14 December 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Today’s New Moon Solar Eclipse starts this morning at 7:33:55 am CST & ends at 12:53:03 pm CST
At a solar eclipse the shadow of the moon cast upon the Earth, blocks out the Sun, creating a dark funnel that allows for destructive, unbridged astral forces, living mostly in the sub-consciousness of human beings, to be released into the cosmos without the energy of the Sun to balance them. The good news is that a solar eclipse acts as a release valve for these destructive forces to leave the Earth. But, we must also be aware that the adversarial beings, which seem to be working extra hard these days, are also not being counteracted by the healing forces of the Sun, & so they become intensified as well – Which means that the human being needs to step up & hold the Sun forces for the earth at the time of a solar eclipse.
With the Moon & Sun conjunct the South Node, which represents our past karma, this total solar eclipse can also signify endings, losses, goodbyes or a karmic reckoning. This is an important chapter written in the stars of 2020, which culminates in the grand conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn at the Winter Solstice, the time of the rebirth of the light.
Many of us have been following the conversation after sunset between these planetary beings, speaking to us about the cosmic wisdom held by Jupiter & the warmth of Saturn’s cosmic memory –
As well as Venus as morning star with the sunrise. And today with the solar eclipse the goddess of love will be unveiled – to stand alone with Bella Luna in Ophiuchus – the “Serpent-bearer” – which is considered by some to be the ‘13th constellation’ which overlaps between Scorpio & Sagittarius in the zodiac.
Astrologer Victoria Martin says: ‘The solar eclipse is on the foot of the Shaman Ophiuchus. It is also aligned with stars in the Scorpion and Hercules. It is also close to the galactic Center and the arrow of Pabil-Sag the warrior-irrigator.’
Ophiuchus is deeply related to Scorpio & the evolution of humanities struggle with the dragon, or death forces. It is not part of the original 12 archetypal constellations from the ancient star wisdom of Babylonia, it only came into consciousness in Greek times as the serpent bearer. From Jonathan Hilton: ‘For the Greeks it was seen as Apollo struggling with the serpent who guarded the Oracle’s cave in Delphi. How’s that for an imagination to ponder! Then in later Greece he was seen as representing the priest who was slain by two serpents sent by the Gods to punish him for warning the Trojans about the Trojan Horse. (a shift from a God constellation to a Priest constellation) But in Roman myths, he was more associated with the healer Asclepius (also a human, not a god) who learned how to prevent or delay death through medicines learned from the serpent. Very different than Greek consciousness. The human was learning mastery. And now? How might we see him? As one who represents our own struggle with the dragon forces and the death perspective of materialism and its impact on life and health. Also a healer, but now perhaps the “inner” healer called for in our times. In any case, Ophiuchus is not to be dismissed as not relevant when the sun passes through it, which is from Nov 29-Dec 18 when it enters the Archer, even though he is not one of the 12. He is on the ecliptic above the lower body, with the stinger of Scorpion that dips low below the equator.’
Here again, dear friends, we have an opportunity to stand face to face with the dragon, holding the sun rays within our hearts to ‘Think Light.’
Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day
5th night of Hanukkah
Yesterday started the 3rd week of Advent: The first week of Advent is sacred to the physical mineral realm, the 2nd week to etheric plant world, & this 3rd week of Advent honors the animal kingdom & the astral realm which we share with them.
As a city girl I am close to cats & dogs, but it is not often that I get to be up close & personal with the majority of the animal world. All too often, society teaches us to fear animals, neglect them, misuse them, harm them, kill them, eat them. And in doing so, we also harm ourselves & the environment. Perhaps this Corona Crisis is trying to get us to see a connection between the abuse of animals & the appearance of harmful viruses in the world.
Each type of animal represents a soul mood, an archetypal imprint out-pictured in the constellations of the zodiac; cast off reflections of ourselves in the astral realm.
At Christmas-tide we look to the symbol of the manger surrounded by these pure archetypes of the soul world, & see there its reflection in our own hearts, waiting to give birth to the child of light.
