Today 2-22-2020 on the 144th anniversary of Ita Wegman’s Birth* I wanted to offer this write-up on The Weekend Intensive for the School of Spiritual Science.
The timing of Valentine ’s Day weekend was perfect for my husband Chuck & I to get away. We have always loved the rhythm of the ‘Mid-Winter Break’ which is still part of us from our daughter’s Waldorf School days. But the snow fairies decided to give us a little storm, which wasn’t bad comparatively speaking for Chicago, yet had the effect of delaying our flight 5 hours.
It all worked out, since I often like to come to an event the day before to get acclimatized, & the delay actually allowed Gino Ver Eecke, our host, to come pick us up. We made it into ‘Spring Valley’ just in time for Gino to dash off to the Three Fold Auditorium to help with the lights for the dress rehearsal of the ‘Festival for the Unborn’ which was performed on Saturday night. The cold had followed us from Chicago, but even though it was dark, I wanted to show Chuck a little of Spring Valley, which had been my home over my Mystery Drama years, so we bundled up & took a walk-about.
The next morning was Valentine’s Day. Gino had to work, but we had time to commune while he prepared elaborate meals for the day to accommodate his special diet meant to combat Lyme’s, which a lot of folks in the area have – fresh juices & smoothies & soup for the evening meal, before he left.
The wood burning stove made the house, decorated with the loving ascetic of eurythmist Maria Burbank Ver Eecke, warm & cozy. Chuck & I had a leisurely honeymoon morning, & then took another walk out in the cold sunshine to visit the ‘Hand & Hoe’ – the Fellowship Community’s organic cafe & hand-crafted merchandise emporium, selling goods from across the Threefold Community. It’s my favorite place to go on Friday’s as they serve a homemade pizza & soup lunch & sell organic products from the Pfeiffer Center’s biodynamic fields, as well as milk from their our own dairy! The store is stocked full of hand-dipped candles, books printed from Mercury Press, home-made bread, crystals, & more! I always end up buying a few gifts & books there. I picked up the ‘12 Moods’ by Rudolf Steiner, a hand knitted cap (I had forgot to bring one from home) & a beautiful hand crafted stained glass window piece for Gino & Maria.
The greenhouse in the Pfeiffer garden already had kale & lettuces growing. We took refuge from the cold there, blessing the land, the bees & all who work so lovingly to redeem the earth.
Then off we went to pick up some food supplies at The Hungry Hollow Co-op established in 1973 as a buying club by parents at Green Meadow Waldorf School. The Co-op has the best fresh squeezed juice bar ever. It is a source for local Biodynamically grown produce, & strives to conduct business in an environmentally & socially responsible manner, which is evident in the pervasive mood of good will living in the folks there.
Anyone who has been to ‘Spring Valley’ knows it’s a magical mecca for Anthroposophia. For 1 thing, upstate NY is beautiful, the land rolls with hills & dales, flowing creeks thru the forest, the ethers verdant with elemental forces, dotted by powerful granite boulders churned up from the ice age glacier.
The Threefold community is home to a wide variety of initiatives rooted in the work of Rudolf Steiner. Chuck & I took advantage of our free day & explored everywhere, soaking up the spiritual striving that lives so strongly here.
That night Barbara Renold set a mood of urgent action with the opening words of welcome, reminding us that the School of Spiritual Science is the antidote for the adversarial powers that have such a grip on humanity at this time of the Consciousness Soul Age. We in the School have a great responsibility to work with this sanctified gift from the Being of Michael thru Rudolf Steiner. Barbara also acknowledged the important role that Ita Wegman played in the School.
This made me smile in grateful remembrance of my portrayal of Ita Wegman there at the Three Fold Auditorium. It was not long ago that Lemniscate Arts staged a reading of the new play called ‘Steiner’, featuring the 2 women closest to him. I could really feel the spiritual presence of these powerful individualities, Dr. Steiner, Marie Steiner von Sivers & Dr. Wegman, working from all worlds.
Class Lesson 1, was given by the formidable Dorothea Mier, the premier Eurythmy performer & teacher from Dornach. Dorothea took over the leadership of Eurythmy Spring Valley in 1980. Since 2006 she has stepped back as lead teacher, but still has her hands in everything. Our hostess Maria, one of her eurythmy students from way back, does a great imitation of Dorothea saying “I marvel at the Father”, which captured the beauty & reverence with which Dorothea had presented the lesson.
