Rudolf Steiner speaks about the Mystery of Golgotha as a spiritual event that takes place on the stage of humanity. The events leading up to this mystery are a preparation for this sublime deed that stands at the center of attention for a living cosmos. The Earth is the spiritual center during the sacred Holy Week.
But this position is not arrived at simply because it is Palm Sunday on our calendar, it defined by a relational gesture occurring between Sun & Moon relative to Earth each year. Our task is to discern the meaning in this gesture by considering when in the course of the Holy Week it takes place.
Each year, the date of Easter is determined by the First Full Moon after the Sun crosses the celestial equator, which we refer to as the Vernal Equinox. (Palm Sunday, 11:30am) Easter does not immediately follow the Vernal Equinox, this would imply a dictatorial nature in the Sun. Rather, the Sun returns north of the celestial equator, & waits…The Sun waits for the Moon to arrive at Full phase, which means it stands opposite the Sun from the Earth, occurring for the first time in the year below the celestial equator. This Full Moon will always occur during the Holy Week, but it will be on a different day from one year to the next.
What does it mean when the Full Moon falls on the Wednesday of Holy Week?
What can it mean when that Full Storm Moon is totally eclipsed by the shadow of the Earth? (Lunar eclipse, March 23rd, 6:47am in Libra)
Come join our Easter-Tide Study throughout Holy Week
(Excerpts from “The Three Years” by Emil Bock)
Beginning: Palm Sunday March 20th, 2pm-4pm, (which is also the Vernal Equinox!)
then, M-F: March 21-26th, 7pm-9pm
And our Easter Festival: A Path to the Dawning, 4pm -6pm, Sunday March 27th
If you would like a copy of the text contact Hazel
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Rudolf Steiner Branch of The Anthroposophical Society,
4249 North Lincoln Avenue. Chicago, IL 60618