
Here is an expanded version of Columbia: The Spirit of America on the ‘I Think Speech’ podcast

Dear friends, Today I am feeling tired. I will be laying low, dedicating my work for the next few days to the soul of Gene Gollogly, who crossed the Threshold on 7 January 2021. I woke up this morning from a dream of Gene wearing a giant book as a coat – His arms cut into the pages, the binder at his spine, walking around in a pale landscape, although he had no legs, it was just his book torso & his big crooked grin. Gene was a champion of my work, encouraging me to start this blog & to use my creative voice to enliven Spiritual Science, which he always believed needed to be lived into. We spent some good time together at the Fellowship of the Prep-makers Conference at Michael Fields, where he was a board member for many years. He was such a social being, flying here or there for this or that meeting; a hilarious storyteller, & I found out, a grand folk dancer. That weekend he was goading me on saying I needed to write a book. Well Gene maybe with your help from the other-side I can take that on this year.

Gene was a long time Anthroposopher, & friend to all; former director of Steiner Books, Anthroposophic Press, co-founder of Lantern Books, New York City Branch President, VP of  AMHF, board member to many organizations…The list goes on – Gene was a connector & helper to so many. Over the years, he brought his wit & wisdom to our Branch life in Chicago. 

Reading to him and holding him in your heart would be a blessing for all.

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4 thoughts on “Champion

  1. Hi Hazel,

    I know that these last few days have been daunting, and especially with the day of Epiphany on Wednesday, 6 January 2021. This day saw the trashing of the Capitol Building in Washington DC, which was allowed to occur by the DC police as a kind of final gesture to outgoing POTUS, Donald Trump. And yet, what an affront? I mean it really was an affront to those of us who still can see a measure of truth and value in everything we do. Larry Clark posted a kind of declamation statement, and it is true that this world clings to a demonstration from America, which helps to destroy their hopes for a real-world solution. And, so it goes. But we still have Spiritual Science working in the world, as we speak. Your friend from Manila, Perlas, is a very good hope, and she acknowledges you right now. So, you see how important your aims are for this day and age.

    Hazel, I love your latest blog post , which seems to have been faulted by your own ineptitude in pushing the right buttons. Yet, you will always be a soul who lands on their feet. You displayed a picture with seven people, including you and Dottie, who I know quite well from earlier conversations, and Lucien in the middle. All seem to be wearing orange-red shirts. I like that for some reason. Most are oldsters, with Lucien in the middle, and you on the left, and Dottie on the right, near the end. This seems of meaningful significance, but I can’t say why.

    You mentioned Gene Gollogly, of Steiner books, who had encouraged you to write a book. He died recently, as you have indicated, and will likely be looking for your offering while he resides in Kama-Loca. I love these people who have just died.

    I used to work with a possible relative of Gene here in my area; Vincent Gollogly, who was a psychological counselor.

    1. Hi Stever, Yes that picture is our little ‘Team Joan’ wearing t-shirts made by Lucien’s mother Mary Spalding which all have an image & saying of Joan of Arc. We have been working with this theme since Michaelmas & it was a lovely uniting gift of affirmation.

  2. Hazel, Your focus today reminded me of a lecture given at the Steiner House in Ann Arbor, by Maurice York. He spoke as part the Great Lakes Branch First Tuesday lecture series, some years back. He had wondrous slides of Columbia and stories to tell. I imagine you know of his work but mention this, just in case. He has written a book entitled, “ A Sanctuary for the Rights of Mankind: The Founding Fathers and the Temple of Liberty,” co-authored with Rick Spaulding. Thank you, over and over again, for your work and for sharing it.

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