Monthly Archives: August 2018

A review of ‘How to Know, Confront and Work with Evil’ a workshop with Rev. Bastiaan Baan

6 August 2018 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Earth is entering a stream of debris from giant comet Swift-Tuttle: parent of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Although the shower is not expected to peak until next weekend, this early activity may be a good omen for the nights ahead, especially Aug. 11th-13th when Earth is expected to pass through the densest part of the comet’s debris zone.


Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day


Alexandr Ivanov

The Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ – “We find the transfiguration scene in all the evangelists except St. John. This is significant. Let us clarify the meaning of this scene. What takes place? Jesus goes with three disciples Peter, James and John, up a mountain: this means into the inner sanctuary where one is initiated into higher worlds and where one also speaks in occult language. The disciples were carried up into a higher state of consciousness. They saw then that which is not transitory but eternal. Moses and Elias appear and Jesus himself with them. What does this mean? In occult science the word Elias means the same as El — the goal, the way. Moses is the spiritual scientific word for truth. By the fact that Elias, Moses and Jesus appear you have the fundamental Christian truth: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus himself says — this is a fundamental Christian mystical truth — “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” (John, ch. 14, v. 6) ~ Rudolf Steiner, The Gospel of St. John, 3rd Lecture

70 AD- The Second Temple of Jerusalem is destroyed by Roman legions under Titus. For 420 years, the 2nd Temple constituted a divine presence – the point where heaven & earth met. Its presence is sorely missed, its absence mourned.

1945 – The Atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima, an act of genocide on President Harry Truman’s orders, killing over 166,000 people in a flash, many more died from radiation. This is also the Transfiguration, when Jesus brought the 3 disciples up to mount Tabor, standing with Elijah & Moses, to show them his true glory shining brighter than the Sun.
This image, very like Krishna with Aruna in the Bhagavad Gita.
“A thousand simultaneous suns
Arising in the sky
Might equal that great radiance,
With that great glory vie.”

And of course Robert Oppenheimer’s well known quote about the bomb
also from the Bhagavad Gita:
“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

What a juxtaposition between these two polar events.

Interesting also that this is the Lammas season, a time of harvest, when the plant is sacrificed to make the bread.
“The king is dead love live the king”

I think of all those souls who crossed the threshold together, at that time,
will their sacrifice bear fruit…?

POD (Poem Of the Day)

~In the cardboard sky
The Thunder gods gather in
A procession of chattering dark wind
Laying eggs of other lives
Of blue souls in weaving sighs
Where incense rises in long dreams 
To be weighed 
In the over-ripe fruit trees


A review of ‘How to Know, Confront and Work with Evil with Rev. Bastiaan Baan by Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

This day, filled with such potent anniversaries, provides the perfect opportunity to put into perspective the weekend workshop by dear Bastiaan Baan. My 1st revelation came when he revealed that fellow Christian Community priest Richard Dancey was working with these questions right before he died, just as Rudolf Steiner was, as seen in his letters to Ita Wegman, & in his last leading thoughts on sub-nature.

Of course we touched on the story of Job, delved into Genesis, & mentioned St. Augustine. “The devil is gods monkey’. We looked into the abyss, knowing the abyss was looking back at us, as we explored the notion of the 9 layers of the inner earth & their relation to the 9 Hierarchies. We dug into Goethe’s Faust & the image of the origins of Mephistopheles as coming up from the Volcano.

We talked about the idea that the adversarial powers seek to create a counter-earth. In Rosicrucianism it is called: Deus Inversus. The word Diablos means: Thru each other, to throw or mix up. We touched again & again on this primal mystery of the origins of evil 1st seen as a command from the godhead, that the Cherubim & Seraphim should not accept the offering from the Thrones. This causes some of the Thrones to turn their back, to shut themselves off, so that they develop their own secret realm, creating a counter-force in evolution – The 1st act of rebelling, which causes spirit to become matter. Yet this also creates the pre-condition for the human being to become free! Bastiaan told the Russian Tale: ‘God’s Blacksmith’, which relates to the Hebrew term Tsimtsum: ‘God is present in his absence’.

We were reminded that the measure with which we gage others will be used on us. And that we cannot shut ourselves off from evil as the Essenes did, we must “See everywhere germinating forces” ~Rudolf Steiner. We may not be able to ‘see into god’s kitchen’ to view the origins of evil in god’s plan, but we can learn to recognize evil in ourselves before it completely takes form thru our words & deeds. We must ‘follow the flowing thoughts’. What began as the science of eugenics, when unchecked became the basis for genocide. We must remember that evil comes when we are semi-conscious. Can we awaken fully to recognize the 1st inklings of evil in our thoughts before they become deeds? Bastiaan told about how when Rudolf Steiner saw the rise of nationalist socialism in Germany he could read the signs that evil was germinating, so he told Marie Steiner to pack everything up, they were officially moving to Switzerland.

