Greetings friends as we stand with the still Sun after the Solstice. Last night at our celebration, next to the bonfire, while stirring the crystal essence of the 501 silica prep, we honored the power of our Daystar Sun, blessing the elemental beings living in all kingdoms, & called up the archetype of the ‘Good Father’ for Father’s Day. Folks went around speaking qualities, & we sent those energies into the stir.

We asked: What does it mean to be a ‘good’ human being? Specifically what it can mean to be ‘a good man’? – To celebrate the masculine part of ourselves in balance with the feminine qualities. How can a good man be a good father, a Shepard & role-model for an effective future?
Every culture has its own history of storytelling – of how the world came to be, which informs what the world will become. This is how social norms should be formed, not thru the distorted lens of the screen, or history written by the conquers. To tell the children stories of our past, we pass on our history. This must include a range of archetypes that live within the ‘good man’:

King – Warrior – Magician – Lover.
Qualities of the benevolent King: Inspire, Leadership, Strategic, Vision, Wisdom, Decisive, Lead, Judgement, Charismatic, Benevolence, Integrity, Influencer, Empowering, Risk Taker, Humility, Authority, Order and Structure, Blessing…I particularly love the idea of “blessing”. A King who gives a blessing bestows upon us the right to go forward & make the best most valuable use of our own talents. This does not inhibit anyone’s ability to freely create & work for the greater good. Additionally, this blessing is a recognition of the skills to get the job done. “Authority” must come from within.
The Protector/Warrior: Courageous, Strength, Discipline, Determined, Reliable, Focused, Tactics, Work Achievement, Endurance, Loyalty, Service… The best warriors are those who are courageous – rather than fearless; reliable & loyal rather than seeking to be leaders. The Warrior has total focus on implementing the required tactics to accomplish the strategy set by their leader King/Queen. Strength & endurance needs to be physical, mental & emotional. Their characteristic quality of service enhances their sense of duty in fulfilling the tasks set by their King/Queen.
Magician: Wisdom, Intuition, Perception, Insight, Knowledge, Mysticism, Power , Respected, Gifts, Mentor…The Magician can be a teacher bestowing knowledge, & understanding to better ‘know thyself’. This is empowering to others & brings out the ‘magic’ in them. In cultural myth, the Magician seeks knowledge not for its own sake, but so that they may better understand, serve & mentor. Many Magicians have a personal gift: music, art, speech, charisma, that they can use to widen their own abilities to enhance the lives of others rather than for personal gain.
The Lover: Genuine, Compassion, Affectionate, Caring, Empathy, Altruistic, Open, Honest, Trustworthy, Beauty, Vitality, Celebration, Merciful…The archetypal Lover shares powerful qualities that enhance & improve the lives of others. It is the energy & power for living that the Lover brings to the world. Their appreciation for the beauty they see around them is an inspiration to others. The earth, the sky, the passing breeze. The Lover takes the moments of beauty seen in the smile of a child, or an old lady, & makes sure that moment is not missed. Celebration is the quality of being able to stop, breathe, look around & see what joy there is, in life. The Lover knows how to comfort & sustain.

Everyone took turns creating the vortex & chaos of the prepstir. We were also blessed by some musicians, Fuji & Marshel who played 12 string guitar & mandolin; we even sang a few old Chicago blues songs. No one wanted to stop stirring even after the hour had come & gone. More folks arrived after dark who wanted to add their energy to the mix. When a few fat rain drops fell we kept up the fire & the stir continued. The air was heavy & the heavens were rumbling, as lightning flashed. The storm held off for another hour; & conveniently when everything was cleared away, & there were just a few of us by the fire, the clouds finally burst. What a thrill – It was one of those tremendous thunder & lightning – tornado watch – Summer storms – that the Heartland is famous for. Glorious.
Blessings on the Earth & all her kingdoms, & blessings on all who embody the Good Father!

‘Preparing the Way’ an experiential St. John’s-Tide Festival
23 June 2021, Doors open at 5:30 pm with a Potluck –
Program from 7 – 8:30 pm
In-person at the Rudolf Steiner Branch 4248 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, 60618
Singing – Elizabeth Kelly
Group discussion – Hazel Archer
Spatial Dynamics – Deborah Rogers
Art – Mary Spalding
For more info. contact Cultural Events & Festivals Coordinator Hazel Archer

St. John the Baptist and Uriel the Archangel of Summer –
An Experiential online Festival with Geoff Norris, Elizabeth Carlson, Lisa Dalton, Lucien Dante Lazar, Hazel Archer
Sunday 27 June 2021 on Zoom:
Noon – 1:30 pm PT / 1 – 2:30 pm MT / 2 pm – 3:30 pm CT / 3 – 4:30 pm ET /
8 – 9:30 pm London Time / 9 – 10:30 pm CET
Metanoia – Can you hear the voice of conscience? – Make straight the path, for at the fullness of Summer, the light is so bright that it leaves no room for the shadow, a time to remember what St. John said “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Musicial Performance by Lucien Dante Lazar
Speech – Geoffrey Norris
Eurythmy- Elizabeth Carlson
Living into St. John’s-Tide – Lisa Dalton
Leading Thoughts – Hazel Archer
Hazel Archer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: St. John’s
Time: Jun 27, 2021 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 705 293 1041
Passcode: Uriel
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/a961qZZhF
For more info. contact Cultural Events & Festivals Coordinator Hazel Archer Hazel@reverseritual.com