How We Will 2020

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Invitation and Registration are now open:How We Will 2020


Thursday August 27

9:00 Dottie and Frank:   Welcome:  Forming Curative Communities of Responsibility

9:30 Nana Woo and Truus Gareats:  Eurythmy

9:45 Stan Padilla:  New Fire

10:30 Break 15 minutes

11:00 Naim Edwards:  Edible Landscapes

12:15 Lunch

1:30 Dottie Zold & Joan Jaeckel:  Threefold Activism – 1919-1921 & Research Fellowship

2:15 Kait Ziegler:  Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival – On the Front Lines

3:30 Break 30 minutes

4:00 Akil Bell:  WILLING MOVEMENT:  Three questions could support the inspiring of the formation of      curative communities. 

5:15 Dinner

6:30 Monika:  Myriad Village – Co-creating Intentional Communities

7:15 Angela Foster:  Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily

End 8 pm

Friday August 28

9:00 Truus Gareats & Nana Woo:  Eurythmy

9:15 Stan Padilla:  New Fire

9:45 Frank & Patrice:  Unbreakable Agreement & ALIANT

10:20 Break 10 minutes

10:30 Michaela Gloeckler:  Archetypal Pictures – Ita Wegman and the Young Doctors

Noon Lunch

1:15 Bart Eddy:  Brightmoor Makers Rocking Hearts for Detroit

2:15 Melody Brink:  stART international trauma pedagogy – Lesbos – On the Front Lines

3:00 John Bloom:  Toward Justice Through Freedom

4:45 Dinner

6:00 Daniel Collett:  Seeds

6:10 Kim Sherobbi:  To Nurture Community Leadership – Birwood Community House & The James and  Grace Lee Boggs Center

7:00 Angela Foster:  Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily

  Goethe’s Day of Birth

8:00 End

Saturday August 29

9:00 Truus Garaets & Nana Woo:  Eurythmy

9:15 Stan Padilla:  New Fire

9:30 Laura Summer:  Art Dispersal – Art for 100% of the People

10:00 Michaela Gloeckler:  Forward Together

11:30 Break 15 minutes

11:45 Melody Brink:  The Birdhunters of Antropocenia in story-form, written by Nathaniel Williams and   with original music by Aldo Lavaggi

12:20 Lunch

1:15 Bart Eddy:  Ideas to Action

2:15 John Bloom:  Capital, Money, Spirit and Matter

3:45 Break 30 minutes

4:15 Patrice Maynard:  Prototyping ALIANT Alliance

5:30 Dinner

7:00 Brandon & Lucien:  Song Offering & Painting

7:15 Community-led conversation:  A Christian/Buddhist/Spirit Conversation:  Money –what does love got to do with it?

8:15 End

Sunday August 30

9:00 Truus Garaets & Nana Woo:  Eurythmy

9:15 Nicanor Perlas:  The Future is What We Fight For

10:45 Break

11:00 Hazel Archer-Ginsberg:  The New Isis Myth

11:30 Laura Summer:  Art Dispersal

1:00 Lunch

2:00 Patrice Maynard:  Prototyping ALIANT Alliance

3:15 Lucien:  Tone, Words, Trees

3:45 Janna, Elizabeth & Frank:  Standing Under the Sign of Michael

4:15 Stan & Robbi:  Closing the Sacred Fire Community

5:00 End


9:00 Next Steps ALIANT:  Patrice, Frank, Dottie together with friends will lead a conversation on next steps.

11:00 Mutual Aid Networks (MANS):  Kait Ziegler of the Poor People’s Campaign:  A National Call for Moral Revival will share how she and GroundGamesLA raised $100,000 in a week’s time to support unprotected families during the Covid 19 early days by using the MANS format created by Stephanie Rearick of Madison Wisconsin.

August 27-30 How We Will 2020: 3-Folding our Cultural Revolution is continuing its journey of transforming our ideals into action. The theme this year is Forming Curative Communities: actively uniting with one another in the emerging economic, political/rights and social/cultural/spiritual forms seeking to reshape the ills plaguing humanity into a healthy social organism for our time. Please join us if you’d like to hear from, and collaborate with those on the front lines inspired out of the fruits of Rudolf Steiner’s work: can your own hopes for the world find a way to connect with others striving to do the good as our friend Bernard Lievegoed was wont to say? Our own hero Ella Baker shares: ‘we must not stop until we can get people to recognize that they themselves have to make the struggle for freedom and human dignity everyday, in the year, every year, until they win it.’

