10:10 Testament, Inspired by Alice Groh & given by Rudolf Steiner:
The opposite force of gravity, is light. But we must bear the cross of our body, living consciously into this gravity-being of the Earth. Steiner says “Only when you immerse yourself completely in the element of weight or gravity can you advance to the experience of lightness” Light is connected with the Sun. In Winter the light & warmth rest in the Earth. “When you immerse yourself spiritually in gravity, you are led back to the cosmic past of the Earth & thereby to the experience of the moment when Earth was born out of the Divine Father-forces.
How can we “strive to experience the Earth as a Star – as a star among stars”…? Steiner asks: “What makes something a star? Something is a star when it rays out, gleams, & has form & weight in it that holds the body together. But what is it that rays out from the star? It is the will of the beings that reside in the star. You will – & the Earth radiates out into the universe.
It is in the feeling of the beings that reside in a star that make it gleam & sparkle. You feel – & the earth gleams as star into the universe.
It is the thinking that wraps light-filled around the star. You think – & your thinking allows the Earth to shimmer in waves of light.
In the perceiving & ‘touching’ of the beings that reside in the star, the star builds its density. Through your touch (referring to all we perceive) the Earth achieves its form.
It is just that you must so train your consciousness that your thinking, feeling & willing is not for you, but for the cosmos; so that it rays out, gleams, & shines into the widths of the cosmos. Through your thinking, feeling & willing, the Earth becomes visible to the beings on the other stars.
In the ray lives my will – for the good rays forth from the star
In the gleam lives my feeling – for love gleams on the star
In the sheath lives my thinking – for light works in the star
In gravity lives my touch – for density builds the star.
If you approach the Earth from out of the cosmos, you experience it as closed within an atmosphere of human karma. It surrounds the Earth like a warmth-love cloak, out of which your own karma speaks to you world-mightily.
When however human beings do not think, feel & will spiritually, when they refuse to meet the Guardian consciously, then no human experience shines into the cosmos. In the 19th century, as human beings stopped thinking spiritually, human thinking was not sufficient to let the Earth radiate. Yet a star must radiate. Because of that, in the last third of the 19th century, the higher animal group souls had to step in & send out their light.
At that time the cosmic disgrace of humanity began to radiate into the cosmos.
The evil that human beings think, feel, & will radiates out into the cosmos. It is still visible in the starry space after millions of years.
For that reason, there must be found in humanity souls whose spiritual knowledge allows the Earth to shine out as star into cosmic space for the residents of the other stars”.
22 November 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Today is the 326th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. 39 days remain until the end of the year. In the ancient astrology, it is the cusp day between Scorpio & Sagittarius. In some years it is Sagittarius, but others Scorpio. We’re two thirds of the way through fall, so Capella shines in the northeast as soon as the stars come out.
As night grows dark, look to Capella’s right by about three fists at arm’s length for the 7 Sisters Pleiades cluster.
Calendar of the Soul by Rudolf Stiner, translation & leading thoughts by Roy Sadler: After last week’s challenging transition, death verse from autumn
to winter, the present verse, Advent I (the week before Advent Sunday,
the fourth Advent Sunday being in Christmas week) is followed by
the Carnival verse as our solar calendar moves to Easter time,
the Whitsun verse – the Carnival mirror as the lunar calendar ends –
and the last summer verse, this week’s mirror towards August’s end.
v34, Advent !,
Mysteriously to feel
with newly risen sense of who I am
old treasure re-enlivening within me
shall rouse a tide of cosmic forces
that pouring into my endeavour for the world
will let my work imprint me into that which is.
v45, Carnival,
In concert with the spirit’s birth
the mind grows firm;
it lifts the senses’ vaque allure
to perfect clarity.
When soul abundance
would bond with springlife’s coming
the mind must shine its light
on sense appearance.
v8, Whitsun,
In concert with the gods’ creating
the senses’ power grows;
it presses thinking down
to dimness of a dream.
When bonding with my soul
would be a holy being
my mind must rest, be stilled,
in dreamlife’s presence satisfied.
v19, Lammastide III,
Mysteriously to sheathe
my life’s new seed with memory
be now my striving’s further aim
that strengthening it shall awake
my own true force within me
and in becoming give me who I am.
Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day
Feast Day of Saint Cecilia patroness of musicians.
