Traditions abound on St. Patrick’s Day, include the wearing of the green, & watching for leprechauns or otherwise communing with the nature elementals. St. Patrick’s Day originated, of course, in Ireland where it started out as a holy feast day & later as a symbol of Irish Nationalism. In America, St. Patrick’s Day was 1st celebrated as a holiday in 1737 in Boston. Even then, it was considered to be a secular holiday. Because of the influx of Irish immigrants into the United States, there are now actually more people of Irish descent in the U.S. than there are in Ireland. Due to this fact perhaps, the holiday has become more important in this country than it is in Ireland.
The story of St. Patrick tells us that he was born in Scotland around 373 AD. Most historians believe that his name was actually Maewyn, although he used the Roman name, Patricius or Patrick. His parents could be considered ‘pagan’ as they were ‘peasants’ = people of the land. While he was with his family in Wales, he was kidnapped & sold into slavery in Ireland. Some stories say he was 6 years old, some say 16.
Eventually he escaped his captors & fled to Gaul or France. It would appear that Patrick found his new faith of Christianity while in France. He claimed that God had given him visions, calling him to return to Ireland to convert the Irish from Paganism to Christianity. Patrick began to preach Christianity, denouncing Druidism in particular. Because of the politics at that time, & the power of the Druids in Ireland, Patrick was repeatedly put off.
So he began to incorporate pagan rituals, myths & beliefs into his Christian preaching. By the time of his death, he has merged many elements of Paganism & Christianity & set up monasteries staffed by Irish clergy trained in this blended wisdom.
His death on March 17, 461 AD, became a holy holiday in Ireland about a 1000 years later, & then it morphed into being an Irish national day of pride.

It is the tiny 3 leaf shamrock which ties together St. Patrick & the Goddess Brigid. Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Trinity. Yet, the 3 leaf shamrock had already long been a sacred plant to the Celts. It was believed that the shamrock symbolized the power of the Triple Goddess Brigid. As the Goddess of healing, Poetry & smith craft, a sacred fire was kept burning in her temple in Kildare to honor these 3 sacred gifts to the Irish. It was the Goddess Brigit who, after the long Irish winter, would bring back the spring & the lush fields of blooming shamrocks. At a later date, when the Catholic Church named Brigid as a Christian St. they built a convent over her shrine in Kildare. They also established a ritual called “The Day of the Christian Bonfire of the Celts.”

This ritual was celebrated on the same day that the Druids had for many centuries set bonfires throughout the country in honor of the Goddess Brigid (around Feb 2= Imbolc). Catholic tradition also required that St. Brigid was to be venerated by the Irish, in the same manner that the Virgin Mary was throughout Europe. She was referred to as the mystic mother & bride of St. Patrick. So, when St. Patrick died on March 17, it became a celebration of honor to Brigid as well.

St. Patrick was perhaps best known for driving the snakes out of Ireland. The fascinating thing about his feat is that, according to biologists, there have never been any snakes in Ireland as an indigenous species. Many scholars today believe this to be a symbol of Christianity driving out Paganism. One of the symbols of the Druids was the snake, but I see it as a symbol of transformation. My friends, the 1 thing we can always count on is: Change! May we all transform with grace.

17 March 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Spot the 2 Dog Star clusters under Sirius again tonight right after dark, high in the south. And in the early dawn of Wednesday the 18th Bella Luna forms a tight triangle with Jupiter & Mars over them!

