Dear freinds – TODAY in 1498 – Michelangelo is commissioned to carve the Pietà.
“In Michelangelo we have a spirit who helped human evolution on its way because he had a maturity of soul which enabled him to imprint on the world of space and matter significant facts from the spiritual world. He stood wholly in the great current of his times yet his own inmost quality was not fully understood. A friend once wrote to him that even the Pope feared him; and yet in his soul there lived all the greatness of Christian impulses which flowed into his work. While he felt himself at one with the great Christian impulses he yet lived at the dawn of a later epoch — closely though it was still connected with earlier ages. The content of older Christian impulses still affected his soul and out of that he created something which in its form and artistic method was already part of the ties in which we ourselves live. Hence comes the mood of the poem which he wrote — probably during his last days as he looked back over his life — and which makes it clear what our relation is to him, and how we should allow his influence over us to work:
Now hath my life across a stormy sea like a frail barque reached that wide port, where all are hidden, ere the final reckoning fall of good and evil for eternity.
Now know I well how that fond phantasy, which made my soul the worshipper and thrall of earthly art, is vain; how criminal is that which all men seek unwillingly.
Those amorous thoughts which were so lightly dressed, what are they when the double death is nigh?
The one I know for sure, the other dread.
Painting nor sculpture now can lull to rest my soul that turns to His great Love on high Whose arms to clasp us on the cross were spread. ~ Michelangelo

Michelangelo was a great poet also, and the poems of his which survive show the same spirit which we have found in his sculpture and painting. The last three lines of this sonnet make it clear that he could never be at ease in the world, and that was fundamentally true of him all his life. He was a sort of hybrid, still part of the old but already living within the new. This is particularly evident in that work which he carried out at the instigation of one of the Popes: the tombs of Giuliani and Lorenzo dei Medici.

In this chapel: the four allegorical figures, arranged two and two: Day and Night, Dawn and Dusk. I have often gazed at them; in fact they are one of the things which by a sort of spiritual compulsion I always look at longest when I have had the privilege of being in Florence. These figures are not mere allegories without force and without vitality. Use every means that Spiritual Science gives you to look at them and think about them; then if we remember that what anthroposophy calls the ego and the astral body leave the physical and etheric bodies at night, and if we ask ourselves what qualities and gesture of the etheric body we should select to represent plastically the truth which Spiritual Science tells us — how, that is, we should picture the physical body of the sleeping human being if we really feel him to be what Spiritual Science describes him as being — we know that he should be represented in the form which Michelangelo has given to “Night”. It is not just a symbol of night but the true spiritual reality of man as he really is in sleep which we have before us in this female figure. Thus Michelangelo, who knew so well how to set the figures in his works within the same space in which we ourselves stand, was also well aware what it means if the soul and spirit leaves man’s physical body but leave it with life still within it. If we also study the other individual members of the human being and then look at the other figures in the tomb, we shall see how closely they run parallel with what I once called spiritual chemistry.” ~Rudolf Steiner, Michelangelo, Berlin, 8th January, 1914

26 August 2022– “Speaking with the Stars

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day
“To truly know the world, look deeply within your own being; to truly know yourself, take real interest in the world.” Rudolf Steiner

Feast day of Samuel, literally meaning “Name of God” in Hebrew, is a leader & Judge of ancient Israel. He is also known as a prophet & is mentioned in the second chapter of the Qur’an. Aa a seer, Samuel is associated with the bands of musical ecstatic roaming prophets.