1744 – Birthday of Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams, 2nd First Lady of the United States
1819 – Birthday of Mary Ann Evans known by her pen name George Eliot, an English novelist, poet, journalist, translator & one of the leading writers of the Victorian era. Throughout her career, Eliot wrote with a politically astute pen, presenting the cases of social outsiders, small-town persecution & depictions of rural society. Much of the material for her prose was drawn from her own experience. She shared with Wordsworth the belief that there was much value & beauty to be found in the mundane details of ordinary country life.
1963 – Deathday of President John F. Kennedy, assassinated by…???
1963 – Deathday of C. S. Lewis, British writer, critic & Christian apologist – one of the ‘Inklings’, some of whom were academics at Oxford University: Owen Barfield, J. A. W. Bennett, J. R. R. Tolkien, Percy Bates…
1968 – The Beatles release The White Album.
1999 – Birthday of Ultra-Violet Archer, born butt 1st on the Full Moon 9:44 pm.
A Poem for your 21st spin around the Sun:
~Reach down & pull up song
Dance the name of everything…
Spin & chant & exalt the power of flesh on bone
Return the rhythm to the water
Reclaiming the dark waves of your mother’s belly…
Give voice to the Spirit
In whirling Autumn as it teases
Open the mysteries of Winter…
Hone your tone
& Spit flame like a melody to eternity
Wed. 2 December 2020 – 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm CT The Karma Project
The Karma Project
Manifestations of Karma Study Group
December 2, 2020 – 7:15 pm Central (8:15 pm Eastern)
“… We have now learned that it is possible to seek out accidents or other causes of illness due to karmic effects. In due course we will deal with the details of such processes, such as the way in which the forces in deeper levels of consciousness work within the human being, or to what extent our ordinary consciousness may avoid such accidents. We can understand that someone who goes to a place where he may succumb to an infection will have been driven there under the influence of a certain level of consciousness; in like manner we must be able to understand how it is that human beings take certain measures to render such infections less and less effective; in other words, that through our ordinary consciousness we are able to avert certain consequences by means of hygiene.“
~Rudolf Steiner, Manifestations of Karma, Chapter 6, “Karma in Relation to Accidents”, Hamburg, 21 May, 1910 … focus of the December 2 meeting.
The lecture can be found online at the RS Archive (eLib) by clicking this link: https://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA120/English/RSP1984/19100521p01.html
The Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society in America invites you to join our ongoing study conversation. The study has been divided among four volunteers who will summarize their section to rebuild it as a foundation for our conversation. Please familiarize yourself with the lecture if possible so you will feel comfortable sharing your reflections and thoughts with the group.
This collection of lectures has been republished by Rudolf Steiner Press under the title: “Manifestations of Karma.” This book is a translation from German of Die Offenbarung des Karma (Ga 120), published in English by Rudolf Steiner Press in 1996.
This will be a “Zoom” conference call allowing us an opportunity to see one another while conversing (or audio only if you prefer). To connect to the audio/video-conference:
Video Conference Details:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82715186258
Meeting ID: 827 1518 6258
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kclU2SSTF
If you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya aloyavaca@utexas.edu
Agenda for our Study Call
7:15 Welcome and Introductions
7:18 Verse
7:25 Study led by five volunteers
Note: CRC team will ID volunteers
Laura – pg. 106 to 110
Ana – pg. 111 to 115
Camille – pg. 116 to 120
Alberto – pg. 121 to end
8:05 Conversation
8:28 Close with verse
Holy Nights 2020-21 “A Rose By Any Other Name…” The many faces of The Sophia
24 December 2020 – 5 January 2021
International online gathering on the Theme of the Divine Feminine.
Hosted by Laura Scappaticci & Tess Parker, featuring the Sophia Working Group
Everyday 9 am – 9:30 am PT, 10 am – 10:30 am MT, 11 am – 11:30 am CT, 12 pm – 12:30 pm
stay tuned for details
Our Annual Conscious NYE gathering 8 pm 1 am
In-Person at Elderberries Bio-dynamic Outpost & Cultural Hub & The Rudolf Steiner Branch Chicago 4249-51 N. Lincoln Ave. 60613
This Years Theme is a Masked Ball –
Live Music, Folk Dancing, Potluck, Mask-making with Lucien Dante Lazar, more TBA
$20 per person
Stay tuned for details
Joan’s Epiphany 6 January 2021 ‘What Joan of Arc Calls for Today’ 2 pm – 4 pm CT
In-person at Elderberries Chicago & online
Today on the Birthday of Joan of Arc we welcome special Guest Nancy Poer
We will also explore ‘The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations, Lecture 5, The Nature of the Christ Impulse and the Michaelic Sprit Serving It by Rudolf Steiner with Leading Thoughts by Hazel Archer-Ginsberg
Social Sculpture: “The Passage” with Luicen Dante Lazar – Eurythmy
Singing & Eurythmy
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Hi Bruce – thanks for chiming in – It is important that we can share the hard truths with each other, & I take all that Sandra offers as a grace for my growth & a reminder to be awake.