Be alert! Cultivate discernment to find the sheep amongst the wolves. Strive to ‘Be as wise as a serpent & as pure as a dove.’ Our work in the 5th post-Atlantean age is spelled out for us in the 5th letter of St. John’s Apocalypse.

Bastiaan then went on to talk about recognizing ‘Black, Grey & White magic’, & gave the example of Ulla von Bernus, the daughter of a Christian Community priest, who became a leader in the ‘Church of Satan’. He spoke of her conversion when she had a dream after a friend died & Christ revealed himself to her saying “I will conquer’. ‘Grey Magic’ = greed, which is propagated in the media. ‘Black Magic’ = abuse, murder, or disregard of others for personal gain. ‘White Magic = selflessness, serving for the good of all.

The last line from Steiner’s Philosophy of Spiritual Activity:  “For idea to become deed, man must first will before it can happen. Such will then has its foundation only in man himself. Therefore ultimately it is man who determines his own deed. He is free.”

Eliza Leahy

We then pondered the nightly review. Can we ask ourselves: Where were the adversarial powers working? Where were my illusions? Where my negativity, my sympathies & antipathies? We can use journaling to awaken to where evil is working thru us, creating a ‘day book’ & a ‘night book’ for dreams. Work to see the connections of what wants to be known, revealing our ‘blind spots’. Perhaps as a tool of learning to know & confront evil, we can ask a trusted friend or partner to hold a mirror to our actions – setting aside time for a daily check-in to see ourselves from another’s point a view, to help reveal our ‘double’.

To try to understand this double Basstiaan gave an over-view of a German tale called “The Little Hunchback” which ends with a plea from the double for a prayer of redemption. This double which is like an elemental being that takes on those unconscious parts of ourselves, & is formed by demonic beings thru the power of evil. We know that elemental beings are amoral; they have no morality except what we give them. Thru their interaction with us they become servants, either for White or Black Magic.

William Blake

We returned again & again thru questions living in the participants to that 1st idea of the rejection of the Thrones offering, which later becomes the shadow reflected in the rejection of Cain’s offering, resulting in the ‘mark of Cain’. We are reminded that to begin to know evil we must become very humble. That love & freedom must be connected to carry discernment. Going toward any extreme allows us to step toward one or the other of the adversarial powers. “In searching for balance, the Christ is present” ~Rudolf Steiner.

To strive to know, confront & work with evil we must cultivate ‘White Magic’ in a culture of selflessness. For we need community to be able to receive the strength from the higher worlds to stand up to the dragon.  We referred to the red window in the Goetheanum, where we see at the bottom, the head of Michael above the large dragon head, looking up to the higher realms. Steiner mentioned to those working on the window that even the mighty Michael, if he were to look directly into the eye of the dragon, would succumb. We must look above, putting evil beneath our feet, back to where it belongs. We are told by St. Paul to out on the ‘armor of god’. To stand with the Christ & Michael, & with all the heavenly hosts, sword in hand & mind, to hold our ground, allowing us to share the power of peace. We need this armor whenever we go into any confrontational situation; for there is always some aspect of evil behind conflict – it gets us in its grip. We must put on the consciousness of god’s armor even when we pray, so that the adversarial powers can’t steal our thoughts & take the power of our prayer for themselves.

But we must also remember that the spiritual world steps back to give us the ability to grow & consciously call it back in. The old adage must be made true: We must practice patience & never lose faith. It is said: “Patience swallows the devil”. We see this in chap. 13 of the Apocalypse – evil will become all pervasive, it will only end if we have endurance, if we endure the trial & stand the test, discerning between illusion, putting fear & hatred beneath our feet. Steiner admitted that WW1 was a complete failure on the part of humanity & yet it became a pre-condition for the reappearance of Christ in the etheric. Reminding us that even Ahriman is part of god.

Basstiaan Baan speaking the Lord’s Prayer in Greek was a highlight for us all. I took that sacred reverberation deep into my being. He asked us to picture Christ speaking it, giving it to the disciples, speaking it with us when we recite it, seeing it as a gift we send back to Christ, thru our human lips; remembering the 7 lines as being the 7 epochs of human evolution, from our godly origins, to the future when we are delivered from evil. To the time of the Maitreya, when the stream of Christian Manichaeism will flourish. We must begin to cultivate this selflessness now. 

Duncan Regehr

We thought a lot about how we could become aware of our own double. Asking: Can I work to develop a dialogue with this part of me? Can I listen to hear the needs of my double? Can I learn to bless this part of myself? Just like Jacob when he wrestled with the angel, asked for a blessing. We must be ever striving for self-knowledge.