Invitation and Registration are now open:How We Will 2020

Michaela Gloeckler of the Medical Section in Dornach and cofounder of Allianz ELIANT brings the Archetypal Picture of Ita Wegman and the Young Doctors and their courageous movement for a Michaelic renewal of civilization as a World War II raged all around them. 

Nicanor Perlas, a long time advocate for social change in the Philippines and youth mentor, will shape a conversation around ‘The Future will be what we Fight For’. His country continues to be on lockdown where they are not allowed to go outside their houses even for food and whose president recently said that he ‘would work with the military to distribute the vaccine’.

John Bloom is Vice President, Organizational Culture at RSF Social Finance in San Francisco ( As part of his work at RSF he has been developing and facilitating conversations and programs that address the intersection of money and spirit in personal and social transformation. He writes frequently for RSF’s Reimagine Money blog and has fostered collaborative dialogues on the challenging social aspects money. As part of his work he has helped develop awareness of issues of land and biodynamic agriculture across the US. He was appointed as General Secretary of the Anthroposophical Society in America in October 2016. He has written two books, The Genius of Money, and Inhabiting Interdependence, both published by SteinerBooks. He lives in San Francisco.

Bart Eddy of Brightmoor Makers and Sunbridge will speak to what it takes to initiate our ideals into action that are inspired by the our higher natures and our wish to serve others in our time. His ‘brought down to earth visioning’, is serving the youth in one of the poorest parts in Detroit where entrepreneurs for the good are in training, not only learning to support their own livelihoods but also empowering change in their communities where devastating health and environmental issues abound: his inspired ideas for our time keep unfolding new forms for these youth! 

The Fire Now: Ancient Embers, Modern Flames with Stan Padilla a Native American artist, educator and cultural activist. His artwork has been exhibited nationally and internationally and is a contemporary expression of sacred and ancient wisdom. He is an artistic and cultural mentor for youth of all cultures. He is a father, grandfather, great grandfather and mentor/ godfather to many community members. He resides in rural Northern California where he maintains an artists studio and sacred arts sanctuary.

Naim Edwards is the Director of the MSU-Detroit Partnership for Food, Learning, and Innovation, one of the nation’s first urban agriculture research sites. He is blessed to have travelled the world and experience life outside the U.S., which along with his faith, informs how he lives life. Naim strives to live simply, love his neighbor, and heal the damage humans have and continue to cause. He is originally from Harribsurg, PA, and holds degrees from Morehouse College and the University of Michigan.

Seneca Gonzalez (they/them she/her) lives in the occupied Green Mountains of Northern Vermont, belonging to Abenaki Nation. It is here that they commune with the plants, practice their Biography work and support social activism. They also live in and steward the land and community that is Heartbeet Lifesharing. Seneca is a graduate of the Biography program in North America and currently the programs apprentice. Seneca is also a graduate of Sacred Journey School of herbalism, they have been a community herbalist for 20 yrs. And currently are stewarding Heartbeet’s budding apothecary and medicinal plant gardens, recently becoming the communities street medic. Seneca is deeply interested in Radical Vulnerability and recognizes the privilege that is afforded to them because of the color of their skin.

Patrice Maynard, MEd., is Director of Publications and Development for theResearch Institute for Waldorf Education. She was a Leader in the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America for nine years prior to her current position and
was class and music teacher at the Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School in upstate New York for thirteen years. In 1984 she was among the founders of the Maine Coast Waldorf School in Freeport, Maine. She lives with her husband, David in Harlemville, New York, and is proud mother of three Waldorf graduates. She is a published poet, a new grandmother, a writer and an occasional quilter.
Presentation: Prototyping ALIANT Alliance – Americas Alliance of Initiatives for Applied Anthroposophy. Three levels of prototyping will be:Medical FreedomEducation ChoiceAgriculture RightsEconomics. Other initiative discussions will be:
Technology, Arts. Allianz ELIANT, founded by Dr. Michaela Gloeckler in Europe, supports human dignity and freedom in three areas of social, cultural and political discussions taking place at the legislative level.

Akil Bell

Three questions could support the inspiring of the formation of curative communities. What curative practices do you engage with to support your “community of self”? What does a curative community feel like? What relationships can support the forming of curative communities?  

Systemic Development, Wellness Systems, Education and Mentorship can serve as practices to support the forming of curative communities. These practices formulate and express the importance of building valuable and sustainable relationships with one’s self, the other, society, the earth and the cosmos. Let’s engage as powerful hu-mans and design a healthy future!

