Greetings friends on this ‘Tune-in Tuesday‘ – In our 6 BE practice group we have just begun working with ‘Harmony‘ – the 6th & last of the Basic Protective exercise’s. When I think of harmony, I imagine the harmony of the spheres – How the spiritual beings of the fixed & wandering stars revolving in a sacred geometry, maintain the balance of life in the universe – The choirs of angels creating the perfect harmony to sing us into existence – And how by thoroughly working with the 6 Essential Exercise’s, given to us thru Rudolf Steiner, we can begin to become human creators of harmony, following the example of The Cherubim, the Spirits of Harmony, working from the 1st & highest Hierarchy. To get there we must 1st cultivate:
- The capacity for concentration and the focusing of thought.
- The second exercise is about disciplining the will, so that it becomes an expression of intention.
- The third is about equanimity or the capacity to remain balanced and calm rather than reactive when met with the unfamiliar.
- The fourth is the exercise of positivity which is the foundation of trust for the future.
- The fifth, open mind and open heart, is a preparation for overcoming the natural tendency to judge everything from the framework of sympathies and antipathies.
- The sixth and final exercise is the integration of all the previous five, which leads to a quality of inner harmony.
According to Spiritual Science the highest aspect of the human “I”, our highest- Self, originates beyond the zodiac – In the 1st hierarchy where the Seraphim & Cherubim, the Spirits of Love & the Spirits of Harmony, remain in the unveiled presence of the Most Holy Trinity. So here in this liminal space beyond time & place is the archetype of Love & Harmony – a role-model for us here on Earth.
And what’s interesting to me is that comets, whose job it is to shake up the harmony with a little dissonance, a much needed sharp or flat – introducing a health giving X factor into the mix, are also governed by the Cherubim & Seraphim – That comets are actually sent by them into our solar system on a “god-willed mission”! The task of the harmony challenging comet is to purify the astral realm & to bring a special conscious impulse into human evolution.
So if comets are on a “god-willed mission” sent by the Cherubim & Seraphim, what is this mission? And why is it that a mission sent by the Spirits of Love & Harmony, is often regarded as something to be feared? This seems paradoxical, that love & harmony can send apocalyptic fear & world disruption into humanity…To give perspective to this enigma, we have to remember that the word apocalypse means revelation.
And so it is that Comets bring revelation – a new impulse of change – a sea change, or I guess we could call it a key change, in the harmony of the spheres of which we are a part. And yes, often impulses for spiritual progress & evolution incite fear & foreboding, & are often fiercely opposed – stirring up the adversarial beings within us who want us to stay stuck..
Astrosopher Elisabeth Vreede tells us that comets encounter the Earth at just the right times to open great possibilities in the spiritual life of humanity! “They are dispatched directly by the Seraphim and Cherubim into the physical world of existence in order to effect quite definite impulses – Something of an elemental nature, that stirs up what is necessary in order to rightly maintain the progress of evolution in the cosmos — that is the nature of the comet.”
Polymath Rudolf Steiner even says the appearance of a comet enables spiritual organs to be developed in our physical & etheric bodies, to assist us in the development of new faculties for the progressing ego. New physical-etheric organs! Right?!? This is what the 6BE are all about.
Looking back we see that for Halley’s comet, these were organs to facilitate the development of the consciousness soul.
Now, maybe you remember The Swan, Atlas & Panstarrs comets? They came in right at the time of the corona virus. hmmmm…Dear friends, I believe the Spirits of Love & harmony sent them to us so we could develop towards a new heart-thinking-clairvoyance, as a progression from the age of the consciousness soul towards the unveiling of the Spirit-Self, a purification of our astral body, our fears & desires, to help us move forward in our evolution out of the materialistic age.
These cosmic events included the meeting of Saturn, Jupiter & Pluto, remember? -at the Winter Solstice- & That cosmic alignment carries for us the theme of a New Annunciation.
And of course, we must also be aware that a powerful cosmic deed such as this, a great light, creates a great shadow, giving rise to great opposition, & a strong desire to preserve the past – to hold back evolution towards its true goals – in this case the corona virus. Every key change, or transition is accompanied by struggle, tribulation, catharsis, even death in some form. For what is catharsis but the painful death of the old in us-& in the world, in order to make way for a new harmony to be born.Catharsis is as old as initiation itself & a necessary part of it. The old self must die in order for the new higher self to be born. This is the path of spiritual development, the transformation of the lower astral nature into the pure vessel for the birth of the Holy Spirit in us. It is the path of “not I, but Christ in me”. It is the initiation into the New Mysteries.
Looking at the question of the “purpose” of the corona – we can see it as an earthly shadow or counterforce to the blazing light of the powerful cosmic configurations, & the comets sent by the gods, to bring us to a new level of consciousness, helping to create spiritual organs that are suited to the progressive evolution of the ego.