Bastiaan gave us an overview of Viktor Frankel’s account of his time in the concentration camps, saying that despite everything, we must say yes to life, asking not what will come to us, but what we can give to life; & that this then becomes our search for meaning. We must create meaning in what seems meaningless. To find our humanness we must, be creative, & practice love & endurance. Can we learn to see suffering as an achievement?

“I, with concentration
and with full love
Look into the darkness.
There I see the light”
(Bastiaan gave us this poem, but I can’t remember who wrote it. Anyone know?)

Bastiaan spoke of the fairy tale called “The three golden hairs of the devil” – the gold speaking to the divine origins of evil.

Duccio di Buoninsegna

We talked about the temptations of Christ & related it to our double bidding his time. We are asked to look for the where, how & when of the redemption of evil in the life of Christ, & are directed to the descent or harrowing of hell. The secret, counter-world of the adversarial powers is penetrated & the light of Christ’s love & selfless surrender becomes a seed of their redemption thru us. From that moment on, these beings serve Christ & can have a place in human evolution. Christ returns to give us the key to the underworld.

And even though our endurance was surly tested by the 100 degree weather, such an amazing group of folks from all over the Midwest (& 1 from Germany), made the weekend a true spiritual gathering; cooking & eating together, doing eurythmy with Mary Ruud, singing a Dvorak piece based on Psalms 23 beautifully rendered & taught by Bastiaan, & played by Elisabeth Swisher. We had an end of day service & the full Sunday service, all in our lovely Christian Community Chapel. Saturday August 4th was also the 17th anniversary of  marriage to my beloved Chuck Ginsberg! I was thrilled to spend this time together with him & our 18 year old daughter, working with this potent topic.

Afterward back home on Sunday evening, at the dinner table, we discussed all we had encountered.  Our family talked for hours,  sharing thoughts & impressions. Our daughter, a recent graduate from the Waldorf school, came away resonating with the idea that creating art was a good way to know, confront & work with evil. She said she was glad she had her whole life to think about important things like this.

After taking it all into my sleep, I awoke with this dream: I was in the chaos of a post-apocalyptic world. Evil authorities broke down the door of our place of refuge. I managed to escape carrying a satchel with the 1st Class lessons & a bright red golden retriever. I was trying to make my way thru the upheaval of the city, fraught with mayhem. I needed to cross a busy street, dodging military vehicles. When I finally made it across, I realized I didn’t have the satchel or the dog. To my dismay I looked back to see them back on the other side of the road, so I had to cross that treacherous street once again. When I got there, the satchel & dog were nowhere to be seen. I asked some people huddled by a large stone. They said they didn’t know. But I knew that they had eaten the dog. Then I noticed a woman laying with the satchel of the 1st Class Lessons under her head. She wouldn’t give it back, she kept chanting ‘god dog god dog’…I thought ‘Do I have to fight her’? But then I thought ‘I will give her a piece of chocolate,’ which I had in my breast pocket.While she was eating, I was able to wrest the satchel free.

After many more encounters where I had to discern who was ‘good’ & who was ‘evil’, I found my way to an underground cave that attracted me because it was pouring out light. My 1st impression was that the people were all primitive, since that were covered with decorative mud & had elaborate jewelry in their dreaded hair, but then I said to myself: ‘Beware the label primitive, for what may seem outwardly backward may actually be a sign of superior intelligence’. I found that I was sitting on the dirt floor; I was catching my breath, trying to become calm after the turmoil. The beautiful people sat & just looked at me with kindness, without worry or concern. Soon I noticed a round table in front of me, on it there was a vast bonsai tree, with a thick textured trunk, that split off into 3 sections. The leaves of the tree swept off to the right in a wave. I said to myself: ‘What seems left in my dream is really right, i must take note”. Then I realized the tree was heavy with every ripe fruit I had ever seen, & many I did not know. I was so happy. I exclaimed ‘How lovely, what tree is this?’ The People gathered closer & without speaking told me to look into the roots. With speechless words they said ‘Yes, dig into the roots’. And as I did, with child-like delight, I discovered a hidden cave, deep in the rich black soil, I dug & dug until I unearthed a golden vessel, which they instructed me to bring forth. Then they all sang & danced & chanted “Pour it out, pour it out…” I lifted the cork, & the most amazing fragrance filled the air, as I poured this elixir out onto the roots of the tree. This ritual went on for what seemed like days with the vessel ever pouring. During this eternal time, I saw so many things which I can’t quite remember, but which created a feeling of reverence & awe.

