Monthly Archives: September 2020

Just as it is

A mirror asked me yesterday to look & see ‘how self-involved & invoking of my own continued victimization’ I am – ‘Nobody does it to you Hazel, it is you yourself & over & over & over again, & it is insatiable…Until you work on your own victimization there isn’t a possibility of working together with anyone else. Hazel, you need support to stop victimizing yourself. No one can do anything about it & others cannot allow you to continue to set fires around them. You need support. Where will you get this from? It is not about one on one with anyone you have these issues with. It is something more’…

This is a scary realization. But I am thankful for the mirror, for I am a striving human being, & I have been working to heal this wound for a long time, & yet it still festers & causes pain to me & to others around me.

But I don’t think self-isolation is the only place where the healing can occur, at this time of the consciousness soul it must be done in the social realm.

And so I ask myself: Where is my safe circle? And where I am with the commitment to dedicate my life to keeping my heart & mind open to nurturing compassion, with the longing to ease personal & collective suffering, a reflection of the suffering of the world? Where am I with my resolve to embrace the world just as it is, without bias?

Only by completely, directly touching the reality of what’s going on inside me can I embrace the bitterness, the fundamental pain of life, just as readily as I long to embrace the sweetness, the wholeness, the tolerance, the healing.

But when the world situation is as unstable as it is today – it’s very hard to stay grounded, & the outside pressures push against personal weakness. The intensity of life nowadays is triggering high levels of anxiety & inner unrest in me, creating the ideal environment for either a leap into the abyss, a self-conflagration, or a true sea change – a test of initiation.

So how do I develop compassion, for myself & others?  How do I cultivate trust & kindness in the middle of all of this turmoil?

I must turn toward it with a different attitude. Every day is an opportunity to practice. Whether I’m irritated & anxious because things aren’t flowing as I would like, or I’m overwhelmed by illness, or feverish flashbacks of past hurts, it’s all an opportunity to wake up, to grow, to change, to face the mirror.

How can I take my meditative practice out into my relationships, out into my community, out into the world? Can I craft it in small bits thru out the day, with the attitude that I’m standing confidently in the center of my life taking it as a training ground.

Where are my allies? My trusted friends – did I drive them all away? This is a time when we must create the safe sacred space together…Did I burn all the bridges? Can I have hope that I will be given another chance, that I will be accepted even as I am?

For me there is a fundamental anxiety to being human. This anxiety, this queasiness in the face of hopelessness is not something that just affects a few of us. It is an all-pervasive state that all human beings share which can make us turn away from each other. What if instead we said, “Yes, this is the way it is; this is what it is to be human.”, & decide to embrace the mirror of each other?

When I am feeling helpless, I am learning that one way to deal with that edgy, uneasy feeling is to take a breath: Acknowledging the feeling, give it my full, compassionate, even welcoming attention – &, even if it’s only for a few seconds, drop the story line about the feeling. With the hope that this allows me to have a direct experience of it, free of interpretation.

Can I learn not to fuel it with concepts or opinions, or defensiveness? Can I just be present with the reality of my weakness, my brokenness, my humanness? To be gentle around the wound I see in myself, & how it triggers the wound in others? The wound that we came into this life to heal?  The karma that follows us & binds us from life to life…? Who is willing to do the work with me?

To experience this uneasiness, this anxiety, this aloneness, can manifest as everything from slight edginess to sheer terror, & it makes us feel vulnerable, which of course nobody likes. Vulnerability comes in many guises.  We may feel off balance if we don’t know what is going on, don’t have a handle on things, don’t feel safe. We may feel lonely or depressed or angry. Ready to blame the other. So easy to see the log in their eye but not the beam in our own…Most of us want to avoid emotions that make us feel vulnerable, so we’ll do almost anything to get away from them, to get away from people like me that are lightning rods for this.

We do have a choice. We can run away. It’s often healthy to set boundaries. But for those that are called to face our karmic relationships, do we want to spend our whole life rejecting suffering because we don’t feel safe with how things are, how others make us feel? Unless we apply ‘How We Will’ to the personal sphere we cannot change the world.

