“…Love is come again…”

Image result for Orion's belt or the 3 marys

24 March 2019 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Orion the Hunter stands out in the southwest as darkness falls this week. The conspicuous constellation appears slightly askew compared with its appearance in winter’s evening sky. Now, the three-star belt, or as my friends in the Southern hemisphere like to say, the 3 Marys, are  aligned parallel to the horizon while blue-white Rigel hangs directly below the belt &ruddy Betelgeuse stands directly above.

Image result for Orion march 2019


An Easter Appeal from our dear friend & Curative Eurythmist, Johanna Rohde:

Hello, Colleagues, Friends and Acquaintances, and Family!
Below is a description of a journey I’ve been on in the course of the last year.  If you are inclined, I invite you to join me on this journey to whatever extent is possible for you. Thank you for giving this your time and attention!

Happy True Easter “HE IS RISEN !” Here is the address to access my crowd funding campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/m8dvw8

~Johanna Rohde


Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day


Esoteric Easter 2019 Sunrise: 6:47 am CDT – Sunset: 7:06 pm CDT Daylight = 12 hours, 19 minutes

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806 – The death-day of Harun al Raschid. Interesting that Rudolf Steiner speaks about this individuality in the Young Doctors Easter Course: Lecture IV, which Steiner gave at the time of the Easter Paradox in 1924.

“…But now just think of the Court of Harun al Raschid, where ancient medicine flourished. The Old Mystery Wisdom, still preserved in tradition, was living in the existing knowledge concerning the being of man. There were two men at that court: Harun al Raschid himself, the organizer of the great academy of spiritual life which grew and developed under his influence; and another, who in earlier times had been an initiate. In the days of Harun al Raschid the initiation did not come to the surface.

Harun al Raschid reincarnated as Lord Bacon of Verulam (1561–1626) and with his kind of thinking which was thoroughly steeped in Arabism, he renewed the natural-scientific thinking, from the West. Such was the path he took in his life between death and rebirth. If you would study Lord Bacon you would find how greatly medicine was influenced thereby. Indeed you would be amazed. The other man, the initiate, was reborn in the soul of Amos Comenius (1592–1670). Comenius’ life was one of aspiration towards the spirit, but he turned everything into intellectual conceptions.

Again, another personality in Arabism — he did not live at exactly the same time as Harun al Raschid, but he played a part in the battle of Zeres de la Frontera — was reborn as Charles Darwin (1809–1882). And so the influences that are working in natural science and especially in medicine, are re-embodiments of ancient conceptions from which Christianity was excluded. Such conceptions did not constitute an evolution of Christianity, but Christianity was excluded as Arabism embraced Europe in its fold. Medicine itself was most of all affected in this sense.”


“Now the green blade riseth from the buried grain,
Wheat that in dark earth many days has lain;
Love lives again, that with the dead has been:
Love is come again, like wheat that springeth green”

Our dear Rudolf Steiner speaks about Easter as a spiritual event that takes place on the stage of humanity. For this Esoteric Easter – this 1st celebration in the Easter Paradox of 2019 – enclaves of earnest Anthroposophers around the world have taken up the call to hold this time as a Spiritual Scientific experiment in faith & in practice.

The Mystery of Golgotha is the pivotal event of the whole divine process of creation, of the whole process of human evolution from its beginnings in the womb of the Spirit, to its consummation in humanity as the 10th hierarchy.

The physical body of Jesus of Nazareth was the mediator through which the powers of the cosmos were united with the Earth aura. With the sacrifice on Golgotha, when the life-blood of the Cosmic Heart penetrated the Earth & its forces flowed down, even to the very core, the Earth became illuminated from within. The Resurrection took place, 1st at the gates of the underworld for the souls of the dead who had lost their divine nature. And with the dawn on Easter Sunday, the opportunity was then given to every single human individuality to experience this light within the Self. And the seed was planted for the reunion of Sun & Earth & Moon.

The Christian Festivals were never meant to be merely the commemoration of great historical events or even simply of truths in the Christian revelation, as great as these are.