Finally when it stopped, I noticed that across from the table was a long, rectangular, coffin-like altar with a thick heavy lid that was made of ivory, carved with mysterious glyphs. And suddenly I knew that my daughter was in there! It seemed obvious somehow, & I started talking to her, saying ‘O, now you are pregnant’…I laughed & laughed, saying ‘now you will carry your daughter’…I was crying from joy…Then one of the elders said ‘But what if it is a boy’…with that statement we all let out a collective…’ahhh’…The space became hushed & still…& I awoke, thinking of Bastiaan Baan’s voice resonating The Lord’s Prayer in Greek…

Thank you dear Bastiaan for a powerful encounter.



by Grace Kahn

20 August 2018 ~MORAL MONDAY~ CHICAGO 7 pm – 9 pm 

“When The Trees Melt Away In A Sun Soaked Cotton Dream”

A going going gone Party for the CWS Class of 2018 –

an PDF Art Exhibit PDF with PDF Musical Performances from the Youth at Elderberries Chicago 4251 N. Lincoln Ave.

Illustrations by Grace Kahn, Work by Shanti Rogers, Art booth by Liz Rosu-Rosenberg

Songs from “Beyond Blue and Red” by  Ultra-Violet Archer 

Chance Schneider DJ Grapefruit Effect

$10 Donation –MORE or less (Youth under 21 FREE)


How We Will: Organizing a Bare Bones PDF Threefold Cultural Revolution

 30 Aug. 2018 at 2 PM to 3 Sep. 2018 at 1 PM

 Registration is now open for How We Will 2018 –

The ever growing list of Contributors:

Hosted by The Elderberries 3Fold Cafe Chicago & Urban First Aid – Art As Medicine 4251 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60618-2953

central theme which we will explore at the forum will be the theory and practice of Social Three-folding, developed by Rudolf Steiner. Organizing for systemic change – a separation of powers into three different spheres of action fostering:

In the Economics Realm –a moral imagination of Kinship

In Rights/Governance – Equality

In Culture/Education/Spirituality – Freedom 

Through lectures, capacity building workshops, and collaborative design, we will develop ourselves as change agents with Three-folding activists from around the world. What new tools, skills, levels of listening, mindfulness, forms of capital and alternative currencies, and generative ideas can we gain in order to truly develop our cultural voice and potential to connect and heal our relationships, communities, nations, and the earth?

Come to the How We Will Forum to learn, listen deeply, and dig in with other communities that we might grow together, unified by a common vision of creating a more equitable world.


We will also be building out the cafe space two weeks before and two weeks after for those who can come early &/or stay and help get this Elderberries 3Fold Cafe Chicago up and running!





All are Welcome at the Table

2 August 2018 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Evenings this week are a great time to explore the constellation Sagittarius the Archer. This star group lies due south & is at peak altitude between 11 pm & 12 am. The brightest stars within the constellation form the shape of a teapot — a distinctive asterism once you’ve found it — though it’s misshapen this year with the presence of Saturn just north of these stars & the central regions of the Milky Way pass through Sagittarius, so it’s wroth a glance.


Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day

“To cultivate Spiritual Science is no abstract pursuit. To cultivate Spiritual Science means to open the doors to those influences from beyond the earth which have been seeking to come down to the earth since the last third of the nineteenth century. The cultivation of Spiritual Science is in very truth a cosmic event of which we ought to be fully conscious” ~ Rudolf Steiner


March against Violence TODAY in Chicago

216 BC – The Carthaginian army led by Hannibal defeats a numerically superior Roman army at the Battle of Cannae

Feast day of “The Virgen de los Angeles” (the Virgin of the Angels) is Costa Rica’s patron saint, also known as La Negrita. According to tradition, La Negrita, the Black Virgin, is a small (less than a meter tall), representation of the Virgin Mary found on this spot on August 2, 1635 by a native woman. As the story goes, when she tried to take the statuette with her, it miraculously reappeared twice back where she’d found it. The townspeople then built a shrine around her. In 1824, the Virgin was declared Costa Rica’s patron saint. La Negrita now resides on a gold, jewel-studded platform at the main altar in the Basílica de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles in Cartago. Each August 2, on the anniversary of the statuette’s miraculous discovery, pilgrims from every corner of the country (and beyond) walk the 22 km from San José to the basilica. Many of the penitent complete the last few hundred meters of the pilgrimage on their knees.

1832- Birthday of Henry Steel Olcott – an American military officer, journalist, lawyer & the co-founder & 1st President of the Theosophical Society. Olcott was the first well-known American of European ancestry to make a formal conversion to Buddhism. From 1874 on, Olcott’s spiritual growth & development with Helena Blavatsky & other spiritual leaders would lead to the founding of the Theosophical Society. In 1875, Olcott, Blavatsky, & others, notably William Quan Judge, formed the Theosophical Society in New York City. Olcott financially supported the earliest years of the Theosophical Society & was acting President while Blavatsky served as the Society’s Secretary. In December 1878, they left New York in order to move the headquarters of the Society to India.

