Greetings friends on this Eve of the New Moon – I am striving, like you, thru Spiritual Science, in the continual digestion of past, present & future world events, to not only uncover the supersensible reality behind the various physically manifested phenomenon – naming the forces working in what we see out-pictured in our collective reality – but also to ask questions?
And one of the main questions many of us are asking is: How can we affect positive change?
We know that as individuals we are tasked with consistently practicing the inner development work described in Rudolf Steiner’s basic book: ‘How to Know Higher Worlds’. This first step is a life-long process, not a theory – but a conscious Initiatory practice… – Then with a firm moral foundation that allows us to build new spiritual organs, we are meant to join our gifts together to build the Temple of the New Mysteries – A Michaelic Oasis/Fortress that enables us to counteract the adversarial forces thru our collective endeavor – which involves rising in our thinking to meet the spiritual beings who are willing to work as our allies for the highest evolution of humanity.
Here on RR we have brought forth the intention to co-create change thru what I call: Project Thought-Seed (Egregore 10:10 )
Do you feel as I do that we must become spiritual warriors? We cannot realistically hope to affect change by physical means alone. The 3-fold Social Organism is in deep dis-ease. The Economic & Political realms are thoroughly corrupt, so in re-awakening the moral civil center of the Spiritual/Educational/Cultural realm in freedom, we can endeavor to take up the practice of building up affirmative imaginations on the inner planes as a counterforce to the adversarial powers working in the world.
This kind of willed-visualization becomes a “key-call” to the Spiritual Powers aligned with love & light, to enlist their aid.
Our collective Good Will can form a cosmic energy field for healing – planting what Dion Fortune called “Seed ideas in the group mind of humanity” to co-create intentions for our Highest human evolution – that the Earth may become a Sacred Planet – a Sun – & every Human Being a Star. “What is sown in our highest thought will grow and bear seed.” It only takes the square root of any number of people to create true change.
To further explain ‘the working’, we can do together, let’s look at what this positive group energy can be, from a spiritual scientific point of view:
An egregore is a positive group thought-form, & when intentionally created, becomes a kind of ‘entity’ with the power to help & influence.
Whenever we meditate, pray, study a sacred image, or create an inspiring work of science, art, or literature, we radiate into time & space positive thoughts & emotions which benefit the all. Thru concentration exercises we can build Thought-Forms in the astral where we can meet in spirit.
Our goal is to co-create a new ‘Group-Soul United in Christ’ – which has the power to affect the ultimate positive change we want to see in the world.
As a psychic ‘entity’, the egregore exists between the material & spiritual worlds, & is connected to both. It is a living creation of our highest intentions.
We have the power to manifest thought-forms of good will together – to collectively build a cognitive imagination of Michael-Christ-Sophia, protecting & embracing us with love & light.
The forces built up thru our collective egregore fortifies & sustains us. The intentional visualization of the Earth as a Sun, increases thru our efforts over time – becoming more & more realized thru our repeated affirmational actions.
Here is the Meditative Thought-Seed I have been working with:
For Thinking: “When I think light, my soul shines,
When my soul shines, the Earth is a Star,
When the Earth is a Star, I am, a true human being”.
~Herbert Hahn
I love to reverse the verses:
I Am
A True Human Being
The Earth is a Star
My Soul Shines
I think Light
For Feeling: When I feel Love, my heart sings
When my heart sings, the Earth resounds
When the Earth resounds, I am a true I AM
I Am
A True I am
The earth Resounds
My Heart Sings
I Feel Love
For Willing: When I will life, my hands help
When my hands help, the Earth heals
When the Earth heals, I am a free human being
I Am
A Free Human Being
The Earth Heals
My Hands Help
I Will Life
~ hag
Of course just a simple moment of sending your good will out into the ethers is potent too.
If you are interested you can read about the origins for this Thought-Experiment which came about during the start of the Corona Crisis.
This brainstorm also became the reason I started doing the ‘I Think Speech’ podcast. The very first episodes beginning on 24 November 2020 describe the 1010 – Project Thought-Seed – Egregore.
So dear friends, here is something we can actually do to counteract evil – to make our world a better place.
I hope to see you in the ethers every day 10:10 AM, (&/or PM) (but please don’t worry if you can’t tune in at 10:10, just do it whenever you think of it, which may be many times a day, or perhaps only occasionally, don’t stress it, just do what you can with a loving heart-mind)
translated (with added titles) by Roy Sadler
The Yield Of Summer
In autumn haze
the senses’ lure fades;
a mist arising veils
the light’s revealing.
In widths of space I see
the autumn landscape fall asleep;
the summer’s yielded me her being
for me to reap
This week’s octave is its mirror verse:
the Celtic Wise Woman festival of Samhain
[‘Summer’s End’] when the summer’s being
begins to shine as the summer of the soul,
the cosmic light living on with inner power.
The Summer Of The Soul
In sunlight of my soul
the fruit of thinking ripens;
all feeling turns to sureness
of self-awareness.
I joy to sense
the autumn’s rousing of the spirit;
within me will the winter wake
the summer of the soul.
PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE: Due to the farm day at Angelic Organics we are changing our Chicago Festival to: FRIDAY 22 September 2023
Community Prep-Stir / Potluck / Bon-fire Celebrating
*Autumnal Equinox
*Yom Kippur
*Michaelmas Festival
6 – 8 pm at the Lucchesi-Archer-Ginsberg domicile
Please Bring Food & Drink to share, & a jar for the prep
30 September 2023 – Our Annual Michaelmas Festival & Zinniker Farm Day
Biodynamic preparation making and Michaelmas 2023 – Food for Thought
The time for biodynamic preparation making is come up again very soon.
We will be making and burying the chamomile, yarrow and dandelion compost preparations. This offers hands on activity. We will be walking through grass and work in soil. Please dress accordingly and be ready to get dirty.
After the potluck join Hazel Archer-Ginsberg in an experiential activity at the bon-fire called: Food for Thought –
Bounty: What spiritual gifts have you harvested in your life so far this year?
Farewells: What no longer serves? What is over? Say good-bye and thank you.
Preserves: What will you keep as seed for the future?
Date: September 30th, 2023 at the Zinniker Farm
Time: 1:30pm, potluck dinner
Please bring a dish to share
Suggested donation: $15-25 for more info.