Today in 1912 was the 1st performance of Rudolf Steiner’s 3rd Mystery Drama: “The Guardian of the Threshold”
The Mystery Dramas strike a deep chord within, bringing notes of destiny Wisdom to sound within our individual life circumstances. They contain extremely concentrated karmic wisdom. A clue to the reason why, appears in the following writings of Rudolf Steiner about his Mystery Dramas:
‘And actually, one must understand that if some trouble were to be taken to read the things that lie within this drama—not reading between the lines, but if one were to take the trouble to read what lies in the words themselves spiritually—if one were to take the trouble to grasp the Rosicrucian Mystery in just such a way, seeking for these things in the next few years, then it would not be necessary for me to give so many lectures about this or that in the time to come.’

Our theme for the last few years on the Central Regional Council has been ‘Reincarnation & Destiny’. Our attunement to this subject matter is meant to open & awaken individual destiny, as well as the collective karma of the Society, & guide us onto paths of karmic retribution. In relation to the Mystery Dramas, Hans Pusch states the following:
‘It is a clear sign of genuine relationship to Anthroposophy, if the forces of destiny become more and more active, even though they may be disturbing and uncomfortable. The spirit of our time is an awakener, a conscious troublemaker, and a dis-illusioner. Anyone who feels inner turmoil as a necessary tribute to the forces of progress will be prepared to enjoy the seemingly long speeches in the dramas. In their composition, he will sense inner laws and rhythms that will bring order to his own soul. The dramatic events in the spirit scenes become as real as any physical happenings.’
Our trials help us to understand & have compassion for one another. As Hans says, sometimes it is indeed a daily, almost hourly inner battle with our self to say ‘Yes’ to what destiny throws in our path.

As the scenes of the Mystery Dramas unfold, we become aware of the various interactions between individuals in the course of time.
In the lecture series ‘The Secrets of the Threshold’ Steiner speaks often of the Mystery Dramas. They give us an objective overview, ‘of knots from threads that karma spun in world becoming’ in the words of Benedictus. (in the Temple Scene of the first Mystery Drama.) In these threads, human lives are interwoven.

In the Temple Scenes of the Mystery Dramas, we experience the manifestation of karmic configurations & their progression in the spiritual development of individuals.
Within our present incarnation, there are deeds to perform to help rectify misdeeds, before we cross the threshold into the life between death & rebirth. We all have knots to loosen & unbind in our individual destiny. By recognizing the characters & situations in the plays, which are similar to our own life, unexpected karmic understandings may be glimpsed.

We can think about the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, well known in Charles Dicken’s story, ‘A Christmas Carol’. Was it destiny that Scrooge was confronted by the ‘Ghost of Christmas Past’? How was his individual retrospect similar from those in the Mystery Dramas?
Dickens’ story is a Michaelic-kamaloca experience. Seeing the pain of the people he was hurting, Scrooge felt the need to make amends for his miserly misdeeds, thereby changing his future destiny & that of others, as well. This striving for atonement is to be developed at every turn on the wheel of the year. May we take stock of what we have reaped & sown as we move toward the harvest season.
In daily life, our trials along the path appear less objective to see & not so beautifully expressed as the poetry we find in The Mystery Dramas. It is, however, the suffering in destiny situations, which leads to soul-growth. Our present state of mind may hold clues to understanding past misdeeds. Likewise does heightened consciousness assist in planting seeds of service for the future of mankind.

The Guardian of the Threshold – Scene 10
The Temple of the Mystic League. Here Benedictus, Torquatus, and Trustworthy have the robes and insignia of their office of Hierophant as described in the ‘Portal of Initiation.’ The Eastern altar supports a golden sphere; a blue sphere rests upon the Southern altar; whilst the sphere upon the altar of the West is red. As the scene opens Benedictus and Hilary are standing at the altar in the East; Bellicosus and Torquatus at the altar in the South; Trustworthy at the altar in the West; then enter Thomasius, Capesius, Strader then Maria, Felix Balde, and Dame Balde, and later on the Soul of Theodora; and last of all the four Soul-Forces. (East is stage right & West stage left.)
The souls of all my pupils have received
The spirit-light, each in that special form
Which was appointed for him by his fate.
What they have now achieved each for himself
Each now must render fruitful for the other.
But this can only happen, if their powers
According unto number’s rhythmic law
Desire to join within the holy place
To form the higher unity, which first
Can waken to true life what otherwise
Could only stay in solitary state.
They stand upon the threshold of the shrine,
Whose souls must first unite, and then shall sound
In unison according to the rules
Imprinted in the cosmic book of fate:
That harmony of spirits may achieve
What each alone could never bring to pass.
‘Twill bring fresh inspiration to the old
Which here hath nobly reigned since Time was not.
To you, ye brethren, I these pupils bring
Who found their way here through the spirit-worlds
And through the strictest proving of their souls.
The holy customs will they treat with awe,
And treasure ancient sacred mystic ways
Which here are seen as powers of spirit-light.
Ye too, who have fulfilled in truest wise
Your lofty spirit-service for so long,
Henceforth will be entrusted with new tasks.
The cosmic plan loth call the sons of men
But for a time unto the sacred shrine,
And when in service they exhaust their strength
It guideth them to other fields of work.
Even this temple had to stand its trial;
And one man’s error had to guard it once,
The guardian of the light — from darkness deep,
One cosmic hour big with the fate of worlds.
Thomasius perceived through inward light
Which rules unconscious in the souls of men,
That o’er its threshold he must not pursue
His way unto the holy mystic shrine
Ere he had crossed that other threshold o’er,
Of which this only is the outward sign.
So of himself he shut the door again
Which you would fain have opened wide in love.
He now will as another come again
Worthy of your initiation’s gift.

