100 years ago today

Nazaha Hosenbocus

~Time stands still
Then rolls backward
I wake to my soul
Entering my body
The curtain of serpents parts
A veil
In the worlds illusion
I seem
to remember to forget
& then the dream
Awakens me

Happy Birthday to the Christian Community, founded on this day 100 year ago TODAY in 1922!

Here is an account by Rudolf Steiner: “At the end of September and beginning of October 1921, there assembled at the Goetheanum a number of German theological students who bore in their hearts the impulse for a religious renewal in the Christian sense. The work that was begun then found its fulfilment in September 1922.

The hours spent with these students, in the small hall of the south wing – the very spot where later the fire was first discovered (The Goetheanum was destroyed by arson on the New Year’s Night 1922 – 1923.) – were for me an experience that I cannot but reckon as one of the solemn festivals of my life. There, in company with a group of men and women fired with a noble enthusiasm it was possible to enter on the path that carries the knowledge of the spirit into religious experience.” ~Rudolf Steiner on the founding of The Christian Community. From “Growing Point – The Story of the Foundation of The Christian Community” by Alfred Heidenreich~

The celebration of the first Act of Consecration of Man (the Christian Community Mass) constituted the birth of The Christian Community on 16 September 1922 in Dornach, Switzerland, guided into being through the immeasurable & selfless help of Dr. Rudolf Steiner, whose science of the spirit – Anthroposophy, has become a central source of renewal in the most varied fields of life. Waldorf Education, Eurythmy, Bio-dynamic Agriculture, The Camphill Movement for the care of people with special needs, Anthroposophical Medicine, etc. all bear witness to this.

Dr. Steiner’s assistance came in response to earnest questions from a group of German Lutheran theologians, including the eminent Berlin minister Dr. Friedrich Rittelmeyer, seeking appropriate Christian forms & content for the religious life of our time.

The Christian Community is not the ‘anthroposophists’ church’, although it is the only Christian church whose priests recognize the wisdom of Anthroposophy as a decisive aid for the broadening & renewal of the religious life in our time.

The Christian Community is an international movement with approximately 350 congregations in 27 countries. Each congregation is financially independent & is carried by voluntary contributions & donations from members and friends. Supporting the work of the congregations on an international level is The Foundation of the Christian Community made up of priests & lay-people. The priesthood has at its center a group called the Circle of Seven who stand responsible for all the priestly work world-wide. At the center of this Circle of Seven stands the Erzoberlenker, currently Rev. João Torunsky.

After taking root mainly in Europe until WWII, The Christian Community then spread to the other continents. The first North American congregation was founded in New York City in 1948. Since that time, it has expanded to 14 communities throughout North America served by one or more full time priests. ~thechristiancommunity.org

Here in Chicago we are blessed to have the Lenker for North America, Craig Wiggins; along with Rev. Jeana Lee

Some newly ordained Priests

From Rudolf Stiener to the Priests: “My dear friends, take this into your souls: the Act of Consecration is to become alive. Through this you will earn the right to place yourselves in the earth’s becoming and through the Act of Consecration be present within the earth’s becoming. Then may you express the following truth: If this Act of Consecration is not performed then the earth will waste away and remain without nourishment. It would be just as if no plants would grow. Plants grow in the physical world; the Act of Consecration of Man must grow in the spiritual realm. If it was not enacted there on this higher level it would be the same as if on the lower level of the physical earth no plants would grow. A human-being only has the right to say this when he or she succeeds in continuously enlivening the Act of Consecration so that this self-expressed word ‘human-being’ has been achieved in the correct manner and being and weaving, within the earthly existence, through achieving the three steps of inner soul development…” ~COURSE FOR PRIESTS OF THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY, GA 345, Lecture III
13 July 1923, Stuttgart

16 September 2022 – “Speaking with the Stars”

Lectures by Rudolf Steiner on this date


The “Cognitive Ritual” of Anthroposophia – Living into the New Mysteries with~Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

FRIDAY 23 SEPTEMBER 2022Front Range Anthroposophical Cafe6 pm PT, 7 pm MT, 8 pm CT, 9 pm ET

When Rudolf Steiner founded the ‘New Mysteries’ thru Anthroposophia at the Christmas Conference of 1923-24, he laid the foundation on earth for a new cultus”, which had been part of the Michael School in the Super-sensible world during the 18th & 19th Centuries. He referred to this practical aspect of the New Mysteries as: the “Cognitive Ritual”, the “Ritual of Knowledge”, the “Spiritual Communion of Humanity”, the “Cosmic Communion”, the “World Ritual”, the “Reverse Ritual, or “the “Cosmic Ritual”. How is it different from the Sacramental Communion? And why is it important for us today?