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day

763 – Birthday of Harun al-Rashid

180 – Deathday of Marcus Aurelius

An interesting perspective on the Virus, shared to me by my dear Bill Rogers in TN, by Tomasz Kozera: I’ve read the open letter from Medical Section of Goetheanum advising about dealing with coronavirus. It says that the cases of disease need to be treated in the calm, reasonable way. In case of fever, wash your hands, stay home, limit contacts, except for the contact with your doctor. You can use Meteoreisen but we have no certainty it helps. Those are very reasonable advices, certainly worth to follow. And certainly, all the medical indications in these dramatic days need to be absolutely observed.
It’s perfectly clear however that there is still one crucial element about this disease unnoticed as aI think, which is quite obvious, though one needs to make some deeper intuitive effort to realise the entire significance of it. Coronavirus attacks lungs, the breathing system. It makes lungs calcified and concreted so that they cannot breathe anymore.
Breathing in and breathing out we exchange the airy substance with the universe. This is the constant exchange between the individual and universal. It proves in the most evident way that the individuality is the inherent part of the universe. Independent human being, detached from the world of nature and universe is the mere illusion. Why then do people behave and think like this communion of individual and universal were irrelevant?
This is the karma of materialism. When people alienate themselves from the nature and universe in their thinking and deeds, this alienation strikes back. The nature wants to say: If you people do not want to keep the inner communion of your soul and spirit with the nature and universe, this communion becomes impossible also on the bodily and biological level. This is the consequence, if you alienate yourself in your soul, the time comes when your body alienates from the nature, too. This is no coincidence, that the pandemics came soon after the fires in Australia, caused by the global warming inflicted by the human material activity and consumption, hostile to the world of nature (no matter what big corporations and oil companies propaganda says like there would be no human responsibility for the nature and its wellbeing). The fires significantly polluted the global airy substance, now the breathing becomes harder and the virus works to make it harder. The sufferings of the billion burned down animals are back on humanity.
We are not helpless however, spiritual forces of light and life are intensively active these days. There are ways to redeem the sins of humanity against nature and to restore the harmony between human beings and nature. Uniting with Christ forces of life in the spirit is not only the help we may rightly expect for ourselves, but also the inner responsibility to seek rescue for the world.
Realising and contemplating the close bounds of the individual self with the universal self is the way to bring the harmony on the level of life. When we think of ourselves as the part of all embracing universal self, we enter into the inner communion with the world of nature and universe. The body of nature is the body of Christ, when in our thoughts and feelings we unite with the world of nature, we unite with Christ. We are then no longer hostile to the nature and the nature is no longer hostile to us. The viruses then no longer have favorable conditions in our body, because the life forces of the universe and of Christ permeate the body with the forces of light, preventing it from hardening and alienating from the etheric substances of nature.
Here is the meditation on the individual and universal self, based on my recent spiritual considerations:
In the primeval times of evolution
In the living activity of cosmic dream
The individual self united with the universal self
Manifesting its being in the eternal being of the Sun
Radiating the forces of light and life in space
In the ethereal singing of planetary spheres
The individual self descended into the world of nature from the cosmic heights
To find her inner being in the stream of earthly evolution
In the transient being in the world of space and time
Christ descended into the stream of earthly evolution
To unite with the human being in the world of transience
To create anew the communion of the human soul with the cosmic soul
Christ, through your Death and Resurrection you redeemed the individual human soul
Make the intimate communion of individual and cosmic being resurrect in my Self
So that my soul may unite with the eternal being of universe
Within the ethereal singing of planetary spheres
So that my body may become one with the vast body of nature
In the mutual offering of the substances
In the sacred communion of the individual Self and the Self of the universe.
May the Christ forces of life and light permeate and protect you in these difficult days.

Greetings friends – The Central Regional Council has just scheduled a Zoom Study Group Meeting for April 8th on the Karma of Epidemics (details below) ALL are welcome to join us.

