4 squared

Autumn Morrison

Project Thought-Seed (Egregore 10:10)

“When I think light, my soul shines,
When my soul shines, the earth is a star,
When the earth is a star, then I am, a true human being”. 
~Herbert Hahn

Dear Friends – Our Good Will becomes a cosmic energy field for healing; actual “Seed ideas in the group mind of humanity”, to co-create our highest intentions for the evolution of humanity – that the Earth may become a Sacred Planet – a Sun – and every Human Being a Star. “What is sown in our highest thought will grow and bear seed.” It only takes the square root of any number of people to create change.

As we shine out from the Earth, Divine Spiritual Beings take notice, we are seen. We become lightning rods for their protection & power. We become super charged catalysts for change. The light that is eternal is the future flowing into the now.

This verse can be an anchor for a group Thought-Form created by our Willed Visualization– to be conceived each day at 10:10 AM, (&/or PM)wherever you are, so it moves like a wave across the globe. Here is the Seeed verse said in reverse:

I am a true human being,
When the Earth is a Star.
The Earth is a Star
When my soul shines.
My soul shines
When I think light.

We must become spiritual warriors, and endeavor to take up the practice of building up positive imaginations on the inner planes as a counterforce to the adversarial forces working in the world. This is a “key-call” to the Spiritual Powers aligned with love and light, to enlist their aid.

See you, dear friends, in the ethers every day 10:10 AM, (&/or PM) (10 is the number of completion, but please don’t worry if you can’t tune in at 10:10, just do it whenever you think of it, which may be many times a day, or perhaps only occasionally, don’t stress it, just do what you can with a loving heart-mind)

PLEASE SHARE THE GOOD WORD (& Let me know if you are taking on the project)

“When 2 or more are gathered…”



Science Source - The four humours, 16th century artwork

“The ideas, feelings and so on which transform the astral body during a long life will produce a marked change in the etheric body only in the next life. Thus if someone wants to be born in his next life with good habits and inclinations, he must try-to prepare these as much as possible in his astral body. If he makes the effort to do good, he will be born in his next life with the tendency to do good and that will be a characteristic of his etheric body. If he wants to be born with a good memory, he must exercise his memory as much as he can; he must practise looking back over the separate years of his life and over his life as a whole. In this way he will engender in his astral body something which will become a characteristic of his etheric body in his next life — the foundation for a good memory. A man who simply hurries through the world will find in his next life that he cannot stick at anything. But if anyone lives in intimate sympathy with a particular environment, he will be born with a special predilection for everything that reminds him of it.

We can trace the various temperaments, also, back to a previous life, for they are qualities of the etheric body.

The choleric man has a strong will, is bold, courageous, with an urge to action. Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Caesar, Napoleon, for example, were cholerics. This type of character shows itself even in childhood, and a child with this temperament will take the lead in childhood games.

The melancholic man is very much occupied with himself and hence is apt to keep himself to himself. He does a lot of thinking, particularly about the way in which his environment affects him. He withdraws into himself, tends to be suspicious. This temperament, too, is apparent in childhood: a child of this type does not like to display his toys; he is afraid something will be taken away from him and would like to keep everything under lock and key.

The phlegmatic man has no real interest in anything; he is dreamy, inactive, lazy, and seeks sensuous enjoyment.

The sanguine man, on the other hand, gets easily interested in anything but he does not stick to it; his interest quickly fades; he is continually changing his hobbies.

Melancholic temperament: Specifications and lifestyle - Tehran Times

These are the four basic types. Generally a man is a mixture of all four, but we can usually discover the fundamental one. These four temperaments express themselves in the etheric body, and so there are four main types of etheric body. They have differing currents and movements, and these impart a particular basic colour to the astral body. This does not depend on the astral body; it only reveals itself there.

