Beloved Friends –
A day after the Vernal Equinox, as the earth turned from equal day & equal night toward the triumph of the light, our 3-fold friends, Dottie, Daniel & Frank, came flying in with the winds of change, from the City of Angels. With a timetable of a mere 24 hours, we hit the road running in a collective effort to begin broadcasting the seeds of their Elderberries 3-fold initiative in the cold clime of The Windy City.
The Being of the Rudolf Steiner Branch warmed & welcomed them, the council & members were set a-blaze with their enthusiasm. Roots are setting; sprouts are unfurling in the etheric. We are forging the Micha-el Grail-Road; paving the way from the West to the East, opening the way into the Heart-land.
Please join your good will with ours that these fruits will ripen – casting ever more seeds – to flourish & feed the 3-fold social organism of humanity & the Being of Anthroposophia.
It felt so fitting to leave these friends to meet with the 6th graders at the Urban Prairie Waldorf School where I gave a storytelling of 2 fearless Knights from King Arthur’s Round Table. All the while I held the picture of Karl König´s poem “The Knighthood of the 20th Century”, which is written on the wall of the Elderberries 3-Fold Café. Tomorrow I take the young ‘Lords & Ladies’ on a Rite-of-Passage Retreat called- The Path of Chivalry: A Quest to Become a 21st Century Knight -fueled by the passion of purpose bestowed on me from Dottie, Daniel & Frank who work every day to manifest Anthroposophy in the world.
Ever striving to be in service to the highest good
~Hazel Archer Ginsberg
Everywhere we hear the question ‘where are the youth’?
Growing up today, life is bound to be complex and challenging for nearly every young person. We often grow up in unwholesome family environments and a culture that does not meet our deepest need for beauty and a healthy social life.
Around us we see pain and devastation on all levels. Hope, the medicine for depression and addiction, is kindled through righteous activity. Young people have an inner need to participate in self and societal transformation or else their life forces wither and die. Right action in turn, necessitates profound understanding of the human being and the natural and spiritual worlds. This is where Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy, or Spiritual Science, serves.
What if our Rudolf Steiner Branches across this continent and the world were buzzing hubs of initiative? Youth are asking for inner transformation to go hand in hand with outer deeds?
This storyline is what we also heard when meeting the community in Chicago.
It was a beautiful evening of conversation, questions and stories, non-stop for four hours! We first met the board and then transitioned in to an open conversation about our work at Elderberries with the larger community.
Many of the beautiful friends that showed up shared their surprise and appreciation after hearing more about our work and how we approach personal transformation in community. Toward the end when speaking about the practical building and renovation concerns – one of the younger friends Mihai, opened his jacket slightly to reveal his work uniform saying ‘you know I’m a building engineer’… as if to say ‘we’ve got this, don’t worry’!
In gratitude, the three of us – Frank, Dottie and I boarded the plane back to LA after an inspiring visit. Thank you to Hazel and her husband Chuck Ginsberg for hosting us so beautifully and keeping the dream alive. Let’s see what’s possible!
~ Daniel Evaeus