Our Easter Retreat ‘KNOW THYSELF – Karma and Anthroposophic Psychology’ – a combined effort of the CRC & AAP is POSTPONED.
We will continue to evaluate the world situation & will revisit this potent working in late Summer or early Autumn.
If you have registered already, we will process refunds beginning this week. Let Alberto Loya (aloyavaca@peoplepc.com) know if you prefer to re-use your registration fee for the re-scheduled event.
We will use our next CRC Zoom Meeting to explore together the spiritual psychology & karma of epidemics.
April 8th 2020, 7:15 pm CST (see audio conference details below)
“Imagine a people which was composed entirely of liars, the astral plane would be populated solely by the corresponding demons and these demons would be able to express themselves in a constitutional tendency to epidemics. Thus there is a certain species of bacilli who are the carriers of infectious diseases; these beings are the progeny of the lies told by human beings; they are nothing else than physically embodied demons generated by lies.” (GA 99 – L.6)
Theosophy of the Rosicrucian – The Law of Destiny – Schmidt Number: S-1539
Lecture VI https://wn.rsarchive.org/GA/GA0099/19070530p01.html
Audio Conference Details:
Join Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 451 374 910
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adZ7jft0hb
If you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya aloyavaca@peoplepc.com
Let us stand together with courage in this now, as we look to our future with equanimity, holding all that comes before us as being guided by a divine directive waiting to be revealed by our patient spiritual investigation.
Many of us are doing constructive things like the Hallelujah in Eurythmy, & The Foundation Stone Meditation at Sunrise (or anytime) every morning to create a high vibration of Love & Light – Please join us for the healing of all.
Yours in service ~The CRC team: Marianne Fieber, Alberto Loya, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, David Howerton, Lisa Dalton
art by Daniel Ospina

The Sacred Gateway: Online Conference
Conscious Living, Conscious Dying,
and the Journey Beyond
APRIL 17-19, 2020
Bring a new consciousness to your own life and death
- Support those who are crossing and who have crossed over
- Expand your practice and knowledge of working with the dying
- Learn more about the soul’s journey from death to new life
Through interactive workshops, biogrpahy work, keynote discussions with Rev. Patrick Kennedy and Dr. Melinda Toney, workshops with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Sandra LaGrega and Jennifer Fox, and more, as well as experiential and artistic activities, we will consciously explore the spiritual and practical aspect of human life and death.
Conference Fees:
- $200 Supporter Level/Group Rate (3+ People) Includes Conference Live Links and Recordings, Two Sacred Gateway Webinar Series ($80 value), Resources & Podcast Links and supports this conference and other events like it!
- $150 Registration and Resource Package ~ Includes Conference Live Links and Recordings, Two Sacred Gateway Webinar Series ($80 value), Resources & Podcast Links
- $95 Regular Rate Includes the entire Live Event + Recordings and Resources
- $45 Youth Rate (Age 35 and under) Includes the entire Live Event + Recordings and Resources
- $45 Keynotes Only Live Keynotes + Recordings
Conference Schedule
All start times in Eastern Standard Time
(Note: Workshops Subject to Additions/Minor Changes)
Friday, April 17
7:30pm-9pm Conference Opening and Keynote
True Living is Dying: The Life-Giving Power of Death Keynote Discussion and Q&A with Rev. Patrick Kennedy
Saturday April 18
11:00-11:45am Welcome, Introductions and Biography Work
11:45am-1:15pm Two-Day Themed Workshops (Choose one theme and attend Saturday, and Sunday)
- From Loss to Connection Through the Arts: Reading, Writing and Drawing with Marianne Dietzel and Maureen Flannery
- The Lemniscate Journey: Exploring the Relationships in Our Lives from Birth to Death and Death to Rebirth Through Biography and Social Art with Sandra LaGrega and Jennifer Fox
- Giving Way to Grace: Chrysalis Emerging from Conscious Living and Conscious Dying with Melinda Toney, MD, Carole Shoaf End-Of-Life Doula and Katherine Blackburn, End-Of-Life Doula and Esoteric Christian Minister
- Festivals for the Dead, the Unborn, and the evolution of Earth – Then and Now. with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg. How do we look at the karmic connections that shape current events? Our work with those on the ‘Other-side of the Threshold’ can give us clues.
1:15-1:30pm Break
1:30-2:30pm Vigil Room Experience
2:30-3:00pm Break
3:00-4:30pm Topic Workshops
- Acknowledging the End with Jolie Luba
- After Deathcare as a Healing Art with Tischia Bluske
4:30-5:00pm Break
5:00-6:00pm Death & Healing Keynote Conversation with Dr. Melinda Toney
6:15- 7:00pm Group Reflections and Closing
Sunday, April 19
11:00-11:45am Welcome, Introductions and Biography Work
11:45-12:45 Consecrating our Dying Keynote with Patrick Kennedy
12:45-1:15 Break
1:15-2:30 Two-Day Themed Workshops
- From Loss to Connection Through the Arts: Reading, Writing and Drawing with Marianne Dietzel and Maureen Flannery
- The Lemniscate Journey: Exploring the Relationships in Our Lives from Birth to Death and Death to Rebirth Through Biography and Social Art with Sandra LaGrega and Jennifer Fox
- Giving Way to Grace: Chrysalis Emerging from Conscious Living and Conscious Dying with Melinda Toney, MD, Carole Shoaf End-Of-Life Doula and Katherine Blackburn, End-Of-Life Doula and Esoteric Christian Minister
- Festivals for the Dead, the Unborn, and the evolution of Earth – Then and Now. with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg. Explore the ancient origins of the many cultural expressions that work with, celebrate, & honor our beloved dead. Prepare the way for the Unborn, and for the future of humanity. Become inspired to Renew or Create your own Tradition. Through Spiritual Science learn to find your destiny, and meet your karma. Prepare for your own conscious crossing into the journey between death and rebirth, by asking questions like: Who have I been? Who am I now? Who do I want to become?
2:30-2:45pm Break
2:45-3:30pm Green Burial Exploration and Conference Closing
Full Conference
$200 Supporter
$150 Resource Package (Includes 3 Webinar Series $80 value, Podcast Links and Conference Live Links and Recordings)
$95 Standard ASA Member Rate
$45 Youth Rate

