Co-Workers Unite

Você sabe o que é uma egrégora?
Dante Sagredo

10:10 Testament: After tuning into the 10:10 How To many folks shared how they approach co-creating the egregore. Quite a few like to make a sacred space 1st. Some by acknowledging the elemental forces; others thru calming their breath, making a circle of protection, or by lighting a candle.

Some of us are visualizing working directly with the the Spiritual Beings of the season. Most everyone reports picturing all of us shining together to make the earth glow with our positive intentions & common light.

O QUE É UMA EGRÉGORA? | Espaço de Suzana
Rebecca Buerendale

It’s true, the human being is meant to become a co-worker with spiritual beings -a participator in Divine spiritual activity.

When we strive to know our inner life, we see its reflection outside in the world of the stars, the clouds, the kingdoms of nature, with all that spiritually belongs to the physical world. And within us, there is our world of the soul. We must now see that these 2 worlds belong to one another, & that only thru their mutual interreacting with each other, does evolution proceed.

Oil Painting - As Above, So Below
Harriett Forman Barrett

Outside in space, the infinite world is unfolding. Within, is our soul-world must also be reveled to our consciousness. We do not always notice that what lives within us shoots forth & blends with what is outside in the world at large, we are not always aware that we are the stage on which this union is carried out. What is within us forms the one side, & what is outside in the universe — is the other side; these 2 must unite in order that the evolution of the world may proceed harmoniously.

Steiner reminds us that, our meaning, the meaning of life, consists in this — that we must take part in this co-creation consciously. The ordinary intellect knows little of these things. But the more we progress & participate in spiritual knowledge, the more we become conscious that in us lives the point where the 2 sides of the world exchange their opposite forces, & unite, so that evolution may advance.

Temperance Tarot Card Meanings | Biddy Tarot

Thru the teaching of the spiritual world we learn that in us is the stage where the adjustment of forces takes place. We feel how within us, like a focal point, the Divine world of spirit dwells, how it unites with the world outside, & how these 2 mutually fructify one another.

As Above so below Painting by Kim Rahal
Willow Hunkley

When we feel ourselves to be the scene where all this takes place, & know that we take part in it, we find our right place in life, grasp the whole meaning of life, & realize that what at first is unconscious in us, will become more & more conscious thru our progress in Anthroposophy.

40+ Tarot 1 The Magician ideas in 2020 | the magicians, tarot, the magician  tarot

All ‘magic’ is based on this. What is Magic? It can be defined as: the Science & Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.

Of course, it is necessary that we strive to be morally mature, so that what is not purified within us shouldn’t get indiscriminately mixed up with what is in the world without care of consequences & the right soul mood of service. Then we can participate in a selfless way with Divine spiritual activity. This is the right hand path of magic. This is where freedom enters. With this we become independent beings.


We have to regard the whole universe not only as a stage, but as a field for co-operation. Now we start to see how we can think about the meaning of life. Meaning enters into our life. We become co-actors in the world process.

As Above So is Below Painting by Andrew McDonnell
Andrew McDonnell

The world is divided into two opposing camps & we are placed in the middle, in order to bring them together. How long will it take to become united? – When we have actually reached the point at which the Divine consciousness has been recapitulated in our own consciousness.

Seeds UnderGroundLoveSeries Painting by Manami Lingerfelt
Manani Lingerfelt

So after we begin to grasp the idea of the immeasurable responsibility we have, then we can start to know that thru our striving we are pollinating seeds, that spring up for the spiritual worlds, kernels that would not be able to develop without the human being.

Does the Divine consciousness need this for its own perfection, for its own development? Perhaps not. But the Divine consciousness is not selfish. It wishes that an infinite number of beings may have the same divine content as it has.

As Above, So Below | Tania Marie
Tiana Marie

As humanity evolves further, the outer world will have become our inner world.

To unite Divinity with what is external, to make inward what is external — these are the 2 directions in which humanity makes progress in evolution. We will resemble Divinity more & more, & will at last become more & more inwardly enriched. In the Vulcan stage of evolution everything will have been fructified. Everything external will have become internal. To become inwardly enriched — is to become Divine. That is the aim & the meaning of life.