1921 – Birthday of Enrico Caruso, Italian tenor & actor

1922 – Alexander Graham Bell, Scottish-Canadian engineer, one of the people who invented the telephone

1922 – A typhoon hits Shantou, Republic of China killing more than 50,000 people

1924 – The last of Rudolf Steiner’s “19 Class Lessons” was given in Dornach.

1934 – Gleichschaltung: Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of Germany following the death of President Paul von Hindenburg

1939 – Albert Einstein & Leo Szilard write a letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, urging him to begin the Manhattan Project to develop a nuclear weapon

1943 – Jewish prisoners stage a revolt at Treblinka, one of the deadliest of Nazi death camps where approximately 900,000 persons were murdered in less than 18 months

1968 – Deathday of Antonio d’Achille , Aquinas scholar

1969 – Deathday of Anna Samweber – an active co-worker in Berlin with Rudolf Steiner and Marie Steiner-von Sivers. Her anecdotes & recollections were recorded by Jacob Streit during an intensive two days shortly before Anna’s death. They contribute a warm & intimate picture of Rudolf Steiner, the man, & his work. “Frau Dr Steiner owned a lovely diamond watch with her initials inscribed on the lid. It was broken, and I had to take it to a well-known watchmaker who lived a long way from the Motzstrasse (the house at 17 Motzstrasse in Berlin was where Rudolf and Marie Steiner lived from 1903 – 1913, and where the work of the Anthroposophical Society was carried on). It was late on a cold and foggy November evening when I made my way in the direction of Nollendorfplatz, where the building site for a subway was situated. I was walking along a long, wooden blank wall when suddenly two human shapes appeared from the dark and attacked me. I remembered that once Rudolf Steiner had told me that if ever I was in need I could call on him. So when these two attackers went for me, the one holding me from behind so that the other could rob me, I called inwardly and spontaneously: ‘Doctor, help me!’ At the same moment both fellows fell back like lightning and were gone. When Rudolf Steiner came for breakfast the next morning he greeted me with the words ‘Good morning, Sam. What was the matter that you cried so loud last night?’ When I told him about my experience and he had listened quietly, he said simply: ‘But I did help you, didn’t I?’ “ ~Anna Samweber from her book Erinnerungen an Rudolf Steiner (Reminiscences of Rudolf Steiner)


TODAY is the Feast of St. Peter’s Chains – In commemoration of the miraculous deliverance of St. Peter, the visible head of the church, from prison. The entire event is described in the Acts of the Apostles, by St. Luke. Herod Agrippa, ruled over Judaea, with the title of king. During his evil reign, he beheaded, James the Great, brother of St. John. Herod then seized St. Peter, intending to make away with him in the same manner. Peter was taken prisoner, chained & locked in a narrow dungeon.

On the eve of his execution, an Angel appeared. Although heavily laden with chains, the holy Apostle was sleeping peacefully, guarded by the Angel, whose brightness illumined the dank dungeon.  Just before dawn the Angel tapped Peter on the side to wake him, saying: “Arise quickly. Put on your sandals & cloak & follow me.” The Apostle, who thought it all a dream, obeyed & followed the Angel, the tight harsh chains falling from his hands. They passed the first & second watches without attracting attention, & reached the iron gate which led to the main street. The gate opened without the aid of human hands. After that the Angel vanished & was seen no more. Peter proceeded immediately to the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark, where the faithful were assembled in prayer.

When he knocked at the door, a servant, named Rhode, came, & asked who was there. Judging by the voice that it was Peter, she was so greatly startled with joy & astonishment, that, without opening the door, she ran back to announce the news. They believed that it must be his guardian Angel. Meanwhile, the Saint repeated knocking at the door. They opened it & saw, with amazement, their beloved shepherd safe & free from chains. Their joy on beholding him was as great as had been their grief when he was taken prisoner. Having given the sign for silence, St. Peter related all that had happened to him. They gave thanks to Divine Providence when he had ended, & learned to trust in future to the heavenly power & mercy.


The year is 1100. The date is August 2nd. The monks in the abbey at Gloucester are celebrating the holy-day of St. Peter in Chains. One of the monks wakes from a strange dream in which God promises to strike down the wicked King who has abused the Holy Church. His superior, Abbot Serlo, on hearing of the dream sends a warning to the King, William the Red, who has oppressed all of England with taxes & disgusted many with his licentiousness & blasphemy. Red, as he is called, receives the message the following day while preparing to indulge in one of his favorite sports, hunting, in the New Forest.

