Orpheus, Hypatia & the Lyrid Meteor Shower on the ‘I Think Speech’ podcast

A few more thoughts to ponder about the burning of Notre-Dame. which occured around this time during the Easter Paradox of 2019:

This powerful Cathedral is considered to be in the very heart of Paris – the ‘zero point’ – at the center of a powerful vortex of interlacing ley lines.

And of course, as we know, most Churches are built on the sacred grounds of former temples or mystery centers. Beneath ‘Our Lady’ lay the ruins of a Temple to Isis. The Templars built this Cathedral in the 12th century, in honor of Mary Magdalene, personified as the Black Madonna, symbol of the secret Wisdom of the Divine Feminine. And so, the former Egyptian Isis had been renewed & crowned by them: ‘Queen of Paris’.

You can see a statue of Saint Mary Magdalene outside the Western door, to the right of the Portal of the Virgin, between the Main Entrance & the Portal of the Last Judgment.
The statue of Saint Joan of Arc inside on the South wall of Notre Dame, features a key symbol linking her to Saint Mary Magdalene – a distinctive pouch hanging from her belt, mirroring the iconographic item traditionally depicted on the belt of Mary Magdalene.

By the Middle Ages the Goddess ‘Cybele’ had become another name for the Divine Feminine, ‘Our Lady of Wisdom’, or ‘Lady Philosophy’ of the French alchemists.
“Cybele, as Goddess of philosophy” is also portrayed on the Western portal of Notre-Dame. She has her feet on the earth & her head in the heavens. She holds two books, one open & one closed – symbols for exoteric & esoteric knowledge. Leaning on her breast is “Jacob’s ladder”, which represents the gradual path of knowledge, leading to her scepter of wisdom, in divine union.

Perhaps with this burning, the ‘point zero’ of Ile de la Cité – the Island that Notre-Dame sits on – is in the throes of a fiery re-birthing…

And let us not forget that many people have been burnt at the stake in front of Notre Dame – Notably the Grand Master of the Templars himself, Jacques de Molay. Not to mention the countless women accused of being a witch.

Interesting to note that the relic of the Crown of Thorns is housed there.

Could it be that the Divine Feminine, buried beneath Notre-Dame, is awakening once more, surging up thru all that is falsely imprisoned. Could it be that with this burning & unholy inscription into the ethers, the New Isis will rise & open a path like a fiery phoenix, to a true Resurrection, reborn out of the flames of the divine Feminine reclaimed..?

Is ‘Our Lady’ trying to get our attention, just as the nationwide ‘Gilets Jaunes’ or ‘yellow Jacket’ protests have been vying for recognition, amid growing anger over rising fuel taxes & the high cost of living…?

And/or is this an example of a “Reichstag fire” – a false flag facilitated by an authority to promote their own interests through popular sympathy?
Always so much to think about in the signature seen in world events…

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day

1232 – Pope Gregory IX introduces the Inquisition

1314 – Death day of Pope Clement V – who abolished the Templar Order in 1312 – Interesting to note that the Grand Master of the Templars Jacques de Molay, Not to mention the countless women accused of being a witch, were all burnt at the stake outside of Notre Dame Cathedral.

1535 – Sun Dog sighting, observed over Stockholm, an atmospheric optical phenomenon depicting a halo display.

1586 – Birthday of Saint Rose of Lima, patroness of the Americas, of indigenous people of the Americas, especially of Lima, Peru, of Sittard in the Netherlands, of India, & of the Philippines. St. Rose’s skull, surmounted with a crown of roses, is on public display at the Basilica in Lima, Peru, along with that of Saint Martin de Porres. It was customary to keep the torso in the basilica and pass the head around the country.

1889 – Birthday of Adolf Hitler (which BTW: was Holy Saturday in that year)

1898 – U.S. President William McKinley signed a joint resolution to Congress for declaration of War against Spain, beginning the Spanish–American War.

1999 – Columbine High School massacre: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 13 people and injured 24 others before committing suicide at Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado.

POD (Poem Of the Day)
Flush faced & infused…
A cross
Between a raging storm, a slit-eyed Crone, Professor Trelawney…
& a sharp edge with a soft chewy center…
The bread’s in the oven, foot’s out the door, hearts in my hand…

Living into the Spheres of Cosmic Life and Cosmic Light: Easter, Ascension, Whitsun in the Calendar of the Soul with Luigi Morelli, Hazel Archer and Geoff Norris – Zoom Host Frank Agrama
13 May 2021 Ascension Thursday 5- 6:30pm PT / 6-7:30 pm MT / 7 pm – 8:30 pm CT / 8-9:30 pm ET / 1 am – 2:30 am GMT / 2 am – 3:30 am CET
Join Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/7052931041?pwd=TStPVnpFRzlwZ0NpRURBZDNyYnpBQT09
Meeting ID: 705 293 1041 – Passcode: Ascension
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/a961qZZhF
Welcome – Frank Agrama
Verse #6 – Geoff Norris
Ascension: The Secret Teachings, The Elementals, & The Etheric Christ – Hazel Archer
Calendar of the Soul – Luigi Morelli
For those who are familiar with the Calendar of the Soul we could say that during spring and summer we follow the ascent of cosmic life, cosmic light, cosmic warmth and cosmic Word as gifts bestowed upon the human being by the cosmos. By being receptive to them we strengthen our connection to cosmos and Self.
We will briefly explore the dynamics of the year, then look at what qualities of soul we need to develop as we move into spring and summer, most particularly from Easter to Ascension and Whitsun. We will look at the verses of the calendar in conjunction with the artistic renditions of Anne Stockton and Karl König, drawn for each of the verses.
We will ask ourselves: How can we live into and grow from this time of the year? How can we deepen our inner relationship to the event of Ascension? What can we receive and what can we give?
Break-out Groups
Group Speech Work with Geoff Norris
“Angels, in the early morning
May be seen the Dews among,
Stooping — plucking — smiling — flying —
Do the Buds to them belong?”
~Emily Dickenson
Closing Thoughts – Hazel Archer

Sangraal: A Pentecost Pilgrimage & Whitsun Festival with the Central Regional Council
After working with Karma & Reincarnation for 3 years the CRC has chossen a new Theme: ‘The Mysteries of the Holy Grail, from Arthur and Parzival to Modern Initiation’
Join us on Whitsunday 23 May 2021, at 11 am PT / 12 noon MT / 1 pm – 2:30 pm CT / 2 pm ET / 8 pm CET
Details coming soon
You are invited to get the Book & Join us for study sessions through out the year as well.
You are a character Hazel – interesting POD! Had quite a day, did you?
22 Pharaoh mummies were relocated in an elaborate procession earlier this month. Evokes images of resurrection, perhaps?..
These events all seem to have a sort of magical quality to them in my mind.
hmmm, Interesting, I hadn’t heard.
But Yes, we are recapitulating the 3rd epoch of the Egyptian times