The Central Regional Council (CRC) is coming to Chicago!
All are welcome to an OPEN CONVERSATION
Saturday August 15th 7pm – 9pm
Program includes:
Eurythmy with Raven Garland
I live freely
in the center of my being
Surrounded by an infinite moment
With all and without
The words yet and now
The eternal
Singing with Marianne Fieber
Who, What, Why is the CRC ? with Dennis Dietzel and all the CRC members
Overview of the ‘Speaking with the Stars’ Initiative:
We especially invite reps from all the Study Groups
& other local Initiatives to share, and join in a conscious conversation.
The Central Regional Council:
Marianne Fieber, Mary Louise Hershberger, Dennis Dietzel, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg,
Alberto Loya, with Raven Garland
After the program join us for Snacks & Social Time
For more info. contact Hazel