a kernal for our 10:10 Thought-Seed Meditation (Listen to this on the ‘I Think Speech’ podcast)
Clear your mind of what fills it now & live into the Word…Make yourself comfortable, as we open to the light & share the air…taking a deep breath…filling your belly…Thrilling your lungs…Let your body sink deep & Relax, letting the light enter thru your breath…Set the rhythm with your heart-beat…& as your awareness is internalized, fully connected with the Breath of Life, gently moving thru the light into you…make all your senses alert to this life force…Enjoy its power & perfect simplicity…feel the sustaining energy behind every spark of light in every breath…Feel the life force coursing thru your cells & thoughts…& when you are ready – become a vessel, a channel, a chalice – open to the abundant potency pouring into this planet from the Heart of the Sun that we all share…Feel the honey-gold radiance of the Sun infusing your Will with the power to manifest Loving Thoughts, Words & Deeds…Reach out with your Heart-Self, & let your Light-filled thinking attract & connect with the radiant-golden healing energy of our Day Star, as its power merges with your ripening heart…
Feeling balanced, imagine the crown of your head receiving this cosmic energy, letting it pour into every cell of your body, & out thru your feet – imagine thick limber roots pulling this pure illuminated Love deep into the core of our Earth, infusing all life with the brilliance of this connective intelligence…healing all fear, hate, & doubt…oxidizing all dis-ease in the root rays of the Solar power – harmonizing with our Earth – made sacred…Glowing like a Sun…
Remember that you are unique in the light that fuels your gifts…& when we all add our divine sparks together, we fuel the fires of transformation to create positive change…As we find ourselves intertwined in this circle of life, forming wholeness in the Sun-Heart, beating in rhythm with the pulse of our Mother Earth…we know we are all beacons of this vivid starburst of evolution…
Look around this amazing world with your mind’s eye, & see the fields, ripe with the end of Summer’s abundance…Find yourself in the center of this richness holding a large willow basket, eager to begin your autumn harvest…Step first into an expanse of sweet corn…See the tall, regal, green & yellow stalks…
Observe a ripe golden ear which seems to be reaching out to you…Under its wispy silk, kernels sparkle like precious gold, shining thru the husk…Let it remind you of your own riches, both tangible & intangible…Reach out & pick this ear of corn & put it into your basket…
Leave the corn field, & enter an apple orchard…See the beauty of these trees…these majestic symbols of the Great Goddess Herself…Feel the fullness of her boughs…the ripeness of her ruby red apples, the fruit of knowledge…Reach up, way up, & pick two…Put one in your basket & eat the other…Taste & enjoy this perfect fruit…For in this gracious garden, tasting the fruit of knowledge is never forbidden…
Move now toward an onion field, which beckons to you…Once green, now browning spikes, point up to you, tempting you to dig below…Pull gently & the ground gives birth to an iridescent, opal bulb, full of body & character & strength…A vegetable with the power to make you feel the beauty of your tears of joy…Add this to your growing harvest…
Notice ahead thick bushes of ripened raspberries, Sharp brambles protecting their precious, succulent garnets…The juicy nectar of these berries reminds you of your humanness, your ability to feel, express, & extend all that is sweet & loving & honest to others…Take your time here, & pick plenty of these supple jewels for your basket…
Step away now & look around you…Find a patch of fruits or vegetables that calls to you…Enter it, admire its offerings, select a precious jewel of your own to harvest…Choose a ripened resource that will sustain you in the upcoming time of cold & darkness…glean some warmth & light, & savor its presence…
With your arms now laden, your basket full of bountiful treasures, it is time to rest…Take your harvest to a clover covered knoll – just beyond – in the still warm rays of the Sun, to sit & bask in the glory of its healing warmth…Rest in contentment knowing you have gathered in all that you need, to give you strength & balance, peace & nourishment in the Winter nights to come…
Put yourself back in the sky now – Become the Sun again & yet again…Shine down upon yourself & your hardy harvest…Absorb the energy of the fruits of your labors. Bless the seeds you planted in the Spring, & nurtured to fruition thru the Summer…
Become One with the Spiritual Sun…Shine down upon all that is good & giving…Spread the light of hope & peace, love & understanding, to all you shine upon…Everything you have touched with your luminous rays is vibrating in harmony, in the eternal truth of your authentic self…
Work to integrate & cultivate these blessings received…opening to the vision of your Divine-Self, in the wholeness of your heart-soul…
Dear friends, Know in truth that we can resolve to act on our own unique life-purpose & make it ever more real…ever more whole…Joining our gifts together to make the light ever stronger, ever more healing & whole…
Feeling this reality – gradually bring your experience to the present once again – to the here & now…Feel your body refreshed & renewed – here & now – in your room, in your sacred space…know you are sacred…Know you are here for a reason…
And gently, joyfully, when you are ready, open your cosmic & earthly senses – to see & be the unity of your community…Know in your heart-of-hearts that the journey we have taken together, whether near or far, in the flesh, or thru the net, is full of effulgent effective power which we manifest for ourselves & for our Earth – a healing harvest of love’s light…
Blessed be…
Listen to the original podcasts around the 10:10: Thought Experiment, Episode 1 – Egregore, Episode 2 – Thought-Seed Project, Episode 3 – The 10:10 How To, Episode 5