Can I embrace the open-mindedness of the human situation, which can be fresh, unfixed, unbiased? Can I suffer gladly the consequences of my actions & the reactions that I invoke & call forth in others -This is the challenge. This is the process of unmasking, of letting go-& letting come, of opening the mind & the heart, of recognizing old patterns & bringing compassion to ourselves, & to our shared human condition. Just as it is. We are on the Grail Road after all…



I’m still not sure if The New Isis Myth was recorded?!? Contact the if you would like the link

International Random Acts of Kindness Day

Loblogomy » Dali-bolically genius | Art assignments, Salvador dali art, Art

POD (Poem Of the Day)

~Opening to the medicine of the venom

ArtStation - corn moon, Tomasz Górecki
Tomasz Górecki

1 Sept. 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Full Corn Moon tonight (exact at 12:22 a.m. CDT). Bella Luna shines amid the constellation of Aquarius, on the line from the west side of the Great Square of Pegasus down to Fomalhaut.

Queen Bee by Neil Thompson Artist | Bee art, Bee illustration, Bee print
Neil Thompson

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day


International Random Acts of Kindness Day

717 – Siege of Constantinople: The Muslim armada with 1,800 ships, is defeated by the Byzantine navy through the use of Greek fire

1449 – Tumu Crisis: Mongols capture the Emperor of China

1715 – Deathday of King Louis XIV of France, he reigned for 72 years—the longest of any major European monarch

1804 – Juno, one of the largest asteroids in the Main Belt, is discovered by the German astronomer Karl Ludwig Harding

1897 – The Tremont Street Subway in Boston opens, becoming the first underground rapid transit system in North America

1914 – St. Petersburg, Russia, changes its name to Petrograd

1923 – The Great Kantō earthquake devastates Tokyo & Yokohama, killing over 105,000 people

1939 – Adolf Hitler signs an order to begin the systematic euthanasia of mentally ill & disabled people

1969 – A coup in Libya brings Muammar Gaddafi to power

1979 – The American space probe Pioneer 11 becomes the first spacecraft to visit Saturn

1983 –Korean Air Lines Flight 007 is shot down by a Soviet Union jet fighter. All 269 on board die, including Congressman Lawrence McDonald


Photo by Mary Spalding

Photo documentary of HOW WE WILL 2020

Not sure if The New Isis Myth was recorded?!? Contact Frank or Dottie if you would like the link


Umbra Perchiazzi

The CRC Michaelmas Festival: ‘Courage Born of Wisdom’ FREE – Zoom details to follow

Wednesday 23 September 2020 – The Autumnal Equinox – 7:15 pm CDT – 8:30 pm

STAR GATES: PERSIA, World of Mesopotamia: Marduk and Tiamat. | Ancient  sumerian, Ancient near east, Sumerian

1st -A tale from ancient Chaldea where sophEA gives birth to Marduk, precursor to Michael.

Then “Wisdom Built herself a house (Proverbs 24: 1-9)”…7 members from various sections of the Anthroposophical Society will stand as Wisdom’s 7 Pillars to share how Courage was Born from Wisdom for them, leading to their work in the world.

Pillars of Life Painting by Lia van Elffenbrinck | Saatchi Art
Lia van Elffenbrinck

Medical Section –Drs. Molly & Quentin McMullen
Social Science Section – Doug Wylie
Youth – Stephan Ambrose
BD – Rand Carter
Pedagogical –Michael Holdrege
Natural Science – Dorothy Hinkle-Uhlig
Eurythmy – Barbara Richardson

Arts | Free Full-Text | Greek Painters for the Dominicans or Trecento at  the Bosphorus? Once again about the Style and Iconography of the Wall  Paintings in the Former Dominican Church of
Darren Venttree

Closing: The connection between Michael, The Christos & Anthroposophia!

CRC: Marianne Fiber, Alberto Loya, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Lisa Dalton


Personal Recollections of Joan Of Arc, by Mark Twain

Our annual Michaelmas Festival & Youth Gathering  27 Sept. 2020 – 2 pm – 4 pm CDT

Joan d’Arc – PURIFYING FIRE: The Power behind the Will

In person & online presentations 

This years theme will be an exploration of the connection between Joan d’Arc & the Archangel Michael…

with special guests: Angela Foster from Atlanta & Mary Spalding

Including a performance of ‘The Passage” by Lucian Dante Lazar

Details TBA

Sponsored by: The Rudolf Steiner Branch, Elderberries Biodynamic Outpost & 3-Fold Cultural Hub

for more info. contact Festivals coordinator Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

Louis Maurice Boutet de Monvel