10:10 Testament – Fuel for our Thought-Seed Egregore:
To direct our consciousness with intent is a magical act…the simple things we do every day can become powerful acts of purpose when our will gives them intention…Our bodies are incredible magical tools, making manifest our focused intent, co-creating with the creator our ultimate reality…we will be using our bodies quite a bit, in this life, for various forms of expression…so let’s tune into the temple of our bodies…
We can start by taking a deep breath together…Connecting our consciousness, to each other, thru our shared breath, which spreads like roots thru our feet to ground us into the power at the core of our planet…There is a lot of energy inside the belly of the mother…We can, if we use our will, pull it up, into the magical tool of our body, up thru our feet…& as the magnetic power at the core of our earth moves up, our legs, & vibrates into our spine…Feel it attracting the forces above our head like a magnet, pulling down, the energies of all the planets…As we become a conduit, a channel to the forces of the above & the below…
Open to receive the power of our Day-Star-Sun as it pours into the top of our heads…& the abundant potential of the moon tides…Waiting to be programmed by each of us…& as the above & the below meet in our center…Feel it pulsing in your heart…
Then let it expand out from our hearts…To set the energy spinning in the circle of all life…Joining us together as a human community…Spiraling the energy each in our own way, with our own expression of will to make sacred space…A safe haven…A Sanctuary…where there is no judgment…No right or wrong dance step…
Every connecting breath, a nurturing refuge, our own inner sanctum…Fostering the expression of compassion & unconditional love for ourselves, each other & our Mother Earth, striving thru us to become a sacred Star…
To fully reveal the essence of our soul, our bodies too must be able to receive & speak the language of the Divine Spirit…Infusing our flesh & bones…Every cell & organ of our body…The very RNA & DNA, with its vitality…Immersing our beings in the essence of Spirit to Celebrate the Body as the Soul in Action…Living like we mean it…To co-create a life of Peace & Power, & healing Joy…
Do we have Sanctuary!?!…Then the circle is complete…Yet always open & ever growing & forever changing…Taking us away from the constraints of clock time…Into the Eternal Time of the Here & Now…Where we are the circle dancing the universe…Blessed be…
Medicine for our Soul on ‘I Think Speech’
1 June 2021 – “Speaking with the Stars”: As twilight fades out, look for Cassiopeia down near the north horizon: a wide, upright W. The farther north you live the higher it’ll appear
Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day (RSarchives) The Four Sacrifices of Christ,
Basel, June 1, 1914, GA 152
ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY (Rudolf Steiner’s orginal Calendar of the Soul, Wikipedia Commons)
International Children’s Day
1812 – War of 1812: U.S. President James Madison asks the Congress to declare war on the United Kingdom
1967 – Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles is released
1968 – Deathday of Helen Keller, American author & activist
We are She – She are We – Embodying Love in Wisdom with Hazel & Ultra-Violet Archer
9:30 am PT / 10:30 am MT / 11:30 am CT / 12:30 pm ET / 5:30 pm GMT / 6:30 pm CET
The Holy Grail Study Group – Mysteries of the Holy Grail – from Arthur and Parzival to Modern Initiation June 2, 2021 – 7:15 pm Central (8:15 pm Eastern) |
“When the pupil has recognized all the elements from which he must liberate himself, a sublime being of light stands before him whose beauty is difficult to describe in human language. This encounter takes place when the sundering of the organs of thinking, feeling and will extend to the physical body, so that their reciprocal connection is no longer regulated by themselves but by higher consciousness, which has now entirely liberated itself from physical conditions. The organs of thinking, feeling and will, have then become instruments under the sway of the human soul, which exercises its dominion over them from supersensible regions. The soul, thus liberated from all bonds of the senses, is now confronted by the second Guardian of the Threshold”~Rudolf Steiner, The Mysteries of the Holy Grail, Chapter 27, “The Parzival Saga as Modern Initiation”, excerpts from Steiner’s How to Know Higher Worlds … focus of the June 2 meeting. Note: we are starting with Chapter 27 as it provides foundational concepts. We will continue with Chapters 1 & 2 in the