As above so below tree art canvas flip painting
Adelaide Parker Brown

Dear friends, This is an affirmation of our work with the 10:10 Thought-Seed, that we are called to be co-workers with the Spiritual world to unfold our highest destiny. These thoughts were confirmed & inspired by the following lecture from Rudolf Steiner:

Art in Monte Rio - drawing - "As Above, So Below"
Monte Rio

“We can now estimate what it means when, directing our gaze into vastness of space we say: It is Divinity that fills it, and Divinity is that which must be united with the Earth-seed. “In me is the meaning of life!” — man may exclaim. The gods have set before them certain aims; but they have also chosen the stage on which these aims are to be carried out. The souls of men are the stage. Therefore, if the human soul looks but deeply enough into itself, and does not only try to solve problems in the vastness of space, it finds within itself the stage where gods are accomplishing their deeds — and man himself is taking part in them. That is what I tried to express in the words which can be found in my Mystery Play, The Soul’s Probation how in man’s inner being the gods work, how the meaning of the world finds expression in the soul of man and how the meaning of the world will live on in the soul of man. What is the meaning of life? It is, that this meaning lives in man himself. This I tried to express in the words which the soul addresses to itself:

Within thy thinking cosmic thought doth live,
Within thy feeling cosmic forces play,
Within thy will do cosmic beings work;
Abandon thou thyself to cosmic thought,
Experience thyself through cosmic force,
Create thyself anew from cosmic will.
End not at last in cosmic distances,
By fantasies of dreamy thought beguiled.
Do thou begin in farthest spirit-realms
And end in the recesses of thy soul.
The plan Divine then shalt thou recognise
When thou hast realised thy Self in thee.

That, my dear anthroposophical friends, is the meaning of life, as man must understand it at present…It is of the essence of real love that it is also an equilibrium of polarities. At the point where anthroposophical thoughts find entrance to a soul, the other pole is stimulated and agreement found. It is this that can work like an anthroposophical “Music of the Spheres.” When we work thus in harmony with the spiritual world, when we really are living anthroposophical life, we also live united in this life…

As Above So Below • Zero Point - Nina Kathrin ۵ Intuitive Art - Drawings &  Illustration, Fantasy & Mythology, Mythology, Other Mythology - ArtPal
Nina Kathrine

Such spiritual subjects are an expression of the Spirit of Love and are consecrated to the Spirit of Love amongst true anthroposophists. This love, through the touchstone we possess, will be instrumental in the exchange of our spiritual content; it will be something through which we not only receive, but through which we are also stimulated more and more to anthroposophical efforts. In this way Anthroposophy will become a means of spreading a love that touches the inmost depths of the human soul. Such love lives on. For as members of the Anthroposophical Movement, we have something that causes the love of those who are separated in space to endure until Karma again unites us on the physical plane. So we remain united and find the true cause for remaining so in the fact that with all the best in our souls, with the best of our spiritual powers, we have together risen to Divine spiritual heights. In this way, we also desire, my dear friends, to continue to be united with one another. ~ Rudolf Steiner, On the Meaning of Life, LECTURE 2 ‘Human Participation in Evolution’ 24th May, 1912


Pin by RanishaArt // Floral & Landsca on Landscape oil paintings | Starry  night van gogh, Van gogh art, Paintings famous

Sunday 20 December 2020, 2 pm – 3pm CT

‘Awakening to the Light in the Darkness’: A Christmas Contemplation with Rev. Craig Wiggins. In-Person at The Rudolf Steiner Branch Chicago & online

Lucien Dante Lazar will open & close the program with some live piano music

And Mary Ruud will lead us in some Group Eurythmy to cap the evening

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 705 293 1041 – Passcode: Peace

For more info. contact Hazel Archer


The Great Conjunction: Jupiter and Saturn Align in Aquarius December 2020 -  Forever Conscious

Monday 21 December Winter Solstice Grand Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn,

Biodynamic Prep-Stir 5 pm – 6:30 pm CST

at Elderberries Biodynamic Outpost & Cultural Hub 4252 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago

Christmas Star:” Saturn-Jupiter Great Conjunction 2020

All are welcome to bring festive food & drink to share


Wednesday 23 December 2020 – 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm CT

Unwrapping our Cosmic Gift: Thoughts on the Christmas Conference 1923

with the Central Regional Council. Themes inspired by Prokofieff’s book: May Human Beings Hear it! include: Turning Points of Time; Christ, Sophia and Michael; Foundation Stone Meditation.Two Turning Points in Time – The Mystery of Wisdom, and The Mystery of Will

In 1923/24, during the Christmas ConferenceRudolf Steiner presented humanity with the Foundation Stone Meditation: an amazingly rich imagination, planted in our hearts and shining brightly like a guiding star.  Steiner also gave us many other gifts during that time which we will ponder in our hearts.

Leading thoughts, verses, songs and imaginations will be woven together in this artistic offering before the Holy Nights.

