Greetings Dear Friends on this Feast Day of Lazarus-John
“An initiation is veiled by the story of Lazarus in the Gospel of St. John. It has never been understood except by those who knew from their esoteric schools what was concealed behind it. When Christ was informed that Lazarus was ill, He replied: ‘The sickness is not unto death, but that the God in him should be made manifest!’ It means that the Christ-divinity shall be made manifest in and through Lazarus.
Remember that when there was question of the ‘life’ that had fled from Lazarus, and which the sisters Martha and Mary longed to have restored,
Christ answers: ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life!’ The life was to return to Lazarus.
Lazarus meantime beheld the spiritual world. And inasmuch as Christ is the leader of that spiritual world, Lazarus had been filled with the Christ-power and the vision of Christ. Christ poured out His power upon Lazarus and Lazarus arose a new man.
A word in St. John’s Gospel arrests our attention. It is said that the Lord ‘loved’ Lazarus. The same word is used for the disciple ‘whom the Lord loved’.
What does this mean? The Akashic records reveal this to us. Who was Lazarus after he had risen from the dead? He was none other than the writer of the Gospel of St. John, the Lazarus who was initiated by Christ.
Christ poured into the soul of Lazarus the tidings of His own existence, so that the message of the fourth Gospel — the Gospel of St. John — might resound through the world as a description of Christ’s own being. This is also why the disciple John is not mentioned in the Gospel before the story of Lazarus. The individuality of Lazarus had been transformed into the John-individuality, in the sense of the Christian initiation.
Lazarus became an initiate in the new sense of the word, though the old forms were retained in a measure, a transition was created from the old to the new initiation.”
~Rudolf Steiner – The Gospel of St. John Lecture 7
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Saturday March 28
10:30 am – 12 noon, study of Easter, Rudolf Steiner’s Watercolor Painting.
For more information, contact Carolyn Arnett at (773) 539-3688
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Our Holy Week Study starts:
Sunday March 29th, Palm Sunday, 2:00 – 4:00pm
The old Sun – Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem – The Prophesy fulfilled
Group Eurythmy: Hallelujah in the ‘Lamb of God Heptagram’ with Johanna Rohde
Study of Emil Bock’s “Holy Week”, A Spiritual Guide from Palm Sunday to Easter
If you would like a copy of the text, or for more information,
Contact Hazel Archer Ginsberg
Holy Monday March 30th, (Rudolf Steiner’s death day) 7–8pm*
Holy Tuesday March 31st, 7-8pm*
Holy Wednesday April 1st, 7-8pm*
At the Rudolf Steiner Branch, 4249 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL 60618
Group Eurythmy: Hallelujah in the ‘Lamb of God Heptagram’ with Johanna Rohde
Study of Emil Bock’s “Holy Week, A Spiritual Guide from Palm Sunday to Easter”
*Followed by an optional ‘Close of Day’ at 8:15pm at theChristian Community 2135 W. Wilson
Maundy Thursday, 6pm ‘Silent Supper’, Study 7pm at the Christian Community 2135 W. Wilson
Good Friday, Study 7pm followed by “The Judas Drama” at 8:15pm with Music &Eurythmy
at the Christian Community 2135 W. Wilson
A Cosmic Recapitulation of the Mystery of Golgotha
April 4th, Holy Saturday (Full Lunar Eclipse) 5:00am – 7:00am at the Branch
Group Eurythmy: Hallelujah in the ‘Lamb of God Heptagram’ withJohanna Rohde
The Inner layers of the Earth, & the Spiritual Significance of Eclipses by Hazel Archer Ginsberg
“The Golden Legend” – Leading into an Artistic Exploration of the Rose Cross Meditation
Group Study of Emil Bock’s “Holy Week” for Holy Saturday
April 5th, Easter Sunday 2:00 – 4:00pm at the Branch
Group Eurythmy: Hallelujah in the ‘Lamb of God Heptagram’ withJohanna Rohde
The Legend of Shambhalla by Richard Dancey
Singing, Group Study of Emil Bock’s “Holy Week” for Easter Sunday
Two Eurythmy Performances by the Midwest Eurythmy Group:
The “Calendar of the Soul” Verse for Easter, Featuring Speech ArtistChrista Macbeth
And The “Hallelujah”
A pot-luck feast to follow