Although there are no longer any people dwelling in the New Forest — they were all cleared out by Red’s father, William the Conqueror — there are rumors that it’s a hotbed of pagan activity. And August 2 is an important pagan holy-day. The Saxons call it Lammas, the Loaf-Mass. William the Red laughs at the warning from the monks & goes out hunting. A short time later, he is dead, struck in the chest by a stray arrow, & his brother, Henry, who was in the hunting party is riding hot-foot for Winchester & the crown.

James E. Doyle. 1864. Color lithograph.

Now some people say that William the Red was a Lammas sacrifice, that having made a wasteland of his kingdom, he was killed by the people (or the Gods) as a sacrifice to bring new life to the land. And some people say his brother Henry had him assassinated. And some people say that both versions are true.

This story comes to my mind when I think of Lammas because this tale of sacrifice & hunting, a dying King & a wasted land, embodies many of the dominant themes of Lammas, one of the four seasonal quarter-days, & perhaps the least well-known.

The Celts celebrate this festival from sunset August 1 until sunset on the actual cross quarter day which this year falls on August 7th 2018. They call it Lughnasad after the God Lugh. It is the wake of Lugh, the Sun-King, whose light begins to dwindle after the summer solstice.

The Saxon holiday of Lammas celebrates the harvesting of the grain. The first sheaf of wheat is ceremonially reaped, threshed, milled & baked into a loaf. The grain dies so that the people might live. Grain has always been associated with Gods who are killed & dismembered & then resurrected from the Underworld by the Goddess-Gods like Tammuz, Osiris & Adonis. Eating this bread, the bread of the Gods, gives us life. If all this sounds vaguely Christian, it is. In the sacrament of Communion, bread is blessed, becomes the body of Christ & is eaten to nourish the evolution of the faithful. And All are Welcome at the Table.

Shellie Whither

In Christo Morimur

xox  ~Hazel Archer Ginsberg


How To Know, Confront, and Work with Evil

A Weekend Workshop with Rev. Bastiaan Baan

At the Christian Community, 2135 W. Wilson Chicago, Il. 60625

Saturday 4 August 2018, 10 am – 8 pm

Sunday 5 August 2018, 11:45am – 5 pm

Fee is a Sliding Scale $25 – $100

Please Rsvp to Rev.  Ann Burfeind 


by Grace Kahn

20 August 2018 ~MORAL MONDAY~ CHICAGO 7 pm – 9 pm 

“When The Trees Melt Away In A Sun Soaked Cotton Dream”

A going going gone Party for the CWS Class of 2018 –

an PDF Art Exhibit PDF with PDF Musical Performances from the Youth at Elderberries Chicago 4251 N. Lincoln Ave.

Illustrations by Grace Kahn, Work by Shanti Rogers, Art booth by Liz Rosu-Rosenberg

Songs from “Beyond Blue and Red” by  Ultra-Violet Archer 

Chance Schneider DJ Grapefruit Effect

$10 Donation –MORE or less (Youth under 21 FREE)


How We Will: Organizing a Bare Bones PDF Threefold Cultural Revolution

 30 Aug. 2018 at 12 PM to 3 Sep. 2018 at 2 PM

 Registration is now openfor How We Will 2018 –

The ever growing list of Contributors: Plus new additions being added everyday

Hosted by The Elderberries 3Fold Cafe Chicago & Urban First Aid – Art As Medicine 4251 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60618-2953

central theme which we will explore at the forum will be the theory and practice of Social Three-folding, developed by Rudolf Steiner. Organizing for systemic change – a separation of powers into three different spheres of action fostering:

In the Economics Realm –a moral imagination of Kinship

In Rights/Governance – Equality

In Culture/Education/Spirituality – Freedom 

Through lectures, capacity building workshops, and collaborative design, we will develop ourselves as change agents with Three-folding activists from around the world. What new tools, skills, levels of listening, mindfulness, forms of capital and alternative currencies, and generative ideas can we gain in order to truly develop our cultural voice and potential to connect and heal our relationships, communities, nations, and the earth?

Come to the How We Will Forum to learn, listen deeply, and dig in with other communities that we might grow together, unified by a common vision of creating a more equitable world.


We will also be building out the cafe space two weeks before and two weeks after for those who can come early &/or stay and help get this Elderberries 3Fold Cafe Chicago up and running!

In honor of this forum  Steiner Books is offering a 25% discount on all Social Responsibility titles until 7/31/2018 with the code: SR0718.