Friends we must remember that a movement forward into a new evolutionary step is not predetermined, nothing is guaranteed, it is up to us, it’s all in how we as human beings meet these events.
Will the opposing forces of the past, of the old power structures, old ways of thinking, old social forms, resist what needs to come? Hell yes, there is no question of resistance – look around- We are at the beginning of a long, pronounced battle – a global catharsis -as well as a coronation initiation opportunity for humanity.
My thinking is that the planetary events during this time, the current comets, & the plandemic are all first stages in a great transition which Spiritual Science describes as a necessary condition in order to maintain Love & Harmony, in the progress of evolution for the cosmos, & to lead humanity into the 6th Cultural Age, where thru the purified Astral we achieve what Anthroposophy calls the Spirit-Self – where we will directly experience the joys & sorrows of every other human being, so that we as individuals cannot be content if even one person in the entire world is suffering. Another prefiguring lesson from the Corona.
I bring all this up now because COMET PONS-WINNECKE has recently entered the scene, although it was 1st detected, no surprise, in early January 2020, at the start of the corona crisis, but it will reach Perihelion, the point in its orbit when it is closest to the Sun on May 27, 2021, just after Pentecost & the day after the total lunar eclipse on the Full Moon of May which commemorates the birth, enlightenment & death of Gautama Buddha, known as The Wesak Festival, considered to be the greatest moment of spiritual contact for the entire year – Just a heads up folks, because again, the spiritual world is doing their part & it’s up to us to take up the powerful impulses they are providing. I will share more about the implications of this on another Tune-in Tuesday.
Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day
Ramadan 2021 Begins at Sunset
1605 – Death day of Boris Godunov, Tsar of Russia
1613 – Samuel Argall, having captured Native American princess Pocahontas in Passapatanzy, Virginia, sets off with her to Jamestown with the intention of exchanging her for English prisoners held by her father.
1743 – Birthday of Thomas Jefferson, American lawyer and politician, 3rd President of the United States
1851 – Birthday of William Quan Judge, Irish occultist and theosophist
1873 – The Colfax massacre, in which more than 300 black men are murdered.
1906 – Samuel Beckett, Irish novelist, poet, and playwright, Nobel Prize laureate
1945 –German troops kill more than 1,000 political and military prisoners in Gardelegen, Germany.
1953 – CIA director Allen Dulles launches the mind-control program Project MKUltra.
1960 – The United States launches Transit 1-B, the world’s first satellite navigation system.
POD (Poem Of the Day)
~Today I am
Yod, the Hand of fluid darkness –
The primal ink I inscribe myself with
Upon the scroll of manifestation…
Living into the spheres of cosmic Life and cosmic Light: Easter, Ascension, Whitsun in the Calendar of the Soul with Luigi Morelli, Hazel Archer & Geoff Norris
13 May 2021 Ascension Thursday 5- 6:30pm PT / 6-7:30 pm MT / 7 pm – 8:30 pm CT / 8-9:30 pm ET / 1 am – 2:30 am GMT / 2 am – 3:30 am CET
Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 705 293 1041 – Passcode: Ascension
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Verses & Group Speech – Geoff Norris
Ascension: The secret teachings, the Elementals, & The Etheric Christ – Hazel Archer
Calendar of the Soul – Luigi Morelli : For those who are familiar with the Calendar of the Soul we could say that during spring and summer we follow the ascent of cosmic life, cosmic light, cosmic warmth and cosmic Word as gifts bestowed upon the human being by the cosmos. By being receptive to them we strengthen our connection to cosmos and Self.
We will briefly explore the dynamics of the year, then look at what qualities of soul we need to develop as we move into spring and summer, most particularly from Easter to Ascension and Whitsun. We will look at the verses of the calendar in conjunction with the artistic renditions of Anne Stockton and Karl König, drawn for each of the verses.
We will ask ourselves: How can we live into and grow from this time of the year? How can we deepen our inner relationship to the event of Ascension? What can we receive and what can we give?
Luigi Morelli – Cultures have been a great part of my upbringing, since I’m American born, part Italian, part Peruvian, mostly grew up in Belgium, and have lived the longest in the US. I have long had a passion for social change from a cultural perspective. Professionally this has brought me to working with the developmentally disabled in the intentional, holistic, communities of Camphill International and L’Arche International, and also in the mainstream. Being a founding member of the Wavecrest L’Arche Community in Los Angeles was a memorable experience. I have lived in intentional cohousing for the last ten years; first in Ecovillage Ithaca, now at Headwaters Cohousing in Cabot, in both places actively involved in community building and process facilitation.
