3 Marys/Francis Bacon/pod/7th stage

Marys 3 Jacopo_PontormoJacopo Pontarmo

Today is the birthday of Mary Cleophas, who was at the crucifixion with Mary Magdalen & Mary the mother of Jesus.

francis bacon stage 773Stage 773

It is also the death day of Francis Bacon 1626. In Karmic Relationships Steiner indicates that in a former life he was, Harun al Rashid.

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veil Die Kuppel vom GoetheanummDie Kappel vom Goetheaum

POD (Poem Of the Day)

~ I’ve seen pain shed

Piled up like thin worn out husks

Skin cast off at the door of the tomb

These burn up, their ashes fall

& are carried to the stream of unknowing

They form a slit in the river that grows food

A true life ended nourishes another


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resurrection el grecoEl Greco

The 7th Stage: (Part 8 of the 12 part series) Encountering the Inner Layers of the Earth as a Rosicrucian/Christian Initiation, in relation to the Beatitudes and the 9-fold human being.

The Resurrection is the sublime consequence of the journey into hell. It is a sublime experience achieved through sacrifice.  At this stage the initiate acquires the power of healing.

It correlates to the 7th layer of the inner earth called Earth Mirror or Mirror Earth. It is even more sensitive to human influences than the Fire Earth above it. It is like a prism which decomposes everything reflected in it & brings to expression its polar counterpart.

“It reflects as reversed morality all that is good.”   

It is up to human beings to transform the forces of this layer into moral healing forces. When humanity has advanced enough to engender the highest sacrifice (the mystic death) then everything a-moral in this Mirror Earth will be overcome, & transformed into right relationship.

The 7th Beatitude shows us the way:  “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.”

The Sermon on the Mount now rises to the Spirit-Self.

Here humanity no longer works alone; at this stage of evolution we must appeal to the divine Spiritual worlds, which, through Christ, have been brought into connection with the earth.

In former times, strife & disharmony entered humanity through the ego-nature, as it still does today- but in the future, peace will be poured out over the earth through the Christ-Impulse. And those who take up the Christ-Impulse will become the founders of this peace, which in the future will gradually develop as Spirit-Self.

In a new sense we will become ‘children of God’, because we will consciously bring into the world the spirit from the Spiritual Realms.

Steiner’s Beatitude: “Blessed are they who bring peace — or harmony into the world; for they shall be the children of God!”  

This completes the 7-fold human being.

Where will the next stage take us?

Until soon

Blessings & Peace –

~hag = Hazel Archer Ginsberg 

saturn seal color!Rudolf Steiner


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