What is Spirit?
Spirit is a song…animating the center we all share…
Everywhere & nowhere, here & there
Spirit is a song…Find your center & sing along
Everywhere & nowhere, here & there
Spirit is a song…you sing your whole life long
Everywhere & nowhere, here & there
Spirit is your eternal song…One in time, Beyond time, for All time
Everywhere & nowhere, here & there
Sing your spirit song…Stir the life-force & you can’t go wrong
Everywhere & nowhere, here & there
With the 4 we’ve squared the circle…But to be the 5-pointed star you must add spirit
Everywhere & nowhere, here & there
What does spirit look like to you?
Where do you feel your connection to Spirit?
Open your center & find your line to source
Sing your own divine love song…& call it spirit by all Her many names
Sing your own divine love song…& call it spirit by all His many names
Sing your own divine love song…& call it spirit by all your many names
Everywhere & nowhere, here & there
We are all the container for spirit
If it has tools beyond our own bodies, minds & souls, they are circles, knot-workings, pentacles & all manner of interwoven connections to the love force…energy…pure…
Everywhere & nowhere, here & there
What song does spirit sing to you?…What song does spirit sing through you…?
What song will you sing to spirit?
Everywhere & nowhere, here & there
By Spirit is Peace & love attained, & through spirit both are shared
Everywhere & nowhere, here & there
O the mystery of Spirit…The Divine All
The Fifth Element,
The above & the below
Creator of the dark & the light
Open us to your wisdom
Embrace us, surround us
Move within, dance out
Teach us, change us, transform us !
Spirit is a song
& in Spirit we all belong
Welcome Spirit…Blessed Bee…
11 July 2022– “Speaking with the Stars”: Jupiter is a bright point of light in Cetus the Whale this morning, east of the Circlet of Pisces.
Sunrise: 5:41 A.M.
Sunset: 8:30 P.M.
Moonrise: 6:53 P.M.
Moonset: 3:04 A.M.
Moon Phase: Waxing gibbous (94%)
Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day (RSarchives)
ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY (Rudolf Steiner’s original Calendar of the Soul; The Free Social Encyclopedia)
The feast day of Nertha, ancient Germanic Goddess of the Earth
1767 – Birthday of John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States. He began his diplomatic career as the U.S. minister to the Netherlands in 1794, and served as minister to Prussia during the presidential administration of his father, the formidable patriot John Adams. After serving in the Massachusetts State Senate and the U.S. Senate, the younger Adams rejoined diplomatic service under President James Madison, helping to negotiate the Treaty of Ghent (1814), which ended the War of 1812. As secretary of state under James Monroe, Adams played a key role in determining the president’s foreign policy, including the famous Monroe Doctrine. John Quincy Adams went on to win the presidency in a highly contentious election in 1824, and served only one term. Outspoken in his opposition to slavery and in support of freedom of speech, Adams was elected to the House of Representatives in 1830; he would serve until his death in 1848. ~history.com
1864 – Birthday of Peter Deunov, Bulgarian spiritual master and teacher of esoteric Christianity in the early 20th century, is also known for his inspired musical compositions and as the inventor of the Paneurhythmy, a sacred dance of the Universal White Brotherhood. Beinsa Duono is his Bulgarian spiritual name.
In the Summer-tide dream –
Beauty dancing in the thunder Clouds
Meets Love where He waits.
Annual General Meeting with the Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society in America Saturday, July 16 in person at the Rudolf Steiner House in Ann Arbor & on zoom 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm PT / 5:30-6:30 CT / 6:30-7:30 pm ET / We hope all ASA members in the Central Region can attend the AGM portion. We will be bidding farewell to Alberto Loya, dedicated CRC member since 2009, & welcoming Mary Mertz onto the Council, as well as giving reports on 2020 and 2021. Before the AGM, on Saturday afternoon, ALL members & Friends are warmly invited to Join us for: Deepening the Grail: Our Parzival Quest and Question – An Experiential Workshop with The Central Regional Council In-person at the Rudolf Steiner House in Ann Arbor & on Zoom |
11:00 am – 2:00 pm PT / 1:00 – 4:00 pm Central / 2:00 – 5:00 pm Eastern / NO COST for attendees The Parzival Quest is calling to humanity at this time of the Consciousness Soul. Explore aspects of this Quest through narrative, biography work and movement, including techniques developed by artist and devout anthroposophist Michael Chekhov, with Lisa Dalton and the CRC crew. Then be our guests for supper, and join us for the Central Region’s Annual General meeting. Doors & Zoom Room open at 1:45 pm ET (all times are Eastern Time) – 2:00 pm – Welcome, singing, Chekhov movement, biography work 3:30 – 3:45 – Break 3:45 – 5:00 – Our Parzival Quest and Question 5:00 – Catered Dinner at the Rudolf Steiner House in Ann Arbor 6:30 – 7:30 PM ET – Annual Meeting – bring a memory of Alberto to share! The CRC: Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Lisa Dalton, Alberto Loya, working with Mary Mertz, and Michael Gratsch Please RSVP to Mary Mertz mary.mcginnis@juno.com Let us know whether you’ll be attending in person or via Zoom. To inquire about accommodations at the Rudolf Steiner House, contact Cynthia Chelius cynthia@anthroposophy.org Zoom meeting info (please note — passcode required) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86449905249 Meeting ID: 864 4990 5249 Passcode: 923117 |
Roots and Renewal – An online series hosted by the Regional Councils of the Anthroposophical Society in America
Join us for an exciting series where we will turn our attention toward the 100-year renewal and celebration of anthroposophy. On July 21 we will kick off the series and begin to mark significant milestones of this 100-year jubilee! We hope you will join the Eastern, Central, and Western Regional Councils as they host this engaging program.
