Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society in America
Greetings Friends in the Central Region –
Spring Blessings! Here is the Easter 2015 issue of the eCorrespondence from the CRC, where you will find some suggestions for your Lenten and Holy Week activities, including the total solar eclipse on March 20 (vernal equinox) and total lunar eclipse on April 4 (Holy Saturday). Many groups around the region are planning activities around this time, read details by clicking on the link below: http://anthroposophy.us8.list-manage1.com/track/click u=4b05ac6744c0dd031b31b8671&id=be68af9a6a&e=fbf6636119
PDF: Easter_2015_e-Correspondence
Sincerely, the Central Regional Council,
Marianne Fieber, Dennis Dietzel,
Mary Louise Hershberger,
Hazel Archer-Ginsberg and
Alberto Loya