Universal “I AM”

The Tuesday (Mars day) of PentecostThe festival of the Word, a new Language of the Sophia-Logos, holding the ideal of Free Speech!  Our day star Sun is speaking thru the  stars of the Bull at this time, that region of the Zodiac connected to the human Larynx, giving us the capacity for self-expression.

The current World events must be given voice. Pentecost is the festival of NOW, highlighting the challenging relationships of self & community. –  Offering us an opportunity to transcend race. How do we work as individuals to transform our ingrained sympathies & antipathies? How do we purify our astral nature in order to make ourselves into a vessel worthy to receive the Holy Spirit, giving us the possibility of manifesting the ‘Spirit Self’, the True Self which will provide the capacity to create new social forms..?

Thinking of Pentecost as being 50 days after Easter, & in looking at the # 5, we see the 4 bodies of the human being: physical, etheric, astral & “I” – given a 5th dimension – a new spiritual aspect is added: The Spirit-Self, the Higher Ego.


The pentagram is the symbol of the true human being, (the inverted pentagram is a symbol of black magic – that which seeks to destroy this higher human being).   The numbers 4 & 5 raised to the 10th power, indicate a process taking place at a higher spiritual level, which is how the events described in 40 days = Ascension & 50 days = Pentecost,  are meant to be understood, both as historical events of Christ’s union with the earth, but also as initiatory events taking place on a higher plane for humanity.

Rudolf Steiner defines the 10 days between Ascension & Pentecost as a time of deep sadness, grief & loss for the apostles. He describes it as ‘a sorrow such as cannot be compared with any other sorrow on earth’ –A kind of death experience on a spiritual level. And just like in the old mystery traditions, after the time of catharsis & preparation, there is a mystical death; so here too there is a kind of loss & experience of death. The #10 is the number of completion.

It Hides Behind Her Tips Painting by Pablo Damas
Bea Trumbel

Steiner points out: All real knowledge, all knowledge that can truly be called great is born from pain, from inner travail…And out of this pain, out of this infinite sorrow, there sprang what we call the Mystery of Pentecost…Having lost sight of the Christ in external clairvoyant vision (the 40 days with the Resurrected Christ), the disciples found it again in their inmost being…found it through sorrow, through pain.  (May 17, 1923, Christiana)

Donna Vector

Here we have a great reversal. In ancient times the human being experienced the True Self, the Higher I AM, in the cosmos outside of them, in the Sun sphere, thru initiation, by leaving the body. 

Ninetta Sombart

Even in with Lazarus, the first Christian initiation performed on Earth, in public, by the Christ, Lazarus was “called forth” by Christ as the hierophant from without.

Pentecost inaugurates a new age, when human beings thru a personal path of self-guided catharsis comes to an awakening of the Higher I AM in “their inmost being” as a force of transformative power, which is the force of love.

Opinion | The Uncommon Power of Grace - The New York Times

The Greek word for grace is, “charis”, which means the free love from God.  In ancient Greek, there are several words for love:  eros – romantic love; philia – brotherly/family love; agape – divine love, or love of the human for the divine. 

Grace and the human person (IV)
Johannes Demmer

One other word for love is charis.  Charis is higher than agape, because it is the love of the Divine for the human being. This is the highest form of love.

The Gospel of St. John - Dr. Rudolf Steiner Bookstore and ...

In the 12th of Steiner’s lectures on the ‘Gospel of John’, which he describes as the most spiritual perspective given by the writers of the gospels, he speaks of how John never uses the name Mary, but always says: “the mother of Jesus”.  He equates this with the ‘Virgin Sophia’ – the purified astral body.  It is this Virgin Sophia = the Mother of Jesus, who is “in their midst” at Pentecost. 

The story goes on to say that they were all together in one place, using the word which is often translated as house, but in Greek it means “a shared, common place”, a community place.   Into this community place, with the Virgin Sophia in their midst, came the Holy Spirit, the Universal Ego, the true I AM, which can then speak out of this purified astral body. 

This Holy Spirit came with a rushing of wind & flames that individualized onto each of the disciples, & “stayed upon each of them”(this is the same term used at the Baptism of Jesus) They then began to speak a new language “as the

Holy Spirit gave them utterance.”  This was a speaking, which transcended earthly languages, for everyone understood & were amazed.

