6 March 2019 – “Speaking with the Stars”: New Moon today, the start of the Easter-Tide cycle… In a very dark sky Canis Major, the Big Dog’s realistic stick figure is plain to see in profile prancing to the right on his hind legs, with Sirius as his shiny dog tag — but for most of us only his five brightest stars show through. These form the unmistakable Meat Cleaver. Sirius & Murzim (to its right) are the wide front end of the cleaver, with Sirius sparkling on its top back corner. Down to Sirius’s lower left is the Cleaver’s other end, including its short handle, formed by the triangle of Adhara, Wezen, & Aludra.
Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day
12 BC – The Roman Emperor Augustus is named Pontifex Maximus, incorporating the position into that of the emperor.
632 – The Farewell Sermon of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
Daniele da Volterra
1475 – Birthday of Michelangelo, Italian painter & sculptor
1619 – Birthday of Cyrano de Bergerac, French author & playwright
1806 – Birthday of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. – poet. She campaigned for the abolition of slavery & her work helped influence reform in the child labor legislation. Her prolific output made her a rival to Tennyson as a candidate for poet laureate on the death of Wordsworth.
1888 – Deathday of Louisa May Alcott, American novelist & poet, best known as the author of the novel Little Women. Raised by her transcendentalist parents, Abigail May & Amos Bronson Alcott in New England, she also grew up among many of the well-known intellectuals of the day such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, & Henry David Thoreau. Alcott was an abolitionist & a feminist & remained unmarried throughout her life.
1943 – Norman Rockwell published Freedom from Want in The Saturday Evening Post with a matching essay by Carlos Bulosan as part of the Four Freedoms series
1964 – Boxing champion Cassius Clay takes the name Muhammad Ali
1975 – For the first time the Zapruder film of the assassination of John F. Kennedy is shown
1986 – Deathday of Georgia O’Keeffe, American painter – the “Mother of American modernism”. In 1905, O’Keeffe began her serious formal art training at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago & then the Art Students League of New York, but she felt constrained by her lessons that focused on recreating or copying what was in nature…The rest is herstory…
POD (Poem Of the Day)
Sam Brown
~Awaken & contemplate
The inward clues
& open your eyes
To the outward signs
Chaos adds its odd time meter
To the harmony of the spheres…
Can we hear the speed of light?
MARCH in like a lion…Out like a lamb
March is abundant with ‘Holy Days’, finding voice through many cultural expressions.
Today, 6 March 2019, is the New Moon in Aries.
Every year our circadian rhythms are challenged by daylight savings time comes on Sunday March 10th so don’t forget to spring ahead!
The 15th is the famous Ides of March; which we all know is the day Julius Caesar was warned by the soothsayers to beware; the day he was assassinated. But did you know that according to the ancient Roman calendar, the Ides of March was considered New Year’s Day, & marked the 1st day of Spring?
March 17, brings us the ‘wearing of the green’ for St. Patrick’s Day. This former pagan used the shamrock to teach folks about the Trinity.
And this year it is also the True Palm Sunday. (To read all about the TRUE EASTER for 2019 check out: A Cosmic Wake Up Call: The True Date of Easter 2019)
On the 20th of March we experience the Vernal Equinox, The Full Spring Moon and it also happens to be Purim, and the Iranian New Year celebration, Norooz, or ‘New Day’.
In 622 AD, Mohammed led his followers from Mecca to Medina to escape assassination. According to the story, when his pursuers reached the cave where Mohammed and his followers had taken shelter for the night, they found a dove nesting in front of it and the entrance covered by a spider’s web. So the pursuers passed on, leaving them in peace. Mohammed continued on to Medina, where he and his followers were able to worship freely. Muslims consider this flight — or Hijrah — to be the beginning of their calendar year. People worship quietly on this day, which begins with the 1st sighting of the moon, and in keeping with the rebirth of nature is also considered the 1st day of Spring.
Here on this side of the globe we call it the Spring or Vernal Equinox, also known as: Alban Eilir, Eostar, Ostara, and the Rites of Spring – when the Sun entered 2000 years ago the 1st sign of fiery Aries, but now because of the Precession of The Equinoxes, the Vernal Sun now rises in Pisces!
Day and night are equal, poised and balanced, but about to tip over to the side of light. It is sacred to the twilight time of dawn, youth, the morning star and the east. The Saxon goddess, Eostre (from whose name we get the direction East and the holiday Easter) is a dawn goddess, like Aurora and Eos. Just as the dawn is the time of new light, so the vernal equinox is the time of new life.
What does it mean that this year the Equinox falls on a Full Moon?
