Columbia: Guardian of Liberty


Does anyone know what DC stands for? Yep that’s right The District of Columbia.


In fact, when the original founders of this country built the ‘District of Columbia’, they called it the Holy City, & envisioned it as a Temple to this Goddess. But who is she? And how is it that we as a nation have come to forget her, despite her ubiquitous presence atop the nation’s most prominent institutions of power?


Columbia comes from the word “Columba” meaning “dove”. From the beginning, when Columbia was first revealed as the Goddess of this land, she was seen by the native peoples as an Indian Queen, a guardian of Liberty, freedom & a generous provider of plenty.


After the colonists came to America seeking freedom from oppression, Columbia changes, she is then pictured wearing the cap of freedom, later seen in the French revolution, & holds a cornucopia. The eagle & the rattlesnake are sacred to Her.


She is known as a guardian spirit. In the terminology of Anthroposophy she is The Archangel, or Folk Spirit of the American People.  This spirit is called by various names: sometimes referred to as Liberty, as in the Sons of Liberty, or the Statue of Liberty; other times Independence, as in the Declaration of Independence; and Columbia, as in the City of Washington, DC. & You have heard of the South American country Colombia; & there is a British Columbia in Canada as well.


The name Columbia is borne by many other beings: a great river, towns & counties, business & cultural organizations, ships, & songs. But, the Folk Spirit Columbia of the Original Native Peoples, perceived also by the American Revolutionaries as an Indian goddess, has been usurped by Uncle Sam, her opposite in every way.


 The true Spirit of America is a strong & beautiful peer of all the other national cultures, interestingly enough all personified by the Divine Feminine.


The American Revolution later inspired the French Revolution, which became the catalyst for their gift of the Statue of Liberty.


And did you know that the song ‘Hail Columbia’ was actually the National Anthem, until it was changed in 1931 to the Star-Spangled banner?, a song glorifying war.


As the authentic potential of the American People, Columbia has hardly manifested. Her destiny, if ‘We the People’ will it, is to take back Her divine power, to manifest a true Land of the Dove. For many immigrants who end their long journey to freedom at Her feet, justice & hope are personified in Her form. America’s true folk spirit welcomes everyone into New York harbor with the promise of ‘life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness’. She offers these gifts to the world’s downtrodden as they enter the New World seeking a New Life; asking the world to give Her their ‘tired, poor & huddled masses’.


Have you ever really looked at the symbolism in the statue? The seven points of her crown represent the Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters.


And These words, from the sonnet “The New Colossus” written by Emma Lazarus, are engraved inside the statue of Liberty. Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand – A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame – Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name – Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand – Glows world-wide welcome; “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”


Can we renew this conception in our thinking now? Let us reclaim our past; this will give us the courage to love the world that we are in. Then we can envision & co-create a future of hope & light, in Love & Freedom!


12 thoughts on “Columbia: Guardian of Liberty

  1. Hi Hazel,

    This is a post very well appreciated this night as the fireworks shoot off around my house and my several cats and dog scurry for protection under my bed. I worry for their anxiety, and know it will send soon, but I like very much your sentiments concerning our great country, which I also feel. You are inspired.

    I live here in an area close to both British Columbia to the north, and the Columbia River on the border with Oregon. Yet, what prevails me for many years now is the veritable dichotomy of America, in which we have seen historically for many years now, the so-called “other side of america”. I refer to what you wrote:

    “The name Columbia is borne by many other beings: a great river, towns & counties, business & cultural organizations, ships, & songs. But, the Folk Spirit Columbia of the Original Native Peoples, perceived also by the American Revolutionaries as an Indian goddess, has been usurped by Uncle Sam, her opposite in every way.”

    This is very true, and can be explained by spiritual-scientific research in which the evolutionary progression of the anti-Christ has been depicted in three consecutive periods within historical time, i..e., 666 – 1332 – 1998. It was an east to west migration, much the same as the Christ Impulse, although more roundabout. By 1332, it had sequestered in France, and gave rise to the Hundred Years War. By the early 17th century, it had brokered its way into the British Empire, and was looking for the first opportunity to make its way across the pond to the New World.

