Wesak- Full Buddha-Moon in May


Haiku’s, ants & worms
Buddha-like the Moon sitting
All have the same face

On Buddha’s birthday
Spring rain beneath a full moon,
On Buddha’s deathday
Enlightenment in the Lake
Another sunset

The Buddha (whose name means: *The Awakened One* or *One who Knows*)
is regarded as the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He was born in 563 BC on the Full Moon of May in Vaisakh. Traditionally, Buddha’s Birthday is known as Wesak or Visakah Puja (Buddhas Day).

Wesak, the major Buddhist festival of the year, celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha on one and the same day,
when the Sun is in Taurus, and the Moon in Scorpio.

The Full Moon in May is a mystically auspicious time – This ‘Buddha Moon’
is considered to be the greatest moment of spiritual contact for the entire year. Great polarities are said to be synthesized and consequently united at this festival. Hope is revived in the world, and great seeds of beauty, truth, and goodness are planted within us — qualities needed for the unity of humankind.

Ancient Wisdom asserts that there will be a new coming of the World Avatar and those beings who assist them. But the reality set forth and embedded within this festival, is that WE, as a living unit called humanity, are to be that World Avatar, when we can live as “Christ in me”…

The Wesak Festival provides us each year with a reception of the tools of love and wisdom, to fulfill this ancient prophecy. What all the higher beings have done, we can do also, taking up our responsibility as the 10th hierarchy to radiate the Christ Impulse out to all the kingdoms of Earth -becoming like little suns – emanating rays from the very core of our “I”, through the vehicle of our bodies, from our purified hearts, and specifically from our forehead, where our third eye is located. This is the Bulls Eye of Taurus – the Sun of May – and the mystery of the transformative Scorpio Moon.

buddha birdkiss

For more info. contact ~Hazel Archer Ginsberg at ReverseRitual@gmail.com