Bee Pollen in the Chalice

May 11, 2016 On this Day in History:


330 – Byzantium is renamed Nova Roma during a dedication ceremony, but it is more popularly referred to as Constantinople.

868 – A copy of the Diamond Sutra is printed in China, making it the oldest known dated printed book.

912 – Alexander becomes Emperor of the Byzantine Empire.

1310 – In France, fifty-four members of the Knights Templar are burned at the stake as heretics.

1502 – Christopher Columbus departs Cádiz on his fourth & final voyage to the Americas.

1917 – Rudolf Steiner stops giving private consultations & releases his pupils from any obligations to silence previously required.

1930 – Death-day  of Imme von Eckardstein who painted the illustrations for the original Soul Calendar in 1912/13.

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bee painting1 Martin BridgeMartin Bridge

~Today I am

Feeding the uncombed cats & the cross-eyed hens of the world



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chalice Odilon RedonOdilon Redon

Part 3 in a series from the lecture: Vitae Sophia- The New Mysteries of ‘I’ and ‘WE’, a ‘Hero’s Journey’ from head to heart by Hazel Archer Ginsberg

Let’s think about it. The Foundation Stone was formed by Rudolf Steiner at the Christmas conference out of:

  1. The Father-forces rising from the depths -gravity, unconscious will;
  2. The Son-forces working in the periphery – warmth, creative love;
  3. & The Spirit-forces descending from the heights -consciousness, wisdom.

Thru Steiner’s profound mystery deed, an altogether new relationship of the macrocosmic forces working within the human:

3. The thoughts of the Spirit revealed in the human head;

2. Christ working in the heart;

1. & The will of the Father fulfilled in the deeds of the limbs, was made openly manifest.

When Steiner took on the karma of the society he gave the Michaelic impulse the possibility of flowing directly into the earth sphere & into those active in the Anthroposophical society.  

Here we see a direct relationship with the original Pentecost, which was the 3rd & final stage of the ‘moveable feasts’ making it possible for the Sun Being of The Christ to be in union with the stream of Earthly Being, preparing the way for the mission of Anthroposophy, as the Proclamation of World Pentecost.

Yes, we live in a potent time, when divergent karmic streams have the possibility of coming together- ‘That Good May Become,’ a time when, some say, the Platonists of the School of Chartres & the Aristotelian-Dominicans, The Arthur & Grail streams with true Rosicrucianism, meet the new Michaelic Grail imagination arising in the human soul.

A renewed chalice whose substance is Love, whose form is Imagination & whose light of thought which radiates, is redeemed Michaelic Intelligence.

This transforms the stone of the wise, into the dodecahedral foundation stone of love.

For Michael frees thoughts from the realm of the head, opening a path to the heart, bringing forth that shining, raying-out of the divine chalice, that celestial light of redeemed intelligence, which like the radiance of the spiritual sun, can unite into a single whole the Spiritual substance of love & human love, in the Holy Grail that was set into our souls at the Christmas conference.  Calling ever & again for a renewal of the spiritual quest.

Click to read the entire lecture

Come join us for our upcoming Whitsun Festival May 15

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Tomorrow we look deeper into the mission of The Sophia.

Until soon

Blessings & Peace –

~hag = Hazel ArcherGinsberg


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