POD (Poem Of the Day)
~Behold the eye that holds you…
Without hands it made life…
You will be Her hands…
Sing & She will sing thru you…
Your work is Her will…if what you make,
Your body, your love, your peace – is good, it will endure…
When the eye opens wink back…

Listen into Breathe on the ‘I Think Speech‘ Podcast

I am ever searching for the spiritual significance behind world events. I have been thinking about how the corona crisis has made us catch our breath – has literally stopped our breath & endangered our collective heart. And seeks to modify our very humanness by altering the RNA in our blood.

Finding the connections between ourselves & the world situation, let us breathe into our lungs knowing that with this breath we take in spiritual life forces that stimulate the warmth & life in our blood, enabling us to be, to think, to feel.
Then when we breathe out – into the world – we are filling the atmosphere with the concepts of our being, of our thoughts & feeling life.

Are we sharing into the ethers enlivened life forces of light, love & warmth? – Or are we breathing out fearful death forces, cold hard unconscious darkness…?

It is in this etheric realm of the life-body which we all share, that The Christ is, either vivified by our conscious breathing of light; or crucified, again & again, thru our materialistic thoughts, cold feelings, & heartless actions. This has repercussions on our human etheric bodies, which can either bring health, or eventually cause a death in our physical body; & with it kill the possibility of receiving a consciousness of Christ. Can we see that what is happening in the world is meant to lead us to how can we resurrect this true living consciousness?

I am coming to see that the impulse of Love, is a conscious breathing out -which brings us into unification with the etheric world. Breathing out with intention gives us a sense of freedom. Can we make it a selfless offering – connected to the future? Can it help us live into our Destiny? Will we come to the Wedding that unifies us with higher beings in the spiritual worlds – a re-union in life – like what we experience in sleep, & in death.

Breathing in brings us to our Self. Taking an in-breath connects us to ‘necessity’, which is a past impulse, that awakens us to a consciousness of our Karma. With our 1st breath, we enter life. In rhythmical breathing we are aligned with the cosmos, which connects us with the moral memory of our time before birth, & a feeling for what we need to do to be better human beings. We also have a chance to do this every morning when we wake up.

When we think about breathing, it brings us from the point to the periphery, from the self to the universe – an active expansion into the all & a contraction back to the point of union . We can’t try & mask the fact that human beings must share the air. We breathe each other in, & are called to meet in the sphere of formative forces where we can discover the Christ living in the space between breaths, in the all-space between heart beats. Here we are asked to transform our ‘necessity’- based on an unfree past – our personal & collective karma – into a right relationship, which can be expressed as the morality of the gods. This animates Love, which is essential for Freedom, creating a destiny, where the perception & reception of our oneness with the higher worlds is our future.
Can we become ever more conscious of what fills our heart with warmth – with unselfish thinking – to move out thru our feeling, enthusing a life-affirming will for good? – Let us make the intention to let the Spirit sing & speak thru our Breath.

This spiritualizes our breathing which can become The Word invoking the Holy Spirit; to live as ‘Christ in me’, to live, from the place of the higher “I”.

13 January 2021- “Speaking with the Stars”: Today’s might be just another Wednesday in the Gregorian calendar, but it is the last day of the year by the old Julian calendar, which was first introduced to the world by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C. Today is the Julian New Year, sometimes called the Old New Year or the Orthodox New Year.