following session (July 7). This lecture can be found online at the CRC’s website by clicking this linkThe Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society in America invites you to join our ongoing study conversation. The study has been divided among four volunteers who will summarize their section to rebuild it as a foundation for our conversation. Please familiarize yourself with the lecture if possible so you will feel comfortable sharing your reflections and thoughts with the group.This collection of lectures has been republished by Rudolf Steiner Press under the title: “The Mysteries of the Holy Grail — from Arthur and Parzival to Modern Initiation.” The book was compiled and edited by Matthew Barton, published by Rudolf Steiner Press in 2010. This will be a “Zoom” conference call allowing us an opportunity to see one another while conversing (or audio only if you prefer). To connect to the audio/video-conference: Video Conference Details: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88210505106 Meeting ID: 882 1050 5106 One tap mobile +13017158592,,81116556762# US (Germantown) +13126266799,,81116556762# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 882 1050 5106 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcHr5EVwrv If you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya aloyavaca@utexas.edu |
Agenda for this meeting (CST) 7:15 Welcome and Introductions 7:18 Verse 7:25 Study led by four volunteers Note: CRC team will ID volunteers Marianne – pg. 179 to 186 Laura – pg. 186 to 194 Travis – pg. 194 to 199 Alberto – pg. 199 to end 8:05 Conversation 8:28 Close with verse |
Yes, I have referred to this lecture 10 many times, but the diagram from the 1958 edition of GA 104 is just a pale indication of what becomes a very nice “pull out diagram” with the 1977 edition. Herein, these indications are further elaborated, but you seem to see the relevant issue in that gaining the consciousness of the plant today, which spiritual science wants to do, is tantamount to working toward future Jupiter. This is true.
Rudolf Steiner would delve into the matter of the end of human reproduction as we know it with his lectures coming some nearly four years after GA 177.
Thus, we have the lectures, “Materialism and the Task of Anthroposophy”, GA 204. Here is where Steiner announces in early 1921 that the time will come when human birth through the female channel will end in the eighth millennium, and take place through the larynx instead. The Larynx; well what is that?
It means a lot to hear from a kind of “crash course” on the science of the spirit, Kyle. Hazel is even introducing it with her ‘Mystery of Parzival’ lectures. You make a very good candidate for someone who is really rather wet behind the ears and a lover of music, and would rather hug trees than make war.
I’m sorry. I am someone who ponders great remarks, which I will do now. Kyle, you write with a style that indicates a new awareness. Hazel writes back to show how she understands it. It becomes the dynamic operative in a really good exchange of thought.
not sure i understand what you mean by: ‘You make a very good candidate for someone who is really rather wet behind the ears and a lover of music, and would rather hug trees than make war.
I’m sorry’.
This was for Kyle, who is an acknowledged tree hugger and student of spiritual science in the true Parsifal sense. You, of course, are quite onto all this stuff. This is what makes the dynamics irresistible. I am getting ready to read chapter 27 in the book that compiles Steiner’s many references to the search for the Holy Grail. Thanks for making that available, Hazel. Being indispensable is also very important.
Yes, Dynamics is what makes the world go round
It’s a very encouraging comment Steve! Well, I always do believe some things come at the right time. The themes and material presented here has truly become helpful, to say the least. Where is this book that has Steiner’s reference to the Holy Grail? Thank you!
Just saw this now.
Hi Hazel,
I am so glad that you wrote this blog post on “Food for the Gods”, because it might allow me to say something in contribution which I had wanted to do with the earlier post on “Buddha and the Dragon”. Sadly, for some reason, the comments were closed, ref.
Yet, it is possible to indicate an important matter that reflects on what was previously said concerning the experience of Brunetto Latini. I often ponder on matters to the extent that when I am ready to respond, the post is declared, “closed for comments”, and so I apologize to you and Kyle J. for your outstanding remarks.