The next morning brought Herbert Hagens to the podium with a free rendering of Class Lesson II, revealing how working deeply with the Lessons can foster potent insights, connections & patterns; a true process of initiation. We come to know the ‘Threshold’, in Time, Space & through the heart – 3 ways that bring us to the same Threshold, speaking from the past, present & future. Herbert pointed out that there are 5 questions asked of us in the 1st tablet. He shared with us the German work Stimmung = ‘tuning in to a mood’, & said there are 4 moods in Lesson 2; with 3 warnings. He named the 3 beasts as Ahriman, the Asuras & Sorat, which was intensely unsettling yet truly eye-opening. But fear not, O human being, for at the end we can find Love in the 2nd Hierarchy thru the rays of the Sun.
During the Lesson there was a strange rather unnerving high pitched sound piercing the atmosphere, which perfectly outpictured the forces of these beasts. It took a lot to overcome what felt like a nail in the head. At the break it was good to find out that I was not alone, others had heard it too, & that it was remedied. So interesting since the night before Herbert had mentioned how he always likes to get the same room at the hotel because he is so sensitive to noise, hums & such.
There were about 60 participants, so we divided into 2 groups for our conversations, which were a wonderful way to share thoughts, & experiences, as well as explore various questions that were living in us.
Barbara Renold, lead us in Speech, helped by a student from China, taking us thru 5 languages to work with The Guardian’s Call: ‘O Human Being, Know Yourself’. We were asked to think about how we represent Anthroposophy in the world. Can I be truly present? Not letting the beasts interfere. Can I stand with, & as, the ‘Representative of Humanity’, reflecting back what a human being can truly be? Is it my will to actively work with the Being of Michael – “Who is like god’ – holding the countenance of Christ, so that I can give this gift – this present to the world. What a joy to embody the Logos with Barbara’s enthusiastic teaching.
Dorothea Mier took us on the stage to work thru experiencing the effects of the beasts in Eurythmy. What an honor to get a taste of her powerful instruction, which was profound & engaging.
Lunch at the Three Fold Café, was healthy, delicious & abundant. There was plenty of time to socialize, to meet new folks, & old friends, engaging in meaningful conversation. The weekend was set up wonderfully so that there was also ample time to just rest & digest all that we have taken in.
I had experienced a powerful free rendering by Rudiger Janisch at the last AGM in Atlanta. In this afternoon session, he again took us deep & wide with Class Lesson III; writing on the board to give us a good overview that showed how we can work with the mantras vertically & horizontally, listening for instruction on what to do, developing a mood of soul & the moral faculty that helps us find the rhythms, noting clues as to the overcoming of these beasts. Things like heeding the headings, studying the architectural motifs in the 1st Goetheanum showing The Guardian over the windows & doors. He reminded us to approach these Lessons with the ‘Beginners Mind’, so that we see the other for the 1st time without the prejudice of memory. Be in the moment. Warm the thinking with feeling. Know that the other is I. And re-member ‘Wisdom lives in the light’.
Another amazing meal at the Threefold Café, where Chuck got Dorothea to give us a glimpse into her biography by asking her how she came to eurythmy. What a powerful karmic tale!
The ‘Festival for the Unborn’ was a revelation, with offerings in Eurythmy, Spoken Word, a Lyre Ensemble, Cello performance, Speech Choir, & a few thoughts on embryology by Dr. Karnow. The Threefold Auditorium was packed. As the festival Coordinators, Melissa Lyons, who I lived with during my Mystery Drama visits, & Jennifer Kleinbach organized this amazing offering, with Melissa performing in the Eurythmy piece ‘Dance of Planets’ with the other eurythmists from the exceptional Festivals performing group. Jennifer directed the whole affair & shared her considerable talents as Speech artist & MC. Dorothea Mier did an amazing solo piece, opening us to the etheric realm, which poured forth from her every gesture. The poetry by Eve Olive, interspersed with the live music, the exquisite eurythmy & speech work, made the program into an invocation to the unborn, whose presence was palatable, creating in my imagination a picture of human souls listening & waiting at the rainbow bridge.