(“Twentieth Day Yule”), or Tjugondag Knut (“Twentieth Day Knut”), a traditional festival celebrated in Sweden & Finland on 13 January. Christmas trees are taken down on Tjugondag jul, & the candies &cookies that decorated the tree are eaten. In Sweden, the feast held during this event is called a Knut’s party (Julgransplundring, literally “Christmas tree plundering”)

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day

“History is a cyclic poem written by time upon the memories of the human being”. ~Percy Bysshe Shelley

1090 – Birthday of Bernard of Clairvaux, Mystic, Theologian, Co-Founder of the Order of the Templars

1497 – Deathday of St. Veronica of Milan. Being very poor & having no formal education, she attempted to teach herself to read. While making this effort one night, the Virgin Mary appeared to Veronica, & taught her in the form of three mystical letters: The first signified purity of intention; the second, abhorrence of murmuring or criticism; the third, daily meditation on the Passion. By the first she learned to begin her daily duties for no human motive, but for God alone; by the second, to carry out what she had begun by attending to her own affairs, never judging her neighbor, but praying for those who did wrong; by the third she was enabled to forget her own pains & sorrows in those of her Lord, & to weep hourly, but silently, over the memory of His wrongs.
Veronica became accustomed to nearly constant apparitions & religious ecstasies. She saw scenes from the life of Christ, yet these never interrupted her work. She joined an Augustinian lay order at the convent of Saint Martha in Milan at the age of 22. This community was very poor; Veronica’s job was to beg in the streets of the city for food.
She received a vision of Christ in 1494, & was given a message for Pope Alexander VI, so she traveled to Rome to deliver it. After a six-month illness, Veronica died on the date she had predicted, 13 January 1497.
1915 – The Avezzano earthquake shakes the Province of L’Aquila in Italy with a maximum intensity of XI (Extreme), killing over 32,610 people.
2001 – An earthquake hits El Salvador, killing more than 1800
The Karma Project Manifestations of Karma Study Group January 13, 2021 – 7:15 pm Central (8:15 pm Eastern) |
![]() “… So when that which otherwise would be produced by the regular forces of the Earth is destroyed, a correction is brought about which on the whole works beneficially – even though man cannot see it at first – because there is a higher reason at work than can be perceived by man. When the hail drives down into the fields, we can say that on the old Moon these forces which work in the hail were the regular ones, just as those are that work beneficially today in rain and sunshine; but no they rush in order to correct that which otherwise would be produced by the luciferic influence. And when the regular course is re-established, they rush in again to effect further correction. Everything that leads to further progressive evolution belongs to the forces of the Earth itself.“~Rudolf Steiner, Manifestations of Karma, Chapter 7, “Karma in Relation to the Forces of Nature, Volcanic Eruptions, Earthquakes and Epidemics”, Hamburg, 22 May, 1910 … focus of the January 13 meeting. The lecture can be found online at the RS Archive (eLib) by clicking this link: https://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA120/English/RSP1984/19100522p01.htmlThe Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society in America invites you to join our ongoing study conversation. The study has been divided among four volunteers who will summarize their section to rebuild it as a foundation for our conversation. Please familiarize yourself with the lecture if possible so you will feel comfortable sharing your reflections and thoughts with the group.This collection of lectures has been republished by Rudolf Steiner Press under the title: “Manifestations of Karma.” This book is a translation from German of Die Offenbarung des Karma (Ga 120), published in English by Rudolf Steiner Press in 1996. This will be a “Zoom” conference call allowing us an opportunity to see one another while conversing (or audio only if you prefer). To connect to the audio/video-conference: Video Conference Details: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85492572055 Meeting ID: 854 9257 2055 One tap mobile +13017158592,,81116556762# US (Germantown) +13126266799,,81116556762# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 854 9257 2055 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kclU2SSTF If you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya aloyavaca@utexas.edu |
Agenda for our Study Call 7:15 Welcome and Introductions 7:18 Verse 7:25 Study led by five volunteers Note: CRC team will ID volunteers Mary – pg. 126 to 130 Hazel – pg. 131 to 136 Stefano – pg. 136 to 141 Lindy – pg. 141 to end 8:05 Conversation 8:28 Close with verse Destiny I bear within me what has Been I feel within me what is Becoming In willing, I carry both toward the Future Faith looks upon what has Been And is founded upon Truth Trust looks upon what will be And is founded upon Hope Love Embraces Here and Now Eternal Becoming Eternal Being ~Rudolf Steiner |