Advent – Spiral of Light

ADVENT: – The First Week – Merry-Earth – The ‘Fire Trial‘ to ground our will, as we honor the physical mineral Kingdom. These recordings are my gift to you

The 2nd Week fo Advent – The ‘Trial by Water, to clarify & enlighten our feeling life, as we acknowledge the etheric realm & the plant world

The 3rd Week of Advent – The ‘Air Trial‘, to focus & free our thinking, as we purify the Astral Realm, which we shared in gratitude with the Animal Kingdom.

The 4th Week of Advent – Honors the human & Angelic realm. We strive to develop the ability to look out from our little self, to see our Spiritual Self in the world, AND, to look into ourselves – To see the world in ourselves.


The Adventure of Advent Begins…

The Latin gives us ‘adventus’ = ‘a coming; an important arrival’ AND intriguing to follow the even earlier translation of Advent from the Greek: ‘Parousia’ – which for me literally means ‘the incoming presence of essence – the ‘Second Coming’; not physically this time, but present in the ethers for everyone, as an essence, in the aura of the Earth.

Advent is a 4-week anticipation – a preparation – for the Becoming of Christos, from three different perspectives: The physical Nativity in Bethlehem; the birth of Christ as the Being of Love in the human heart; & the Messianic revealing.

Advent is a prelude – a time to waken to the spiritual dynamics leading up to the sacred birth of the Light – out-pictured thru the immaculate soul spoken about in the Gospel of Luke.

Advent is the Initiatory Prologue which prepares the human heart for the procession thru the 12 Days of Christmas – the 13 Holy Nights – culminating in the incarnation of the Cosmic Christ on Epiphany, 6 January – the last constellation of Christmas-tide -Joan of Arc’s Birthday.

Yes, dear friends, if you choose to accept this mission, Advent is a powerful window – a first step – a Threshold – a means of resonating with the Divine realms, of which the human being has a part.

The task of Advent is to take on the experience of a conscious training – with the goal of meeting the spiritual forces which come thru at this ‘Dark Before the Dawn’ time of year.

On each of the 4 Sun Days of Advent, week by week, we take on a trial of the elements, fire, water, air where we are stripped of direct Celestial Support – the Angels step back – so that we can stand up – Upright on the Earth – as true human beings out of our own initiative, proving that we are worthy & consciously willing to receive Divine Inspirations in Freedom & Love, for the Good of All.

For many of us striving souls, this can be a difficult time of year, a dark time, when we feel alone in the face of what seems like unsurmountable challenges, in & around us. Discombobulated – Overwhelmed by the literally earthshaking state of world affairs – throwing us into denial, complacency, overindulgence …. & of course, the matrix is set up to distract us from this hard task of Knowing Thyself.

This first week brings in an opportunity to pay homage to the mineral realm that supports us- Perhaps tap into issues relating to physical health.

Our task is to rise to the challenge this week, by cultivating an eye toward Impartial Justice. To keep in heart & mind the truth of the fact that even though the spiritual realm steps back so that we can stand on our own 2 feet – Justice – as karmic unfolding – is ultimately working in this Cosmic evolution that we are part of.

It is a week of Trial by Fire, which if engaged with consciously, can be the catalyst for the burning away of all the dross that hinders our soul from its true mission of becoming gold.

The mineral kingdom holds the crystallized thoughts of the Cosmos – it is the realm in which the eternal speaks thru physical form – an expression of the Divine Creative Word – the Prima Materia made manifest – & it is the foundation on which the human will builds itself – an anchor of hope & steadfastness – the foundation for Spirit & matter.

This first week of Advent is a stepping-stone, giving us the opportunity to contemplate & configure this foundation – as we live into how the physical mineral world inspires a soulful relation in the building up of our powers of strength & service – carving out a grounded, reflective inner stability – a steady, firm foundation for our transformation. The inner work of Advent lays a cornerstone upon which the structure of our spiritual life can rise to meet the Christ light.

Patrick Comerford: 'The stone the builders rejected has become the chief  corner-stone'

As you come to Him, the living stone, rejected by men but chosen and precious in God’s sight, / you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. / For it stands in Scripture: “See, I lay in Zion a stone, a chosen and precious cornerstone; and the one who believes in Him will never be put to shame.” ~1 Peter 2:4-6

In ‘Signs and Symbols of the Christmas Festival’ GA 90a, Birth of the Light’, Rudolf Steiner describes how Advent is a recapitulation of the past 4 cultural epochs in our human evolutions (Indian, Persian, Chaldean, Greco-Roman) connected with the evolution of the entire Universe – moving from: Unity to Duality, into the reality of The Trinity &, ultimately, to the Birth of Christ in the human soul. “Each Advent is an opportunity to re-live, in miniature, the great drama of humanity’s spiritual evolution. It begins in the depths of the mineral realm with the stone, and ascends through the realms of life, to meet the Divine.”

During the Advent-tide we lay the Christic Cornerstone – our spiritual foundation for the New Year. The physical body is especially put to the test, tasking us to recover the moral potential of revolution thru karmic Justice.

File:Rudolf Steiner Grabmal Dornach.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

At this 100-year milestone marked by the grave of Rudolf Steiner, humanity stands at a new Turning Point – a Crossroads – where we are invited to awaken in our reckoning & converge with the great Cosmic mission which gives Earth its meaning & humanity its goal.
