Greetings friends – All my current essay’s are now being posted on Substack. I hope to see you there…xox

Whenever I reach a Turning Point in my life-stream – I step in. Bringing ‘Biography Work’ into this Conscious Threshold experience shows the flow from the past swirling into the now – conveying clarity into connectivity. And from the analysis of the rhythmic tides, the glacial overview emerges. Slow-motion waves cresting & ebbing, spilling & pooling – exposing a new perception of the undercurrents.
O look – the future flux is rising up in the Wellsprings of my Soul – becoming a welcoming ocean of possibility.

I think about my deep immersion in:
1) The 1st Class of the Michael School of Spiritual Science – working in me to transform my astral body into Spirit-Self.
2) The Consecration of my humanness as I serve at the altar of the Christian Community – opening me to my Higher “I” & the New-Group-Soul in Christ.
3) My daily meditative rhythm as a dedicated member of the Esoteric Kries – to create a New kind of Social-Working imprinting the inner planes with spiritual imaginative impulses.
Bringing these 3 aspects together in my life has led me to the revelation – the duty – to take what was given to us in the Ancient Mysteries – renewed & transmitted 100 years ago by the great Initiate Rudolf Steiner – further – into the New Rosicrucian Mysteries of the 2nd Class of the Free High School for Spiritual Science – this working transforms etheric body into Life-Spirit.
This is the task at hand for humanity – to consciously meet the Being of Christ in the Etheric.

The Misraim Dienst=Service, gives us a modern ritual-working that reveals & galvanizes the revelations that flowed out of the imaginations of the Supersensible School of Michael at the end of the 18th & 19th Centuries. Activating the Reverse Cultus now, but this time – here on earth.
Hella Wiesberger reports that in a letter Marie Steiner von Sivers mentions: “In Class II much of what he had given us in the Mystica Aeterna (the esoteric group working with the cognitive rituals of the Memphis-Misraim Service) would flow into it imaginatively.
And that in Class III this would have been transformed into moral strength.”

The adversarial powers working thru the Jesuits of the Roman Church & the Dark Occult Brotherhoods saw the power of this combination of 1st Class, Christian Community & the Misraim Dienst. Their Jealousy burnt down the 1st Goetheanum & shortened the life of Rudolf Steiner.
That reside lingers & has infected many with unconscious fear, disallowing the right relationships to unfold, & fostering an unwillingness to take Spiritual Science into the New Mysteries.
But friends, as we stand now at the Centennial of the Re-founding of Anthroposophy, we cannot let the destruction of the adversarial beings, or the mistakes of past, keep us from moving forward. We must bring the Imaginations, fired up in the Michael School & thru the burning, down from the ethers into the actions of a New Mystica Aeterna in America.
Let us keep looking Above & Below the surface – Into the Heights & Depths, the Center & the Periphery, with open-mindedness, in the endeavoring to Know ThySelf…

P.S. FYI: These essays are now coming to you via the platform Substack, connected to the domain name Cognitive Ritual,
with my new email

20 October 2023 – “Speaking with the Stars”: We won’t be able to see Occult Mercury, reach superior conjunction at 1 A.M. CDT. But this Wandering Planet will become an evening star visible after sunset in November.

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day

1512 – Martin Luther becomes a doctor of theology

1781 – At Yorktown, Virginia, representatives of British commander Lord Cornwallis handed over Cornwallis’ sword & formally surrendered to George Washington & the comte de Rochambeau. The Revolutionary War Ends

1805 – Napoleonic Wars: Austrian General Mack surrenders his army to the Grande Armée of Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Ulm. 30,000 prisoners are captured & 10,000 casualties inflicted on the losers
1812 – Napoleon Bonaparte retreats from Moscow
1813 – The Battle of Leipzig concludes, giving Napoleon Bonaparte one of his worst defeats

