Here is the spoken word on the ‘I Think Speech‘ Podcast
For our Lucky 13th Day of Lenten-Tide – ’ I am Marching in like a lion with a wee fairy tale that celebrates the power of Positivity & the blessings of the music of Spring.
Once upon a time a 100 years ago, or was it yesterday…A joyous thoughtful Queen married a kind & loving King from a distant land. During the wedding feast, he was poisoned by 3 evil Dukes who wanted to control the kingdom. They set up rumors that it was the Queen herself that had murdered the King. The Queen became very sad & nothing could cheer her up. What once was a joy became a burden. The constant undermining of the evil Dukes created enmity & doubt within the court & the Queen who was once revered became suspect. Having no way of defending herself the Queen became stormy & very negative indeed. She soon fell ill & no one in all the court knew the true cause of her sickness or how to bring about a cure. The Queen still worked hard to make the Kingdom great, but because her efforts were received with suspicion, now she never smiled & went about fought & weary.
“The Queen needs daintier food,” thought the Court Cook, so he served broiled peacock eggs on toast, & pomegranates with cream, & wild honey, O & the cheese-cakes as light as feathers, but the Queen just became fat & even more grouchy & negative.
“The Queen needs medicine,” declared the Court Physician, so he searched the countryside for growing things & he brewed rose-leaf tea, & he made a potion of basil flowers mixed with rosemary, that he distilled with dew gathered at sunrise, & wild honeysuckle from the fields by the sea. But the Queen only wanted coffee, & would have none of it.
“Perhaps music will divert the Queen,” suggested the Court Jester. “It might make her forget her woes.”
The Court Herald hastened thru the streets, calling as loudly as he could: “Music for the Queen! Music for the Queen! Riches & honor for whoever can play a healing tune – one that will make her majesty forgo her sorrow.”
Immediately the palace was filled with music, some of it quite beautiful & some played by the very famous of the famous in all the land. But it was deemed either too loud or too soft, too high or too low by the Queen. A sweet singer came with his lute & regaled the Queen. But at the end the Queen was still weak & sorrowful. A harpist from a far country came & played music that sounded like the mighty wind on high mountain tops & the rushing flow of great valley streams. But the Queen slightly moved was still only able to thank the harpist & request that he be paid for his pains & bid him journey back to his home. Later, there came a trumpeter who gave great battle calls on his horn, but the Queen covered her ears to shut out the sound & looked even sadder than ever because the sound only gave her a headache.
So it seemed as if not even music would make the Queen well, & since no one suspected what the 3 evil Dukes were about, no one knew what to do & so pallor of gloom hung about the kingdom. The Queen spoke her mind at the palace meetings, & what she said was true, & certainly for the good of all, but her pain-tinged tone came across as harsh & no one wanted to listen. The evil Dukes played off her pain & kept the rumors going to keep her off balance.
Meanwhile, way down in the valley, there lived a little boy called Gladheart who tended sheep. He was the youngest of five brothers, & there was little room & less food for them in their mother’s house. But Gladheart had been given his name because he was always full of love & smiled over even a crust of bread, ever since he was a baby. Now that he was a strapping lad of ten with a great flock of ewes & lambs to tend & drive through sun & storm, he had even more smiles & kind words for all; & he played his fiddle all the day long, filling the valley with his sweet songs. When he heard of the Queens sorrow, Gladheart said: “I must go & play before her majesty.”
“They will only laugh at your old fiddle,” said his brothers, but the eldest agreed to tend the sheep for a day, & Gladheart set out for the palace.
“The Dukes will have naught to do with a shepherd lad dressed in goatskin & bearing an old fiddle,” the guards at the door said. But Gladheart touched the strings with the bow & such a blithe tune came forth that the guards opened the door wide, & Gladheart went inside.
At first the sight of the Queen sitting so bent & sorrowful on the throne with a face as frowning & sad as a storm frightened Gladheart. But he took courage & stood as straight as he could in front of the Queen, & began to play on the fiddle a tune that he had learned while working in the fields with his sheep.
It was a lovable tune, like a dozen twittering birds & a little wandering wind & the voice of a rippling brook all joined with the sounds of the little Sun singers, the bees, the katydids, & the crickets. As the Queen listened, her bent shoulders straightened & her face became bright with life. She reached out her hands to Gladheart. “I’ve heard that tune before, when I was a young lass & all I knew was love ,” – It makes me well to hear it now. What is it about, lad?”
“It is about the Spring-time, your majesty,” said Gladheart. “It is the song that I learned from the fields when winter is finally over. And if your majesty will come with me to my sheep pasture, you may hear it there every day.”
No one could understand why the Queen was suddenly so positive & full of life, or why she went often to sit with Gladheart & the sheep, but they were all very happy over it. All except the 3 evil Dukes, who continued to plot, even though they were obliged to give Gladheart the riches & the honor that had been promised to whoever could heal the Queen. And because of the healing music the Queen was reminded that Love was all that mattered, & from then on she could find nothing else but beauty & good in the world.
snip, snap, snout, this tale is all told out

