June 7, 2016
1692 – Port Royal, Jamaica, is hit by a catastrophic earthquake; in just three minutes, 1,600 people are killed & 3,000 are seriously injured
1775 – The United Colonies changes their name to the United States
1776 – Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed to the Continental Congress a resolution calling for a Declaration of Independence
1843 – Deathday of Friedrich Holderlin, a major German lyric poet, commonly associated with the artistic movement known as Romanticism. Hölderlin was also an important thinker in the development of German Idealism, particularly his early association with & philosophical influence on Georg Wilhelm, Friedrich Hegel, Friedrich Wilhelm, & Joseph Schelling. Rudolf Steiner said he was a pupil of Plato in Karmic Relationships Vol. 1 lec. 12
1862 – The United States and the United Kingdom agree in the Lyons–Seward Treaty to suppress the African slave trade
1880 – Deathday of Karl Christian Planck who developed a completely original system of philosophy, based on the realistic view that thought should proceed from nature to the highest forms of existence in the spiritual life. His views were directly antagonistic to the Darwinian theory of descent
1914 – 1st ship passes thru the Panama Canal
1924 – Beginning of the “Agricultural Course” on the Koberwitz estate of Count & Countes Keyserlingk. Founding of bio-dynamic agriculture by Rudolf Steiner.
1980 – Deathday of Henry Miller, American novelist & essayist
1991 – Mount Pinatubo erupts, generating an ash column 4.3 miles high
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~Wings of The Dove the Comic Fire does Inspire
In my Head the Light of Thinking
In my Heart the Weaving Feeling
In my Limbs the Strength of Willing
~ ~ ~
In thinking about: “The Working of the Spirit” by Michael Burton & Marke Levene. Part 13 (program for the Chicago reading)
The 3rd Movement: Light into the darkest places, ends as it had begun with Reinecke, “The Fox”, a scientist working from the inspiration of Dr. Strader’s Tesla like machine, who reminds us: “…Those men & women who dedicate their lives to scientific progress – will they recall their sacred duty to preserve the Earth? Will they find courage that they make a stand against an alien power that would annihilate all things that are most precious in the human heart?
When we look ahead it’s easy to feel anxiety about what approaches us from the future. And yet, against this danger, a benevolent science that can benefit humanity has the possibility to come thru, aligned with the cosmic thinking of Michael. Will we call it forth in our own thinking?
In The 4th & final Movement: Wholeness in the human will, Felicia reminds us that we must serve the higher powers who carry us in the “flowing stream of their compassion & love”, even though they stand back from humanity in this day & age, waiting for us to step up to earn their trust.
This becomes a cue for Lucifer to enter, but Maria puts him in his place. She does not deny Lucifer’s ancient rights, yet she prompts him to remember that every being evolves; & that with the Christ impulse all has changed, bringing redemption to all who can consciously work out of a free & loving human will, including Lucifer himself.
This powerful truth sets up the opposite polarity to emerge. We are assaulted by blaring electronic thuds mixed with sounds of pain & violent tearing, as the Asuras, who were observing all along, reveal themselves: “Proud, pitiful, human creatures! You have not before encountered naked power like ours. Do you dare to meet us face-to face? We can obliterate you! We tear your flesh like flimsy cotton-rag & spill blood till the oceans run with red! Work of a lifetime we annihilate when we take hold of you. The substance of your Self is not immune. We take it & devour it for ourselves!
This evil onslaught in turn calls forth the benevolent powers of Theodora & Strader from the spiritual world, to give encouragement – that with every step humanity makes into the mysteries of love, we can regain, from these formidable evil forces, their power. Together they speak: Love is more powerful than death. When it is perfect, it casts out all fear! This powerful statement proclaimed from the spiritual world, opens the way for all the beings of the Hierarchies to come forth. A battle ensues. Benedictus appears with the Guardian of the Threshold, joining ranks with those who fight on the side of Michael.
Are we willing to do the work of Spiritual Science that will allow the seed of our divine potential to take root?
Can we transform ourselves so that our personal Guardian can become a beam of light amidst a sea of darkness?
Do we dare to let the spirit’s light stream thru our human will?
Thus ends, for now, my thinking about: “The Working of the Spirit” by Michael Burton & Marke Levene.
Blessings and Peace ~Hazel Archer Ginsberg
I feel very assured that we have allies in this battle:))
Very nice picture of you all!
Thank you Hazel