As we embark upon this 3rd week of Advent, we meet the Air Trial which asks us to develop sense free thinking – A thinking that does not kill. But in order to develop this thinking we must first develop, fortitude & presence of mind.
Sense Free thinking is a form of perception that allows us to see both sides of the truth, the spirit behind all things. And in the moment when the spirit behind what we see is noticed, we find the genesis of thought.
Sense based Thinking is like the antlers of an animal that we might find in the forest. The spirit, is like the deer that animated the anthers, it is no longer there but has left evidence that a being was once enlivening the cast off antlers.
So sense free thinking is seeing both the deer & it’s antlers at the same time, knowing they are one. Modern science & medicine in particular often look at the human body as a cadaver & think they know what a human being is.
To ‘Practice Spirit Beholding’, which we hear in the 3rd panel of the foundation stone meditation, the mind needs to be open, quiet, present & awake – ‘Practice Spirit Beholding in stillness of thought’.
When we reach the Air Trial, nothing holds us up. We are left hanging in the air. We have no Ground on which to stand, we must create our own moral uprightness, which builds new organs within us. This is the aim of human development, to be upright. We can’t let fear take the ground from under our feet, or our breath away; we must stand on the Foundation Stone & look inward to find “Where the eternal goals of the gods, Bestow the light of cosmic being, On your own I, For free and active willing”. Yes, friends, the Foundation Stone is the secret code, the key that unlocks the human soul, the prescription & antidote for what ails thee. We hear how the will that was living in us from the past must now be transformed into thinking. The light bestowed upon us for our free willing by the hierarchy of angels – the Sons of Light, lives in the elemental beings behind all the things we see, & when we think light we carry them into us.
Sense free thinking is a creative consciousness, which can only be achieved thru having a will that is free & a soul that is balanced. This trial requires that our “I” hold together thinking, feeling & willing, thru our own efforts.
Yesterday besides being the 3rd Sunday of Advent & the 4th night of Hanukkah it was also the feast of Santa Lucia, another triumph of the light after much suffering. The legend says she was blinded as punishment for her faith. And how interesting that according to Astrosophy, which takes into account what was happening in the heavens during the life of Christ on earth, this time of year, corresponds to the ‘Healing of the man born blind’ in the Gospel of John.
We can think how our eyes were created by the light of the Sun, whose light is now waning, so that the spiritual light within can be set ablaze, thru our thinking will. The ‘Sun stands still’ at the Winter solstice & then is born anew. PER SPIRITUM SANCTUM REVIVISCIMUS, We unite ourselves in the spirit, In the spirit we live again…
Sunday 20 December 2020, 2 pm – 3pm CT
‘Awakening to the Light in the Darkness’: A Christmas Contemplation with Rev. Craig Wiggins. In-Person at The Rudolf Steiner Branch Chicago & online
We will begin with live Music by Lucien Dante Lazar
And end the program with Eurythmy with Mary Ruud
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/7052931041?pwd=ai94YmhnS1k3cWN3TFFlL3ozTDgxdz09 Meeting ID: 705 293 1041 – Passcode: Peace
For more info. contact Hazel Archer hag@rschicago.org
Wednesday 23 December 2020 – 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm CT
Unwrapping our Cosmic Gift: Thoughts on the Christmas Conference 1923
with the Central Regional Council. Themes inspired by Prokofieff’s book: May Human Beings Hear it! include: Turning Points of Time; Christ, Sophia and Michael; Foundation Stone Meditation.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83533262486
for more info. contact Alberto Loya aloyavaca@utexas.edu
24 December 2020 – 5 January 2021, 11 am – 11:30 am CT
ASA Holy Nights 2020-21 “A Rose By Any Other Name…”
International online gathering on the Theme of the Divine Feminine.
Hosted by Laura Scappaticci & Tess Parker, featuring the Sophia Working Group.
27 December – Leading Thoughts by ~hag
29 December – with Ultra-Violet Archer calling in on the Full Moon from Sweden
For the full schedule contact Tess Parker tess@anthroposophy.org
Register Here. Then check your email for a confirmation with the Zoom registration link.