I have always coupled the Unborn with the so-called Dead, in my ‘All Souls’ Festivals, since for me the womb & the tomb are both portals to the spiritual world, the same Threshold seen from different angles. It was interesting to tease them apart. It created an intense concentration for me, pointing up what Steiner said about how those working with him would return after a very short time in the spiritual world, about 80 years. I have been living with this for some time. It is the impedance for my dedication to the Elderberries 3 Fold Initiative that we are working to give birth to in Chicago, which since our Michaelmas festival has linked up with the biodynamic famers. It really confirmed for me the responsibility we have as Anthroposophers to create the fertile foundations for the unborn to return, & how this relates to the sister movements like Waldorf education & biodynamics. And also how important it is to strive to know our own prenatal commitments, echoing the words of The Guardian, to Know Thy Self, which we heard throughout the weekend, so that we can make manifest the destiny we signed up for, remembering & implementing the blueprint we created with the highest spiritual beings before we came into this life.
The evening was resplendent, giving us the perfect impulse to take into our sleep. So potent in fact that I awoke in the middle of the night recalling the dreams I had about my daughter before she was born, which revealed her name to me.
Class Lesson IV was a sublime free rendering by Judith Brockway-Aventuro, which was clarifying & succinct. Through her blackboard work we saw the movement from the preceding Lessons & got perspectives in how we must: stand firm & feel what the depths of earth are asking of us; lovingly receive the warmth of the Sun to strengthen us for good works ; & how through bravery & grace we find our true humanity, by lifting our thoughts to the spiritual world.
At the break Herbert asked me to sit on the panel for the closing conversation. It was great to see folks head on & to share a few thoughts. This initiative will continue with 3 Lessons each, starting up again 6-8 November 2020, alternating & cycling thru with February dates in 2021 dates & beyond, as we approach the 100 year anniversary of the School for Spiritual Science, inaugurated after the re-founding of the Society with the movement at the Christmas Conference.
After many wonderful goodbyes, we took Maria & Gino out to a place called Bare Burger for a lovely organic lunch. What a joy to spend time with these 2 amazing human beings. We had Gino out to Chicago awhile back to give a lecture, & it is my hope that Maria will come, perhaps for the big Waldorf 100 here in June! She graciously drove us to the airport for an uneventful flight where we were able to begin digesting all that we had received.
Upon my return I dove right into my next project: the Easter-Tide Retreat: “Karma and Anthroposophic Psychology“, presented by the Central Regional Council and the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology. I have just finished the epic ‘pageant’ – an inner initiation taking us thru the ‘Harrowing of Hell’ on Holy Saturday, leading to the Alchemical Marriage of The Sophia-Christos within, as part of this amazing Easter-Tide Retreat…Come join us in Chicago…
Feeling Blessed
Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day
1632 – Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems is published.
1651 – St. Peter’s Flood: A storm surge floods the Frisian coast, drowning 15,000 people
1732 – Birthday of George Washington, American general & politician, 1st President of the United States
1788 – Birthday of Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher & author
1876 – Birthday of Ita Wegman, founder of Anthroposophical medicine & close collaborator of Rudolf Steiner. She also developed a special form of massage therapy, called rhythmical massage, & other therapeutic treatments.
Ita Wegman, as she was known throughout her life, was born as Maria Ita Wegman in Indonesia, the first child of a Dutch colonial family. Around the turn of the century, she returned to Europe (she had visited before) & studied therapeutic gymnastics & massage. In 1902, when she was 26, she met Rudolf Steiner for the first time. Five years later she began medical school at the University of Zurich, where women were not discriminated to study medicine. She was granted a diploma as a medical doctor in 1911 with a specialization in women’s medicine & joined an existing medical practice.
In 1917, having opened an independent practice, she developed a cancer treatment using an extract of mistletoe following indications from Steiner. This first remedy, which she called Iscar, was later developed into Iscador & has become an approved cancer treatment in Germany & a number of other countries.
By 1919 she had a joint practice together with two other doctors, also women. In 1920 she purchased land in Arlesheim, where she opened her own clinic, the Klinisch-Therapeutisches Institut, the first center for anthroposophical medicine. In 1922 she founded a therapeutic home for mentally handicapped children, Haus Sonnenhof, also in Arlesheim, & co-founded a pharmaceutical laboratory, Weleda, that has since grown into a significant producer of medicines & health-care products.
In the following year, Rudolf Steiner asked Wegman to join the Executive Council of the newly reformed Anthroposophical Society at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. She also directed the Medical Section of the research center at the Goetheanum. Together, Wegman & Steiner wrote what was to be Steiner’s last book, Extending Practical Medicine, which gave a theoretical basis to the new medicine they were developing. The book was partly written while Wegman cared for Steiner, who was already terminally ill. Wegman founded a new medical journal, Natura, the following year.