In this same lecture from the Gospel of John cycle, Steiner addresses this question: a person thus illuminated, who has received the Holy Spirit into himself, speaks in a different manner.  How does he speak? …he is not expressing ‘his’ own opinion. His views do not come into consideration.  His personal (earthly) ego has been eclipsed which means that…it has become impersonal and it is the Cosmic Universal Ego’.

He continues this Pentecostal theme in a lecture on Whitsunday, 1910: ‘This Holy Spirit enables us to become free human souls.  As the Spirit of Freedom, it streamed out through the first disciples…in the first Pentecostal festival….We can become free only when we find ourselves again in spirit and out of the spirit become master over the spirit within ourselves. Our true spirit is the universal human spirit, which we recognize as the Pentecostal power of the Holy Spirit.. which we must bring to birth in ourselves and allow to become manifest…This will bring to life in our souls something which overleaps all boundaries separating the different parts of humanity’.

Leszek Forczek

This brings us back to the great call of our current time of Pentecost – which is the great social question of our time: the individual in relation to the whole, the community. 

Today we face immense questions about the future of humanity, with division, polarization, lack of understanding & failed communication, creating the social problems of our time. 

Only by a social & personal catharsis which can allow for the true spirit of freedom, the true I AM, to eclipse our small personal egotism & the lower impulses of our nature, can a new community & new language of universal sister/brotherhood be created. 

Bloom: One Hundred Years: In Recognition of Rudolf Steiner's ...

Only out of the spiritual recognition of the universal Human Being, will the ideas & applications of a new approach to fraternity in economics; equality in human rights; & freedom in the cultural/spiritual life, be accomplished. 

May we strive to serve this goal out of the spirit of The Sophia.


Cassiopeia at its lowest

2 June 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”: At inferior conjunction, Venus moves between Earth & Sun. This facilitates Venus in becoming the morning star, after her hidden journey into the Solar Logos.

Venus at inferior conjunction, June 3, 2020
2020, June 3: Venus passes between Earth and Sun – inferior conjunction – and begins to move into the morning sky when it rises before sunrise.

When we see the Sun in the south, our clocks read noon. The opposite direction is midnight. We do not see the sun in the sky at midnight, & Venus too will be hidden.

The line then divides the morning sky from the evening sky. Venus is moving toward the morning as she revolves around the Sun faster than Earth.

Venus Inferior Conjunction | Gray Crawford

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day 


Venus Cycles | Geometry, Sacred geometry, Astronomy

“The Master said, “A true teacher is one who, keeping the past alive, is also able to understand the present.” (Analects 2.11)” ~Confucius

455 – Sack of Rome

1098 – First Crusade: The first Siege of Antioch ends as Crusader forces take the city; the second siege began five days later.


1692 – Bridget Bishop is the first person to go to trial in the Salem witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts; she was found guilty and later hanged

1882 – Deathday of Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italian general & politician. Spoken of as a high initiate in the Hibernian Mysteries in ‘Karmic Relationships’ Vol 1, lec. 11 by Rudolf Steiner (June 2nd is also Festa della Repubblica -The Italian National Republic Day)

Rudolf Steiner's Biography – Giorgio Tarditi Spagnoli

1922 – Start of the West-East Congress in Vienna, opened by Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz. At this conference Rudolf Steiner gave his last lecture on Threefolding (1917 – 1922)


The Holy Spirit Within Painting by Sister Rebecca Shinas
Kerby Dalton

POD (Poem Of the Day)

~i am a form in the flame
seen only if one gazes long into the fire…
clouds of smoke tear like a shroud & i see the shine of other hidden ones,
faces aglow with heat
flashing like lightning, speaking with thunder…
rising in the smoke
the scent of my prayer
an incense of hope & wonder…


MANIFESTATIONS OF KARMA: June 3rd, 2020 Zoom Meeting with the Central Regional Council 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm CDT
He who observes human life carefully — not simply in a superficial way — may find remarkable connections in it. Unfortunately, the phenomena of human life are at present observed for only short periods of time, hardly even for a few years; people are not accustomed to connect what has happened after a long period of time, with what may have happened previously as the cause. There are very few at the present day who study the beginning and the end of a man’s life in their relationship to each other; nevertheless this relationship is extraordinarily instructive.” ~Rudolf Steiner, Manifestations of Karma