Feast Day of Melchizedek, (“God most high”) Priest & king of Salem mentioned in the 14th chapter of the Book of Genesis. He brings out bread and wine & blesses Abram. In the Epistle to the Hebrews, he is depicted as being “Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life.” Jesus Christ is identified as “a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek”
“Even when some individual was to be the leader of a particular people he would be required to develop a measure of understanding for every human soul. This is indicated magnificently in the Old Testament in the passage describing the meeting between Abraham and Melchizedek, the priest of the Most High. Those who understand this passage know that Abraham, who was destined to become the leader of his people, underwent an Initiation at this time — even if not in full consciousness as is the case in later Initiations. Abraham’s Initiation was connected with realisation of the Divine element that can flow into all human souls. The passage which tells of the meeting of Abraham with Melchizedek contains a deep secret connected with the evolution of humanity. “~Rudolf Steiner, Between Death & Rebirth, Lecture 2

Feast Day of The Black Madonna of Częstochowa, The Virgin Mary is shown as the “Hodegetria” (“One Who Shows the Way“)The icon has been intimately associated with Poland for the past 600 years.
Its history prior to its arrival in Poland is shrouded in numerous legends which trace the icon’s origin to St. Luke who painted it on a cedar table top from the house of the Holy Family.
The same legend holds that the painting was discovered in Jerusalem in 326 by St. Helena, who brought it back to Constantinople & presented it to her son, Constantine the Great.
The legend concerning the two scars on the Black Madonna’s right cheek is that the Hussites stormed the Pauline monastery in 1430, plundering the sanctuary. Among the items stolen was the icon. After putting it in their wagon, the Hussites tried to get away but their horses refused to move. They threw the portrait down to the ground, as the robber struck the painting twice, the face of the Virgin Mary started to bleed; in a panic, the scared Hussites retreated & left the painting
Women’s Equality Day

1498 – Michelangelo is commissioned to carve the Pietà
1789 – The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen is approved- directly influenced by Thomas Jefferson, working with General Lafayette. Also by the doctrine of “natural right“, held to be universal: valid at all times & in every place, pertaining to human nature itself. It became the basis for a nation of free individuals protected equally by law. Inspired in part by the American Revolution, & also by the Enlightenment philosophers, the Declaration was a core statement of the values of the French Revolution & had a major impact on the development of freedom & democracy in Europe & worldwide
1791 – John Fitch is granted a United States patent for the steamboat

1795 – Deathday of Cagliostro, the alias of the occultist Giuseppe Balsamo, an Italian adventurer & self-styled magician. He became a glamorous figure associated with the royal courts of Europe where he pursued various occult arts, including psychic healing, alchemy & scrying. His reputation lingered for many decades after his death. Steiner called him an initiate.

1883 – Eruption of Krakatoa

1910 – Birthday of Mother Teresa

1914 – Rudolf Steiner meets Helmuth von Moltke, Chief of the German General Staff, near Koblenz
1920 – The 19th amendment to United States Constitution takes effect, giving women the right to vote
1942 – The Holocaust in Chortkiv, western Ukraine, over 4000 die
1970 – The feminist movement, led by Betty Friedan, leads a nationwide Women’s Strike for Equality
1995 – Deathday of Daskalos, the Greek word for teacher, a Greek Cypriot mystic & healer. He set up the circle, “The Researchers of Truth.”
1999 – Russia begins the Second Chechen War