The Festivals in themselves, are, each year, spiritual events, carrying a significance that grows & deepens with the developing phases of human evolution, ever evolving as we do. This is especially true of the Easter Festival, with its answer to humanity’s deepest needs, its quickening of our highest hopes; with its message of the victory of good over evil, of light over darkness, of life over death.

The earth underwent a change thru the deed of redemption on Golgotha, a transformation of the unruly Mars powers of iron, into the silvery light of Mercury. This transforming of iron, thru the sacred mystery of the Christ-blood, is a determining factor in the transformation of earthly substance, which will later be carried over into the transubstantiation of the earth.

The spirit radiates from the heights & yet is also carried to us by the eternal divine world of the depths. ‘May there ascend from the Depths the prayer that is heard in the Heights’.  We can send our prayer to the Christ-heart in the earth’s depths, to help overcome & redeem the adversarial powers that hold sway in the 9 layers of the earth’s interior. The agricultural course was a stepping stone to this ultimate aim. (The Birth of a New Agriculture: Koberwitz 1924 & the Introduction of biodynamic -Adalbert Grof Von Keyserlingk)

Spiritual science tells us that when the blood flowed to the earth from the cross on Golgotha, a new Sun-globe was born in the interior of the earth. This golden earth-center is the legendary land of Shambhalla, hidden away, yet waiting to be re-discovered by the seeking, Christ-guided human soul.

Before the mystery of Golgotha, the task of evolution was that the cosmos would become human. After this ‘Turning Point’, the human becomes Cosmos -The New Sun -The imperishable resurrection-body uniting with the Cosmic- Sophia.

The tomb becomes the Round table, & the Parsifal question leads us to find Christ in the etheric

Also working with us from the time of the Vernal Equinox is the Archangel Raphael, who holds the staff of Mercury, offering us the healing power of the Caduceus thru the grace of the living Christ, who stands as the middle pillar within us all.

Again & again, from all points of view, Rudolf Steiner spoke about the deep meaning of the Easter Festival in the eternal working of the divine worlds upon humankind, in the prefiguring myths & symbols of the ancient Mysteries, in its relation to the world of nature & the cosmic universe, in which the date of this moveable feast contains a unique mystery.

It indicates how through the Christ Impulse, humanity is to be set free from the forces of earth-evolution, pure & simple. It contains a call to humanity to lift ourselves up to the worlds beyond the earth; to once again ‘Speak with the Stars’.

It contains a promise, that in the course of world-history, it will be possible, thru the working of the Christ Impulse, for humanity to once again be united with the cosmos – in the New Jerusalem. It is for this that we strive when we celebrate the Easter Fest.  

Anthroposophy itself must become like an inner festival of Resurrection for the human soul. It must bring an Easter mood into man’s world-conception.” – Rudolf Steiner, The Easter Festival in relation to the Mysteries.

On the urn that holds the ashes of Rudolf Steiner: “To create centres of peace & love in which the Christ can resurrect.

~Blessings to all on this Glorious Esoteric Easter Sunday. 24 March 2019

~Hazel Archer-Ginsberg


Doris Harpers 

Sunday 24 March 2019 Our Esoteric Easter Festival 2 pm – 4 pm
ALL are Welcome at the Rudolf Steiner Branch 4249 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL. 60618

‘Preparation, Illumination & Initiation’- The Rosy Cross

Incorporating ‘The Golden Legend’, & a look into the Plant vs. Human Kingdoms, To enliven our work with ‘The Rose Cross Meditation’.

Leading Thoughts, Social Art & Discourse with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg 

Eurythmy with Mary Ruud

Using our head, hands & heart we will enact this powerful Rosicrucian tool given to us by Rudolf Steiner, as a soul path of initiation, using imaginative cognition to build spiritual etheric forces; a Metamorphoses of Self & of World

$10 & Pot Luck Feast to Share Encouraged (Hazel will bring the Pascal Lamb)

Updated: A Cosmic Wake Up Call: The True Date of Easter 2019

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