Dear Friends, During my convalescence I have renewed my work with the Foundation Stone Meditation, especially endeavoring to hear what the Elemental beings have to say. They wait for our exchange, for it must be mutual & initiated first by us before the withering. We are to bring them the resurrection forces that come thru our thinking; then they are released from the grip of the death forces that the adversarial beings would have them enslaved to.
Open-eyed Impressions become an Ode to the Golden Wand of Summer’s end:
Sulphur Yellow Autumn Aster
Quivering with Bees
Baked Golden & holding the oblique Rays
of the Sun fall…
Bright Spike
held in the Healing Cornucopia
of the Virgin
to bring balance to the scales –
a subtle ripple
up the spine
to the holographic cluster
of tiny SunStars
Crowning the tree…
Aaron’s Rod –
A lightning rod with roots
a DNA tier
Heralding Michaelmas…
Open-eared Action messages:
Gather up some goldenrod, both stem & plume
During the solar hour, high noon…
Hang it & let it dry
before scarlet leaves begin to fly.
Place the dried Sunrod in jar or vase,
on or by your door, to protect your sacred space.
Keep them until Autumns end
Burn them in the Mabon bonfire
for good Balance & a healing trend…
14 September 2022 – “Speaking with the Stars”
Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day
We are the echo of the future ~W. S. Merwin
Feast of the Cross – According legend the True Cross was discovered in 326 by Saint Helena, the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, during a pilgrimage she made to Jerusalem. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was then built at the site of the discovery, by order of Helena & Constantine. The church was dedicated nine years later, on this same date, with a portion of the cross placed inside it.
Other legends explain that in 614, that portion of the cross was carried away from the church by the Persians, & remained missing until it was recaptured by the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius in 628. Initially taken to Constantinople, the cross was returned to the church in 629.
1321 – Deathday of Durante degli Alighieri – known as Dante
1486 – Birthday of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, German Occultist, theologian, astrologer, & alchemist
1723 – Grand Master António Manoel de Vilhena lays down the first stone of Fort Manoel in Malta. de Vilhena, a Portuguese nobleman was the 66th Prince of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Unlike many other Grand Masters, he was benevolent & popular with the Maltese people
1741 – George Frideric Handel completes his oratorio Messiah
1752 – The British Empire adopts the Gregorian calendar, skipping eleven days (the previous day was September 2)
1901 – U.S. President William McKinley dies after an assassination attempt on September 6, & is succeeded by Vice President Theodore Roosevelt
1914 – Helmuth Johannes Ludwig von Moltke chief of the German General Staff at the outbreak of World War I – is declared ‘ill’ as an excuse to dismiss him – pinning him with the war guilt instead of the Emperor. When he died shortly after from a broken heart, Rudolf Steiner worked with his wife Elisa to receieve after death communications for 2 years after he crossed the Threshold.
1940 –The Ip massacre: The Hungarian Army, supported by local Hungarians, kill 158 Romanian civilians in Ip, Sălaj, a village in Northern Transylvania, an act of ethnic cleansing
1943 – World War II: The Wehrmacht starts targeting several Greek villages death toll over 500 people
1960 – The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is founded
1960 – Congo Crisis: With CIA help, Mobutu Sese Seko seizes power in a military coup, suspending parliament & the constitution
1969 – The US Selective Service selects September 14 as the First Draft Lottery date
You are invited: Saturday/Sunday 24-25 September 2022
The BDANC Fall Michaelmas Gathering
hosted Gloria Decater at Live Power Community Farm, Covelo
*Honoring the Cow
*Honoring the Elementals – with Hazel Archer Ginsberg
*Hands on prep making with Harald Hoven
*The Evolution of Biodynamic Legacy Farms – Old farms that need new farmers – Round table discussion with Gloria Decater and Chuck Ginsberg
*Bridging Heaven and Earth through Singing, Storytelling and Biography Work with Hazel Archer Ginsberg
The Michaelmas 2022 Bridging Project at Live Power Farm
We will work in conscious community to connect beyond the threshold for the future evolution of the Earth. Spiritual Science brings us many teachings on communicating with the ‘so-called dead’, working with the spiritual hierarchies, & coming to know the Christ as the meaning of the Earth. We can learn what our beloved dead & the unborn can teach us about what it means to be human in a spiritual sense here on Earth.