2 March 2021 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Have you seen Mercury (occult Venus), Jupiter & Saturn yet? Jupiter is brightest. All three Spiritual Beings are exceedingly low in the sky before sunup. Mercury, our sun’s innermost planet, has a conjunction with the king planet Jupiter on March 5. It reaches its maximum elongation from the Sun for the year on March 6.

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day

1963 – Deathday of GUENTHER WACHSMUTH, a jurist, economist, anthroposophist, author & first Secretary and Treasurer of the Anthroposophical Society.

He was the second son of a pediatrician in Dresden. He studied law at Oxford and Munich. In 1914 he volunteered as a war volunteer and was placed in Russia. After the War he continued his studies in Munich and graduated in 1919. In that same year he had his first personal encounter with Rudolf Steiner.
After the fire of the first Goetheanum he was personal assistant to Steiner. He was an active support for the construction of the second Goetheanum. At the founding of the Anthroposophical Society in 1923 he became a board member. He would later be treasurer and secretary and continue his work until his death in 1963.[1]
- The Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man: A Path of Investigation into the World of the Living. Vol. 1 translated by Olin Dantzler Wannamaker. 1932. Anthroposophic Press, New York.[2]
- The Evolution of Mankind: Cosmic Evolution, Incarnation on the Earth, The Great Migrations, Spiritual History. Translated by Norman Macbeth. 1961, Philosophic-Anthroposophic Press (Dornach, Switzerland) [3]
- The Life and Work of Rudolf Steiner from the Turn of the Century to his Death. 1955, Whittier Books (New York), Translated by Olin D. Wannamaker and Reginald E. Raab[4]
- Reincarnation as a Phenomenon of Metamorphosis. 1937. Anthroposophic Press, R. Steiner Publishing Co. (New York, London).[5]
- The Ethereal World in Science, Art and Religion. From the Way of Man to Control the Image Forces. Anthroposophical Philosophisch-Verlag, Dornach 1927.
- The Evolution of the Earth. Cosmogony and Geology, An Organic Becoming. Anthroposophical Philosophisch-Verlag, Dornach 1950.
- Cosmic Aspects of Birth and Death. Contributions to Karmic Research. Anthroposophical Philosophisch-Verlag, Dornach 1956, 3 A. 1990.
- Kepler’s secret world. Drama in 12 pictures. Hybernia, Basel / Dornach 1946
- Noah. Dramatic Sketch in 7 pictures. Hybernia, Basel / Dornach Dornach 1948
- The division of the earth. Drama of a new era. Hybernia, Dornach 1954
- Archangel in the council. Drama in 8 images with prelude and epilogue. Geering, Dornach 1961
- Gaea Sophia. Yearbook of the Natural Science Section of the Free School at the Goetheanum, Volumes I-VI, Dornach / Stuttgart / Basel 1926-1932
- Goethe in our time. Rudolf Steiner Goetheanismus as a research method, Dornach 1949
- German National Library
The Etheric World in Science, Art, and Religion
Volume II by Dr. Guenther Wachsmuth, 1927
The Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth & Man by Dr. Guenther Wachsmuth, 1932