The melancholic temperament is karmically determined if a man in his previous life was compelled to lead a narrow, restricted existence and to be much alone; if he was always preoccupied only with himself and unable to Make much interest in anything else. If, however, a man has learnt a great deal from experience but has also had something of a hard struggle, if he has encountered many things and has not merely looked on at them, he will become a choleric. If, again, he has had a pleasant life without much struggle or toil, or if he saw and passed by many things, but only as an onlooker, all this will work karmically into the etheric body of his next life: he will become a phlegmatic or a sanguine type”. ~Rudolf Steiner, At the Gates of Spiritual Science, LECTURE SEVEN


November's young moon and December's Jupiter-Saturn conjunction | Tonight |  EarthSky

20 November 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Shortly after sunset, you can observe the two largest planets in the solar system — Jupiter & Saturn — glowing between the Teapot of Sagittarius & the stars of Capricornus in the southwest. The crescent Moon is nearby, shining near the center of the Sea Goat.

Sunrise*: 6:51 P.M.
Sunset: 4:40 P.M.
Moonrise: 12:19 P.M.
Moonset: 10:11 P.M.
Moon Phase: Waxing crescent (36%)


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Laura Summer

 Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day 

The best Anthroposophists are those who take what is said as a stimulus in the first place, and then place it at the service of life, so as to prove it by life itself.” ~Rudolf Steiner, ‘The Mission of the Folk Souls’ lecture 11


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1805 – Beethoven’s only opera, Fidelio, premieres in Vienna.

1945 –Trials against 24 Nazi war criminals start at the Palace of Justice at Nuremberg

1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis ends: In response to the Soviet Union agreeing to remove its missiles from Cuba, U.S. President John F. Kennedy ends the quarantine of the Caribbean nation

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Leo-Tolstoy-Quotes-1.jpg

1910 – Deathday of Leo Tolstoy, Russian author & playwright

“In 1828, Leo Tolstoy is born in a family of Russian counts about which he himself says that the family immigrated originally from Germany. Then we see Tolstoy losing certain higher goods of life. Hardly he is one and a half years old, he loses the mother, the father in the ninth year. Then he grows up under the care of a relative who is, so to speak, the embodied love, and from her spiritual condition, the marvellous soul condition had to flow in his soul like by itself. However, on the other side, another relative who wants to build up him out of the viewpoints of her circles, out of the conditions of time as they formed in certain circles influences him. She is a person who is completely merged in the outward world activity which later became very odious to Tolstoy and against which he fought so hard. We see this personality striving from the outset to make Tolstoy a person “comme il faut,” a person who could treat his farmers in such a way, as it was necessary in those days, who should receive title, rank, dignity, and medals and should play a suitable role in the society.

Then we see Tolstoy coming to the university; he is a bad student as he absolutely thinks that everything that the professors say at the University of Kazan is nothing worth knowing. Only oriental languages can occupy him. In all other matters, he was not interested. Against it the comparison of a certain chapter of the code of Catherine the Great (1729–1796) with The Spirit of the Laws (1748) by Montesquieu (Charles de Secondat, Baron de M., 1689–1755) attracted him. Then he tries repeatedly to manage his estate, and we see him almost getting around to diving head first into the life of luxury of a man of his circles, diving head first into all possible vices and vanities of life. We see him becoming a gambler, gambling big sums away. However, he has hours within this life over and over again when his own activities disgust him, actually. We see him meeting peers as well as men of letters and leading a life, which he calls a worthless, even perishable one at moments of reflection. However, we also see — and this is important to him who looks with pleasure at the development of the soul where this development manifests in especially typical signs — particular peculiarities appearing with him in the development of his soul which can disclose us already in the earliest youth what is, actually, in this soul.