What: An online series marking significant milestones in the 100-year renewal of anthroposophy
Where: Online through Zoom. Recordings will be shared via email.
When: July 21, 2022 at 3pm PT/ 4pm MT/ 5pm CT/ 6pm ET
Future dates are September 16 and October 16, 2022 *More details below
Contribution: Free! All donations are gratefully accepted to support the work of the regional councils.
SESSION 1: From Artemis to the Representative of Humanity and Beyond
July 21, 2022 at 3pm PT/ 4pm MT/ 5pm CT/ 6pm ET
Join the Regional Councils of the ASA to explore the connections between the burning of the Temple of Ephesus, the birth of Alexander the Great on 21 July 356 BC., and the burning of the 1st Goetheanum 100 years ago in 1922. This session will be enlivened with group eurythmy, singing, and break-out sessions. This session will be recorded and emailed after the live presentation.
We will be working with a compilation of Rudolf Steiner’s insights from these lectures:
+ World History in the Light of Anthroposophy – And as a Foundation for Knowledge of the Human Spirit, GA 233: Lecture IV, 27 December 1923 ~ Lecture V, 28 December 1923 ~ Lecture VIII, 31 December 1923, Dornach + The Easter Festival In Relation to the Mysteries, GA 233A, lecture IV. The Mysteries of Ephesus. The Aristotelian Categories, 22nd April, 1924, Dornach.
*More Detail TBA for SESSION 2 and 3!
SESSION 2: 100 years with the ‘Movement for Religious Renewal’ 16 September 1922 – 2022
A panel of Christian Community Priests from the Regions, including Rev. Craig Wiggins
September 16, 2022 at 3pm PT/ 4pm MT/ 5pm CT/ 6pm ET
SESSION 3: The Founding of ‘The Esoteric Youth Group’ 16 October 1922 – 2022
A snapshot into the biographies of the original members of the Circle. From The Esoteric School – Esoteric Lessons 1913-1923, in the collected works of Rudolf Steiner
October 16, 2022 at 3pm PT/ 4pm MT/ 5pm CT/ 6pm ET
“You know that among the many clichés which became current in the nineteenth century, it was said that the great pioneer of the nineteenth century closed his life by calling out to posterity: “More light!” As a matter of fact Goethe did not say “More light!” He lay on his couch breathing with difficulty and said: “Open the shutters!” That is the truth. The other is the cliché that has connected itself with it. The words Goethe really spoke are perhaps far more apt than the mere phrase “More light”. The state of things at the end of the nineteenth century does indeed arouse the feeling that our predecessors have closed the shutters. Then came the younger generation; they felt cramped; they felt that the shutters which the older generation had closed so tightly must be opened. Yes, my dear friends, I assure you that although I am old, I shall tell you more of how we can now attempt to open the shutters again.” ~ Rudolf Steiner – GA 217 – THE YOUNGER GENERATION – Lecture 1 – Dornach, 3 October 1922
Renewing the Mysteries:The Founding of The Christian Community & the Burning of the First Goetheanum Spring Valley, NY – August 8-13, 2022 REGISTER NOW!* lectures * artistic workshops * conversation * evening performances I will be offering a program on Tuesday 9 August for the Free Initiative 2:30 -3:30 pm ET |
Many anthroposophists have understood the 1923/24 Christmas Foundation Conference as constituting a renewal of the Mysteries. Nine months after the Christmas Conference, speaking to the priests of the Christian Community, Rudolf Steiner pointed to a sequence from the founding of the Christian Community in September 1922 to the burning of the Goetheanum at the end of that year to the Christmas Conference.In this 100th anniversary year of both the founding of the Christian Community and the burning of the Goetheanum, can an exploration of these events help us to understand the nature of the New Mysteries? The keynote speaker is Daniel Hafner, priest of the Christian Community. He will address this theme with a particular focus on the colored windows of the First Goetheanum. The Act of Consecration of Man will be celebrated during the week and there will also be a Class Lesson for members of the School of Spiritual Science. Venue: SPRING VALLEY, NY, Threefold Community, and The Christian Community *REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND THIS EVENT: A conference on the scale currently planned requires that a minimum number of participants register by July 20th. INFO OR QUERIES: Rev. Paul Newton paulknewton@msn.com (845) 517-4101 Sponsored by The Christian Community Spring Valley Area and the Threefold Branch of the Anthroposophical Society |
I like your concluding thought in your opening article, “Welcome Spirit – Blessed Bee”. Bee that she is, Spirit gathers nectar from many and varied places and plants and makes sweet honey of it, honey which pleases the gods as much as we are pleased to enjoy the labors of our blessed honeybees.
Beautiful…And the Bee is an emissary for the Sun Spirit – Sweet indeed