1893 – Deathday of Lucy Stone, a prominent American orator, abolitionist, & suffragist, & a vocal advocate & organizer promoting rights for women. In 1847, Stone became the first woman from Massachusetts to earn a college degree. She spoke out for women’s rights & against slavery at a time when women were discouraged & prevented from public speaking. Stone was known for using her maiden name after marriage.
Stone’s organizational activities for the cause of women’s rights yielded tangible gains in the difficult political environment of the 19th century. Stone helped initiate the first National Women’s Rights Convention in Worcester, Massachusetts & she supported & sustained it annually, along with a number of other local, state & regional activist conventions. She assisted in establishing the Woman’s National Loyal League to help pass the Thirteenth Amendment & thereby abolish slavery, after which she helped form the American Woman Suffrage Association AWSA, which built support for a woman suffrage Constitutional amendment by winning woman suffrage at the state & local levels.
In the long-running & influential Woman’s Journal, a weekly periodical that she founded & promoted, Stone aired both her own & differing views about women’s rights. Called “the orator”, the “morning star” & the “heart & soul” of the women’s rights movement, Stone influenced Susan B. Anthony to take up the cause of women’s suffrage. Elizabeth Cady Stanton wrote that “Lucy Stone was the first person by whom the heart of the American public was deeply stirred on the woman question.”

1897 – Deathday of George Pullman, an American engineer & industrialist. He designed & manufactured the Pullman sleeping car & founded a enslaving ‘company town’ for the workers who manufactured it.
During an 1894 downturn in manufacturing demand, he lowered wages & required workers to spend longer hours at the plant, but did not lower prices of rents & goods in his company town. He gained presidential support by Grover Cleveland for the use of federal military troops which left 30 strikers dead in the violent suppression of workers there to end the Pullman Strike of 1894. A national commission was appointed to investigate the strike, which included assessment of operations of the company town. In 1898 the Supreme Court of Illinois ordered the Pullman Company to divest itself of the town which became a neighborhood of the city of Chicago

1902 – Founding of the German Section of the Theosophical Society in Belin with Rudolf Steiner as the General Secretary

1915 – J.P. Morgan arranges the biggest foreign loan in history – a $500 million war loan to Britain & France – passing global financial control from the UK to the US

1936 – Deathday of Lu Xun, a leading figure of modern Chinese literature. Writing in Vernacular Chinese as well as Classical Chinese, Lu Xun was a short story writer, editor, translator, literary critic, essayist, & poet. After the May Fourth Movement, Lu Xun’s writing began to exert a substantial influence on Chinese literature & popular culture. Though sympathetic to socialist ideas, Lu Xun never joined the Communist Party of China

1937 – Deathday of Ernest Rutherford, a New Zealand physicist & Nobel Prize laureate, who came to be known as the father of nuclear physics. Encyclopædia Britannica considers him to be the greatest experimentalist since Michael Faraday
He conducted research that led to the first “splitting” of the atom in 1917 in a nuclear reaction between nitrogen & alpha particles, in which he also discovered & named the proton

1950 – Deathday of Edna St. Vincent Millay, poet & playwright. She received the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1923, the third woman to win the award for poetry, & was also known for her feminist activism. She used the pseudonym Nancy Boyd for her prose work.

Save the Dates for Community Workings
October 21-22 | Orionids Meteor Shower Predicted Peak |
October 23 | Venus at Greatest Western Elongation |
October 28 | Full Hunter’s Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse |

~Alex Gray
All Souls Festival – Election Day 7 November 2023
Community Prep-Stir / Bon-fire
Celebrating: The Festival of the Dead, & Martinmas
7 – 9 pm at the Lucchesi-Archer-Ginsberg domicile
Please Bring a jar for the prep

The reprise of the 2017 Great American Eclipse Monday, April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse
Stay tuned for details about a Retreat for this Solar Eclipse Event in Fort Worth/Austin, Texas
Begins: Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 12:22 pm
Maximum: Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 1:41 pm 1.005 Magnitude
Ends: Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 3:01 pm
Duration: 2 hours, 39 minutes
Totality: 2 minutes, 34 seconds

Lunar Eclipse Sep 18, 2024