Easter Monday musings

Art According to Cary: Easter Monday by Willem de Kooning
Easter Monday by Willem de Kooing

Dear Friends – What a body of work we have manifested together! Here are all the recordings of our 8-Fold Path to Easter. As always, feel free to share.

And here are all the podcasts based on indications from Emil Bock’s ‘The Three Years’ as rendered by ~hag

Dear Friends – I feel as though I have been washed up on the shore of a Shamballa that is yet to be. Swirling & blinded by the light – whispers of unredeemed shadows mixing with the golden glow of the New Easter Sun.

Stone Rolled Away Art | Fine Art America
Maxie Debalene

My 6 BE buddy, Rose Reis-Jackson sent me an e-card that actually moved me to tears this morning, which surprised me to see that I am so tender & raw. Our powerful working thru this year’s Holy Week has cracked me wide open.  Has the stone been rolled away for good? Ha, probably not, just rockin & rolling as stones are meant to do. I appreciate all the friends who have reached out to me during this time, I hope to let is all sink in now that the tide is able to reveal the shore as it pulls back the ocean depths from the edge.

And so here we are on Easter Monday with ‘Right Word.’ Besides my work with the 10:10 Thought-Seed, The Circle work, The 6 BE, The FSM Rhythms, & the COTS, I will start this new cycle of the year with earnestly taking up the Buddha’s Noble 8-Fold Path which we touched into during our journey to Easter.

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Let me know if you feel called to do this work too, then not only will we be enlivening our own chakras, but we can support each other & build an energy into the social realm.

Martee Seuss

During our Holy Week gatherings we were promoted to ponder & artistically create. If you would like to share what you have worked with please send me an email & I will include your impressions or offerings here.

Liane Collot d’Herbois, shared by Lelan Harris for Nancy Poer

I am so grateful for our dear presenters: Marianne Fieber, Geoff Norris, Christine Burke, Deborah Rogers, Lelan Harris, Sally Greenberg, Anne Dale, Mary Lynn Channer, Nancy Poer, Lucien Dante Lazar, Dottie Zold, Ines Katharina Kinchen, Mary Ruud, our zoom leader Lisa Dalton & ALL OF YOU – What a grand community effort!

Andrew Mazorol and Tynan Kerr

All I can really say is thank you & Blessings dear friends


Mary Lynn Channer was inspired to add to the Thought-Seed by writing verses for Willing & Feeling based on the Hahn verse centered on Thinking!

5 April 2021 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Shortly after the end of twilight around this time of year, Arcturus, the bright Spring Star climbing in the east, stands just as high as Sirius, the brighter Winter Star descending in the southwest. Early in Tuesday’s dawn the crescent Moon shines under Saturn. Then in Wednesday’s dawn, the Moon shines under Jupiter.

my cup overflows. by SigneSandelin on deviantART | Prophetic art, Biblical  art, Christian art
Signe Sheriden

POD (Poem Of the Day)

~Drink the cup of heaven –
She told me
Let grace roll down your head like the blessings of baptism
Drink in the Earth to let the young sprouts unfurl within
According to their purpose…
Drink in the light & praise the spectrum
That spills out the threads of eternity…
…Then you may Be
The fire feed with breath Begotten…


Ascension Painting by Miwa Robbins
Miwa Rouertons

SAVE THE DATE: 13 May 2021 – ASCENSION THURSDAY – Exploring the Calendar of the Soul with Luigi Morelli Details TBA

Trust your path" healing Art painting Peinture par Gioia Albano | Artmajeur


The ARC (Anthroposophical Resorce Center in Atlanta) is inviting you to a Six Basic Exercise Practice Group

Time: weekdays 9 am PT / 11am CT / 12:00 PM ET

Each weekday you are invited to join in a 15 minute practice group focusing on Rudolf Steiner’s foundational exercises.  We begin the time each day with a 5 minute leading thought focusing one aspect of the practice. We will follow that with a 5 minute period in which we turn off our cameras and practice on our own. After the five minute bell, we take 1-2 minutes to journal about our experience and the end the call with a 3 minute closing thought. Come when you can, and leave when you must.   

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/266986103?pwd=bXU4a0EvMmJkMDZTR0Rqcm0xZ0pUZz09 Meeting ID: 266 986 103 Passcode: 345338


Wednesdays 9:30-11:00am CT  – True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigation, by Rudolf Steiner. We incorporate ‘The Calendar of the Soul’, eurythmy, focused discussion and seasonal artistic explorations in our study. All are Welcome. Contact Hazel Archer-Ginsberg.  Hazel@ReverseRitual.com We meet in person in the Branch Library or join via Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/98689103462’Meeting ID: 986 8910 3462


(CLOSED) Fridays 12noon – 1:30pm CT. The Esoteric Path Through the Nineteen Class Lessons by Sergei O. Prokofieff. A serious study for Members of the School of Spiritual Science. Contact Hazel Archer-GinsbergHazel@ReverseRitual.com