My POD (Poem Of the Day)
I feel the fire burning – my thoughts spark the flame
A voice calls out the question
Echoing with my name.
Hidden in dark chambers – a purpose dwells deep
Be patient to unveil Her
So what’s unlocked, will never sleep
Where is Love to pulse in rhythm?
Pain ringing the alarm: What you reap, this you sow.
Then will the seed be watered, & then begin to grow
And crack the code to Freedom
To let the Sun of Wisdom speak from the heart & flow.
After reading today Kyle’s comments on the superhuman beings coming to Earth from GA 204’s lecture (under your Portal to Perception article), I’m now wondering if Melchizedek was one of these. We know that M. had no earthly heredity, no mother or father, and we know that he blessed Abraham, so he was a higher being than Abraham, the friend of God. I think he may have been one of those “egos” who come to the Earth, but not through “the cradle”, as Cayce refers to. There have been others as well; I seem to recall that St. Germaine also just shows up like Melchizedek, having no earthly heredity.
My research has brought me to think of Manu (Mani, Manes) – Noah – Melchezedek – Titural – Parzival…as having an origin as the Sun-Oracle from Atlantis, who brought a small group of initiates out of Atlantis – part of the North Eastern Mysteries
With Cain – Hiram Abiff – Lazarus/John – Christian Rosenkreutz / St. Germaine… we see the origin as a coupling of Eve with an Elohim…Part of the South Western Mysteries
I think of the Vulcan Beings as inspiring human beings from behind the scenes not becoming known personalities as such…
I wonder how the version of Melchizedek you give fits with what we’re told in Genesis, that when Melchizedek blessed Abraham, he was the king of Salem, which we’re told was the early name for Jerusalem. That might make Jerusalem a city where Atlanteans settled? Quite possible.
When the disruptions were breaking up the continent of Atlantis Manu lead a migration. And as we know individualities usually don’t incarnate in the same geographical locals, but in different areas of the world…
Hazel, I was going to make this comment to you later, but have to head out, so want to make it now; see if this resonates with you. By the way, I appreciate what you’ve said here regarding Manu.
This is meant to be encouraging, so hopefully you don’t get the wrong impression by my saying it awkwardly. I admire your recent decision to withdraw your energies from the Council (is that the right term?) and to apply them to the area of psychology, especially Anthroposophical psychology. My own impression is that you’ve caught a vision, and as a result, you’re far in advance of your time – of the period of evolution humanity is in. The vibes you’re giving off are obviously from the Sun, or to put it another way, the Sun of light has risen for you. Such light will always create shadows, shadows merely coming from the minds of those who may have directed you, or thought they were directing you; but you’re a unique individual. You’re attracting those who resonate with the vibes you’re transmuting, ones like Kyle, and myself, and others who read your blogs but remain more silent – like the man who recently spoke of the Emissaries of the Divine Light, who appreciated your comments. I hope you don’t take this wrong; this is not an attempt at flattery – just felt I needed to express these thoughts rather than remain silent. Sometimes we don’t know if others are remaining silent, when a word of encouragement can give someone a needed lift. Cheers, and stay strong.
Maverick, haha, thank you Sun-Soul Brother for the reflection. I like it much better than the one that I usually say to myself: ‘Wow hag you must have cut off a lot of heads in your formal lives – look at all the shadows that get stirred up & all the karma you have to deal with…’ And yep, most folks don’t like to have to look into the karma shadows. But I do feel like if we are to truly make ready for the unveiling of the New Isis-Sophia we had better get to work now on cleaning up the backyard. And of course that has to begin with finding my own moral integrity, & with finding that the ‘Peace that passes understanding’…Glad you are with me on this strange & glorious trip…
Haha – maybe it’s because you want to actually APPLY what many would prefer to just stay in the intellect? Those could be what you think are karmic shadows that keep appearing? Not saying you don’t have your own karma to deal with. Many of those shadows are simply in the minds of others, so don’t be worried about them. They’ll either develop or retard, whichever choice they make.
Yes, your point is well taken – our perceptions color our reality – & so to not let the perceptions of others make us into a shadow is valid.
All the while working to be awake to the clues – the patterns – the signs – pointing up our work – & our destiny…
(O gosh, it appears those dashes are getting their say today! 😉
Thank you Hazel; finally had time to do this article justice. Some interesting thoughts here. Just over a hundred years that women have been able to vote in the U.S.? I have a feeling that there are many men, especially those in the higher echelons of society, who’d like to see that privilege revoked. Apparently the Supreme Court justice rushed onto the Court at the end of Trump’s term, Amy Coney Barrett, is a member of a religious denomination that believes women should be completely subservient to their husbands, and shouldn’t expect the husbands to do menial household tasks. Stand firm as you crack the code to freedom.
There always seems to be a polar push into the dark when a great light is seeking to be revealed…
May we all stand in uprightness