Thus, it is of immense significance, what a deep impression a certain event makes on Tolstoy at the age of eleven years. A friendly boy once told him that one has made an important discovery, a new invention. One has found — and a teacher has spoken in particular of the fact — that there is no God that this God is only an empty invention of many human beings, an empty picture of thought. Everything that one can know about the impression that this boy’s experience made on Tolstoy shows already how he absorbed it that in him a soul struggled striving for the highest summits of human existence.” ~ Rudolf Steiner, Where and How Does One Find the Spirit? Tolstoy and Carnegie, Berlin, 28th January, 1909

see also Origin and Goal of the Human Being, Lecture V, Theosophy and Tolstoy  

Considera - Developing Agriculture

1976 – Deathday of Lili Kolisko, remembered for her pioneer work in anthroposophy, attending lectures by founder Rudolf Steiner starting in 1914. She developed the Capillary Dynamolisis method (Steigbildmethode), testing the idea that not only the moon, but the other planets as well, have an influence over earthly fluids. To test this, she dissolved metals classically associated to each planet & observed the pictures left by their absorption over a filter paper. She noticed consistent differences of the patterns according to the position of the planets in relation to sun & earth. Lilly Kolisko also worked on the development of a remedy for foot and mouth disease & methods for assessment of food quality from an anthroposophic standpoint. She was married to Dr. Eugen Kolisko.

Lily Kolisko: Workings Of The Stars In Earthly Substances by Allan Balliett

100+ Waldork ideas in 2020 | rudolf steiner, waldorf education, steiner

May we all answer to our highest calling…

Blessings dear friends


Acrylic Canvas Waxing Crescent Moon Goddess Original with Gold | Etsy
Brandy Cuppler

POD (Poem Of the Day)

~I rise above the waxing crescent moon
Gentling the horns with peat moss & beeswax,
Rounding up to the stars reaching
Beyond numbers that bind minds into boxes –
Let the vultures gobble the sin with the flesh…
Thru me the past flows like blood
Renewed in the heart convulsing –
A formula forthcoming
A blueprint unfolding gold


Wed. 2 December 2020 – 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm CT The Karma Project

The Karma Project
Manifestations of Karma Study Group
December 2, 2020 – 7:15 pm Central (8:15 pm Eastern)

… We have now learned that it is possible to seek out accidents or other causes of illness due to karmic effects. In due course we will deal with the details of such processes, such as the way in which the forces in deeper levels of consciousness work within the human being, or to what extent our ordinary consciousness may avoid such accidents. We can understand that someone who goes to a place  where he may succumb to an infection will have been driven there under the influence of a certain level of consciousness; in like manner we must be able to understand how it is that human beings take certain measures to render such infections less and less effective; in other words, that through our ordinary consciousness we are able to avert certain consequences by means of hygiene.

~Rudolf Steiner, Manifestations of KarmaChapter 6Karma in Relation to Accidents”, Hamburg, 21 May, 1910 … focus of the December 2 meeting.

The lecture can be found online at the RS Archive (eLib) by clicking this link: https://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA120/English/RSP1984/19100521p01.html

The Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society in America invites you to join our ongoing  study conversation.  The study has been divided among four volunteers who will summarize their section to rebuild it as a foundation for our conversation. Please familiarize yourself with the lecture if possible so you will feel comfortable sharing your reflections and thoughts with the group.

This collection of lectures has been republished by Rudolf Steiner Press under the title: “Manifestations of Karma.”  This book is a translation from German of Die Offenbarung des Karma (Ga 120), published in English by Rudolf Steiner Press in 1996.

This will be a “Zoom” conference call allowing us an opportunity to see one another while conversing (or audio only if you prefer).  To connect to the audio/video-conference:

Video Conference Details:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82715186258
Meeting ID: 827 1518 6258

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kclU2SSTF

If you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya aloyavaca@utexas.edu
Agenda for our Study Call
7:15  Welcome and Introductions        
7:18  Verse
7:25  Study led by five volunteers
Note: CRC team will ID volunteers
          Laura – pg. 106 to 110
          Ana – pg. 111 to 115
          Camille – pg. 116 to 120
          Alberto – pg. 121 to end
8:05  Conversation
8:28  Close with verse

Holy Nights 2020-21 “A Rose By Any Other Name…” The many faces of The Sophia

24 December 2020 – 5 January 2021

International online gathering on the Theme of the Divine Feminine. 

