I don’t know about you…but I have a powerful hunger…A spiritual hunger…that rattles my bones, stirs my loins, tugs at my belly, pounds in my heart, gets caught in my throat, burns in my eyes, & taps on the top of my head…A hunger for roots, that go back before zero…A hunger to re-member, that life is a dance…pulsing in the bloodlines of a billion native tribes…connecting us all…A hunger for the living proof that rhythm is our mother tongue…A hunger to embrace the Divine within…a hunger for respect, & adoration…for acknowledgment, of our spirit…& so much more, that has been buried in the forgotten beat…burned at the stake…& bought & sold by the media…a hunger to heal…& reclaim the true expression of our essence…A hunger to undertake the hero’s journey, that re-awakens our connection, replacing the hunger, with a taste of our spiritual heritage…Calling the beat back into our primal, yet ever evolving hearts…& so if this rings true for you, let us make this our communal intention…along with each of our personal aspirations which we want to see grow into fullness like the waxing moon…which we have an opportunity to program right here right now…
Re-member, we can create sacred space most any time, most anywhere, with our intention…by connecting to the soft steady unified rhythm of our heartbeat…This is the shared rhythm of Being Human…let it unify us…Let it harmonize us…Let it transform us…as we Be-come, our highest Human Self…As we begin…To balance our bones, Full fill our unselfish desire, Feed our Buddha belly, Open our etheric heart, Vibrate the throat, Expose our eyes, & Transcend our heads…in the many rhythms of our ancient & holy birthright…
The circle is complete, yet forever open & always changing…expand it now…to let the grace pour in…& the Love pour out…
27 January 2019 – “Speaking with the Stars”: About 30 minutes after sunset, spot the thin crescent Moon low in the southwest & use it to point your way down to Mercury, & up to Venus!
Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day
“We begin to develop an understanding for the spiritual world only when we wake up in the encounter with the soul-spiritual element in our fellowmen“. ~Rudolf Steiner, Lecture of February 27, 1923, GA 257
407 – The deathday of St. John Chrysostom The epithet Χρυσόστομος or Chrysostomos, means “golden-throat” in Greek & denotes his celebrated eloquence. As Archbishop of Constantinople, he was known for his preaching & public speaking, & his denunciation of abuse of authority by both ecclesiastical & political leaders. Chrysostom was among the most prolific authors in the early Christian Church. The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom is sublime.
1302 – Dante Alighieri is exiled from Florence
1756 – Birthday of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
1775 – Birthday of Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, German-Swiss philosopher. Riddle of Man: German Idealism: Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, a lecture by Rudolf Steiner “…For Schelling, the world riddle consists in the fact that he sees himself, with his soul awakened to egohood, confronted by a seemingly mute and lifeless nature. Out of this nature the soul awakens. This fact reveals itself to human observation. And the knowing, feeling human spirit delves down into this nature and through this nature fills itself with an inner world that then becomes spiritual life within it. Could this be so if there did not exist between the soul and nature a deeply inward relatedness at first hidden from human cognition? But nature remains mute if the soul does not make itself into the instrument of nature’s speech; nature seems dead if the spirit of man does not free life from the spell of semblance (Schein). The secrets of nature must sound forth from the depths of the human soul. But in order for this not to be a deception, it must be the essential being of nature itself that speaks out of the human soul. And it must be true that the soul only seemingly goes down into its own depths when it knows nature; in actuality, when it wants to find nature, the soul must travel through subconscious passages in order to delve down with its own life into the cycle of nature’s weaving…”
1901 –Deathday of Giuseppe Verdi, Italian composer
1951 – Nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site begins with Operation Ranger
2011 – Arab Spring: The Yemeni Revolution begins as over 16,000 protesters demonstrate
POD (Poem Of the Day)
~It is dark in the hive
We must make our own heat
The sisters cluster
Holding the Sun
In the slow pulsing Heart
We work
To digest & share
Dear Holy Nights Friends,
Wow. What a powerful experience we have had together. After our meeting last night, I could do nothing but sit still in my chair and feel the reverberation of our work and the sound of the Foundation Stone meditation. Quite honestly, Angela, Hazel and I did not know what this experience would be like. We could not anticipate that nearly 900 people from all over the world would join us, nor that the space we created online could truly have a deep sense of community. We hope you all feel as inspired as we do to continue this type of work–both deeply spiritual and accessible to all. You can find the recordings here and a link to a community bulletin board here.
To that end, we want to thank you for trying out this new form with us and ask you for your sincere feedback.
Please click here to fill out our short survey. Your ideas will take us to our next step.
If each of you contributed just $10 or $20, can you imagine what we could co-create next time? We could increase our technological capacity with Zoom, we could let more people know about the event, and we could devote even more time and focused work to online events like this one where we can come together through space and time in a beautiful community. Please click here to make a donation! It really, truly helps!
Did you know we have an online webinar site with over 25 different programs you can download? And we have a podcast you can listen to on your smart phone or computer any time of day. Go here to access all our webinars and here or iTunes for our podcast, The Anthroposopher.
We are so lucky to know you all and wish you a beautiful Epiphany and New Year! Stay in touch and keep your ideas and feedback coming at this link.
With warmth and love,
Laura, Angela, Hazel, and Tess
PS- Find all the resources from our gatherings, including the recordings, at www.anthroposophy.org/holynights