Our dear Dr. Steiner said: ‘It is not the Christ we lack, but the knowledge of Christ, the Sophia of Christ, the Isis of Christ we are lacking.’ In ‘Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution’ Lecture 3; given in Dornach, 6 January 1918, by Rudolf Steiner; we hear how the power of ‘The Word, the power of The Logos’, must be resurrected through our striving to activate the Wisdom of Anthroposophia within each of us. Join Hazel Archer-Ginsberg for a powerful presentation Lifting the Veil of the New Isis-Sophia, to bring Light to Love.

~Vitae Sophia~A Whitsun Festival of United Soul Endeavor with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg
Saturday, 30 May, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Groh Farm, 135 Temple Rd, Wilton, NH
Eurythmy: AUM = A – I stand for myself, U- I stand for humanity, M – I stand for Life
Social Sculpture: Steiner’s ‘Blue Dot Exercise’– Through Art, the bridge between science & spirit, we warm the ‘I’, to open the heart, in support of healthy community.
What are my gifts-What are my tools? How can I place them in right relationship within the social realm? How can I hone them to strengthen and enhance the world?
Living into the Foundation Stone of Love – How can we take our individual Inner Whitsun & expand it, into what Steiner calls the “World Festival of Knowledge” a path leading from ‘Sprit Recollection’, to ‘Sprit Sensing’, to ‘Sprit Beholding’?
Enter the Labyrinth of ‘Vitae Sophia’ – Human hearts, once warmed, can rise up to meet the source of wisdom, like flowers turning toward the sun.
$30 suggested donation at the door, with potluck lunch to follow
(please bring a dish to share) RSVP deb@anthroposophy.org Sponsored by the Anthroposophical Society in New Hampshire
Also part of the tour

3 June 2020 – a Round Table Discussion 7 pm – 9 pm on ‘The Sophia’ with John Bloom, Joan Sleigh, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg & Carrie Schuchardt at The House of Peace in Ipswich, MA.

Hazel Archer-Ginsberg – Founder of Reverse Ritual Understanding Anthroposophy through the Rhythms of the Year.Essayist, Lecturer, Poet, Trans-denominational Minister, ‘Anthroposopher’, working as the Festivals Coordinator of the Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch, The Traveling Speakers Program, & the Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society.