Here’s the ‘I Think Speech’ podcast for today’s post
Dear friends – Today is January 20th 2021 – Inauguration day. Many folks are holding fear around displays of violence, apes ponding their chests & the like. Of course it’s our job to create peaceful thought-forms that counteract these fearful imaginations. In a conversation yesterday about the state of the world, a friend used the term: Entre chien et loup which is a French idiom that literally means ‘between dog & wolf.’ It’s used to describe twilight or dusk, when the light is tricky & it’s tough to distinguish between a dog & a wolf. But it may also suggest a situation that is a blend of the familiar & the unknown, or even a moment when what’s ordinary & routine becomes unruly or wild. Entre chien et loup suggests an intermediary state that’s unpredictable or beyond our ability to define. This seems to be one of the main themes for us right now.

I often marvel at how varied the canine species can be dogs all shapes & sizes – & they all have their origins in the wolf. In my neighborhood right in the middle of the city of Chicago we see coyote. This is always a thrill for me. Can we embrace the wild, the unpredictable, the un-tame? For that liminal place holds the potential for change. And as we know the loyal dog can also bite. But it can also be lazy. They say: ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks’. Maybe that’s why we also need the wolf.

To fear the wolf is to miss the opportunity to tap into its essence, which can be turned to the good. Many conservationists say reintroducing the wolf into the wild brings a better balance to the ecosystem. If we try to suppress these impulses they just come out sideways, & we get the wolf in sheep’s clothing, which in my thinking is much more lethal. How can we let the howl of the wolf alert us to the fact that the checks & balances are needing adjustment. How can the howl be heard, so that the call for freedom can be transformed from an unconscious selfish impulse where the pack runs in for the kill; channeled instead into a call for a true freedom which serves the good of all.

“The spiritual beings who apart from ourselves inhabit the spiritual world look with satisfaction and approval upon our thoughts about their world. They can help us only if we think about them; and although we may not have attained to clairvoyant vision into the spiritual world, if we know about these spiritual beings they can help us. In return for our study of spiritual science help comes to us from the spiritual world. It is not merely the things we learn, the knowledge we acquire, it is the beings of the higher Hierarchies themselves who help us when we know about them…The spiritual world helps us. We have need of it, we must know about it, and unite ourselves with it through conscious understanding”. ~ Rudolf Steiner – GA 168 – How Can the Destitution of Soul in Modern Times Be Overcome? – Zurich, October 10th, 1916

The Word in me,
the fire of the night,
the memory in my heart
of every tone of dark and light,
is poetry the wandering stars bequeath…
The Moon, the goddess of appearance,
experience… of biding time… and time
she hides… she’s there, the keeper of my rhyme:
I am your witness… I attend life’s dance…
Mercury, if I let him, invites my foolery,
a freedom freer than a king may seek
or even feel… as healing depths of being
are whispering… there’s always another way…
Venus is welcoming… she has the art
of listening… she trusts me, guards my love
and hears my pain… and I open my heart
as she says… I accept you as you are…
The Sun, the god of my complete being,
unveils the morning hours, opens flowers,
his light resounding in the depths of joy,
announcing… I abound… I ground love’s powers…
Mars acts in my blood, encouraging me.
He is my Lionheart, and I obey
his aim within me, willing me to wake
and work: wake up, he says… it’s time to change…
Jupiter, if I care, forms my space
and cleans my spirit, showing me over and over
where peace goes peace follows, and where I focus
I am… and everything is in its place…
Saturn, my end and my beginning,
evade you as I do I do not lose you.
You knew what moved me… and here, now, reviewing…
you’re asking… are you doing what you came to do…?
The poetry of who I am becoming,
the unknown,
invites my heart,
my future in my dark,
to speak to the wandering stars…
Inspired by Playing with Paradox, a mask workshop at the Stourbridge Glasshouse College with Michael Chase, working with the planetary archetypes. The words the planets speak (in italics), were used ‘to charge’ the actors to prepare them to play in the planetary masks (except for the sun, who we didn’t work with).
This planetary order of the ancient Greek Mysteries (that has still been used by Rudolf Steiner) was only changed at the time of Copernicus. In it the ♀ & ♂ planets, Venus & Mars, have a mirrored relationship either side of the sun.
As we look up may the hemisphere send down its spirit greetings,
~Roy Sadler

Sunday 24 January 2021 – Reclaiming the Wisdom of America –
2–4 pm CST – An interactive Zoom Presentation with
Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Rosemary McMullen, Anne Nicholson, Stewart Lundy, Sally Greenberg, Anne Dale
* Anne Nicholson, Social Scientist & tech guru is our Host
* Sally Greenberg – Opening Verse: Walt Whitman-Leaves of Grass
* Hazel Archer will explore the concept of Columbia as the Folk Spirit of America, as seen from the perspective of the Native Peoples’, as well as the Founding Fathers. How do we renew this for our age of the consciousness soul, as a preparation for the unveiling of the New Isis-Sophia in the 7th epoch – to fulfill the true destiny of America?
* Stewart Lundy of Perennial Roots Farm brings the connection of Bio-dynamics
* Rosemary McMullen sets the scene for the ancestors – ‘Land Acknowledgement’, as a way for each participant to look at their current placement in America. A look also at how The 3 Realms of Culture, Rights, Economy, becomes 4-fold when we bring in the element of Ecology.
* Artistic gesture: The Spirit of Place
* Sally Greenberg & Anne Dale: a contemplation of the expression of our Civil Responsibility that recommits us to our core values, to one another, & to the Spirit of Place & Time.
* Breakout Groups: Social Sharing – What do you see is wanting to come into being in America? How will you contribute to it? Each will share their artistic creation in relation to these questions to see if something new arises.
* Anne Nicholson: Plenary- Closing
* Sally Greenberg–Ending Verse: Alice Walker-America
We are bringing Anthroposophy to the People! Our presentation will be screened along with many other offerings from around the country in conjunction with ‘The People’s Inauguration’.
Only 100 zoom slots, so don’t be late
Time: Jan 24, 2021 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 705 293 1041 – Passcode: dove
Dial by your location-Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/a961qZZhF
Meeting ID: 705 293 1041 – Passcode: 664936
for more info. contact Events & Festivals Coordinator Hazel Archer-Ginsberg hag@rsChicago.org
Loved the poem, The Wandering Stars, you shared today. The intimacy of the Cosmos, the Wisdom, the spiraling path we all travel, is so wonderfully expressed. Thank you!
Mind if I share?
wonderful, just be sure & give credit to Roy Sadler
Yes, you can share my poem, with my name.
Unfortunately it had 2 false line breaks – after the first Mercury line
and before the last Saturn line. If you copy it please delete these wrong spaces before you paste the text to send elsewhere.
Thanks, will do.
What a thought, in the middle of the poem by Roy Sadler, that “I ground love’s powers”. Wow, that sure inspires me – reminds me why love needs/wants to manifest its attributes through us, in our unique manner as the crown of God’s creation. Thanks for another great post Hazel, and I too have discovered the joy of your I Think Speech audio – so nice to hear your voice reading for us.
Yes, our dear COTS translator Roy has a lot of gifts to share!
It’s been fun do do the speaking! Glad it’s handing