Behead the Loaf & Eat

1 August 2018 – “Speaking with the Stars”: The Southern Delta Aquariid meteor, is infusing us with cosmic iron, but the waning Moon remains in the sky all night, cutting the visibility. Still, it’s worth keeping an eye out for some “shooting stars” radiating from a point in the constellation Aquarius the Water-bearer.

Mars came closest to Earth yesterday just 5 days past the opposition with the Sun.

Venus dominates the western sky after sunset. The dazzling goddess of Love shines among the background stars of western Virgo. She appears an hour after sundown & sets just after 10 pm.


Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day 


An ethical misunderstanding, a clash, is impossible among ethically free human beings. Only someone who is ethically unfree, who obeys natural drives or the conventional demands of duty, will thrust aside someone who does not follow the same instincts and the same demands. To live in love of action, and to let live in understanding of the other’s will, is the fundamental maxim of free human beings.” ~Rudolf Steiner, The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity

The Harvest fest of Lammas or Lughnasadh begins today until August 7th when we hit the Crossquarter between Summer Solstice & Fall Equinox (see article below)

Feast Day of Joseph of Arimathea – according to all four Gospels, the man who assumed responsibility for the burial of Jesus after the crucifixion. A number of stories that developed during the Middle Ages connect him with both Glastonbury, where he is supposed to have founded the earliest Christian oratory, & also with the Grail legend.

“One must penetrate to an understanding of the Mystery of the Bread, which is said to have been broken by Christ Jesus in the same chalice in which Joseph of Arimathea caught His blood. As legend tells it, this chalice was then removed to Europe, but was preserved by angels in a region high above the surface of the earth until the arrival of Titurel who created for this Grail, this sacred chalice, a temple on Mont Salvat”  ~Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, April 16, 1921

30 BC – Augustus Octavian enters Alexandria, Egypt, bringing it under the control of the Roman Republic

30 BC – Deathday of Mark Antony, Roman general & politician

1464 – Deathday of Cosimo de’ Medici, Italian ruler

1469 – Louis XI of France founds the chivalric order called the Order of Saint Michael in Amboise

1714 – Deathday of Queen Anne of Great Britain

1819 – Birthday of Herman Melville, American novelist, short story writer, & poet

1842 – The Lombard Street riot erupts in Philadelphia. A parade was held by over 1,000 members of the black Young Men’s Vigilant Association on Philadelphia’s Lombard Street between 5th & 8th streets in commemoration of the 8th anniversary of the end of slavery in the British West Indies.  As the paraders neared Mother Bethel Church, they were attacked by an Irish Catholic mob. The rioters moved west, setting fires & attacking firefighters & police as they went, heading for the home of African-American leader Robert Purvis. Purvis & his home were reportedly saved from the Irish mob solely by a Catholic priest’s intervention. Requests to the mayor & police for protection initially led to the arrest of several of the victims & none of the rioters. Over three days of attacks, the 2nd African American Presbyterian Church, the abolitionist Smith’s Hall, & numerous homes & public buildings were looted, burned & mostly destroyed. The mayor had credible evidence of a plan to burn several local churches, which he ignored. Eventually, as the rioting began to subside, the local militia was brought in to restore order.

1936 – The Olympics opened in Berlin with a ceremony presided over by Adolf Hitler

1971 – The Concert for Bangladesh, organized by former Beatle George Harrison, is held at Madison Square Garden in New York City


(Lammas/ Lughnassad poem – Aug. 1st )










& EAT…

~Hazel Archer Ginsberg


“Bringing in the Sheaves” – Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness, sowing in the noontide and the dewy eve: Now begins the harvest and the time of reaping, we shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves. Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, we shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves. Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, we shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves…”

The Wheel turns from St. John’s Tide with its message of the inner Christ Sun and the mirroring of the Holy nights, to Lammas, or Loaf mas, a cross quarter festival traditionally celebrated at the beginning of August, marks the point when we leave the Garden, and earn our own way, “by the sweat of our brow”.

The harvest of grain, and the baking of bread, represents the first child of the cosmic union of Sun and Earth. It symbolizes the essence of humanity, born from this union, for the loaf is more than a gift of nature, it is made by the combined forces of nature with the will forces of human activity.

The harvest season is a time of judgment. We are called upon to sift through the things that have grown up during the past half-year, and decide what we will keep and what we will cut away. We must make choices, and act on them. The cycle of life turns past the peak of growth, into the time of release.

In astrology, the moon, five eighths past the new moon, is called the “disseminating moon”. During this phase, what has built up in the waxing cycle begins to be released into the environment. We start to see the results of our work. At Lammas, the sun is five-eighths of the way around the Wheel from Winter Solstice. Growth has reached its peak, and the life of the Sun God has begun to bleed off into the fruit and grain.