The Initiative Forum Radio Show is on each day at 1 pm CST. HOSTED BY dj UV-RAY (aka Ultra-Violet Archer) The theme is ’soundtrack for social change.’ Come join in it’s free https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84967635723?pwd=NjIrTXM5VWRNTTFlQkEzZG1EMTBCUT09
Greetings from YIP13, We are happy to present the 2021 Initiative Forum program
ARE YOU LISTENING 3 -7 March Check out the Program

The schedule is packed full of workshops, lectures and open spaces – we’ve made sure that there are opportunities to participate no matter what time zone you’re in. We are excited to welcome over 15 different contributors to the forum including Orland Bishop, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Nora Rahimian, Diane Longboat, and Helmy Abouleish. Check out the full list on our website’s contributor page!
And of course, there will also be time in the mornings for movement workshops, and time in the evening
for open mics, pajama parties, and radioshow hangouts.
We are so excited to connect with you under the theme “Are you listening” and to co-create this worldwide community with you!
Our sliding scale tickets are available on our website.
See you on March 3rd for day one of “Are You Listening” Initiative Forum 2021.
Until then enjoy our pre-forum specials on our social media.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @initiative_forum_2021_. -YIP13
For more info. contact Initiative Forum

Weaving a non-gendered Feminist Reality with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg*Friday 5 March 2021 – 6:30 am – 8 am Central Time as part of the The International Youth Initiative Program Initiative Forum
What are the qualities of the Divine Feminine? How can we use them to empower an innovative way of thinking, feeling & willing, to create a new world, where the human being is free?
Have paper & colored pencils at the ready for this hands-on workshop.
Here is a link to the full programand the list of contributors
*Hazel Archer-Ginsberg – Founder of Reverse Ritual: Understanding Anthroposophy through the Rhythms of the Year & the ‘I Think Speech’ Podcast. Trans-denominational Minister, Essayist, Lecturer, Poet, Anthroposopher – working as the Festivals Coordinator of the Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch, & the Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society. Past Video Recordings
The ARC (Anthroposophical Resorce Center in Atlanta) is inviting you to a Six Basic Exercise Practice Group. Time: weekdays 9 am PT / 11am CT / 12:00 PM ET
Each weekday you are invited to join in a 15 minute practice group focusing on Rudolf Steiner’s foundational exercises. We begin the time each day with a 5 minute leading thought focusing one aspect of the practice. We will follow that with a 5 minute period in which we turn off our cameras and practice on our own. After the five minute bell, we take 1-2 minutes to journal about our experience and the end the call with a 3 minute closing thought. Come when you can, and leave when you must.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/266986103?pwd=bXU4a0EvMmJkMDZTR0Rqcm0xZ0pUZz09 Meeting ID: 266 986 103 Passcode: 345338
Wednesdays 9:30-11:00am CT – True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigation, by Rudolf Steiner. We incorporate ‘The Calendar of the Soul’, eurythmy, focused discussion and seasonal artistic explorations in our study. All are Welcome. Contact Hazel Archer-Ginsberg. Hazel@ReverseRitual.com We meet in person in the Branch Library or join via Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/98689103462’Meeting ID: 986 8910 3462
Fridays 12noon – 1:30pm CT. The Esoteric Path Through the Nineteen Class Lessons by Sergei O. Prokofieff. A serious study for Members of the School of Spiritual Science. Contact Hazel Archer-Ginsberg. Hazel@ReverseRitual.com
Sundays 7-9pm CT. Our international group is studying The 5th Gospel by Rudolf Steiner. We meet weekly EXCEPT ON THE 4TH SUNDAY Contact Hazel Archer-Ginsberg. Hazel@ReverseRitual.com, Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98201185799?pwd=NUliUWw3UVAxZzI0Y2NKSnI5eHhzdz09 Meeting ID: 982 0118 5799 Passcode: peace
3 March – 7 March 2021 The International Youth Initiative Program (YIP) invites you to the ‘Initiative Forum: Are you Listening’ The week is packed full of workshops, lectures and open spaces – we’ve made sure that there are opportunities to participate no matter what time zone you’re in. We are excited to welcome over 15 different contributors to the forum including Orland Bishop, Nora Rahimian, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Diane Longboat, and Helmy Abouleish. Check out the full list on our website’s contributor page!
