Daily Archives: March 31, 2021

Picture This

How to Paint Spring Stroll at a Painting with a Twist night out!
Darlene Briton

Follow this link for the recordings of The 8-Fold Path to Easter 

Here is the podcast of HOLY WEDNESDAY on ‘I Think Speech

Please join us for the rest of the Journey (see details below)

Today is the 3 day of our Festive Vigil for Deathday of Rudolf Steiner. This morning I awoke with the image of a gateway that was swirling with a lemniscate of light & sound. A coming & going between the Earth & the Spirirtual world, a pulsing portal connecting the womb & the tomb, with many souls interacting, exchanging enegry & infomation. I invite you to call up in your mind’s eye a beloved who has crossed the Threshold; or perhaps you want to connect with someone here on earth that could use an influx of spiritual energy. 

Now picture something specific about them, something active, the way they walk, a turn of phrase they use, their hands when they speak, their laughter. Create a living imagination of their individuality.

Now picture a time when they did something courageous, or beautiful, something virtuous or kind.  

While recalling this, send out to them a circle of white light from within your heart to illuminate & generate life force, compassion, unconditional love.

See all the details, but, then choose a single word or phrase to encapsulate this experience. Write it in your journal, or maybe you will feel called to reach out to this person to share what came to mind, or perhaps you will draw a picture, or make a color or physical gesture that speaks the feeling of your experience.

Let it radiate out to form a corona of positive, healing energy that expands out from you to the person, whether they are here, or across the threshold.

Let the crown of light expand to encompass the whole earth, the whole universe, every rock, & flower, every crawling, leaping animal, every human being, every spiritual being, especially the adversarial beings who need it the most.

Fill yourself with this healing, protective light, let it surround you, & bathe you, & bless you.

See you in the halo

You are invited to share reflections here: https://padlet.com/angelaARC/1vcgls2eujjed4cz


Hydra Constellation, Including An Owl Drawing by Mary Evans Picture Library

31 March 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Castor & Pollux shine together nearly overhead in the south after dark. Pollux is slightly the brighter of these “twins.” Draw a line from Castor thru Pollux, follow it farther out & you’re at the dim head of Hydra, the Sea Serpent. Continue the line farther & you hit Alphard, Hydra’s orange heart. The waning gibbous Moon shines in the hours before dawn Thursday morning, in the head of Scorpius now making its late-night appearance. Below or lower left of Bella Luna you’ll find orange Antares.

Spiritualist art - Wikipedia
Freida Sennwell

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day


Christian Morgenstern | People, Literary work, Christian

1914 – Deathday of Christian Morgenstern, Rudolf Steiner called him ‘a true representative of Anthroposophy’ – a German author & poet from Munich. He worked for a while as a journalist in Berlin, but spent much of his life traveling through Germany, Switzerland, & Italy, primarily in a vain attempt to recover his health. He had tuberculosis, which he had contracted from his mother. His travels, though they failed to restore him to health, allowed him to meet many of the foremost literary & philosophical figures of his time in central Europe. Morgenstern’s poetry, much of which was inspired by English literary nonsense, is immensely popular, even though he enjoyed very little success during his lifetime. He made fun of literary criticism in “Drei Hasen”, grammar in “Der Werwolf”, narrow-mindedness in “Der Gaul”, & symbolism in “Der Wasseresel”. In “Scholastikerprobleme” he discussed how many angels could sit on a needle. Many Germans know some of his poems & quotations by heart.

  • “Home isn’t where our house is, but wherever we are understood.”
  • “I shall excavate the strata of my soul.”
  • “I’m a man of limits: forever physically, emotionally, morally and artistically on the brink of plunging into the abyss. Yet I manage to keep my balance and possess presence of mind.”
  • “I bear no treasures within me. I only possess the power to transform much of what I touch into something of value. I have no depths, save my incessant desire for the depths.” 

Morgenstern’s best known works are the Galgenlieder (Gallows Songs, 1905). Christian Morgenstern was also an acclaimed translator, rendering into German various prominent works from Norwegian and French, including the dramas and poems of Henrik Ibsen, Knut Hamsun, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson & August Strindberg.

Mabel Collins - Theosophy Wiki

1927 – Deathday of Mabel Collins a British theosophist & author of popular occult novels, & the theses ‘Light on the Path’ (1885). She was also a fashion writer & an anti-vivisection campaigner.

Anything Buddhism Today: Buddhism vs. Christianity

The 8-Fold Path to Easter

Holy Week 2021 (March 28 – April 4): Starting on Palm Sunday & every morning of Holy Week, at 8 am PT / 9 am MT/ 10 am CT / 11 am ET / 3 pm UT / 4 pm CET for 30 minutes, including Easter Sunday, we will gather on zoom & endeavor 1st of all, to take turns sharing indications from Holy Week, the 7 rhythms of the Foundation Stone Meditation & Rudolf Steiner/The Buddha’s 8 –fold Path, known as the ‘Weekday Exercises’  (15-20 min) HOLY WEEK CHART


Zoom Host Lisa Dalton (President of the National Michael Chekhov Association)

28 March Palm SUNDAY – with Hazel Archer & Lisa Dalton
Resolves or ‘RIGHT JUDGMENT.’ having been formed independently of sympathies and antipathies.

29 March Holy MONDAY – with Speech Artist Christine Burke
Talking – ‘RIGHT WORD.’

30 March Holy TUESDAY – Rudolf Steiner’s Deathday – with Deborah Rogers
External actions- ‘RIGHT DEED.’

31 March Holy WEDNESDAY – with Geoff Norris, & Marianne Fieber, Hazel Archer
The ordering of life. – ‘RIGHT STANDPOINT.’

1 April Maundy THURSDAY – with Lelan Harris

2 April Good FRIDAY – with Sally Greenberg
The endeavor to learn as much as possible from life. – ‘RIGHT MEMORY.’ (Remembering what has been learned from experiences).