The King is Dead Long Live the King – for now is also the time of sacrifice, of death in service of life. Some of the first fruits are ready for harvest, but some, too unripe to be eaten, must be plucked anyway. These are culls, removed so they won’t drain the life force from the good fruit. If everything was left on the tree, the life force would be diluted, or worse, the bad fruit could weigh down a branch until it breaks, destroying the entire crop, or sometimes killing the tree. The culls are taken so the rest of the fruit, and those who depend on the crop for survival, might live.

John Barleycorn must die… ‘Cut in half and buried, then beaten with sticks, and finally crushed between stones’… as the song goes, nevertheless rises once again. Bread is the perfect sacrifice for “Loaf Mass” or Lughnassadh as the Celtics called it, for they knew that this festival is more than just the first fruits of the earth — it also involves the first fruits of human labor. Grain is processed by human craft, and joined with the four elements to make the staff of life.

What is this day?
It is the day of Lammas.
What is the meaning of this day?
It is the mystery of the corn
What is the mystery of the corn?
That which is cut down will rise again.
Who will rise again?
We will rise again.
Who will rise again?
We will rise again.
Who will rise again?
We will rise again.

So bake a loaf of bread on Lammas. If you’ve never made bread before, this is a good time to start. Honor the source of the flour as you work with it: remember it was once a plant growing on mother Earth. If you have a garden, add something you’ve harvested–herbs or onion or veggies. If you don’t feel up to making wheat bread, make corn bread, or gingerbread people, or popcorn. What’s most important is intention. All that is necessary to enter sacred time is an awareness of the meaning of your actions.

Saying Grace with you ~hag


How We Will We want you in the room!

We need your voice and your experiences as we shepherd in the Threefold Commonwealth at Elderberries Threefold Chicago!

Please join us as a diverse group of community-change-makers, bringing in new forms of: Culture, Economics and the Rights realm, share what it takes to move from ideas to ideals to action.

Rudolf Steiner spoke very clearly at the end of WWI, about what would take place if the entanglement of the economic and political leaders of the day were to continue unabated to the detriment of civil society: a great civil unrest and a humanity at the grave of civilization. He was also very clear that at the beginning of the 21st century a new impulse would be needed for the future of earth evolution and humanity. We are that new impulse.

Through Tilling the Soil of Our Souls, where the essence of Freedom, Liberty and Fraternity/Kinship, can take root, the essence required for this societal shift and structural change, we will work towards a culture of selflessness throughout the weekend so that a new America can truly come into being. We ourselves will have to be the image of this new humanity striving towards and embodying, as best we can, a Beloved Community.

Presentations, Strategizing, Biography Work, Story-telling, Art Practices, and Threefold breakout groups, will allow us to have a creative dialogue throughout the weekend. John Bloom, Nathaniel Williams, Leah Walker, Kiara Nagel, Elizabeth Roosevelt Weeks, Johannes Kronenberg, Seth Jordan, Kait Ziegler, Destiny Nolen, Dottie Zold and Frank Agrama, will help us tease apart where these three realms and their principles rightfully stand, building moral imaginations for a more conscious community.

Theory U will be the bare bones of our organizing which brings about a safe space for deep listening, suspending our judgments, fears and cynicisms. It is crucial to come to understand the structural principle of the Threefold Commonwealth concept and even more so that we find a way to our humanness in the places we disagree. Through ‘making room for the other’ and ‘allowing the other to be free’ we will find those co-creative ideas waiting to be lifted up for a healthy eco-system begging in our time to be born.

Panel discussions will take place: ‘Against All Odds: Standing for the Future’Fred Janney of Anthroposophical Prison Outreach, Dr. Molly McMullen-Laird of Rudolf Steiner Health Center in Michigan, Dr. David Gershan, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg of the Elderberries Grailroad initiative, Joan Jaeckal of the Shade Tree Community School in Watts, and Dana Erickson, Mylene Carberry, on the Front Lines.

Robbie Solway will co-lead a conversation on Youth led questions concerning ‘brother what ails thee?’ These panel discussions will also open out further for friends to share their own initiatives and experiences.

Elderberries Threefold Chicago and The Rudolf Steiner Chicago Branch will host the weekend. Our friends Carolyn Arnett, Gordon Edwards and Ann Burfeind will deepen our understanding of the history of Anthroposophy in Chicago, the people and the biography of the City by the lake.

Brian Gray, of Rudolf Steiner College, will join us as we dedicate Elderberries 3Fold Chicago Café to Willi Sucher and his work with the starry worlds.

We want you in the room! Who do you want in the room? Who is missing? Feel free to share with anyone who might find this Forum worth considering. 