Special guestLucien Dante Lazar will provide a sprinkle of musical interludes throughout our event.

We will be joined by our old friend Dennis Dietzel in this performance.

We will go into small breakout groups to explore the theme: “How does the Foundation Stone Meditation speak to you?”

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 3326 2486
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Meeting ID: 835 3326 2486
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If you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya
May this Advent Season permeate our hearts with Love and Joy – The CRC – Marianne Fieber, Alberto Loya, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Lisa Dalton


A Rose By Any Other Name: ASA Online Holy Nights 2020/2021

“The light of Christmas should shine as a light of peace, a light that brings peace outside only because first of all it sheds an inner peace into the hearts of human beings.” 
-Rudolf Steiner, The Search for the New Isis, Divine Sophia, December 24, 1920

We are approaching a new season where we enkindle an inner light that shines into the darkness of winter. Where meaning for the year ahead can be cultivated, and reflection on the year past can bring new insights. 

Last year many of you joined us each night to bring beauty and connection into the holiday season.  This year you are invited to join us again for a time of contemplation and community during the  ASA Online Holy Nights. 

Each 30 minute gathering will open with a meditative time with the new zodiac image and the virtue of the day, plus an artistic/writing prompt. Then a short offering will be shared about this special time of year as related to the Divine Feminine.   

What: ASA Online Holy Nights Seed: A Rose By Any Other Name hosted by the ASA Sophia Group and friends around the country. 

When: 9-9:30am Pacific / 11 am – 11:30 am Central / 12-12:30pm Eastern on December 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Note: No meeting on December 31). Can’t join us live? No problem. Each gathering will be recorded and posted on our Holy Nights page.

HowRegister Here. Then check your email for a confirmation with the Zoom registration link. 

Cost: Your donations help us create events like this one! This event is free with suggested donations of $25, $50, $100/ /

Schedule of Presenters

12/24 Angela Foster

12/25 Laura Scappaticci 

12/26 Joyce Reilly 

Sunday 12/27 Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

12/28 Jordan Walker and Stefan Ambrose 

Tuesday 12/29 Ultra-Violet Archer

12/30 Deb Abrahams-Dematte 

12/31 No Meeting

1/1 Lelan Harris 

1/2 Tess Parker 

1/3 Claudia Knudson

1/4 Jolie Luba 

1/5 Timothy Kennedy 

Special Recording Notes: This gathering will be recorded each day and include all content and live attendees in the video.

Click here for an online bulletin board where you can find and post other Holy Nights events, gatherings and activities.

Register Here Today!


The Festivals Committee for the Rudolf Steiner Branch in Chicago invites you to Holy Nights December 24, 2020, through January 5, 2021 

*Please note–No meeting December 29th and 31st. See special offerings below for these dates. 

The Fifth Gospelby Rudolf Steiner – Each evening we will study together 

on Zoom from 7 pm – 8 pm CST

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 925 9203 4861  – Passcode: Peace

On Tuesday, December 29th, 6 pm – 8:30 pm CST, 

we will join Anthroposophy Atlanta for a reading of Goethe’s fairy tale, The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily 

This has a separate zoom code: Meeting ID: 826 5691 4578  Passcode: Goethe


New Year’s Eve, there will be NO zoom call

Masked ball Painting by Marcel Garbi | Saatchi Art

Thursday 31 December 2020-21 Our Annual Conscious NYE Gathering 6 pm-10:10 pm CT

In-Person at Elderberries Bio-dynamic Outpost & The Rudolf Steiner Branch Chicago

6 pm Potluck and artistic mask making with Lucien Dante Lazar

7:30 – 9:30 Live Music with Jutta and the High Dukes 

10:10 pm Project Thought-Seed 

The evening ends at 10:30 pm

$20 per person

For more info. contact Hazel Archer


Nancy Poer

Wednesday 6 January 2021, 2 pm – 4 pm CT

Joan’s Epiphany ‘What Joan of Arc Calls for Today’

In-Person at Elderberries Bio-dynamic Outpost & The Rudolf Steiner Branch Chicago & online Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 705 293 1041

Today on the Birthday of Joan of Arc we welcome special Guest Nancy Poer

We will also explore ‘The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations’, Lecture 5, ‘The Nature of the Christ Impulse and the Michaelic Sprit Serving It’ by Rudolf Steiner with Leading Thoughts by Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

Social Sculpture: “The Passage” with Luicen Dante Lazar,

+ An Artistic exploration, Singing & Eurythmy

For more info. contact Hazel Archer

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