Sacred Time

15 February 2018 – Astro-Weather: New Moon (exact at 3:04 p.m. CST). The Moon partially eclipses the Sun for southern South America & much of Antarctica. (*See more below)


Under the feet of Orion & to the right of Sirius –  Lepus the Hare is hiding. Like Canis Major, this is a constellation with a connect-the-dots which looks like what it’s supposed to be – a crouching bunny, with his nose pointing lower right, his faint ears extending up toward Rigel (Orion’s western foot), & his body bunched to the left. His brightest two stars,  Beta & Alpha Leporis, form the front & back of his neck.


Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day


TODAY in 1924 Rudolf Steiner gave the 1st ‘First Class’ Lesson, restoring the ‘School of Spiritual Science’ as an esoteric institution in Dornach.


Gyen Boery

POD (Poem Of the Day)

~Thought finds form
All that is forgotten returns
Transformed in the doing
This moment marks a time
Like a black obsidian
Reflecting sunlight
Into my mind’s eye


*TODAY is the New Moon / Solar Eclipse in Aquarius occurring 3:06pm CST – visible in South America, including places in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, & Uruguay. The eclipse will also be visible from some areas of the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans.

Some folks are calling this a ‘Black Moon’ – What does that mean? It occurs every 19 years when the month of February has NO Full Moon, only a New moon. (Remember how January had a Blue Moon ie. 2 Full Moons in 1 month, well January stole February’s Full Moon!)

The Black Moon is defined by a materialistic, man-made calendar time, but it is on a 19-year cycle, the same length as an eclipse cycle. That imbues the 19-year Black Moon with the same energy as an eclipse, creating a double eclipse effect today.

The length of the cycle – 19 years – reveals a connection with the timeline of human destiny. (the moon’s nodes)

The last time we had a 19-year Black Moon was in 1999. The next time will be in 2037.

Because this eclipse is in the sign of Aquarius – the sign of revolution, & radical change, perhaps it plants a seed for society to break free of linear time.

Everyone alive today in the Western world were born into the Gregorian Calendar. We know our birthdates & have lived our lives according to Gregorian time. This 365-day calendar was decreed by Pope Gregory the 13th, on February 24, 1582. It has its roots in the Julian calendar, put into place by Julius Caesar in 45 AD.

So it makes sense to think that this Gregorian calendar carries the energy of the Roman Empire & The Roman Catholic Church.

Maybe this Black Moon Eclipse in Aquarius can be seen as an opportunity to perceive Time as a Spiritual Reality in preparation for the next cycle when it appears again in 2037.


Here is another excellent article by Johnathan Hilton of the Astrosophy Center 


Dear Friends –

Please contribute to our Vegetation Pot-Luck meal after the AGM to welcome new members Daniel Evaeus & Frank Agrama from Elderberries LA; & Angela & Patrick Foster, & their 2 children Penelope & Sophie, from Atlanta.

Frank, Daniel, Patrick, Chuck… will be doing some construction work in the Elderberries space Sunday Feb. 18th before & after the AGM; & all day on Monday Feb. 19th. Feel free to drop by & lend a hand – Or come by with a vegetarian meal for the workers!


The Rudolf Steiner Branch in Chicago needs the support of members and friends to carry out its work. Membership is not dependent on your financial situation. Contributions are based on a sliding scale. The Suggested rate is $50 annually. Please choose whatever amount that is right for you.

Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Rudolf Steiner Branch of Chicago – Sunday February 18th 2018 – 2 PM – 5 PM


* Calendar of the Soul Verse #47 Performed in Eurythmy by the Monday     

   Eurythmy Group led by Mary Ruud

* Group Eurythmy – Hallelujah

* Welcome: New members & those that have crossed the Threshold (Mihai) 

* Reading & approval of the minutes from the 2017 AGM (Kurt)

* Acting Presidents Report (Andrei)

* Treasurer’s Report (Chuck)

* Peer Space & Elderberries Update  (Daniel, Frank, Hazel)

* Introduction of Current Branch Council (Andrei Onegin, Kurt Estep,

   Hazel Archer- Ginsberg, Mihai Rosu, Chuck Ginsberg)

* Nominations of New Candidates for the Council (If you wish to nominate

   someone, please let that person know ahead of time)

* Discussion

* Election of the Branch Council

* Reports: Festivals; Programs Committee; Study Groups

* Discussion: Share your ideas for Festivals & Programs?

What will you contribute? Tasks at hand – Who will step up?

* Calendar of the Soul Verse #47 Performed in Eurythmy by the Monday      

    Eurythmy Group led by Mary Ruud

* Pot-Luck Meal & Social Time in the Elderberries Space


Rudolf Steiner Branch of The Anthroposophical Society, 4249 North Lincoln Avenue. Chicago, IL 60618 (map) Check out our Web site! Chicago, IL (Anthroposophical Society in America)

The newly renovated (& lazured) Elderberries 3-Fold Space is currently available for rental on PEER SPACE for classes, events, meetings, retreats, art exhibits, family parties, etc…








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