    Thus, America is a society which fights the beast every day in the Spirit of Love and Freedom, and why we experience such a dichotomy of impulses, which offends the rest of the world. I often have to defend to Europeans how much we Americans are lovers of peace, love, truth, and togetherness. They only seem to see the anti-Christ working here, which it is, by all means. But, we are fighting it with the same Michaelic courage warranted by Rudolf Steiner’s final spoken words to his dear friends.

    Once the Michael culture catches on here in America, it will be like wildfire; brilliant, fiery, and illuminating the dove. The Spirit of Love and Freedom has an occult seal, doesn’t it?

    1. Than you for your inspired insights. I often become cynical with all the karma of untruthfulness evident here in America these days.
      If there is an occult seal for Love & Freedom, please share it or by all means create it that we may use it as the spark to fire up our will for the good.

      1. Yes, here it is, and some description from Steiner’s Apocalypse lecture VIII.

        “Our earth evolution depends upon two things. Our earth was preceded by what we call the Cosmos of Wisdom, and that was preceded by what we call the Cosmos of Strength, of Power (certainly the word does not convey much, but we must use it because it has become customary). Wisdom and strength have been received as a heritage from previous stages of evolution, from the ancient Moon and the ancient Sun. We shall see that during our earth evolution this is also expressed by our naming the first half after the representative of the Sun forces, Mars, for we only need note at this point that within our earth evolution we have in Mars that which implanted iron in the earth; in Mars we see the bringer of strength. And in that which rules the second half of the earth evolution we have the representative of the ancient Moon evolution, Mercury, which embodies in the earth the heritage received from the Moon, wisdom. Thus the earth evolution consists of two parts, Mars and Mercury. It has received as a heritage two mighty forces. That which it has inherited from the cosmos of strength is expressed in Mars, and that which it has inherited from the cosmos of wisdom is expressed in Mercury. The mission of the earth itself is to bring love. Love is to be gloriously manifested as the result of the earth evolution. This is a very profound thought expressed by the writer of the Apocalypse. It is the profound thought underlying the whole of the earth evolution.”

        The next paragraph is long, and refers in detail to the fourth occult seal picture. Please read it because it seems to clearly indicate a path to the Spirit of Freedom and Love out of the previous cosmoses of Wisdom and Strength. The Mars phase has passed over to Mercury, and we have talked a lot recently about that. I hope you like it.

        1. This fits quite accurately into the conception that man is supported in his entire earth mission by two pillars. They represent two parts of the earth’s mission, the two heritages man has received from earlier periods. And above them is symbolized what is to be attained through the earth itself, namely love, which is there gloriously revealing itself, which is supported by these heritages. Thus the writer of the Apocalypse really describes it just as it presents itself to those who ascend. Therefore, when we observe what lies beyond the earth and what confronts us when earthly substance dissolves into the spiritual, this is symbolically indicated by what we see in the fourth seal. [See Dr. Steiner’s Occult Seals and Symbols.] Of course it has to appear reversed, because it represents what belongs to the future. We see the two forces which the earth has received as heritage from the cosmos of wisdom and the cosmos of strength, and we see all that appears as the fulfilment of the earth’s mission, as the force of love which man develops. The whole appears to its as the personification of the man of the future. The man of the future here confronts us symbolically, supported by these forces, permeated by this power. The message of love, the book before him, is a book which influences him not only from without but he has to devour it.

  2. You are referring to the French revolution of 1789. May I point that your illustrations refers to a different time. Liberty Leading the People (French: La Liberté guidant le peuple [la libɛʁte ɡidɑ̃ lə pœpl]) is a painting by Eugène Delacroix commemorating the July Revolution of 1830, which toppled King Charles X of France. Thank you for your posts

    1. Thanks for tuning in Diane.
      Blessings as ‘We the People’ reclaim our Folk Spirit on this Inter-dependence day !

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