Kyle had indicated that he had read GA 177, with all its implications, and maybe especially that with Michael’s victory in 1879, that Spiritual Science was guaranteed to come down to earth at the outset of the 20th century, ref. lecture 13.
As well, Hazel, you acknowledge the various places that Steiner spoke about the initiation of Brunetto Latini in the 13th century. You see, initiations occur when an unexpected shock occurs to the system. This is a litmus test in every individual life that would tell of being initiated. Now, what Steiner had to say about Brunetto Latini’s initiation is best expressed in the sixth lecture of GA 187, and herein is where we can best assess the need for two new stages to occur in modern initiation science. Steiner indicates that Brunetto’s initiation, in which he meets the Goddess Natura as a kind of natural consequence of his own failed achievement as a political ambassador, stands as a kind of epic into what needs to take effect next in the evolutionary process.
Steiner indicates two things that need to occur in order to effect modern initiation:
1) The knowledge of the metamorphosis of life, which becomes the new first stage, and best expressed in Steiner’s own book, “Theory of Knowledge Implicit in Goethe’s World Conception”, c. 1886.
2) The importance of achieving permanent center of gravity long before crossing the ocean from the so-called, “Pillars of Hercules”.
Now, this post, “Food For The Gods”, would seem to indicate that we humans need to come into a very close relationship with the divine spirits behind our present incarnation as the so-called, “all too human human”. I say this with a special emphasis because it is you, Hazel, that draws the best indications of what we are really looking at today. Your whole emphasis in this body-centered discourse seems to encourage the process which was once known as, “the philosopher’s stone”, or ‘stone of the wise’..
This process did indeed involve the conscientious method of inhalation and exhalation, and wherein Pranayama was first introduced as the means to attain what is now known as, “etherization of the blood”. So, you see, this is where Steiner first introduces this whole idea with his book, which is actually an homage to Goethe’s etheric thinking, which traces back to his own incarnation in Athens at the time of the elderly Plato.
Here are two places that speak about the “Philosophers Stone”, and what it means to conscientiously effect the etheriztion of the blood.
1) At the Gates of Spiritual Science, lecture 13
2) Who Are the Rosicrucians?, GA 55.
What has been called ‘The Great Work’ of the Philosophers Stone for us modern Rosicrucian’s centers now on the ‘Rose Cross Meditation’
Thank you Hazel, and Steve, for bringing many of these topics up. I find myself catching up in a sort of ‘crash course’ kind of way. It’s really helping me to further understand the material I’m reading, putting it into larger context. I really do appreciate that, and thank you.
One day we will have to convert carbon dioxide back into breathable oxygen ourselves. This indicates an eventual demise of the plant kingdom, much in the way that the present mineral kingdom is crumbling and dying all around us. Thus, the “Philosophers Stone” is very much a conscientious process of creating an ‘inner fire’ for enhanced etherization.
In Steiner’s lectures on the Apocalypse of St. John from 1908, there is a very useful diagram in lecture 10, in which the seven conditions of life are referred in relation to the seven conditions (spheres) of consciousness. We could look into this a bit because as the human race on earth at this time, we are moving from the era of the rock and stone to the proper worship of the plant in nature. That is why Goethean thinking is so much emphasized; the etheric thinking that was common to the Greek initiate, which Goethe was in his former life as an Athenian known to the elderly Plato, as well as Aristotle.
My breakthrough goes back to 1980, when a dormant mountain suddenly came to life around the vernal equinox and began to erupt for the next 40 days. The resulting Katharsis, which could be felt in the breathable atmosphere was overwhelming. Soon, I came across a book written by a man who helped create the running craze in America in the early 1980’s. His writing style was very much of the Greek spirit, and his book, “Running and Being” was a major bestseller. Dr. George A. Sheehan. I became a long distance runner for many years based on this book, which is really about nurturing the “philosopher’s stone” within. I pulled it out again recently, and it is filled with the same encouraging insights that could be said of the wisdom of Goethe. I found that very reassuring for having made the effort when the name of Rudolf Steiner was still several years away.
