Dear friends – Can you feel the gentle movement toward birth – The anticipation resolving into a labor of love – a shift from the dark toward the dawn?

Together with the Anthroposophical Society in America, we are about to embark on a historic journey, which is ironic since we will be entering into a Space out of Time which defines the Holy Nights.

Each of these 12 days & 13 nights – From the Eve of the Sacred Birth, to the Eve of Epiphany, can be seen as a microcosmic experience of the macrocosm, allowing us to approach the sublime gesture of the divine spiritual beings, whose outer vestments are the constellations of the zodiac, while simultaneously contemplating the events in our own lives, in order to uncover the golden threads connecting us to each other, as well as to the goals of Earth evolution, & to the divine spiritual nature that comes to birth again & again at this darkest time of year.

This sacred ‘Time out of Time’ provides an opportunity to contemplate, not only the great journey of the Cosmic Christ thru the zodiac into the body of Jesus; but also the path of Jesus to Christ; as well the evolution of every Human Being as a Star unfolding in an Earthly biography – for we as human beings are following both paths.

Tomorrow on Christmas Eve, we begin the contemplation with Adam & Eve, remembering that the fall was the reason The Christ Being made the sacrificial journey from the Godhead to become the Son of Man. The Holy Nights are completed on Epiphany, also recognized as the Baptism -when the Son of God – The Christ – entered human form.

So, when we look at the circle of the Zodiac during the Holy Nights we can find imprinted there a memory of that significant track from spiritual heights to human depths. The 12 apostles formed an outer version of these constellations around Jesus Christ. And we all incarnate into these various signs on our way to becoming spirit once again.

Our path leads from the feet, our grounding on the earth, thru the 12 constellations of the zodiac to a conscious union with the whole world of the Hierarchies, all the way up to unite with the Mystic Lamb at Epiphany.
So far 600 people registered for this new initiative!

‘May Human
Beings Hear It: An Online Holy Nights Gathering’
Hosted by the ASA with Organizers:
Laura Scappaticci, Angela Foster, &Hazel Archer-Ginsberg.
24 December: 12 noon CST
25 – 30 December: 6:30 PM CST
31 December 2019-2020: “Hidden Night” – No Call –
1 – 5 January 2020: 6:30 PM CST
The online gatherings will be recorded for later viewing if you are not able to join us live. Register below to access both the live presentations & recordings. Register for the Holy Nights Gatherings
Hope to you will join us in this mighty undertaking.
Blessings & Peace –