24 August 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Venus shines in the East before the Sun comes up. scintillating Sirius is to the south of Venus, so it’s to the right of Venus as you stand facing east.

‘We are never real historians, but always near poets, and our emotion is perhaps nothing but an expression of a poetry that was lost’ ~ Gaston Bachelard

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day

79 – Mount Vesuvius erupts. The cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum,& Stabiae are buried in volcanic ash
410 –Sack of Rome by The Visigoths
1185 – Sack of Thessalonica by the Normans.

1349 – Six thousand Jews are killed in Mainz after being blamed for the bubonic plague.
1391 – Jews are massacred in Palma de Mallorca

1456 – The printing of the Gutenberg Bible is completed

1814 – British troops invade Washington, D.C. burning down the White House, the Capitol & many other buildings

1816 – The Treaty of St. Louis is signed by the Council of Three Fires (united tribes of Ottawa, Ojibwa, & Potawatomi) residing on the Illinois and Milwaukee rivers. By signing the treaty, they relinquished all right, claim, & title to their land, also a 20-mile strip that connected Chicago & Lake Michigan with the Illinois River. In exchange the tribes were to be paid $1,000 in merchandise over 12 years. Today, Indian Boundary Park in West Ridge, Chicago commemorates this Treaty.

1857 – The Panic of 1857 begins, setting off one of the most severe economic crises in United States history. Since the years immediately preceding the Panic were prosperous, many banks, had seized the opportunity to take risks with their investments & as soon as market prices began to fall, they quickly began to experience the effects of financial panic (will we ever learn?)

1864 – Deathday of Jakob Lorber “scribe of God” a Christian mystic &visionary. Lorber’s prose, an ‘inner voice’ from the region of his heart, has been compared with writings by other mystics such as Emanuel Swedenborg, Jakob Boehme & Rudolf Steiner

1891 – Thomas Edison patents the motion picture camera

1912 – 1st performance of Rudolf Steiner’s 3rd Mystery Drama: “The Guardian of the Threshold”

1932 – Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly across the United States non-stop (from Los Angeles to New Jersey)
1944 – World War II: Allied troops begin the attack on Paris
1954 – The Communist Control Act goes into effect, outlawing the American Communist Party

1967 – Led by Abbie Hoffman, the Youth International Party temporarily disrupts trading at the New York Stock Exchange by throwing dollar bills from the viewing gallery, causing trading to cease as brokers scramble to grab them
1991 – Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as head of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
1991 – Ukraine declares itself independent from the Soviet Union
1998 – First radio-frequency identification (RFID) human implantation tested in the United Kingdom

2004 – Deathday of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Swiss-American psychiatrist & death advocate

2006 – The International Astronomical Union (IAU) redefines Pluto as a dwarf planet

August 27-30 How We Will 2020: 3-Folding our Cultural Revolution is continuing its journey of transforming our ideals into action. The theme this year is Forming Curative Communities: actively uniting with one another in the emerging economic, political/rights and social/cultural/spiritual forms seeking to reshape the ills plaguing humanity into a healthy social organism for our time. Please join us if you’d like to hear from, and collaborate with those on the front lines inspired out of the fruits of Rudolf Steiner’s work: can your own hopes for the world find a way to connect with others striving to do the good as our friend Bernard Lievegoed was wont to say? Our own hero Ella Baker shares: ‘we must not stop until we can get people to recognize that they themselves have to make the struggle for freedom and human dignity everyday, in the year, every year, until they win it.’