In 1936, the clinic opened a second home in Ascona, Switzerland. Shortly thereafter, difficulties between Wegman & the rest of the Executive Council flared up, & Wegman was asked to leave the Council; in addition, she & a number of supporters had their membership in the Anthroposophical Society itself withdrawn. The medical work flourished, however, & Wegman travelled extensively in support of the rapidly growing movement to extend medicine’s limits; she was especially active in the Netherlands & England during this time. Wegman died in Arlesheim in 1943, at the age of 67.
Ita Wegman is a close collaborator of Rudolf Steiner thruout many incarnations including: Alexander the Great to Steiner’s Aristotle; Gilgamesh & Ebani… On the Work of the Archangel Michael by Ita Wegman
1943 – Deathday of 1943 – Hans & Sophie Scholl, German activists. Sophie a German student along with her brother Hans were anti-Nazi political activists, active within the White Rose non-violent resistance group in Nazi Germany. They were convicted of high treason after distributing anti-war leaflets at the University of Munich (LMU).
In the early summer of 1942, Scholl, his sister Sophie, Willi Graf, Kurt Huber, Christoph Probst, & Alexander Schmorell, co-authored 6 anti-Nazi Third Reich political resistance leaflets. Calling themselves the White Rose, they instructed Germans to practice nonviolent resistance against the Nazis. The group had been horrified by the behavior of some German soldiers on the Eastern Front, where they had witnessed cruelty towards Jews in Poland & Russia.
Hans & Sophie Scholl & Christopher Probst were beheaded by Johann Reichhart in Munich’s Stadelheim Prison. The execution was supervised by Dr. Walter Roemer, the enforcement chief of the Munich district court. Scholl’s last words were “Es lebe die Freiheit!” (“Long live freedom!”). Shortly thereafter, most of the other students involved were arrested & executed as well.
1932 – Birthday of Ted Kennedy, an American politician who served as a United States Senator from Massachusetts for over forty years from 1962 until his death in 2009. A member of the Democratic Party, he was the second most senior member of the Senate when he died & is the fourth-longest-continuously-serving senator in United States history, having served there for almost 47 years.
For many years, Ted Kennedy was the most prominent living member of the Kennedy family, & he was also the last surviving, longest-living, & youngest son of Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. & Rose Kennedy. He was the youngest brother of John F. Kennedy—the 35th President of the United States—& Senator Robert F. Kennedy, both victims of assassination, & the father of Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy.
1997 – In Roslin, Midlothian, British scientists announce that an adult sheep named Dolly was successfully cloned.
POD (Poem Of the Day)
~Out of chaos came the light
Out of will came life…
Ita Wegman – The Courage to Heal – A Circles of Renewal Initiative 7 pm – 8:30 pm Saturday 22 February 2020
Ita Wegman ~ The Courage to Heal
7 pm Saturday 22 February 2020 – on the anniversary of her birth in 1876
A Community conversation around: The history of the friendship between Ita Wegman & Rudolf Steiner – From Mesopotamia, ancient Greece, the Fire, the re-founding of the Society with the Movement, the Split – hatred in the world, the Reconciliation with Marie Steiner, Qualities of meeting the other, – 8thfold path revisited…
A Circles of Renewal – Biodynamic Outpost Initiative
at Elderberries General Store 4251 N. Lincoln Ave. 60618
For more info. contact Frank Agrama 323-445-9615
3-Fold Breakfast & Lunch Conversations
Every day there will be open conversations on 3-folding:
8am – 11am – Coffee, Tea & Oatmeal
2pm – 5pm – Soup
Free Will Donation
A Circles of Renewal – Biodynamic Outpost Initiative
at Elderberries General Store 4251 N. Lincoln Ave. 60618
And a study of the Agriculture lectures every Friday 7-8:30 pm
For more info. contact Frank Agrama 323-445-9615
KNOW THYSELF – Karma and Anthroposophic Psychology — an Easter-Tide Retreat 9 -12 April 2020,
Registration is now open for the Easter-Tide Retreat: “Karma and Anthroposophic Psychology“, presented by the Central Regional Council and the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology View this email in your browser
Karma and Anthroposophic Psychology — an Easter-Tide Retreat
Maundy Thursday 9 April 2020 Noon through Easter Sunday at 3 pm
Rudolf Steiner Branch 4249 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL. 60618
AAP:James A. Dyson, M.D., Roberta Nelson, Ph.D., and David Tresemer, Ph.D. with Susan Overhauser, Ph.D.