Sophie Takata

You are invited: Saturday/Sunday 24-25 September 2022
The BDANC Fall Michaelmas Gathering
hosted Gloria Decater at Live Power Community Farm, Covelo

*Honoring the Cow
*Honoring the Elementals – 
with Hazel Archer Ginsberg 
*Hands on prep making 
with Harald Hoven
*The Evolution of Biodynamic Legacy Farms – Old farms that need new farmers – Round table discussion with Gloria Decater and Chuck Ginsberg

*Bridging Heaven and Earth through Singing, Storytelling and Biography Work with Hazel Archer Ginsberg

 The Michaelmas 2022 Bridging Project at Live Power Farm

We will work in conscious community to connect beyond the threshold for the future evolution of the Earth. Spiritual Science brings us many teachings on communicating with the ‘so-called dead’, working with the spiritual hierarchies, & coming to know the Christ as the meaning of the Earth.  We can learn what our beloved dead & the unborn can teach us about what it means to be human in a spiritual sense here on Earth.

*Discussion about Sequential Spraying for Drought Remediation with Michael Aldinger
*Catered dinner

*Eurythmy  –  with Cynthia Hoven 
*Anthroposophical Salon – with Hazel Archer Ginsberg and Nancy Poer

For details, accommodations, meal reservations and schedule see www.bdanc.org 

Live Power Community Farm is a seasoned, long-time biodynamic farm whose farming family have passed through many seasons of soul, soil and spirit.  Gloria Decater, whose husband Stephen crossed the threshold last year, is currently in the process of exploring how the future incarnation of this living farm individuality needs to evolve.  Although the CSA aspect of the farm is on hold right now, Gloria has been continuing to host educational activities for children and adults.

PURCHASING PREPARATIONS: Preps must be ordered at least three days in advance – by Sept 21st – to be picked up at the meeting. These BD preparations are hand made by groups of BDANC practitioners on various BD farms around NORCAL. Supervision and distribution by Harald Hoven.

Horn Manure (500)                                        $5 members/$7 non-members

Horn Silica (501)                                             $3 members/$4 non-members

Compost Prep Set (502-507)                       $18 members/$21 non-members

Compost Prep (Barrel Compost) $5 members/$7 non-members

Contact Harald Hoven – Phone: (916) 837-8776 Email: hhoven@att.net

“From Gondishapur to Covid-19 and the 4th Industrial Revolution” with Richard Ramsbotham

Sun, Sep 25 at 3:00pm EST

How are our modern day approaches to pandemics, technology advancements and governments influenced by thinking impulses originating in The Academy of Gondishapur?

Register here: 


Richard Ramsbotham was born in Northumberland in 1962. After attending Cambridge University and Emerson College he taught literature at Warsaw University (1989-1993) and then trained at the Artemis School of Speech and Drama. Since then he has worked as a teacher, lecturer, writer and theatre director. He is the author of ‘Who Wrote Bacon? Shakespeare, Bacon and James 1’; ‘An Exact Mystery – the Poetic Life of Vernon Watkins’; several plays and many articles on cultural, historical and current themes (e.g. 9/11 and Covid-19). He has also translated and directed Rudolf Steiner’s 4 Mystery Dramas. He is the co-founder of Fourfold Living Arts, an initiative bringing together the performing arts with the exploration of important cultural and current themes.


Shining a Light into the Darkness

Path of Knowledge inner development is itself a process of shining light into the darkness. 

As social challenges are intensifying, we are called upon more urgently to develop new capacities in understanding the human being, nature and medicine in wholeness. This series will focus on historical thinking influences which still darkly affect the soul of every modern human being.

Because we see everywhere today that the “light shines into the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not”, what is our response to the recognition of darkness which lives within the thinking of each of us?

This series is open to all who study anthroposophy.

Proceeds will benefit anthroposophic organizations worldwide.

Register here for all talks: 


“From Gondishapur to Covid-19 and the 4th Industrial Revolution”
Richard Ramsbotham

“The Lives of Francis Bacon and the Anvil of Scientific Materialism”
Richard Ramsbotham

“Jesuitism, Bolshevism, and Americanism”
Rev. Patrick Kennedy

“Kaspar Hauser: Understanding his Task as Related to the World Today. How Does our Time Reflect the Events of the 19th Century and Transform Them?” Richard Steel

“Living Picture Imaginations: Healing from the Effects of Propaganda”
Dennis Klocek

“Overcoming Materialistic Thinking: Anthroposophic Pharmacy as a Modern Rosicrucian – Alchemical Path” Albert Schmidli

“What is Christianized Thinking in Medicine? Illness and Healing as Threshold Experiences“ Michaela Gloeckler, MD

“After Auschwitz. Reflections on the Future of Medicine and Society”
Peter Selg, MD

SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 2023 / 3PM EST
“Meeting Christ in the Etheric in Response to the Challenges of Our Times”
James Dyson, MD

2 thoughts on “100 years ago today

  1. Dear Hazel,
    Thank you for putting the spotlight on The Christian Community today! I had the privilege of celebrating part of the day with my Lenker colleagues just outside of Munich and then in the evening with our congregation in Vienna.

    I just wanted to offer one small but important correction:

    At the center of this Circle of Seven stands the Erzoberlenker, currently Rev. João Torunsky.

    Blessings! 🌻☀️🌻

    1. How wonderful! This movement for Religious Renewal is so vibrant & relivant today thanks to you & your dedicated colleagues.
      Bless you.

      Thanks for the correction, imprtant to note! xox

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