Chapter 1, “The Nature and Significance of Karma in the Personal and Individual, and in Humanity, the Earth and the Universe, Hamburg, 16 May, 1910 … focus of the June 3 meeting.

https://wn.rsarchive.org/…/GA120/E…/RSP1984/19100516p01.htmlAudio Conference Details: Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/81116556762

Meeting ID: 811 1655 6762
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Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kclU2SSTFIf you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya aloyavaca@peoplepc.com Agenda for our Study Call 

7:15 Welcome and Introductions
7:18 Verse
7:25 Study led by five volunteers
Note: CRC team will ID volunteers
Marianne – first section
Travis – second section
Lisa – third section
Alberto – fourth section
Hazel – fifth section
8:05 Conversation
8:28 Close with verse


Friday 19 June 2020 – Front Range Anthroposophical Café presents:

The New Mysteries of St. Johns-Tide with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg 

To pass the test of Summer we will explore many questions:

  • How do we stand wakefully within the sublime mysteries of the Summer-Tide, to consciously embody ‘the spiritual wisdom of the gods’?
  • Who is the mysterious Archangel of Summer?
  • Who is John the Baptist? What do his sayings “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” And “He must increase, but I must decrease.” really mean?
  • What is the secret to healing the ‘soul-fever’ so prevalent in society today?
  • What is the mystery of the Dragon-fly, & other elemental beings?
  • How can we understand the ‘Cycle of the Year as Breathing Process of the Earth’?

Together we will work to strengthen our true “I”, enlivening our will forces.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday 19 June 2020 shortly before 7 PM (Mountain time.) Here is the link to our Anthroposophical Café and all you need to do to join us is click on it: https://zoom.us/j/294724669.

Warmly, Karen vann Vuuren, Tom Altgelt, Jamie York, and our growing circle of Café Friends – It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.


2 thoughts on “Universal “I AM”

  1. Hi Hazel,

    June 3, 2020, is Mercury day in the calendar of the week, and it is also seen as the inferior conjunction of the planet Mercury with the Sun, and will bear itself out when Mercury reappears soon in the morning sky. Now, Rudolf Steiner made quite a case in various places for rightly naming the two inferior planets closest to the Sun as Venus, and then Mercury. As well, Mercury is anthroposophy’s own guiding star for certain reasons, and so we should try to get it right. We also have this challenge concerning the dating of Michaelmas as a justifiable moving festival, and this will either be done or not.

    Steiner’s lecture here from June 4, 1924, just before going to Koberwitz, is very important because he identifies quite concretely that Christ is the One who brings Time to earth. Thus, Christ brings time to earth from out of the Sun, and this adds a new dimension to human experience. We were entirely spatial beings owing to the Father alone until Christ left the Sun in order to save earth, and its fledgling humans. But, what this lecture is most noteworthy for is its description of the Realm of the Spirit-Selfhood, which exists just beyond the starry astral world, and where the Cosmic Ego, Fiery Tongues, and Hierarchical Spirits dwell.

    And it is this realm that is now descending to earth in order to meet us in a grand quest for Pentecost. You have given part of the equation yourself with the designation, ‘reverse ritual’. This is the upward striving to meet that which is now tending downward to meet us, i.e, the realm of the spirit-selfhood. Steiner gave certain “ritual” lectures to those of his own inner circle, e.g., GA 266 (a) (b) (c), and wherein he invoked certain spiritual beings into the ‘upper room’ where these lectures were spoken. Thus, these most intimate students received a spiritual inspiration which helped them on their quest.

    Then, beginning in the days just before the burning of the Goetheanum, Steiner began to speak about a new ritual, which would require inner striving without the invitation of the ‘masters of wisdom and harmony of feelings’, ref. GA 219, ‘Man and the World of the Stars’. He would continue with this idea in those lectures on “Awakening to Community”, GA 257, which began some three weeks after the burning.

    I think we are in a similar situation today. We are at a very important crossroads in these matters, and I love and appreciate all your hard work and appearance in these discussions.

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