CRC:Marianne Fieber, Alberto Loya, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, David Howerton, Lisa Dalton
Eurythmist: Mary Ruud
- Art-Acts
- Star Wisdom
- The Karma Exercises
- Experiential PAGEANT on Holy Saturday: ‘Know Thyself’
- Easter Sunrise Songtrail
- Optional service at the Christian Community
- Communal meals and time for Conversation
- ‘Living into Karma through the Senses’
- ‘How to find the Self in a Sea of Karma’
- ‘Unfolding the Enigma of the Saturn Path’
- ‘The Gesture of Karma’
- ‘Christ as Lord of Karma — how do I access this in terms of my personal psychology?’
Conference Fees (includes 1 meal per day & art supplies):
- $190 Supporter Level
- $140 Standard Rate
- $60 Youth Rate (Age 35 and under) Limited scholarships available. Click here to apply.
Click here for program information and to register
If you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya
A popular view of karma is cause and effect or tit-for-tat. Karma, however, is so much more complex, interesting, and important. The soul work of karma has to do with the unfolding of our individuality through the elements, through the ethers, and very much through relationships.
Rudolf Steiner named his core mission as bringing karma and reincarnation to the West; his teachings deserve interpretation and practical enlivening. The Central Regional Council has been exploring this theme for many months. Anthroposophic Psychology gives a unique contribution to the soul work of karma. For this conference the CRC is partnering with the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology (AAP of North America) to present ideas and experiences concerning karma—and how it impacts upon personal psychology.
Tentative Schedule
Thursday April 9
Noon: Registration & Group Lunch (provided)
2:00-3:15 Welcome and ArtActs (Interactive Artistic Activity)
3:30-5:30 Star Wisdom and Karma – David Tresemer, Ph.D.
5:30-7:00 Dinner (on your own)
7:00-9:00 (Evening Presentation) “The Karma Exercises” – Susan Overhauser, Ph.D.
Friday April 10
9-10:15 ArtActs
10:30-12:30 Living into Karma—through the Senses —James A. Dyson, MD.
12:30-2:00 Lunch (on your own)
2:00-3:15 ArtActs
3:30-5:30 How to Find the Self in a Sea of Karma – Roberta Nelson, Ph.D. This is part 1 of a deep inquiry into finding one’s self.
5:30-7:00 Group Dinner (provided)
7:00-9:00 Unfolding the Enigma of the Saturn path — James A. Dyson, MD.
Saturday April 11
9-10:15 ArtActs
10:30-12:30 How to Find the Self in a Sea of Karma – Roberta Nelson, Ph.D. This is part 2 of a deep inquiry into finding one’s self.
12:30-2:00 Lunch (on your own)
2:00-3:15 ArtActs
3:30-5:30 The Gesture of Karma – David Tresemer, Ph.D. Guest to this presentation will be Lisa Loving Dalton.
5:30-7:00 Group Dinner (provided)
7:00-9:00 PAGEANT: ‘Know Thyself’ by Hazel Archer-Ginsberg,
Sunday April 12
Easter SunriseSongtrail at the Lake with Marianne Fieber
At the Christian Community 2135 W. Wilson Ave · Chicago, Il 60625
9:30 Children’s Stories
10:00 Children’s Service
10:30 Adult Easter Service
11:30 Potluck Feast
12:30LEADING THOUGHTS: Christ as Lord of Karma—how do I access this in terms of my personal psychology? – James Dyson, MD.
1:30 Gatheringexperiences and reflections.
2:30 CRC business
3:00 Closing
Sacred Gateway: Conscious Living, Conscious Dying, and the Journey Beyond April 16-19, 2020 in Detroit, MI.
The Sacred Gateway: Conscious Living, Conscious Dying, and the Journey Beyond 2020
04/16/2020 – 2:00 PM – 04/19/2020 -1:00 PM PT
The Sacred Gateway: Conscious Living, Conscious Dying, and the Journey Beyond
April 16 – 19, 2020
Detroit Waldorf School
Detroit, MI
- Bring a new consciousness to your own life and death
- Support those who are crossing and who have crossed over
- Expand your practice and knowledge of working with the dying
Through interactive workshops, triad sharing, keynote discussions with Rev. Patrick Kennedy, Sandra LaGrega and Jennifer Fox, Dr. Melinda Toney, and Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, and more, as well as experiential and artistic activities, we will consciously explore the spiritual and practical aspect of human life and death.