March 3, 2021 – 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm CT. The Karma Project – The Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society in America invites you to join our ongoing monthly study conversation, Manifestations of Karma. If you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya aloyavaca@utexas.edu Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81681631480 Meeting ID: 816 8163 1480
Tuesday 23 March 6:30-8:30pm Appreciating Our Differences Through Looking at Temperaments – The Center for Biography and Social Art warmly invites members of your community to attend this workshop in person or online. “How do we solve the riddle which each individual presents to us? We solve it by approaching each person in such a way that harmony results between them and us.” – Rudolf Steiner. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUrdeyvrzgqE9AnBYQ3hIc5KuxMvZa0rmW_ Warmly, Kathleen, center4biography@gmail.com Center for Biography & Social Art biographysocialart.org
28 March 28 – 4 April, 10:10 am CT – Holy Week & Easter Festival 2021 The 8-Fold Path to the Easter Elementals. Starting on Palm Sunday then thru-out Holy Week, including Easter Morning, we will meet every day on Zoom at 10:10 am CT to create together a Thought-Seed based on a Herbert Hahn Verse “When I think light, my soul shines, When my soul shines, the earth is a star, When the earth is a star, then I am, a true human being. We will then work with indications for that day from Rudolf Steiner’s/The Buddha’s 8 –fold Path, known as the ‘Weekday Exercises’ (5 min) Holy Week chart. $10 Suggested Donation.Contact Hazel Archer-Ginsberg. Hazel@ReverseRitual.com Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95633444828?pwd=Wk56K08vK2dNQUhhK0Q2S09zQWJrQT09 Meeting ID: 956 3344 4828 – Passcode: bee
4 April, 2–4 pm CT. Easter Festival for the Elementals– Eurythmy-Mary Ruud, Hazel Archer–The New Sun, Keynote withInes Katharina (Founder of the Biodynamic Emerald Honeybee Sanctuary) Ines will connect the Easter Thought with the Elemental Beings & the flight of the Queen Bee. $10 Suggested Donation. Contact Hazel Archer-Ginsberg. Hazel@ReverseRitual.com Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95633444828?pwd=Wk56K08vK2dNQUhhK0Q2S09zQWJrQT09 Meeting ID: 956 3344 4828 – Passcode: bee
Once again, your post is inspiring and beautiful. Enjoyed your reading of the fairy tale; your daughter might be the singer, but you have a lovely voice, so easy to listen to. One of your many talents. Thanks Hazel.
Thanks Maverick! So much joy in making these. It’s an almost alchemical experience to take life’s experiences & make them into some form of art. It helps me put things into perspective & brings about a transformation!
Thanks for being part of the dialogue!
Aw Hazel, you’ve gifted us again. What a wonderful story! The magical details of your descriptions delighted me. I especially liked your court physician distilling his solution with dew gathered at sunrise, and your vivid description of Gladheart’s lovable tune. Pure poetry! I also liked that you didn’t tie it all up in a pretty bow saying something like the 3 evil dukes were banished. We do still have to live with them and their constant strivings to thwart love and kindness. But you restored the vitality of your Queen. I’ve missed some sessions lately but am so very glad I was there today to see and hear you tell us all a story. Thank you, again, dear hag.
Hi Linda, Thanks, so great to get your feedback.
What a gift to be inspired to do these things from our group work.
The Queen has to work everyday to find that positivity!
And so we are ever striving
This caught my eye, i.e., Linda’s remark:
“something like the 3 evil dukes were banished. We do still have to live with them and their constant strivings to thwart love and kindness.”
Duly noted, but there is also a thread in this called, the Divine Masculine, working equally to achieve what the Queen desires. This is also important.
The Harmonization of the Inner Forces of Humanity Through the Christ Impulse
Yes, I suppose the evil is the goad toward to healing
Absolutely. One of Paul’s three remembrances about his experience on the road to Damascus was when the Voice said: “Saul, why do you kick against the goads”?