The Festivals Committee for the Rudolf Steiner Branch in Chicago invites you to Holy Nights December 24, 2020, through January 5, 2021
Please note–No meeting December 29th and 31st. See special offerings below for these dates.
The Fifth Gospel by Rudolf Steiner https://wn.rsarchive.org/Religion/GA148/English/RSPC1950/FG1950_index.html
Each evening we will study together on Zoom from 7 pm – 8 pm CST
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92592034861?pwd=Mmo0eURaWDVqYVlabTdSY1ltcUFxdz09 Meeting ID: 925 9203 4861 Passcode: Peace
On Tuesday, December 29th, 6 pm – 8:30 pm CST, we will join Anthroposophy Atlanta for a reading of Goethe’s fairy tale, The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily This has a separate zoom code: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82656914578?pwd=MHN3Mmt3OEhtQlZTMlc1NHFtUm80QT09 Meeting ID: 826 5691 4578 Passcode: Goethe
New Year’s Eve, there will be NO zoom call, as we will gather for our Annual NYE event. This year’s theme is “A Masked Ball” 6 pm till 10:30 pm
6 pm Potluck and artistic mask making with Lucien Dante Lazar
7:30 – 9:30 Live Music with Jutta and the High Dukes
10:10 pm Project Thought-Seed
The evening ends at 10:30 pm
$20 donation
Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 2 pm – 4 pm CST Joan’s Epiphany: What Joan of Arc Calls for Today In-Person at Elderberries & The Rudolf Steiner Branch Chicago and online
Today on the Birthday of Joan of Arc, we welcome special guest Nancy Poer
We will also explore The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations, Lecture 5, “The Nature of the Christ Impulse and the Michaelic Spirit Serving It” by Rudolf Steiner, with Leading Thoughts by Hazel Archer-Ginsberg
Social Sculpture: “The Passage” with Lucien Dante Lazar
We will also share an artistic exploration, singing and Eurythmy.
This event has a new Zoom Code https://zoom.us/j/7052931041 Meeting ID: 705 293 1041
For more info, contact Hazel Archer hag@rschicago.org
Peace and Good Will to All, Deborah Rogers on behalf of the Rudolf Steiner Branch Festivals Committee
Hi Hazel,
I was looking at this chart of Ophiuchus, which from an astronomical perspective does encompass the Sun in the period in which the total solar eclipse took place on December 14th.
Apparently, my concern in why my astronomer never refers to Ophiuchus in the night’s sky is because here in the Northern Hemisphere it is rather invisible to the naked eye, and even telescopic instruments. And yet, he would readily agree that the total eclipse of the Sun by the Moon did, in fact, take place in the sign of Ophiuchus, which is also considered the 13th sign of the Zodiac by some astrologers.
So, thanks for displaying it from your own graphic analysis, and also thanks to Jonathon Hilton for his help. I appreciate these efforts very much, and it further demonstrates that we all need to keep on our toes for these wonderful insights. Thanks again.
chart of Ophiuchus
Steve (Hale) didn’t tell me what a rich resource your blog is when he suggested I check it out. So many different facets to it. Very appreciative.
Steve is always making suggestions for research material. keeps us all on our toes! xox
Great astronomy with ancient anthropsophy
Thanks Rakesh, so much to investigate!
Thanks for this, Hazel. I am especially interested in the quickening approach of Venus to the Sun. You wrote:
“As well as Venus as morning star with the sunrise. And today with the solar eclipse the goddess of love will be unveiled – to stand alone with Bella Luna in Ophiuchus – the “Serpent-bearer” – which is considered by some to be the ‘13th constellation’ which overlaps between Scorpio & Sagittarius in the zodiac.”
Yet, and this is a great big ‘yet’, what if this planet is actually Mercury? Then, we would be looking at the power of healing, so much needed in the world today.
Yes, always in my mind love & healing are conjoined.
But good to point it up.