Conference Fees:
- $280 Supporter Level
- $195 Standard ASA Member Rate
- $215 Non-Member Rate
- $60 Youth Rate (Age 35 and under)
Limited scholarships available. Click here to apply.
Conference Schedule
(Note: Workshops Subject to Additions/Minor Changes)
Pre-conference Activities:
Thursday, April 16
2 pm Tour of Brightmoor Maker’s Space
4 pm Screening of short film The Art of Natural Death Care Detroit Waldorf School Auditorium- By Donation
7pm Screening of a Will For The Woods Detroit Waldorf School Auditorium- Open to the public! $10 Suggested Donation
Friday, April 17
10:00-1:00p Registration Opens
10:00-12:00p Choose from two pre-conference activities at the Detroit Waldorf School
- Exploring the Beauty of home funerals and green burial: Photo essay and Q&A with Merilynne Rush, MS, End-of-Life Doula Trainer and Home Funeral Guide (Open to the public. Donation accepted at the door)
- The Story of Detroit: A Walking Songtrail (Meet in the school playground. Approx. two mile walk)
12:00p Bag Lunch (For Purchase)
1:00p Conference Opening
1:45-3:00p Keynote Discussion with Rev. Patrick Kennedy: Befriending Death
3:00-3:30p Break
3:30-5:00p Three-Day Themed Workshops (Chosen on site. Choose one theme and attend Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)
Fuller descriptions coming soon!
- From Loss to Connection Through the Arts: Reading, Writing and Drawing with Marianne Dietzel and Maureen Flannery
Together we will invite our loved ones across the threshold to join us in experiencing practices thet connect and heal. We will read to the dead, write prose and poetry, and draw from gestures of nature. - BIOGRAPHY: GIFTS OF REVIEWING LIFE AND CONNECTING TO LIFE AFTER DEATH Sandra LaGrega and Jennifer Fox
5:30-6:30 Choose: Eurythmy (Movement), Singing, or Poetry
6:30 Evening Appetizer Reception (Included in registration fee)
7:30-9:00 Evening Performance
Saturday April 18 – All workshops chosen on site/Saturday Lunch and Dinner for purchase
8:00 Coffee/Tea/Breakfast Snacks (Included in Regisration Fee)
8:30-9:15 Choose: Eurythmy (Movement), Singing, or Poetry
9:30-11:00 Three-Day Themed Workshops
11:00-11:30 Break
11:30-12:30 Vigil Room Experience
12:30 – 2:00 Lunch and Table Conversations
2:15 – 3:45 Topic Workshops
Workshop Choices Coming Soon!
3:45-4:15 Break
4:15-5:45 Story Space: Death & Healing
5:45-7:00 Dinner With Your Dinner Table Groups
7:30-9:00 Evening Performance with Sarah Putnam: Little Gidding by TS Elliot followed by Memento Mori Ritual
Sunday, April 19 – All workshops chosen on site
8:00 Coffee/Tea/Breakfast Snacks (Included in Registration Fee)
8:30-9:15 Choose: Eurythmy (Movement), Singing, or Poetry
9:30 – 11:00 Three Day Themed Workshops
11:30-1:00 Green Burial Ceremony and Closing
Full conference:
$280 Supporter (This level provides scholarships for other attendees!)
$195 Standard ASA Member Rate/$215 Non-Member Rate/$60 Youth
Please Note: Cancellation fee of $35 before April 9. No refunds after April 10.
**Scholarship applications open. Click here to complete your application by March 30!**
We will get back to you by either March 15th or 30th, depending upon your application date.
Transportation and Lodging
The nearest aiport is the Detroit Metro airport, which is 30 minutes away. Please take Uber/Lyft/Taxi to our site.
Click here for a general transportation FAQ.
Rooms reserved at the following:
Comfort Inn Detroit at 1999 E Jefferson Ave has a block of rooms available for us. Please go to this link for the $124.00 nightly rate. Breakfast is included, as well as shuttle rides to and from the Detroit Waldorf School. You can also call 313-567-8888 and say that you are with the Sacred Gateway group.
Want to share a ride or room? You can post your request or respond to requests at our shared room/ride board here.