years later when I finally discovered that there was such a thing as an Anthroposophical Society!)
Destiny had prepped me through Rosicrucianism which came into play at an early age, (that’s another long story I would be happy to relate over coffee) but I didn’t officially join the Societas Rosicruciana in America (S.R.I.A), headquartered in Kingston NY, until I moved to NYC after college.
I began applying my Midwest work ethic, and my eclectic blend of teachings in the Big Apple. I became a neighborhood leader working with disenfranchised youth. It was almost impossible for former drug addicts, run aways, and artist types to find affordable housing in Manhattan, so the focus of my community activism was with the ‘Homesteading Movement’. We became ‘squatters’ renovating several blocks of abandoned city owned buildings on the ‘Lower East Side’. Through this community I spearheaded many artistic initiatives such the experiential guerrilla Theatre Troupe, “The Valkyries.” I was also a singer, songwriter, and drummer, performing in several “No New York” genre original bands (Heal, Health Hen, Baby Boom) recording and touring extensively in the U.S. and Europe. In the 1980’s the Lower East Side was a cultural Mecca and we were featured at CBGB’s, the Mud Club, the Bitter End, the Beat Kitchen, etc. When I wasn’t on tour, I was a vegetarian chef; and diligently worked the Rosicrucian path traveling to upstate NY for the S.R.I.A workings.
I also studied for 4 years and was ordained as a Inter-denominational Minister at the Spiritual Science Center, of Maryland, a school dedicated to teaching comparative religions, philosophy, & service to humanity.
I moved to Chicago when my uncle was dying of AIDS. I became a Sous-chef at a Vegetarian restaurant called The Chicago Diner, and started co-creating with a ‘Hermetic Order’, who had a healing center on the Northside, and sacred land in Indiana, making plant medicines again.
I became the Founder & Facilitator of:
- The SheDrums MysteryLodge, featuring workshops, Retreats & Rites of Passage for Women.
- ‘the WE drum Tribe’ = “the Heart-Beat of Chicago’s Conscious Community”.
- D.E.V.A. (Divine Expressions of Vital Alchemy) A collaborative dance company that embodied the Divine Feminine through seasonal myth-telling performances.
- Sanctuary Dance: The Chicago facilitator for the annual International EarthDance, a worldwide dance event to promote unity across cultures.
- Quest Theatre Ensemble
- Producer, director, writer & videographer for The EarthNetwork, a monthly program focused primarily on environmental, political, & spiritual issues.
- Mother-Earth-Minute 8x’s a year at Lake Street Church in Evanston
- Classes on the Wheel of the Year for the Chicago Park District.
- Videographer for Richard Shay (Art Shay’s son) working with the likes of Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey and Gene Siskel.
- WRD Environmental Consultant for the Chicago Conservation Corps (C3).
When I was almost 40 years old I had my daughter Ultra-Violet Archer, and married Chuck Ginsberg. It wasn’t until my girl was at the Chicago Waldorf School that I finally heard about the Anthroposophical Society, and discovered that the local Branch and the Christian Community Church were within walking distance to our house! I have been serving now for over 20 years.
Through the Waldorf School I Trained with Kim John Payne’s Social Inclusion Intervention & Mediation program called ‘Justice Without Blame’; and went on to do Hakomi, and Matrix leadership training in team building and consensus processes.
As a Minster I started a business called “Milestones” Creating Custom Ceremonies for All Occasions: Traditional Weddings, as well as same sex Marriages, Fertility Rituals, Baby Blessings, Renewal of Vows, Home and Corporate Blessings, Crossing over ceremonies, Funerals, Memorials/Celebration of Life, and other Rites of Passage – Specializing in Coming of Age Initiations for girls and women.
I studied with Susanne Down and Founded ‘Wisdom Roots Puppetry’ – Working in the Waldorf-Tradition of Therapeutic Seasonal Story, Song and Ensouled Puppetry.