Hello Hazel,
“At that time the cosmic disgrace of humanity began to radiate into the cosmos. The evil that human beings think, feel, & will radiates out into the cosmos. It is still visible in the starry space after millions of years.”
If we are Love, if Creation is Love, if All is Love, there can be no disgrace, no lasting human evil. There is Love’s Consciousness, to one degree or another, active in the receptive human who is learning,
Soul-growth, knowledge, understanding, wisdom. Always a beneficent glass-half-full view of our human inadequacies. 🙂
Thank you so much Hazel for your soul work, it heals the world and all of us.
Bruce Angus
We all hold both the light & the dark. It is up to us to meet ourselves where we are without reproach, with earnest attention & openness to change.
Bless us all on our journey to LOVE!
She will come as snow,
heaven’s crying, patterned
over low leaves lying.
She who loves the Earth
will embrace with pure white
the gift of summer sunshine
after her November dying.
Oh! Compose a chorus and rehearse:
celebrate this virgin promised unto Christ,
she who in her heart for Him
sang her life,
spent for Him who gave her strife-
torn gaze
the heart of the sun.
(and on November 22nd Benjamin Britten was born)
This resonates with glory. thank you
I had not known about Benjamin Britten -a central figure of 20th-century British music, until today.
Hazel, I was surprised by your statement published here that President Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA. There is no evidence support that. And previously, you’ve published other statements, suggesting other conspiracy theories to readers, again seemingly without justification. Do you really think this is helpful to people in this time of world and spiritual difficulty? Encouraging people to become or to deeper their own distrust in the world around them would not seem helpful for raising spiritual energy (through hope, for example) in these difficult times. And I haven’t noticed a presentation of evidence/rationale for these conspiratorial ideas and statements. I find this disappointing, irresponsible.
Dear Sandra – Thanks for your response. You are right I should not have opened a can of worms without serving it up properly with a further explanation.
It’s interesting & ironic that you mention the term ‘Conspiracy theories’, because it is actually a term invented by the CIA to discredit anyone wanting to look past the official narrative about the Kennedy assassination!
The oxford dictionary gives the definition of the word Conspiracy as ‘a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful’.
As spiritual scientists our job is to ask questions & do our own research, do our own thinking.
I am all for rising spiritual energies. AND Rudolf Steiner tells us we must also name & recognize ‘evil’, which helps to dispel it.
Hazel, I think what I’m concerned about is that this is the era of “fake news, alternative facts” and the conspiracy du jour. This is a time when discerning what is true, accurate, or even real is seemingly more difficult than ever. This is the age of questioning decades of scientific research about the veracity of climate change, etc. Thus, in the current cultural climate assessing what is true under the barrage of diametrically-opposed “facts” and even outright lies burdens any citizen, any seeker of the truth. As a result, in my view this era raises the bar of responsibility for someone in the public eye who writes for the benefit of others to be aware of (responsible for) the power of the pen. And when it’s important to express opinions, hopefully, it will be done with a heightened sense of responsibility and sensitivity toward the reader. When I read the comment about Kennedy and the CIA, which contained no references as evidence, I wondered (as a reader) what was I supposed to do with that . . . what were you trying to communicate that you thought important I hear? The value of skepticism and doing your own thinking notwithstanding, responsibility toward and compassion for your reader is also important. It was not my intention to stimulate your defenses in responding to your posting but rather to suggest you might consider the impact your words, images, etc. have on people’s psyches, especially in these difficult times when we are all under assault from many directions. I would guess your audience looks to your postings for inspiration, ideas, comfort, and much more. When you think about it, that is a lot of responsibility both given to you or put onto you . . . depending on how you view it.
Bless you dear Sandra for your insights. I whole-heartedly agree on every level. Thank you for this important feedback which will inform & reform me.
Hi Sandra,
There is quite a lot of research on the CIA involvement in the death of JFK. Here are two sources. I read the book, “JFK vs. CIA” some twenty years ago, and its author began his research with a thorough review of the Warren Commission report. The other source is a general review of the CIA role in the Kennedy years. Enjoy!