*Discussion about Sequential Spraying for Drought Remediation with Michael Aldinger
*Catered dinner
*Eurythmy – with Cynthia Hoven
*Anthroposophical Salon – with Hazel Archer Ginsberg and Nancy Poer
For details, accommodations, meal reservations and schedule see
Live Power Community Farm is a seasoned, long-time biodynamic farm whose farming family have passed through many seasons of soul, soil and spirit. Gloria Decater, whose husband Stephen crossed the threshold last year, is currently in the process of exploring how the future incarnation of this living farm individuality needs to evolve. Although the CSA aspect of the farm is on hold right now, Gloria has been continuing to host educational activities for children and adults.
PURCHASING PREPARATIONS: Preps must be ordered at least three days in advance – by Sept 21st – to be picked up at the meeting. These BD preparations are hand made by groups of BDANC practitioners on various BD farms around NORCAL. Supervision and distribution by Harald Hoven.
Horn Manure (500) $5 members/$7 non-members
Horn Silica (501) $3 members/$4 non-members
Compost Prep Set (502-507) $18 members/$21 non-members
Compost Prep (Barrel Compost) $5 members/$7 non-members
Contact Harald Hoven – Phone: (916) 837-8776 Email:
“From Gondishapur to Covid-19 and the 4th Industrial Revolution” with Richard Ramsbotham
Sun, Sep 25 at 3:00pm EST
How are our modern day approaches to pandemics, technology advancements and governments influenced by thinking impulses originating in The Academy of Gondishapur?
Register here:
Richard Ramsbotham was born in Northumberland in 1962. After attending Cambridge University and Emerson College he taught literature at Warsaw University (1989-1993) and then trained at the Artemis School of Speech and Drama. Since then he has worked as a teacher, lecturer, writer and theatre director. He is the author of ‘Who Wrote Bacon? Shakespeare, Bacon and James 1’; ‘An Exact Mystery – the Poetic Life of Vernon Watkins’; several plays and many articles on cultural, historical and current themes (e.g. 9/11 and Covid-19). He has also translated and directed Rudolf Steiner’s 4 Mystery Dramas. He is the co-founder of Fourfold Living Arts, an initiative bringing together the performing arts with the exploration of important cultural and current themes.
Shining a Light into the Darkness
Path of Knowledge inner development is itself a process of shining light into the darkness.
As social challenges are intensifying, we are called upon more urgently to develop new capacities in understanding the human being, nature and medicine in wholeness. This series will focus on historical thinking influences which still darkly affect the soul of every modern human being.
Because we see everywhere today that the “light shines into the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not”, what is our response to the recognition of darkness which lives within the thinking of each of us?
This series is open to all who study anthroposophy.
Proceeds will benefit anthroposophic organizations worldwide.
Register here for all talks:
“From Gondishapur to Covid-19 and the 4th Industrial Revolution”
Richard Ramsbotham
“The Lives of Francis Bacon and the Anvil of Scientific Materialism”
Richard Ramsbotham
“Jesuitism, Bolshevism, and Americanism”
Rev. Patrick Kennedy
“Kaspar Hauser: Understanding his Task as Related to the World Today. How Does our Time Reflect the Events of the 19th Century and Transform Them?” Richard Steel
“Living Picture Imaginations: Healing from the Effects of Propaganda”
Dennis Klocek
“Overcoming Materialistic Thinking: Anthroposophic Pharmacy as a Modern Rosicrucian – Alchemical Path” Albert Schmidli
“What is Christianized Thinking in Medicine? Illness and Healing as Threshold Experiences“ Michaela Gloeckler, MD
“After Auschwitz. Reflections on the Future of Medicine and Society”
Peter Selg, MD
SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 2023 / 3PM EST
“Meeting Christ in the Etheric in Response to the Challenges of Our Times”
James Dyson, MD