I was the Cultural Events and Festivals Coordinator for the Rudolf Steiner Branch in Chicago for 18 years. I was a member of the Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society for 8 years & on the General Council of the ASA. I am a member of the First Class of the School of Spiritual Science. I work with the Esoteric Kreis.
And recently Mysteria Mystica Americana (MA) – Practicing the ‘Misraim Dienst’ as given by Rudolf Steiner, the MA offers a modern path of Initiation into the New Rosicrucian Mysteries, where the human being becomes the Temple. To bring the Esoteric Knowledge of Spiritual Science into Ritual Gesture is to participate in a renewal of the Mysteries.
I have written many ‘New-Mystery Dramas’ putting the insights of Spiritual Science into an artistic form.
Because I have long been inspired by Rudolf Steiner’s original Calendar of the Soul, where he commemorates feast days, and birth and death days of important individualities; about 6 years ago I founded ‘Reverse Ritual: Understanding Anthroposophy through the Rhythms of the Year’ and the ‘I Think Speech’ Podcast; where I strive to reveal the patterns connecting the seasonal round with human karma, great historical events, as well as repeated weather patterns, natural catastrophes, wars, and the many milestones that can help us understand the past, stand with courage in the present, and see what is wanting to come in from the future.
Recently I have began a project on substack called Cognitive Ritual ~Confessions of a Modern Rosicrucian.
Dear Friends – Thank you for your interest. Everything I do is given freely, in service to Anthroposophia. I can offer evening lectures, full day or weekend workshops, on any topic that interests your community. I don’t charge a fee; just travel expenses. An exchange of energy in the form of a donation or honorarium can be sent to my Tip Jar . Thank you for your support.
Hello, I have an offer for the Preparations Weekend in Viroqua.. Last year in Perry Hart’s zoom study group of the Agriculture Course, we modeled recycled beeswax into a form as a token of a personal message for the coming agricultural year. An ear…a crystal…a bowl…who could tell what would come through the fingers? If you can incorporate some beeswax modeling into your work, I could bring enough for the group. The patties came from end of year “trash” that I begged from teachers at Summerfield Waldorf school in Santa Rosa, CA. I will try to send you a picture.
Thank you,….this is not for your blog, but I am just trying to reach you.
Pamela Carty
Hi Pamela – How wonderful. I have often used beeswax modeling in my offerings. It’s so great to be able to recycle the beeswax that the children have imprinted, & its a great way to clue the teachers in on our work with Anthroposophy. I remember having many interesting conversations when gathering the used beeswax with teachers who really aren’t working from the source since they have’t been trained in Spiritual Science.
Will you be at the conference?
I won’t be able to use beeswax in my presentation this time since I am centering on water.
But you may want to let the organizers know if you are going to be there so that perhaps we could fit it in somewhere?
BTW: I don’t usually use this site for correspondence much anymore. you can find me at https://hazelarcherginsberg.substack.com/
And my email is Hazel@CogRite.com
Blessings on the New Year
Greetings Hazel!
I just came upon your play ‘From Light to Darkness Into a New Light, a Pageant for a Solar Eclipse’. I was looking for a citation for Rudolf Steiner’s Sun Verse before sending it out, and there you were!
I have to ask if you’re reliving this amazing treatise on Freedom – tonight perhaps? :). In any case, I really appreciated the breadth and depth you took the play as well as your hailing of Columbia into the New World.
You may not see this message until after the eclipse tomorrow, but know your work and the work of your community has been appreciated and sent out to several study groups from Sparks/Reno Nevada with members in California. If you ever need another reader for one of your plays, feel free to call on me!
Warmth, Truth, Community,
Greetings Patrica – I am so glad I saw your message. I have transfered my work over to SubStack a new platform for my work
you can find me on https://hazelarcherginsberg.substack.com/
I wrote a new drama for the 8 April Solar Eclipse for an event I hosted call Eclipse Convergence in the heart of totality in Dallas Texas.
here is the link to the new piece. I am honored that these artistic renderings of Spiritual Science can live in the Social World.
I will remember you for our next zoom call!