3 March Holy SATURDAY – with Nancy Jewel Poer
To pay attention to one’s ideas. – ‘RIGHT OPINION.’

The octave of the New Sun
4 April EASTER SUNDAY – with Luicien Dante Lazar
To turn one’s gaze inwards – ‘RIGHT EXAMINATION.’

Whoever is holding the leading thoughts for that day will tie it into some artistic exercise based on the indications (15-20 min)

Group sharing (5 min)

Then you are welcome to join in to co-create a Thought–Seed with Hazel Archer – A group Thought-Form, a positive egregore, created by our Willed Visualization. We will use this Herbert Hahn verse as an anchor:

When I think light, my soul shines,
When my soul shines, the earth is a star,
When the earth is a star, then I am, a true human being

Group sharing (5 min)

We close with the ‘reversed’ Hahn verse.
I am a true human being
For the Earth is a star
The Earth is a star
When my soul shines
My soul shines
When I think light

Yes freinds, it’s a 30 minute Holy Week Touch in.

*Dear friends, we will open the zoom room at 9:50 am for social time & to give everyone a chance to get settled in so we can begin promptly at 10 am
Topic: The 8-Fold Path thru Holy Week 2021
Time: Starting on Palm Sunday Mar 28 – thru Easter Morning, 2021 10 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Every day, 8 occurrence(s)
Mar 28, 2021 10AM
Mar 29, 2021 10AM
Mar 30, 2021 10AM
Mar 31, 2021 10AM
Apr 1, 2021 10AM
Apr 2, 2021 10M
Apr 3, 2021 10AM
Apr 4, 2021 10AM

Daily: https://zoom.us/meeting/tJErdOqsqj8iGNzL8iNTwKUXyrvmVGSSXqaW/ics?icsToken=98tyKuCtqDgpHtCRuBuPRowMBIjCb-jwiClHjY1HsEfsLRRESTbOL_BUP4RYI-vo

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95633444828?pwd=Wk56K08vK2dNQUhhK0Q2S09zQWJrQT09 Meeting ID: 956 3344 4828 – Passcode: bee

Dial by your location Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aX8X3nrr3 Meeting ID: 956 3344 4828 – Passcode: 425730

The mystery of icon-preserving bees

“Human Bee-ing at Easter Time”

Easter Sunday 4 April 2021, at 12 pm PT/1 pm MT/ 2 pm CT/ 3pm ET / 7 UT / 8 pm CET
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/7052931041?pwd=Z0ZmT05FdDZIclE4RFBLZWNwWXJ5QT09 
Meeting ID: 705 293 1041 – Passcode: Easter

Dial by your location – Meeting ID: 705 293 1041 – Passcode: 776400 – Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/a961qZZhF

Keynote with Ines Katharina Kinchen* – What can the bees teach us about consciously engaging with the Earth and deepening our inner festival life? And how does this inner festival life affect the beings all around us?

Let us discover the tasks of our time and journey with the Bee into her connection to the Earth, the Cosmos, and the Human Soul… during the Easter expansion.

This small ceremony will include artistic and meditative activity. Please have ready: some real honey and a spoon, a beeswax candle and matches, paper and colored pencils.

Zoom Host – Lisa Dalton

Group Eurythmy with Mary Ruud

Dottie Zold – On the Buddha’s 8-Fold Path

Logo for the Emerald Ark Sanctuary

Ines Katharina Kinchen makes her home at the Emerald Ark Sanctuary, a small biodynamic initiative nestled in the in the Appalachian Mountains of eastern Tennessee, surrounded by the Cherokee National Forest. Here she lives with her son Marquise, tends to the bees, the animals and the land, and facilitates workshops. Ines is a Resonance Medicine practitioner, a kindergarten teacher at the Asheville Waldorf School, and the founder of the Honeybee Habitat Project.

We close with the ‘Rock Spring Wonder’ in story & Eurythmy with Mary Ruud

$10 Suggested Donation (can’t make it? or joining us online? please consider supporting this event, Thank you)

Hazel Archer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Easter Festival

Time: Apr 4, 2021 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/7052931041?pwd=Z0ZmT05FdDZIclE4RFBLZWNwWXJ5QT09 
Meeting ID: 705 293 1041 – Passcode: Easter

Dial by your location – Meeting ID: 705 293 1041 – Passcode: 776400 – Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/a961qZZhF

For more info. Festivals Coordinator Hazel Archer

Events & Festivals Committee of the Rudolf Steiner Branch

of The Anthroposophical Society, 4249 North Lincoln Ave.
Chicago, IL 60618 (map

Day 3: March 31 2021

*  Reflections from the night. Begin the day with the Bridge Verse. What is rising up from the vigil we created together – what after-images have come? 

* You are invited to share reflections at this link: https://padlet.com/angelaARC/1vcgls2eujjed4cz

*  In the evening, before sleep, repurpose your altar. Give an offering to the earth.

We are a bridge
Between what is past
And future existence;
The present is an instant:
Is momentary bridge.
Spirit become soul
In enfolding matter
Is from the past;
Soul becoming spirit
In germinal vessels
Is on the path to the future.
Grasp what is to come
Through what is past;
Have hope of what is growing
Through what has emerged.
And so apprehend
Existence in growing;
And so apprehend
What is growing in what is.
 ~ Given to Ita Wegman at the opening of the clinic in Arlesheim Christmas 1920 by Rudolf Steiner