That’s a great diagram on lecture 10 of the Apocalypse of St. John. This is the lecture you’ve referred to several times, yes? I really need to read it soon!
So, this is fascinating to contemplate. I’m using the word ‘contemplate’ here, because we are getting into territory beyond modern natural science, and which Steiner makes note that some things can only be grasped by proper use of imagination – using my own words here. We see this in viewing past lives, for example. But in this case, we are speaking of the future. So, with your illustration based on the diagram, the ‘proper worship of the plant in nature’ as you wonderfully put, wouldn’t that come into full fruition during the next ‘Earth’ phase in Jupiter?
I’m bringing this up because your comment on breathing carbon-dioxide made me wonder what kind of organism us humans would ‘incarnate into’ – so to speak. We still have the 6th and 7th post-Atlantean epochs to go through during this current Earth phase before we get to the ‘end.’ As such, Earth is on the ‘dying’ trend (past middle age, the 4th age of the Greco/Roman) and in turn becoming more spiritualised. I find an extraordinary remark made by Steiner regarding our species during the last epochs of this Earth phase:
“One important fact to which I have already drawn your attention in these lectures is that not later than the seventh millennium in earth evolution women will grow infertile, and reproduction will no longer be possible. If matters went entirely according to the normal Angelic spirits in the blood, human reproduction would not even continue for as long as this; it would only continue until the sixth millennium, or the sixth post-Atlantean period of civilization; according to the wisdom of light, the impulse for reproduction would not continue beyond this time in the seven periods of civilization in this postAtlantean age. However, it will go on beyond this, into the seventh millennium and possibly a little beyond. The reason will be that those cast-down Angels will be in charge and will give the impulses for reproduction.
This is highly significant. In the sixth post-Atlantean period of civilization, the human fertility which depends on the powers of light for its impulses will gradually come to an end. The powers of darkness will have to intervene so that the affair may continue for a time. We know the seeds for the sixth postAtlantean period of civilization lie in the East of Europe. The East of Europe will develop powerful tendencies which do not allow physical human reproduction to continue beyond the sixth period of civilization but, instead, let the earth enter into a form of existence in soul and spirit. The other impulses for the seventh post-Atlantean period of civilization, in which procreation will be guided by impulses from the cast-down Angels, will come from America.” -GA 177 Lecture 14
So, we have thus indicated that humanity is separating into two distinct races. Evil and Good. Fall Angels and Ascending Angels. Or, perhaps a more neutral description Materialised and Spiritualised. Totally different! And we see this manifesting in our current time, right now.
I won’t elaborate too much on this, but my own imagination takes me somewhere on this theme. The notion of breathing carbon-dioxide. So, we will see the eventual manifestation of completely new ‘kingdoms’ as a result of aberrations: computers – mineral/plant; robots – plant/animal; cyborgs or AI – animal/human. They can withstand a degenerating atmosphere and I’m guess find a way to reproduce. That’s the materialistic stream. The Spiritualised stream, where would that put ‘us’ – I’m saying ‘us’ because I don’t think we will suddenly lapse back into materialistic thinking if we are here discussing these things, which, is quite an extraordinary act in itself! My guess (and it’s only that, or a hunch perhaps), is that we would merge more with the the plant kingdom. If humans find a way to still exist on the physical Earth without our current human shape, I feel the Spiritualised stream would manifest a a kind of Dryad of sorts – it’s the closest term I can think appropriate for this. We would literally be less connected to the physical, and more the etheric. That’s why I feel we may inhabit a kind of sentient plant like body… Tree People? It’s wild and bizarre to make such a speculation, I understand. But, just look back on how humans manifested on Earth during the Atlantean Epoch. Nothing like how we are today, so it only makes sense that the last stages of this current epoch will pave the way for the 6th.
Of course, I’m not attached or fixed to this notion, but I definitely do wonder about it!
I love your imagination of the Dyrad. I tend to think in terms of actively working with the elemental beings which we will be hoasting as they come into their human stage