Since 1999 I have found a vocation in researching/writing both about American history and/or about cultural/spiritual change, which you can find at Only of late have I started writing on meditative material I have used for years, publishing an essay on the Foundation Stone Meditation (also onsite) and one upcoming on the Calendar of the Soul. I love outdoors in many forms, gardening, hiking, skiing, love singing and playing flute, and enjoy most kinds of social events.
Geoffrey Norris was born in Durban, South Africa on 07/09/1951. After extensive performing with the Rock Musical “Hair “in Southern Africa, Portugal and Spain in the early 70’s he continued his theatrical training at the London School of Speech Formation and Dramatic Art, graduating in 1978. He is an actor, storyteller and teacher of voice, movement and drama and has given courses and workshops worldwide integrating the approaches of Rudolf Steiner, Michael Chekhov, Viola Spolin (and others, his own included).and has performed extensively throughout Britain, Eire, Continental Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Southern Africa, The United States, Canada, China, Taiwan, Japan, and New Zealand. He is a master teacher of Steiner Speech Drama and Movement, with over 46 years of experience in the field.
Norris’s “Noble Art of the Word” puts to shame our modern actors, who fear to bring colour to poetic, rhythmic language, making it monochromatic dull prose. May they learn from one of the best examples.
Theatre Critic – Olsztyn
Hi Hazel. Easy to detect that you’re excited about all that’s happening. I couldn’t follow all your excitement, but I agree that the 6th cultural age is upon us. How do we get the younger generation to awaken and co-create? Perhaps if something from their own past lives triggers something in them – Steiner seemed to be big on bringing up past events, and past lives. Just a suggestion.
Question – in these replies, I often start a new paragraph, but when it’s formatted, it’s all put together in one big jumble of words. I’ve noticed other people seem to be able to separate their thoughts in paragraphs. Why does it change my separate paragraphs into one big entry? Where do I find formatting options?
Interesting idea about the young folks…
Yes, I wonder if they might often be confused about past lives causeing them to question their gender…
the formatting is a mystery to me…sorry, I sure wish I had some tech help with these things
Steiner gave a course to the younger generation here, and wherein he hoped to keep them close to the elements of learning. I have wondered if they have kept to it by now. Speech, Drama, Eurythmy, they are all important, and yet Steiner wanted to impart to them just how important it was to take in all that it means to evolve in our day and age. So, this course of lectures:
That’s an interesting thought about the gender confusion issue – makes me wonder if those doing past-life therapy and regression have anything to say on it. I’ve a friend who’s a past-life therapist – think I’ll pass this thought by them.
Came across a quote this morning from a Cayce reading, where he mentions a few immutable laws. I immediately thought of your concern about awakening others, especially youth, because it shows the battle for the mind that anyone like yourself, who has developed a predominantly spiritual nature (one where you’ve learned that spirit is the life force and should take priority over the material), shows what you and others are up against. Any soul who has chosen to take on flesh will immutably experience these laws/desires for self-propagation, self-preservation and companionship that are mentioned. In other words, until the soul develops spiritual organs of perception, such material laws will be top of mind – it’s the law of all flesh. The chances of youth having a penchant for the spiritual are pretty slim – they’re so preoccupied with fulfilling these desires in the sensual realm. But there are a few who see through the smoke and the mirrors of this illusionary life; we’re grateful for them, and they are a gift to all of us.
“Hence, Destiny is: “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” And like begets like! And the first law of nature, which is the material manifestation of spiritual law in a physical world, is self-propagation – which means that it seeks self- preservation and the activity of the same law that brought the thought of man (or the spirit of man) into existence – companionship!” EC Reading 276-7, par. 17
A worthy read. As always your newsletters are awakening and revealing. Your points about the Cherubim and their role in awakening us to who we are with comets is inspiring. Thank you for your care and warm you always seem to exhibit and for your truth-telling. I deeply appreciate your telling things in your own voice that helps us feel what full embodiment can lead us to. We are all examples for one another, yet many of us defer to quotes more than we need to do, in my opinion. We can do more together than apart, and yet we need to also stand up in ourselves with our own voice. You are a continual beacon for me in this. In Sophia’s loving wisdom as best I can currently imagine/hoping to reveal towards full embodiment…
Hi Anne – So glad to hear this speaks to you. I’ve been striving to Speak with the Stars forever, but now I think it’s becoming more that just an imagination or idea.
My questions is, ok so the Spiritual world is sending us flares, besides paying attention, connecting the dots of the attributes, which is a big 1st step, then we have to use those openings in the portal to say something, to do something – what kind of spiritual activism can we do together…? I’ve often held gatherings where we do eurhtyhmy or speak verses, do art, do a prepstir…How can we get more people to awaken & co-create…? How can we foster the Sophia in each other…activating the Divine Heavenly Wisdom whithin the Anthroposophia who shows us to ourselves…???