This is the Eve of the Full BUDDHA Moon – Sun in Taurus, Moon in Scorpio
The Buddha (whose name means: *The Awakened One* or *One who Knows*) is regarded as the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He was born in 563 BC.
Traditionally, Buddha’s Birthday is known as Wesak or Visakah Puja (Buddhas Day).
Wesak, the major Buddhist festival of the year, celebrates the birth, enlightenment & death of the Buddha on one and the same day, when the Sun is in Taurus, & the Moon is in Scorpio.
This ‘Buddha Moon’ is a mystically auspicious time – it is considered to be the greatest moment of spiritual contact for the entire year. Great polarities are said to be synthesized & consequently united at this festival. Hope is revived in the world, & great seeds of beauty, truth, & goodness are planted within us — qualities needed for the unity of humankind.
Ancient Wisdom asserts that there will be a new coming of the World Avatar & those beings who assist them. But the reality set forth & embedded within this festival, is that WE, as a living unit called humanity, are to be that World Avatar, when we can live as “Christ in me”…
The Wesak Festival provides us each year with a reception of the tools of love & wisdom, to fulfill this ancient prophecy. What all the higher beings have done, we can do also, taking up our responsibility as the 10th hierarchy to radiate the Christ Impulse out to all the kingdoms of Earth -becoming like little suns – emanating rays from the very core of our “I”, through the vehicle of our bodies, from our purified hearts, & specifically from our forehead, where our third eye is located. This is the Bulls Eye of Taurus – the Sun of May – & the mystery of the transformative Scorpio Moon.
The Full Buddha Moon will be exact at 4:42 pm Wednesday May 10th 2017. We will see it rise over the Great Inland Sea of Chicago at 6: 50 pm tonight. & it will rise tomorrow at 7:41 pm
Haiku’s, ants & worms
Buddha-like the Moon sitting
All have the same face
On Buddha’s birthday
Spring rain beneath a full moon,
On Buddha’s deathday
Enlightenment in the Lake
Another sunset
The Elderberries Three-Fold Café has been on Sunset Blvd. in the heart of Hollywood for over 9 years. They provide not only good healthy food, but nutrition for the soul – Rudolf Steiner’s Weekday Exercises are even on the back of the menu! The café is a hub for youth, hosting anthroposophical study groups, music, alternative film screenings etc – providing support for inner practices, meaningful work to those in need, & platforms for individual creative expression -imbuing all they do with a love for the future of our world.
Our 3-fold friends, Dottie Zold, Daniel Evaeus & Frank Agrama, came in from Los Angeles to speak with the Branch Council & have an open conversation with members & friends, about the possibility of opening a second Elderberries 3-fold Café in the unrented space at the branch. It has long been the vision of Elderberries to create a “Michael Grail-Road” establishing 3-fold Café’s around the world where youth could come to find themselves thru anthroposophy.
Here are a few words about the Initiative from Dottie, Hazel Daniel & Frank
“We would like to be meeting the needs of the Chicago community, we ask for any council members, branch members, parents, students, etc. to write up their thoughts or wants for Elderberries Chicago, so we can incorporate the needs of Chicago in our request to John Bloom & RSF Social Finance ”. ~Dottie Zold
Here are a few ‘testimonies’ so far. We hope if the spirit moves you, that you will add your voice to this Clarion call, no matter where you live in the world.
If this initiative resonates, &/or if you’d like to help make it happen – Please let us know
Join your good will with ours that these fruits will ripen – casting ever more seeds – to flourish & feed the 3-fold social organism of humanity & the Being of Anthroposophia.
We will keep you posted as things unfold.
~Hazel Archer Ginsberg
St. John’s Festival: Cosmic Rapture Grounded in Jubilant Hearts
Saturday June 24th 2017, 1 pm – 4 pm at Michael Fields Agricultural Institute
Sunday June 25th 2017, 2 pm – 4 pm – at the Rudolf Steiner Branch of the Anthroposophical Society 4249 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago IL. 60618. MAP
Come join our Initiatory Workshop/Ritual, to discover the New Mysteries of St. Johns-Tide. To pass the test of Summer we will explore many questions:
- How do we stand wakefully within the sublime mysteries of the Summer-Tide, to consciously embody ‘the spiritual wisdom of the gods’?
- Who is the mysterious Archangel of Summer?
- Who is John the Baptist? What do his sayings “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” And “He must increase, but I must decrease.” really mean?
- What is the secret to healing the ‘soul-fever’ so prevalent in society today?
- What is the mystery of the Dragon-fly, & other elemental beings?
- How can we understand the ‘Cycle of the Year as Breathing Process of the Earth’?
Together we will work to strengthen our true “I”, enlivening our will forces with various social-artistic exercises, Including: ‘Seeing into the Etheric World’ thru the ‘After-Image’, Eurythmy, & an exploration of Karmic investigations.
$30– (or pay what you can, no one will be turned away for lack of funds, contact Hazel if you’d like to do work exchange) All materials included
Hazel Archer-Ginsberg – is a Spiritual Midwife, and Trans-denominational Minister, working in an eclectic style that inspires connections – initiating us into the magic, waiting to be revealed, in the cycle of the seasons. Festivals Coordinator & Council Member of the Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch, and the Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society. Founder of Reverse Ritual – Understanding Anthroposophy Through the Rhythms of the Year