Invitation and Registration are now open:How We Will 2020
Thursday August 27
9:00 Dottie and Frank: Welcome: Forming Curative Communities of Responsibility
9:30 Nana Woo and Truus Gareats: Eurythmy
9:45 Stan Padilla: New Fire
10:30 Break 15 minutes
11:00 Naim Edwards: Edible Landscapes
12:15 Lunch
1:30 Dottie Zold & Joan Jaeckel: Threefold Activism – 1919-1921 & Research Fellowship
2:15 Kait Ziegler: Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival – On the Front Lines
3:30 Break 30 minutes
4:00 Akil Bell: WILLING MOVEMENT: Three questions could support the inspiring of the formation of curative communities.
5:15 Dinner
6:30 Monika: Myriad Village – Co-creating Intentional Communities
7:15 Angela Foster: Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily
End 8 pm
Friday August 28
9:00 Truus Gareats & Nana Woo: Eurythmy
9:15 Stan Padilla: New Fire
9:45 Frank & Patrice: Unbreakable Agreement & ALIANT
10:20 Break 10 minutes
10:30 Michaela Gloeckler: Archetypal Pictures – Ita Wegman and the Young Doctors
Noon Lunch
1:15 Bart Eddy: Brightmoor Makers Rocking Hearts for Detroit
2:15 Melody Brink: stART international trauma pedagogy – Lesbos – On the Front Lines
3:00 John Bloom: Toward Justice Through Freedom
4:45 Dinner
6:00 Daniel Collett: Seeds
6:10 Kim Sherobbi: To Nurture Community Leadership – Birwood Community House & The James and Grace Lee Boggs Center
7:00 Angela Foster: Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily
Goethe’s Day of Birth
8:00 End
Saturday August 29
9:00 Truus Garaets & Nana Woo: Eurythmy
9:15 Stan Padilla: New Fire
9:30 Laura Summer: Art Dispersal – Art for 100% of the People
10:00 Michaela Gloeckler: Forward Together
11:30 Break 15 minutes
11:45 Melody Brink: The Birdhunters of Antropocenia in story-form, written by Nathaniel Williams and with original music by Aldo Lavaggi
12:20 Lunch
1:15 Bart Eddy: Ideas to Action
2:15 John Bloom: Capital, Money, Spirit and Matter
3:45 Break 30 minutes
4:15 Patrice Maynard: Prototyping ALIANT Alliance
5:30 Dinner
7:00 Brandon & Lucien: Song Offering & Painting
7:15 Community-led conversation: A Christian/Buddhist/Spirit Conversation: Money –what does love got to do with it?
8:15 End
Sunday August 30
9:00 Truus Garaets & Nana Woo: Eurythmy
9:15 Nicanor Perlas: The Future is What We Fight For
10:45 Break
11:00 Hazel Archer-Ginsberg: The New Isis Myth
11:30 Laura Summer: Art Dispersal
1:00 Lunch
2:00 Patrice Maynard: Prototyping ALIANT Alliance
3:15 Lucien: Tone, Words, Trees
3:45 Janna, Elizabeth & Frank: Standing Under the Sign of Michael
4:15 Stan & Robbi: Closing the Sacred Fire Community
5:00 End
9:00 Next Steps ALIANT: Patrice, Frank, Dottie together with friends will lead a conversation on next steps.
11:00 Mutual Aid Networks (MANS): Kait Ziegler of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival will share how she and GroundGamesLA raised $100,000 in a week’s time to support unprotected families during the Covid 19 early days by using the MANS format created by Stephanie Rearick of Madison Wisconsin.

Invitation and Registration are now open:How We Will 2020

The Central Regional Council Invite all to our Michaelmas Festival:
‘Courage born of Wisdom’
Wednesday 23 September 2020 – The Autumnal Equinox – 7:15 pm CDT – 8:30 pm
CRC performs a telling of a tale from ancient Chaldea where EA gives birth to Marduk, precursor to Michael.

then “Wisdom Build herself a house*”…7 members of the various sections of the Anthroposophical Society will stand as Wisdom’s 7 Pillars to share how Courage was born from Wisdom leading to their work in the world.

with a closing about the connection between Michael, The Christ & Anthroposophia!
FREE – Zoom details to follow
Joan d’Arc – The power behind the Will Michaelmas Festival 26-27 Sept. 2020

Save the Date for Our Michaelmas Festival & Youth Gathering Saturday 26 September 2 pm – 4 pm, Sunday 27 Sept. 2 pm – 4 pm
This years theme will be an exploration of Joan d’Arc…
Including a performance of ‘The Passage” by Lucian Dante Lazar

In person & online presentations on the theme of Joan of Arc
Details TBA
Sponsored by: The Rudolf Steiner Branch, Elderberries Biodynamic Outpost & 3-Fold Cultural Hub
for more info. contact Festivals coordinator Hazel Archer-Ginsberg