Inner Fire
The world was on fire this Whitsun weekend. This is the shadow-side of the inner fire that was meant to be cultivated during (the lockdown at) Easter-Tide. Chicago is still on an indefinite mandatory curfew. How do we reconcile these imbalances that fuel oppression?
When we align with the festival life, we set our Self on the path of initiation. These points of development become milestones in our own consciousness. Each time we pause to contemplate these nodes of activity we can come to a new & deeper understanding of ourselves as inhabitants & co-creators of this Universe.
In the cycle of the seasons Pentecost is a culmination, the crown of Easter-tide, a maturing point, the beginning of the receiving of our “I” thru the spirit, which continues to ripen with the New Mysteries of St. John’s.
Conception begins at the Baptism; we go into labor on Golgotha; & at Pentecost we give birth to our Higher Self. This birth – this joining of the human & the divine, plants the seed for the spiritualizing of all matter, & the freeing of the human being, thru love. – Beginning a new conception-labor-birth cycle, in the light of Moral Wisdom & Free Will.
At Pentecost, the veil that separates us from the spiritual worlds falls away; the essential spark emerges, & sets ablaze each human soul that has made itself ready to take up the responsibility of living differently in this newly united world.
This uniting can not be done alone, we must be “Together with one accord” beyond the confines of our earthly consciousness, without our materialistic way thinking, & our reactionary feelings, or our misguided selfish will. The fire of Pentecost must be allowed to burn all that away.
So what is this fire?
We find the answer when we identify the source of warmth within us. This warmth is living in our blood. Our blood is the host for our “I Am”. It is a Healing Fire. The mighty rushing winds of change that come at Pentecost stirs up this fresh healing fire, to enliven & renew our blood, to enable the “I AM” to fire up our formative forces, enlivening our etheric body, purifying our astral body, & flowing into our will, which creates change in the world.
Let us invoke that warmth, that healing wholeness, to practice Heart-Thinking – free from the Babylon of separate language. Instead, may we be empowered to speak what is true to every heart.
A thinking that belongs to the here & now; not an intellectual thinking based on old habits, or illusions of a charted, calculated future. We experience it as a moment of Truth – Aletheia = a not forgetting, an overcoming of forgetting, or an un-forgetting; so that we nourish the “I Am”, that eternal part of every human being, our True Self.
Unified, as individuals standing in wholeness, we are fired-up in true Social Solidary, where all, are free.
Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day
International Children’s Day
1812 – War of 1812: U.S. President James Madison asks the Congress to declare war on the United Kingdom
1967 – Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles is released
1968 – Deathday of Helen Keller, American author & activist
~ ~ ~
~I embrace the hair on your resting head
I am not here
To raise order out of chaos or bind darkness with the light
I am here
To change, to do the things left undone –
Words unsaid will be pronounced
Broadcast – From my clapping hands
Like seeds tossed into the clefting shadow…
My limbs, a wild disco ball
Spinning with stars, are awake & willing.
CRC Karma Project – June 3rd, 2020 Zoom Meeting 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm CDT “He who observes human life carefully — not simply in a superficial way — may find remarkable connections in it. Unfortunately, the phenomena of human life are at present observed for only short periods of time, hardly even for a few years; people are not accustomed to connect what has happened after a long period of time, with what may have happened previously as the cause. There are very few at the present day who study the beginning and the end of a man’s life in their relationship to each other; nevertheless this relationship is extraordinarily instructive.“~Rudolf Steiner, Manifestations of Karma, Chapter 1, “The Nature and Significance of Karma in the Personal and Individual, and in Humanity, the Earth and the Universe, Hamburg, 16 May, 1910 … focus of the June 3 meeting. Conference Details:Join Zoom Meeting
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If you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya aloyavaca@peoplepc.comAgenda for our Study Call
7:15 Welcome and Introductions
7:18 Verse
7:25 Study led by five volunteers
Note: CRC team will ID volunteers
Marianne – first section
Travis – second section
Lisa – third section
Alberto – fourth section
Hazel – fifth section
8:05 Conversation
8:28 Close with verse
Friday 19 June 2020 – Front Range Anthroposophical Café presents:
The New Mysteries of St. Johns-Tide with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg
To pass the test of Summer we will explore many questions:
- How do we stand wakefully within the sublime mysteries of the Summer-Tide, to consciously embody ‘the spiritual wisdom of the gods’?
- Who is the mysterious Archangel of Summer?
- Who is John the Baptist? What do his sayings “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” And “He must increase, but I must decrease.” really mean?
- What is the secret to healing the ‘soul-fever’ so prevalent in society today?
- What is the mystery of the Dragon-fly, & other elemental beings?
- How can we understand the ‘Cycle of the Year as Breathing Process of the Earth’?
Together we will work to strengthen our true “I”, enlivening our will forces.
We look forward to seeing you on Friday 19 June 2020 shortly before 7 PM (Mountain time.) Here is the link to our Anthroposophical Café and all you need to do to join us is click on it:
Warmly, Karen vann Vuuren, Tom Altgelt, Jamie York, and our growing circle of Café Friends – It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.