The Equinox is all about harmony and balance – that brief yet eternal time of equilibrium, when day & night are of equal length. In the fall, the darkness holds sway, but now for the spring season the light is triumphant.
What a perfect opportunity to tap into this celestial energy as it intersects our earthly ecliptic, a perfect opportunity to bring balance into our lives, harmony into our bodies.
We all have a mixture of yin & yang, darkness & light, female & male energies within us. Do they both have equal say? Or is one force overshadowing the other? Perhaps we are consciously putting more emphasis on one, to help develop that side, or maybe we just feel unbalanced & we don’t know why? Are we thinking too much, are we too sensitive, too busy doing, to just be? Is your left side tighter or looser than your right? Which side do you part your hair? Ah ha…! These are questions only you can answer for your Self.
On a Full Moon the Sun & Moon are in direct opposition, complimenting each other.
This year Purim, which is celebrated this year on the Full Moon, March 20-21, 2019, is a joyful spring holiday that features a festive meal, gift-giving, costumes, and noisemakers. The word “Purim” means “lots,” and refers to Haman’s casting of lots in the story of Esther. It is customary to hold carnival-like celebrations. Americans sometimes refer to Purim as the Jewish Mardi Gras.
Since Easter can be seen written in the Starry Script, determined by an alignment of Sun, Moon & Earth – always celebrated after the 1st Full Moon after the Vernal Equinox, Holy Week begins on 17 March, with Easter Sunday falling on 24 March 2019! ( for more see A Cosmic Wake Up Call: The True Date of Easter 2019)
Two other holidays also get mixed up in this ancient symbolism of Spring’s fertility. March 25th is called the ‘Annunciation of Mary.’ – the day that the Angel Gabriel announced that Mary, the Christian version of The Sophia, was pregnant with the son of god ; who is born 9 months later, on Dec. 25th. How’s that for a nice little spring fertility symbol.
It is also fitting that March is International Women’s month, since this is the time of the rebirth of nature. It’s a gentle reminder that we give birth to the future. The future is in our hands, the hands of the midwife, the lap of the mother, and the hands of the Peacemaker.
So let’s honor ourselves & thank the powers of love & light, knowing, March may come in like a lion, but it goes out like a lamb – As we re-conceive of ourselves in alignment with the powers of Spring…
Peace & Blessed Bee…
Anthroposophy Atlanta Welcomes Hazel Archer-Ginsberg* for a weekend of Spiritual Science, Art, Community & Sharing March 8, 9, 10, 2019
Spinning Destiny with the Fates – Friday, March 8, 2019 with *Hazel Archer-Ginsberg 6:30 pm refreshments, 7:00 pm talk, Decatur, GA (location details TBA) |
Through an exploration into the evolution of human consciousness, we will explore the legends of the Greek Moirae and the Nordic Norns, the Orphic Hymn and the Prose Poem Edda. Hazel* will share some of her original art & song, and group discussion will be encouraged. |
From Necessity to Freedom – The Evolution of Human Consciousness, Social Sculpture & Experiential Discourse with *Hazel Archer-Ginsberg Saturday, March 9, 2019 10am – 3pm,* Decatur, GA (location details TBA) |
How can I co-create with Destiny, to spin the thread of my life with integrity, to heal and clear the collective karma, & achieve my True Becoming? We will we stand before the “Daughters of Necessity” that we will transform into “Freedom Fighters” to meet our true calling; asking: “What is my Highest Purpose?” From the vaporous cleft of Mount Parnassus, and the birthplace of Greek Philosophy, to Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, and the Holy Grail – From Prophecy to Warning, from Fate to Karma, From Destiny to Free Will! |
❖ 10 am –11 am – The ever-evolving Human Consciousness – Scrying with the Sibyls – The Hebrew Prophets and the Sistine Chapel❖ 11:30 – Socratic Questioning – You have to ask the right question to get the right answer❖ 12:30 pm – Lunch (light lunch provided)❖ 1:30 pm – Once Upon A Time NOW – The new story❖ 2:00 pm – Weaving Past, Present and Future❖ 2:30 – 3pm – Open Discussion – Rudolf Steiner’s poem: “Destiny”*Come as you can–all are welcome to attend any part, or all of the workshop! |
The Golden Legend and The Rose Cross Meditation – Leading Thoughts & Discourse – Sunday 10 March 2019, 3 pm – 5 pm, with *Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Social Art with Angela Foster. |
Using our head, hands & heart we will enact this powerful Rosicrucian tool given to us by Rudolf Steiner, as a soul path of initiation, using imaginative cognition to build spiritual etheric forces; a Metamorphoses of Self & of World evolution. |
Location: Decatur GA (details TBA). No set fee to attend. Suggested donation $0-100
Please RSVP to Angela so we can plan the space & refreshments: ARC@thirdbody.net
*Hazel Archer-Ginsberg is the founder of the website and blog Reverse Ritual – Understanding Anthroposophy through the Rhythms of the Year (www.reverseritual.com). She is an Essayist, Lecturer, Poet, Trans-denominational Minister, and “Anthroposopher.” She works as the Festivals Coordinator & Council Member of the Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch as well as with the Traveling Speakers Program, and she serves on the Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society.