Hosted by Laura Scappaticci & Tess Parker, featuring the Sophia Working Group

Everyday 9 am – 9:30 am PT, 10 am – 10:30 am MT, 11 am – 11:30 am CT, 12 pm – 12:30 pm

stay tuned for details

Our Annual Conscious NYE gathering 8 pm 1 am

In-Person at Elderberries Bio-dynamic Outpost & Cultural Hub & The Rudolf Steiner Branch Chicago 4249-51 N. Lincoln Ave. 60613

This Years Theme is a Masked Ball – 

Live Music, Folk Dancing, Potluck, Mask-making with Lucien Dante Lazar, more TBA

$20 per person

Stay tuned for details

Joan’s Epiphany 6 January 2021 ‘What Joan of Arc Calls for Today’ 2 pm – 4 pm CT

In-person at Elderberries Chicago & online

Today on the Birthday of Joan of Arc we welcome special Guest Nancy Poer

We will also explore ‘The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations, Lecture 5, The Nature of the Christ Impulse and the Michaelic Sprit Serving It by Rudolf Steiner with Leading Thoughts by Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

Social Sculpture: “The Passage” with Luicen Dante Lazar – Eurythmy

Singing & Eurythmy

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 705 293 1041

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Dial by your location
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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Meeting ID: 705 293 1041
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aeoRtxhpwY

8 thoughts on “4 squared

  1. Hi Hazel – You said something in your previous post on Synesthesia in the comments section that I find truly relevant to this post concerning the Four Temperaments. You said:

    “The Hindu texts talk about how antipathy is a sign that we are supposed to go toward that which repels us as a real lesson that the things which hold a charge can be a signpost to our initiation.”

    Indeed, I think this is so, and how it seems to be that we meet people with temperaments that conflict with ours. For me, as a Choleric, I tend to have good relations with Sanguines, like yourself, and a close friend who was born in the sign of Aquarius., which is also a sign of the Air Element. On the other hand, my karma has placed me in a certain antipathy with folks who bear the Melancholic temperament, and yet it seems that they have been placed there by the wise dictates of the good gods for the purpose of making me a better person. I have had three close relations going back a number of years with individuals born under the respective signs of: Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus, and the last is one that has been going on still now for 11 years. They have all been very dynamic relationships, and wherein I was pushed to the max in trying to stay within the equipoise of the balance between opposites.

    Currently, I have had to revisit these relationships in order to see how important they are, and why even a Sanguine temperament can become antipathic for some reason. I’m sure you have had the same experiences, and see how important it is to embrace all causes and personalities. You have made a very good point about seeing every opportunity to embrace the other. Spiritual Science is so all-encompassing as a modern cultural movement.

    1. ha, interesting that you should see me as Sanguine. I think of myself as highly choleric with a very sensitive melancholic side. Sanguine’s drive me crazy. And I have a hard time with the phlegmatic especially if they have a touch of the melancholic. But like you said we usually have to meet these qualities in others to learn tolerance & balance within the self.

      1. Didn’t you say you were born on July 12th? That is Gemini (mutable air sign). As well, you seem to me by all appearances to be: Sociable, Outgoing, Talkative, and Responsive, which are Sanguine attributes.
        Note: Rudolf Steiner indicates that the Sun goes through the sign of Gemini from June 16 to July 19 in the sidereal system.

        1. Yes, I relate to the mutable air qualities – And the twin nature of dark & light. My Sun is in the 1st house so there is a longing to be social, but I need to build up my energy in many hours of alone time to be able to do it. And for me a sanguine is happy fliting about, & I am a homebody that needs a steady routine to be productive.

          1. I am like that, as well; a homebody that needs a steady routine to be productive. As a Leo, I have a number of fellow cholerics in my family who were born in the sign of Sagittarius, which is opposite Gemini. My goal, it seems, has been to appreciate the sanguines and try to emulate them because it does seem to nicely oppose the tendency to be rather resolute in my fiery determination. I sometimes admire the attitude of simply taking it as it comes, which can be a breath of fresh air. You seem to have transformed yourself into a choleric, which I find amazing.

  2. Thanks for this inspiration, Hazel. I want to undertake this high challenge – Because of the nature of my work I will probably usually actively participate at about 9:50 AM.

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