Melody Brink will share her experience in the Moria refugee camp, working with stART International- a German-based organization which brings pedagogues and therapists into settings that have been hit either by man-made or natural disasters, to support the affected children and adults with emergency aid.”

Frank Alepha Agrama is an artist, woodworker, musician, community activist, Youth Section organizer and co founder of Elderberries’ Have Seeds House, How We Will Forum, Urban First Aid- Art As Medicine and Elderberries Biodynamic Outpost in Chicago.

Kait Ziegler 

of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, and Repairers of the Breach, working with Reverends William Barber and Liz Theoharis, and a small beyond dedicated team, will share on this ‘turning inside out’ and what it takes to organize for social change along side of four pillars: Racism, Poverty, Ecological Devastation and the War/Prison Economy which requires a new narrative above all and a capacity to work with those who have very divergent views in the activist community. John Bloom of Rudolf Steiner Finance and General Secretary of the Anthropsophical Society will offer a conversation Toward Justice and Freedom and Capital, Money, Spirit and Matter.

Kim Sherobbi is a retired Detroit Public Schools Teacher who has lived in her Birwood Street neighborhood for over 50 years. Kim is the founder of Birwood House; a community space where she is a listener, visionary organizer and active community member who is committed to local sustainability. At Birwood House, Kim encourages Detroit residents of all ages and visitors from across the country to take responsibility for their neighborhoods, families, and futures based on inclusion, voice, vision, love, and critical connections. Kim is also a long time Board Member of the James and Grace Lee Boggs Center.

Angela Foster

“Whether I can help, I know not; an individual helps not, but he who combines himself with many at the proper hour. We will postpone the evil, and keep hoping. Hold thy circle fast”~ the old man with the lamp

As students of spiritual science we learn that Rudolf Steiner said that the whole of Anthroposophy is contained in miniature form in a story-gift that Johann Wolfgang von Goethe bequeathed to us in 1794: The Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily. What does this mean? How are we to understand these pictures-in-miniature and their relevance to striving human beings now in 2020? Reading with this question in my heart, the story began to reveal connections to basic practices in anthroposophy- what are often referred to ask the Six Basic Exercises. There are linguistic clues throughout the tale point to connections- can the rowdy being of light, referred to as the Will O’Wisps, teach us anything about controlling our scattered thinking? Can we find the pictures in the fairy tale that will instruct us in taming our will, finding equanimity, fostering positivity, open-mindedness and harmony? Let’s try together! Join us for a folk reading of this magical tale and experience for yourself how many voices reading and speaking aloud, in common purpose, might have healing benefits that move far beyond the realm that is visible to our physical eyes.

Laura Summer of Free Columbia, an art and education initiative in Philmont New York, will present on New Forms Around Art – Art Dispersal and Local Grants to increase diversity in diverse communities. Art Accessible to 100% of the People! 

Monika Pudelko was born in Hannover Germany, studied and worked as a waldorfteacher and did later the Eurythmy training in Dornach.

During that time she developed more and more the idea to create an intentional community, where the needs of a healthy economical life are met and arts and education are present. As well as a harmonious life with nature through modern off grid technologies and the organic architecture impulse.

Sekem has been an inspiration and example for many years and still is after a visit in 2018.

Monika moved to Canada in 2012 to step by step build on her dream. After teaching Eurythmy classes at different waldorf schools in Canada she moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba.

She offered eurythmy and waldorfeducation to the local community which came with challenges but gave also lots of freedom and the potential for new creations rooted in the background and experiences of spiritual science.

Together with a small group of interested people she founded the coop Myriadvillage in 2015 in rural Manitoba, in the heart of the american continent, where she is living ,building and creating now.

Dottie Zold

Dottie Zold and Frank Agrama of the Elderberries community and newly formed Circles for a Renewal of Culture non profit, will invite an open conversation as to how it is that the Steiner students here in our country and around the world can be good advocates for emergent healing forms, where the essence of what is human is at the center of our concerns. This threefold social form has yet to be realized and yet we see all around us new forms coming into being. What do the Steiner students have to contribute to the conversation of human rights in these three realms and do we have the will to unite together for the common good of humanity? Can we organize for the future needs out of the fruits of Rudolf Steiner’s work in the world? Do we have the will for this? If so can we make a beginning at organizing and shaping our actions now?


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