URGENT! A Cosmic Wake Up Call: The True Date of Easter 2019
Begins 17 March Palm Sunday 2pm – 4pm
Then every evening 7pm – 9pm
& 24 March – the TRUE Easter Sunday 2 pm – 4 pm
For our study this year, we will take up the Mystery of Kaspar Hauser
In the New Mysteries we follow the path of the Christian initiation thru the Holy Week before Easter – With every step, from the recognition of the old Sun on Palm Sunday, thru to the meeting of the Saturn-Spirit and The Harrowing of Hell, which sparks the rising of the New Sun of Easter.
For our study we will take up: ‘Kaspar Hauser: The Struggle for the Spirit’ byAnthroposophical researcher Peter Tradowsky
I have ordered 5 copies to be given out on a 1st come basis at cost: $23
Come to any or all of the gatherings:
17 March Palm Sunday, 2pm – 4pm
18-23 March 2019 Holy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Good Friday & Holy Saturday, 7pm – 9pm
The TRUE Easter Sunday 24 March 2019, 2 pm – 4 pm
URGENT! A Cosmic Wake Up Call: The True Date of Easter 2019
The Golden Legend – The Rose Cross Meditation Leading Thoughts, Social Art & Discourse with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg
Using our head, hands & heart we will enact this powerful Rosicrucian tool given to us by Rudolf Steiner, as a soul path of initiation, using imaginative cognition to build spiritual etheric forces; a Metamorphoses of Self & of World evolution.
$10 for Art Supplies & Snacks to Share Encouraged
6-7 April 2019
with APO founder Fred Janney from Ann Arbor
Sat. 6 April, 7 pm – 9 pm
& Sun. 7 April, 1 pm – 4 pm
Saturday 6 April, 2019, 7:00-9:00 p.m: Personality and spiritual biographies of the original Vorstand members and group healing meditation.
Sunday 7 April, 2019, Identifying your spiritual stream and recognizing its opposite stream with directions for bringing cohesion and direction for members on both sides of the threshold.
Contribution $25-$50 or pay what you can afford, ALL proceeds donated to APO.
2019 marks the reinstatement of Ita Wegman and Elisabeth Vreede back into the General Anthroposophical Society after 84 years. This 12×7 combination is a very important number combination in microcosmic and macrocosmic dynamics. Their return from banishment is only a first step in healing the karma of our organization and embracing the ongoing leadership of Rudolf Steiner into the future. Long standing and exacerbating problems have ensued since the ouster of these two leading lights chosen esoterically by Rudolf Steiner.
It is essential and imperative in our time to reconcile and forge harmony with these and other members on both sides of the threshold so that anthroposophy can flourish.
Sergei Prokofieff through his research tells us that all the original Executive Council members were chosen representatives and archetypes of the different and divergent karmic streams that came together under the direction of Rudolf Steiner for the esoteric tasks required well into the future.
The birth and development of the New Mysteries that was initiated at the Christmas Conference at the end of 1923 called on the free and active participation of these individuals.
On many occasions Rudolf Steiner called on each member of the Anthroposophical Society to uncover and research the spirituals stream for which he/she came to earth. Then, in order to heal the individual and group karma of the General Anthroposophical Society, members were urged to reach out to members of conflicting spiritual streams, so as to find ways to harmonize the conflicts.
In our time, these steps in self and social development are essential as we seek future work together for the development of humanity.
References: May Human Beings Hear It (2004) by Sergei Prokofieff. Chapter Five: The Esoteric Archetype of the Original Council.
https://www.rudolfsteiner.org/articles. Anthroposophical Society: What Ails Thee (2017) by Fred Janney
Fred Janney in 1999 joined with six other members of the Anthroposophical Society from around the country to start what soon became known as Anthroposophical Prison Outreach. We are celebrating twenty years of service to incarcerated individuals based on the good will and donations of our member.
Sat. 4 May 2019 – 7 pm – 9 pm in Chicago
Tuesday 7 May 2019 In Ann Arbor Michigan
Climbing Jacobs Ladder: Celebrating the Feast of Ascension
Leading Thoughts & original art-collage projections with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg
Eurythmy with Mary Ruud
Social Art with Nancy Melvin
$10 Donation & Snacks to Share Encouraged