Sundays 7-9pm CT. (Except the 4th Sunday of the month) Our international group is studying The 5th Gospel by Rudolf Steiner. Contact Hazel Archer-GinsbergHazel@ReverseRitual.com, Join Zoom Meeting  https://zoom.us/j/98201185799?pwd=NUliUWw3UVAxZzI0Y2NKSnI5eHhzdz09 Meeting ID: 982 0118 5799 Passcode: peace

10 thoughts on “Easter Monday musings

  1. Hi Hazel. Am finally getting around to reading your post (late Tuesday); wanted to let you know there was a great deal of spiritual energy released in my little world, and I wasn’t a participant in the same activities as yourself. Think it had something to do with the first Easter in this period of the Transformation? Interesting times we’re living in, with the two extremes of coming into consciousness, and the opposite extreme of “fools” who say there is no God (not my words, those of the psalmist in Psalm 14:1).

    1. Hi Maverick – I’m sure your experience has given you all that you need to live more fully into your highest destiny.
      The work often has takes many forms, & yet we are all doing ‘The Great Work’.
      Blessings as we expand toward Ascension

      1. Actually Hazel, my “experience” has shown me what a failure I am as a human being. As apostle Paul said, we all have fallen short of the glory of God, or the perfect human being. Fortunately I can also say, “Not I, but Christ lives in me”. The Failure is the name of my autobiography in my incarnation just prior to this one, as Giovanni Papini; but I also went on to write The Life of Christ, a much more inspiring work. Perhaps we knew each other, and we’re reconnecting?

        1. ha, Yes, I can relate to this expreience.
          hmmm Giovanni Papini, interesting dude!
          I’m sure we are reconnecting – what will we do?

        2. You are being facetious here, aren’t you? Giovanni Papini lived at a time in which he could have known of the work of Rudolf Steiner! His Life of Christ could be the homage we have always been looking for from an independent free thinker. Rudolf Steiner did criticize the books that Ernest Renan, and David Friedrich Strauss wrote about the life of Christ. But, they lived before the advent of Spiritual Science, c. 1900. Papini, who lived from 1881 to 1956, in Italy, had the best opportunity (if he was lucky) to meet the work of Rudolf Steiner in telling the true story of Christ.

          I am someone who believes that no one is a failure. We only live below our higher potential, and Hazel offers work to resolve this issue every day!! Jump on board if you feel the thrust and the trust. Maverick, you are a welcomed beholding in all you do and the people you care for. I also do this, but with less success.

          1. I’ll leave you in suspense as to whether I was being facetious or not. I recalled after I’d mentioned it, that it’s not wise to speak of one’s previous lives – I only mentioned it in relation to being a failure, which I do most heartily admit to being, unlike you. You’re right though, about the possibility of meeting Steiner, although there’s no record of such a meeting. Papini was familiar with many philosophers, but was adamant that he wasn’t a Theosophist, and for the early part of his life claimed to be an atheist. Of course, that changed – perhaps Steiner’s teachings had some influence there?

  2. Dear Hazel,

    You wrote: “And so here we are on Easter Monday with ‘Right Word.’ Besides my work with the 10:10 Thought-Seed, The Circle work, The 6 BE, The FSM Rhythms, & the COTS, I will start this new cycle of the year with earnestly taking up the Buddha’s Noble 8-Fold Path which we touched into during our journey to Easter”

    I have to say that I agree that the Buddha’s Eightfold Path of Enlightenment is something we can achieve on a daily basis, and especially ‘Right Judgment’. Oh boy, how we tend to consider what we don’t know. Oh boy. I follow Rudolf Steiner’s lectures on the Gospel of Luke in considering how Siddhartha Gautama finally came to the four noble truths, and the 8-Fold path. Please remember, Siddhartha came to the realization of Krishna first, who was his forerunner in promulgating the three great spiritual streams of: Vedanta, Samkhya, and Yoga. Yet, Siddhartha saw something more in his future.

    I often go to a place where there is a Cross, and it is entitled: The Garden of Hope. Certain of my relatives have their gravestones there, and I come to them often now. I approach the Cross and say these verses:

    The Lord is my shepherd
    I shall not want
    He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
    He leadeth me beside the still waters
    He restoreth my soul
    He leadeth me in the paths of righteous for thy name’s sake….

    This is where I always pause and think of the Buddha, right in the middle of the 23rd Psalm of Christ. Hazel, the 8 rights are right there for us, like for Monday, “right word”. So much wasted talking is ruining the world, as we speak. Kind regards, Steve

  3. The Holy Week Zooms, rich with presentations and sharing, have been such a precious gift, for which, together with the ‘I Think Speech’ podcasts, I feel the greatest gratitude, awe and inspiration.
    Especially in the light of lockdown isolation, it has likewise been so encouraging, strengthening and uplifting to see and join with so many others in loving community of attentiveness, joy and warmth.

    1. Hi Elizabeth –
      Thank you so much for taking the time to join the conversation & for being part of our conscious community working in unity to enliven the ethers, & each other with the Christic energies that seek to expand thru our hearts into all worlds…
      Blessings, may we keep the circle spinning in healing positivity & infinite love & gratitude…

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